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  1. Because Mishiro was still right in her guess that An said things she didn't mean in the heat of the moment. Because An didn't know what to do with herself and her friend who wouldn't leave her alone, then, and in front of her (beside her) was a party sized plate of sandwiches that she had unwittingly swiped from the table. She didn't think she had the energy to put them back. She had just yelled at a girl who was trying to help. "All of them?" Mishiro suddenly sounded so intimidated that An almost laughed despite herself. "Yeah." She didn't look away from the waves. "Come on. We've b
  2. They had to carry on. Which in this context meant recognizing there was still somehow an entire day ahead of them. But, following NIGHT to the docks, taking in the sights of Tolbana and the observable routines of its inhabitants, people on the march of their day-to-day lives, An didn't feel tired at all. She also didn't mind that she had apparently just been roped into an errand, or at least providing NIGHT company while the woman conducted an errand, and she took in their first task with an ease that would briefly surprise her in hindsight. "Mm, okay! So keeping an eye out for big for-sa
  3. Back in the clear, An was now faced with something even worse: social interaction. "Yeah," she said lamely. She regretted her lack of knowledge on giants or persons approximate to giants named 'Oliver' because otherwise she could have attempted a response of more substance. Stuck, taking no amount of solace in the fact that the person in front of her seemed just as clueless, An could only look at him in vague concern as he poked her. She had been in the 'helper' role a few times from her shop's services. But not like this. She had a feeling she should be projecting a more reliable air. "Y
  4. Yoink. Receiving: accord | AA/FLN/FLN/VO [T4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD] [238715] a greatsword shattered and pieced back with liquid gold.
  5. "And... done!" An collapsed back into her chair and slapped a hand to her forehead. "Whew." It was a massive endeavor, requiring multiple days and negotiations over Mystic Essences. Arabelle was faithfully there through all of it, indulging her with company and conversation and occasionally napping with her arms folded atop the counter when the store was closed. One time, tired and hysterical at the cuteness in front of her, An wondered if, maybe, Arabelle had [Disguised] her cat and sent it instead. Regardless, An was happy. And proud. An slid the finished pieces over to the ot
  6. IDENTIFICATION | [12/10/2024] Honing Steel-II | ACC/FRB/STC [T4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD] [238666] [238669, 238670: 19, 10-11-20] Forging material. Melting the following from [here] into three (3) MYSTIC ESSENCES and applying to the third slot. Practice Blade-II | KEEN/BRN/PARA [T4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD] [237505b] [238387, 238388, 238389: 5, 10-12-7, 12] Scrap metal. Bolt of Fabric-II | LM/REC/PARA IMMUNE [T4 PERFECT LIGHT ARMOR] [237483] [238463, 238464, 238465: 20, 10-12-8, 3] Excess. Bolt of Fabric-III | EVA/REC/PARA IMMUNE [T
  7. Another day, another haul. As courtesy, she made all the necessary trips. Address in hand, she followed a crudely-paved path out of Coral to the Sentinel Armaments. Three sharp knocks and the sound of the shop bell as she swung open the door heralded her arrival. The blacksmith, busy hammering away at his anvil, would have looked over his shoulder as she shook off her hood. "Hi!" An greeted once he had moved over to attend to her. From a wide sheath at her back and another at her hip, An drew a greatsword and a thin blade. She presented both to the blacksmith, holding them crosswise.
  8. IDENTIFICATIONS | [11/30/2024] [12/01/2024] [12/02/2024] [12/04/2024] Honing Steel-I | ACC/VO/TAUNT [T4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD] [237490] [238335, 238336, 238337: 1, 10-12-12, 11] Forging material. accord | AA/FLN/PARA [T4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD] [237549b] [238398, 238399: 10-8-16, 8] a greatsword shattered and pieced back with liquid gold. Applying three (3) MYSTIC ESSENCES on the third slot. [ESSENCE: 141804, 141302, 142553]: FLN Honing Steel-II | FLN/VO/TAUNT [T4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD] [237581c] [238431, 238432: 6, 10-10-11] Forging material. A
  9. An accidentally fell and one (1) Crafter's Respite landed in her mouth.
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