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About Morningstar

  • Title
    The Lightbringer

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  • Guild Name
    The Trackers Alliance

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  1. Through Astralin's nonsensical muttering, Morningstar overheard Koga calling for his attention. He looked worse for wear, but in spite of Callisto's bombardment of attacks, he was alive. Switching the team's tank with a DPS was an unusual request; however, given their situation, Morningstar thought it made sense. "Alright. Let's do it. I'll buy some time." They took turns striking the bear, an acknowledgement to the system that they intended on swapping hate values. It obliged, and Morningstar became Callisto's focus. "Finally, she looks my way." A hand gripped Koga's armor, pul
  2. "So, you've got the guts to show your face 'round here again, do ya?" A short, bearded fellow crossed his arms, scowling at Morningstar from behind a stall. Various odds and ends were held up by wooden shelves and sprawled out across every other surface imaginable. A vial of Watcher's Extract caught his eye. Nobody had purchased it in the days that had passed—probably due to its ridiculous price. "12,000 col. That's my final offer; take it or leave it," Morningstar leaned against the counter. "Bloody brains of a human, you got! I told you once and I'll tell you again—I only deal
  3. Oh shit, Freyd lived. Morningstar wiped away his pooling tears and went back to whacking. Callisto re-used Addled Memory, and damned voices tormented the frontlines once more. Star kept in range of the bear, mindlessly slashing as often as he could, his thoughts overpowered. He used offense as his defense, weaving in and out of the bear's range on instinct alone, poised to deal as much damage as humanly possible. The bear swept at Koga, their primary tank substitute, narrowly missing Morningstar in the process. It happened frequently, and was bound to continue for as long as the swordsman
  5. summary. | col: 30,400 (id) - 66,500 (junk sale) = -36,100 | return: 36,100 col | 12/11/2024 | total: -36,100 | [link] junk sale ids 
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