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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. Hello fellow Aincrad dudes! It's your boy Oscar here with an update. I'm sure you guys are wondering why we haven't done away with the Quarantine Bonus. It's been going for months now. Well, here's some good news about that: The Current SP Bonus Event will remain active until the launch of 3.0~~~ Since the Labyrinth Guardian has been slain, we have decided to make this bonus period permanent until 3.0 is here. The update itself is progressing smoothly so rest assured that when the Raid Boss is slain, we will be ready with a ultra mega super Patch. Until then, enjoy being able to prog
  2. Crafting on 6/11/20 - <<Energy Shot>> [Crafter's Respite] consumed
  3. @Baldur As I understand it, the crux of your contention is that if, hypothetically, the current GMs were replaced in the near future with a different team, then the whole concept of Custom Skills/Arts might go through a more/less rigorous system of approval. I will say one thing on that: as far as Bahr and I are concerned, we spent over five years trying to manage a community somehow more toxic than League of Legends. This community is like a vacation for us. Outside of emergency situations, I don't foresee either of us leaving anytime soon. But let's say that happens. Bahr and I are fo
  4. Leonidas' Strength enhancements adjusted to Life Mending | Holy Blessing | MIT | MIT as Damage Mitigation+ is not a valid enhancement. Father Wuotan ticket converts Leonidas' Strength to Holy Blessing | Holy Blessing | MIT | MIT Re-evaluation approved.
  5. Oscar had somehow lucked into yet another Reroll Ticket. Rather than continue to push his luck on his jacket, Oscar instead elected to try and make the axe earned by his zombie slaying into a weapon to rival Tesseleth's Fury. It would be quite a challenge considering he had such a long way to go. The Cerberus Etching had been useful in getting rid of the Cursed Enhancement. Now that it was gone, he could take it to Simmone to get one of the damage slots changed. He honestly didn't have very high expectations. But, then again, it would take much to make the weapon at least usable. The stats wer
  6. Name: Shining Battleaxe Item Type: Two-Handed Battleaxe Enhancements: Holy | Cursed | DMG | DMG Changed to: Holy | BRN | DMG | DMG Item Used: Cerberus Etching - http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19485-f09-spyou-light-my-mornin-sky-with-burnin-love/?do=findComment&amp;comment=609312
  7. Oscar gave a slight smile as he took back his coat. It wasn't exactly what he was going for, but it would do for now. He was about to turn and head out the door when he realized he still had business here. "While I'm here, let me go ahead and drop these down for Identification." With a few swipes through his menu, Oscar produced the weapons he had obtained from a grinding session a few months ago. They had been sitting in his inventory, cluttering things up. But now he wanted to see if he could turn them into a nice gift for someone. "If you wouldn't mind taking care of these while I'm here."
  8. With a new Easter Bunny's Favor in hand, Oscar headed to The Black Odyssey one final time. He knew that this would be all she wrote for his rerolling quest so no matter how it went, he would need to learn to live with it. He stepped into the shop - jacket and ticket in hand. He placed both of them on the counter and shot his trademark finger guns at the two girls behind the counter. Fingerguns that were trademark only to the two of them for some odd reason. "Alright ladies, last shot. If you can't get me another Vampiric Slot, let's go for Para Immune."
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