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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. Crafting, crafting, crafting. It seemed like that was all Oscar did nowadays. Truly, this was really the only time was was able to relax. His days were filled with errands and adventuring. Not much time for a lot of quiet reflection. There was something about the simplicity of Cooking that put Oscar at ease enough to let him unwind. Today wasn't a good day for cooking, all things considered. But that said, at least he had SOMETHING to add to his stores. He really needed to make a point to fill out his shop with more and more Loot Die enhancements.
  2. Oscar was in rare form today. Not in the kitchen. He kinda sucked in the kitchen today. He just wasn't feeling it. Maybe his depression was rearing its ugly head again. Or maybe it was the monotony. He really needed to switch things up a bit. Maybe walk around upside down for a while. Maybe roll through the streets of the Town in a barrel. Maybe. MAYBE. Honestly, he didn't know. Neither did his author. Frankly, he's getting tired of having to write so many words all the time and just can't think of anything write now. Writer's block is a hell of a drug.
  3. Now was the time to give the newbies more attention. He'd already stocked his shop with Accuracy, Evasion, and Damage. Now it was time to focus on Mitigation and Overhealth. For, you see, newbies didn't start out with a whole lot of health. With proper use of consumables, a level one player could have so much Mitigation and health that enemies on par with their level would be unable to kill them. This was a good thing. By keeping them alive, he insured that they had the potential to rise through the ranks just as he had. If they so chose, they could make their way to the Frontlines. Or they co
  4. It was time to diversify his portfolio, so to speak. He'd made plenty of dishes for the Tier 2 players. But Oscar couldn't neglect the noobs. They needed a source of consumables. Likely even more than the Frontliners did. Those guys had plenty of resources at their fingertips. They could wait a little longer if they needed to purchase from his shop. Oscar would rather prop up the newer players than he would help the rich get richer, so to speak. Luckily, his work in the kitchen paid off in spades. He finished up in the kitchen and cleaned up for the day and then stocked his shelves with the ne
  5. Oscar

    Rewarding Staff Members

    Short answer. No. Long answer. Hell no. Longer answer. I am wholeheartedly against any sort of reward to be provided to staff for doing their jobs properly. Keeping your word and doing the job you volunteered to do is its own reward - as well it should be. If it wasn't like pulling teeth to get staff mobilized to do anything or if we as a unit didn't have the attention span of a coked-out squirrel, maybe - maybe - I'd be on board. Without going too much into it, every member of staff knows that we have internal issues that need to be addressed. Issues that choke us up from finis
  6. Today was a great day for crafting. Oscar thought the day before had been a record-breaking accomplishment at seven Perfect crafts in one day. Imagine his surprise when he surpassed that. Oscar looked down at a whopping ELEVEN Perfect Crafts. He was beginning to think that his shop was becoming too well stocked. How could anyone possibly bust into the Cooking market when his shelves were lined so well? But there was a small problem. All of his crafts were of the Tier 2 variety. It wouldn't appeal to any of the higher level players. His next task was rectifying that situation. But, first, there
  7. Yesterday had been unfortunate, but Oscar had bounced back with a vengeance today. The fruits of his labors were plentiful. He finally had a decent number of meals to add to his shop now! With Mitigation and Overhealth now featured as enhancements to be obtained via his stock, Oscar was very happy with the day's results. All that remained was putting the finishing touches on everything and cleaning up. He whistled a lively tune while he worked, making sure that everything was just so before updating his stock. His customers deserved nothing less than the best, after all. With all said and done
  8. Sitting in the aftermath of the day's cooking session, Oscar groaned in frustration. In his efforts to expand the stock in his shop, Oscar noticed that he was in desperate need of Mitigation and Overhealth food. They were enhancements that he could only apply to meals. Crafting meals was always serious business because anything less than perfect was unusable. This was because he couldn't make use of Rare meals like he could Rare snacks. No one wants Mitigation food that's missing a slot, after all. After trying his hardest, the only thing Oscar could craft was a single Perfect meal. He put the
  9. Rank 9 Cook http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17990-f01/
  10. Today was Oscar's first day as a Rank 9 cook. Upon stepping into his kitchen and getting to work, he quickly found that his effectiveness as a crafter had increased far more than he had initially expected it to. Oscar was quite impressed with the results. With a single crafting session, Oscar was able to create over 10 whole dishes to add to his shop. He smiled as he looked over it all and then began to clean up from the day's work. Now he just needed to find more customers. His stock was growing exponentially, but no one was buying anything. That was a problem, of course. He probably had 50 g
  11. Oscar stepped into his kitchen with extreme confidence. That confidence was not wasted considering what he wound up crafting. Two of the godly triple Perfect crafts and also a triple Rare. Truly the gods were smiling upon him this day. He put the finishing touches on his food and junk and then washed the dishes. It was then he noticed that he ranked up his Cooking skill. He stared at the menu for a moment as he scoured one of his pots to get the baked on bits of chili off. Then he shrugged his shoulders and said: "Oh, word."
  12. Skill(s) Being Dropped: Curved Sword Mastery Rank 1 Mod(s) Being Dropped: SP Refunded: 5 Cost: 5000
  13. In Oscar's quest to create the perfect sports drink in Aincrad, he completely forgot why he had gotten into it in the first place. It wasn't for the fame or the Col. It was for the hot dogs and the people who shoved them into their face holes. Keeping that simple thought in mind, Oscar stepped into his kitchen and had the best cooking experience he had in weeks. Perhaps he had found his inspiration once again. Or, more likely, he'd stopped guzzling copious amounts of dubious liquds and drank only fresh spring water from the higher floors. He definitely needed to invest in better pipes for the
  14. Halloween Achievement Reward Item: Shining Battleaxe Tier: ??? Type: 2HBA Quality: Demonic Enhancements: Holy, Cursed, DMG, DMG
  15. The tap water, while not as hallucinogenic as Hot Dog water, was still insufficient in quenching Oscar's mighty thirst. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to invent Aincrad Gatorade. A brilliant idea - according to his dehydrated mind! He could market it to the Frontliners. Go on a PR blitz. Maybe include commercials of the Frontliners fighting bosses in slow motion while phosphorescent sweat dripped from their bodies. He'd be raking in the Col with that idea. Now he just needed a slogan. It is in you sounded pretty nice. But it could use some work. Also he made an Ultra Prosperous Hot D
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