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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. On account of his own low material count, Oscar swung back by Cintamani shortly after his initial visit. He had no idea when Warren would be back at it so he purchased enough Damage Potions to last him far longer than necessary. Additionally, he picked up some Tier 4 Mitigation potions just in case. You never really knew when those would come in handy and with all the changes, Oscar didn't really know when he would have time to set foot in the kitchen again. One had to spend money to make money, but Oscar was becoming all too comfortable with spending and really needed to focus on earning for
  2. Crafting on 5/18/21 - Crafter's Respite 32 Total Materials used
  3. Initial Application: Here R1 R2 Room(s) Being Removed: Mega Slime Farm (Warren) +18,750 Col Room(s) Being Added: Herbalist Hut (Oscar) Room(s) Being Upgraded: Herbalist Hut -> Greenhouse Total Cost: 25,000 - 18,750 = 6,250 Col
  4. Needing to get back into the swing of things and Warren having fallen of the face of the planet, Oscar had a mighty need to collect some Crafter's Respites. Where else would he go than into his own backyard? Word had reached his ears that a Grandmaster Alchemist had cropped up on Floor 1. It didn't take much looking into in order to find what he needed. Dashing in, Oscar browsed through the wares to find what he needed. Soon enough, he grabbed up a handful of Crafter's Respite potions, slapped the money down on the counter and dashed off into the night like the being of chaos he was.
  5. Oscar, fresh from his trip into the Black Iron Dungeon, made his way to Freyd's shop straightaway. Apparently, Merchants had been adjusted and were given the ability to reidentify enhancements on a limited basis. Oscar was all about that. So, with the mind to make Money Shot better and to see what he got from his haul, Oscar burst into the shop like a bat out of Hell. "Dude. That shit was easy as fuck. I've taken more damage from wild spiders on Floor 21 than I did in my solo run of that death dungeon. Easiest. Loot. Of. My. Life." Oscar plopped Money Shot down on the table alongside
  6. It wasn't long before Macradon had his new piece of gear ready. Oscar, having paid upfront and waited, was eager to accept the item and get back to work. With his connection stable for the time being, he felt relatively confident getting back out there to do some farming, but he didn't want to do so without being properly kitted out. This was the first of his long laundry list of tasks to get himself ready, but everything else predicated itself on it. Oscar thanked the man and left his shop with his new armor with a sense of urgency in his step.
  7. Character Name: Oscar Character Description: A giant of a man and the owner and operator of Oscar's Hot Dog Stand (and its subsidiary Mi Vagon De Tacos). Comprised mostly of memes and military wisdom, sprinkled in with a deep hatred of Player Killers and murderous intent. 10/10, great guy. Would trust with a Lambo. Character Journal: The Hot Dog Man Character Name: Warren Character Description: A quiet man who mostly focuses on improving his alchemy because it reminds him of home. Oscar's ward and operates a small pharmacy just outside the town of Deepedge on Floor Seven. Kinda odd,
  8. It was an odd feeling, this. Tiering up after being at the pinnacle for so long. And, as he'd done each and every time a new tier came available, Oscar found himself entering the Blazing Typhoon and calling upon Macradon to create an upgrade for him. After his terrible showing in the Raid, Oscar was a little self-conscious about asking the man for anything, but needs must. He walked into the shop, throwing the Grandmaster Smith a wave and doing his best to treat things as business as usual. "What's up Mac? You think you can hook me up with some armor again? New tier and all that," Oscar s
  9. Current Level: N/A Current SP: N/A Link to SP Tracking: N/A Item Upgrades: 2.6 | PRE-CONVERSION 3.0 | UPGRADED ITEM #1 Item Name: Money Shot Item ID: 155241a - 155978/155979/155980 Item Tier: 3 Item Type: Two-Handed Battleaxe Item Rarity: Perfect Item Enhancements: Abs.Acc/Acc/Bld Description: A gilded weapon of a jagged edge fitted on only one side. White and gold and frankly a bit gaudy, each strike sounds like a handful of coins falling to the floor.
  10. Current Level: 76 Current SP: 414 Link to SP Tracking: [x] Item Upgrades: N/A Notes: The SP totals will be on the final tab label Oscar(RP)
  11. @Koga Order ready for pickup 1 Azrael Dog - Tierless Meal [2 Protein]
  12. Ready for Pickup: x3 Evasion Dog [2 EVA] x3 Focused Dog [2 ACC] x3 Diamond-Infused Hot Dog [45 MIT] x3 Big Boy Dog [135 Overhealth] @ChaseR
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