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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. Perhaps they had made a mistake. The already-cramped arena was strewn with the remnants of food waste. It was a messy affair, spaghetti and ice cream, meatballs and noodles, made the floor slick. Slick but somehow sticky. But, for Oscar's part, he was inexplicably unmarred by tomato sauce or smatterings of chocolate. He was far too good for that, you see. And a man knew how to eat without wearing his food. Perhaps it was because of his profession, or maybe pure pride. But he didn't look the least bit uncomfortable to be wearing white in such a situation. "Welp, guess it's time to get
  2. Oscar was offended. Not only had he been whole-ass stabbed in the dick, but now the shoutcaster was scolding him for what he thought was perfectly good behavior. There was only one response. His hand launched yet another hot dog from beneath his coat. The meat cylinder sailed through the air as Minako finished her speech, like an arrow with her mouth the target. "Someone sounds jealous!" Oscar shouted as he pulled a circular table out of his pocket. "Could be putting the practice to work but you over here playin'!" He punctuated the statement by pulled two chairs with heart shaped backing
  3. Lessa had a shit poker face. He didn't need his Searching skill to see the pink rouge that her surging blood painted upon her cheeks. Even her stance struck him as forced. That strained greeting, as if she were trying to avoid the talk altogether. But what struck Oscar was the fact she said she didn't have the time. Oscar was taken aback by the audacity. "So. You go off and stab me in the dick and you don't have the time?" His response rolled off of his tongue immediately. He maintained his relaxed stance, leaned back with his arms draped over the side of the fountain. It was clear
  4. What we got here is a failure to communicate. The iconic line played through his head, thick high-pitched Southern drawl and all. It had all been going quite well, up until the end there. Not that Oscar was complaining. He'd got the rise he wanted, though perhaps not in the method he sought. It was a short jaunt to the plaza in the Town of Beginnings. Oscar - quite literally - had the need to cool off. He leaned against the side of the fountain nestled in the center of the plaza and let out a heavy sigh. Dipping his hands into the cool water, he cupped them together and flicked his wrists
  5. There was something about her final attack that should have made him recoil. But he wouldn't give her that satisfaction. She was a fuckin' monster. There was no doubt about that. The rage flaring in her eyes told the entire tale. But his mind lingered on a single word - one which beckoned the half-smile back to his face. Probably and potentially, much to her chagrin. He raised one hand and nudged her boot from his neck. Then he sat up and rose back to his feet, dusting himself off like she didn't just strike him straight in his manhood. "That's how consent works, Lessa," Oscar said as he
  6. She bade him summon his weapon, so he obliged. Even after being on the recieving end of some of Oscar's best needling, it would take more than that to get her to strike an unarmed opponent. Even if that opponent was a defector from the Guild and ripped open an ocean of blood in his wake. He took the hit, unflinching. With a narrowed gaze, his pupils flicked up to his health bar. The duel was a foregone conclusion at this point. He'd all but lost now. But that didn't mean he was giving up. Oscar breathed out a laugh, shaking his head in response to her tirade. His gaze rejoined hers and for the
  7. Oscar listened patiently to her venting. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, after all. And he figured they both could use some of that right now. The fight had certainly shifted in her favor if he looked at their health bars, but it wasn't quite over yet. They needed to cool their jets. But more importantly, they needed that heart-to-heart that until now the two of them never quite had. "You know, one of the things I really admire about you is how resolved you are," Oscar said. "Whatever the fuck you got going on inside that pretty head of yours, it never once has mattered. You plan
  8. He'd struck a nerve. How many of those had he dinged in this bout? Too many to accurately count, he figured. But that smirk never left his face. Even as she drove her blade into his gut and tore it out with a brutality that he'd only seen in, well, himself. She was a monster, but there was no negative connotation there. Only respect for her skill. He'd seen a flash of it that day, but he'd never thought much of it. Never really considered calling it to the carpet or acting on it. Oscar had been too busy with his extracurriculars. But he wasn't now. Now, he had nothing but time to address
  9. Quick as a flash, Oscar lifted his foot as he weapon arched toward the ground and trapped the blade beneath his boot. He'd struck a nerve - he could tell by how quickly Lessa was gnawing through his health bar. "You know, I've never been more attracted to you than I am right now. You're a fuckin' monster, Lessa." He grinned and twisted his foot as he dragged his leg back. He wrenched the weapon from her grip and hooked his foot under it. Flicking the toe of his boot up, the weapon sailed into Oscar's waiting hand. With an exaggerated motion, he made a big to-do about examining the weapon. Then
  10. Oscar hadn't expected such a telling blow. It wasn't as if he'd underestimated the Guardian of Aincrad. It was quite the opposite. But such an abrupt change in tactic took him by surprise. His response was immediate. Second nature. <<Forgotten King's Authority>> dispelled the stun. And in that same instant, his hand shot out. His fingers wrapped around her throat as he once more swept her legs from under her. He drove her into the ground, bearing down on top of her. For a split second, his expression changed. The smirk that had been painted upon his visage had disappeared, replaced
  11. "Oh here I was holding back for your benefit," Oscar said with a smirk. Lessa was always too fucking resilient. Physically and mentally. It was no small wonder why and how she handled the weight of Aincrad on her shoulders with such grace. Oscar wouldn't have been able to do it half as well. In a way, for all their fights and all their history, it was the thing he admired most about the woman. But sometimes, even for just a moment, you needed to shrug off the weight of the world and just cut loose. This entire bout was just a means to do that. Oscar stopped caring about winning or losing
  12. Oscar responded to Lessa's verbal jousts with a smirk. As she set about making herself as durable as possible, he couldn't help but lean into the bit. <<Divine Rancor>> disappeared from his hand with a flash of light as Oscar strode calmly across the arena. "Oh babe," he said, faux offense dripping off of his words. "You know that's not how I get down. But hard and fast doesn't necessarily mean it's over quickly. And with all those items you just popped, I think you can take it." He stepped past her, raising his hand and stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. "Let's te
  13. "Jealousy isn't a good look," Oscar teased as Lessa spoke to Minako. "Could be you but you trippin'." It was fun to cut loose every once in a while. Some one-off fight that neither one really cared too much about taking seriously. After all, both of them had been in a fight much more dangerous than this with far more at stake. So he wasn't about to walk on eggshells like he had with Tarot this whole time. They'd not parted on the best of terms, but they had settled into a sort of equilibirum. "Hold on," he said quickly, throwing up one finger. From within his coat, he produced a sing
  14. This was a major departure from the mundanity Oscar had become used to. A PvP tournament? An assortment of fights where no one needed to worry about death? Oscar was almost compelled to sign up. Oscar stepped into the ring as he was summoned by the caster, pleasantly surprised with the crowd that had formed to see a bunch of goons beat the shit out of one another. Of course, things were a little deeper for him. His first opponent, in some strange twist of irony, was Lessa. They couldn't have found a better first match for him. Unless someone - somehow - found Bahr. The two had a small amo
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