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Everything posted by Cordelia

  1. One by one, others both familiar and unfamiliar trickled into the scene. Cordelia couldn’t say she was surprised by the lineup, considering her and Oscar’s long list of mutuals. At least they were all pleasant faces. At Acanthus’ arrival, she offered an enthusiastic wave– and an amused expression when she realized the woman was more terrified than anything at the sight of the Hot Dog Monopolist himself. Meat tube concoctions is a new one, she noted with dry sigh, storing it in her head for the next time she got dragged out for one of these expenditures. “So that’s what we’re here fo
  2. The shrill caw of an overhead crow signaled the swordswoman’s arrival into Stonewall. Cordelia emerged from the settlement’s teleportation gate with a heavy sigh, her familiar in towe as the corvid landed on her shoulder with a flutter of black wings. Floor Fourteen was an incredibly dreary place, something that the frontliner did absolutely not need after coming face to face with death itself. The fight with Callisto seemed to have physically drained Cordelia in the days that followed the battle with the decaiying beast, especially with the scare she had with Freyd’s near death. Ju
  3. Skill(s) Being Dropped: Charge, Rending Familiar Mod(s)/Addon(s)/Shift(s) Being Dropped: N/A SP Incurred Towards Limit: 20 SP Refunded: 20 Cost: 20,000 Col
  4. Cordelia hummed doubtfully, expression a mix of both fondness and exasperation as she smiled back at him. “Why do I feel like you don’t really mean that,” she drawled, rolling her eyes playfully before she started laughing under her breath– which immediately morphed into an incredulous gasp as soon as Oscar turned around to deal with the rest of the pirates. Silently, she apologized to their fading blue fractals that that was the last thing they had to hear before they were put out of their misery. Her lover truly was cruel. And yet, she somehow fell for this man, and somehow, he also loo
  5. Cordelia’s patience was whittling down with every minute of this boss fight. Between failing to proc a single instance of holy— the entire point of her build, mind you— and the emotional roller coaster of the fight itself, her temper was on a short fuse. Fuck this. Fuck this stupid bear! Callisto’s health bear was close to nothing at this point, and she couldn’t help but think that if she had procced her holy just *once*, this fight would have been over minutes ago. Onimaru, Slayer of Demons, her ass. Whatever. Her sword glinted a dim light as if to taunt her critless str
  6. Cordelia’s jaw almost dropped to the ground. “What the fuck!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air incredulously. Well, she guessed she shouldn’t be too mad since she prayed for the man, but *what the fuck!* Inwardly, she cursed Kayaba for whatever the heck that was, but she didn’t have much time to dwell on it. Freyd was alive(?) and in one piece, and that’d save her from feeling bummed out for the rest of the fight. Now with a burden off her shoulders, Cordelia had no hesitation going back into her fight. Bahr was fortunate enough to land a hit, knocking Callisto out of
  7. Amidst the mayhem of conflict, several furious shouts and cries of grief caught her attention. Cordelia’s blood ran cold in her veins. Freyd– the bright-eyed newbie that had been there to witness her in her lowest moments– was gone just like that; nothing more than a flurry of blue fractals in the breeze, and even that barely lasted for more than a few seconds. Cordelia hadn’t been there to witness his almost inhuman climb to the top of Aincrad’s ranks, but that didn’t really matter in the end, did it? No matter how many times she’s heard about his feats in the passing wind, he never
  8. “Holy shit, are you guys okay?” Cordelia held up her hands worriedly as she approached Jomei and Bahr, the former having taken a less than joyful ride with Callisto’s claws. Callisto’s sudden charge at Jomei was alarming, but the concern was short lived with the quick response from Bahr. The bear’s abrupt burst of speed was also short lived with an attack from the shadows, and Cordelia huffed when she realized she had barely seen their team’s sixth member even after all this time. Typical Pinball. She guessed. Probably. With the antidote applied and the rest of her team safe (for the
  9. Cordelia’s heart sank as the fight seemed to fall into chaos. Callisto seemed to spare no mercy as it dug its claws into their frontline, and while Jomei’s health was far from reaching the yellow, the stacking of effects on him was starting to worry her. Looking at the other groups, she could surmise that they weren’t doing too much better. Her eyes wandered back to Jomei. “I’m fine,” she said back, lowering her sword just briefly to check up on the ginger. “Are you sure? That was a hard hit.” She couldn’t help but grimace as her eyes hovered over the various venoms under his healthbar,
  10. ph POST ACTION: Consumed: congealing ale [236114] + Antidote 3/3 +4 E
  11. Cordelia gave herself no break, immediately going in for another attack on the bear. Her sword cleaved through flesh, following an incredibly familiar pattern. Once again, the damage was much to be desired, but she sucked up her disappointment and retreated back to the rest of her party. Arabelle was soon at her side, and her weariness wmust’ve been noticeable considering her words. Cordelia rubbed her eyes, but it didn’t seem to help with whatever she was inflicted with. “I dunno,” she mumbled, squinting in irritation. “Some kind of debuff that's affecting my vision and mobility.”
  12. The sight of a massive clawed paw was the last thing Cordelia saw before she was sent tumbling backward. As she landed, to say she was initially disgusted was the understatement of the century; bare skin made contact with the murky brown water that clumped together in thick puddles along the chamber’s floor, and even if it didn’t stain her skin and clothes, the mere knowledge that she was touching the corpse water was enough to nearly send her gagging. If that wasn’t enough, the close proximity immediately sent the stench straight to Cordelia’s face, invading her lungs like she had inhaled fir
  13. Cordelia braced herself as she prepared for Callisto’s first attack in retaliation to the players, but her tense shoulders relaxed in confusion as she watched him charge into absolutely. Not even Jomei, who was still playing his silly little tunes, mind you, had managed to avoid an attack from the half-dead bear. She huffed, unsure if this meant that Callisto’s attacks would be devastating should they land at some point, but it was a thought she’d rather brush off for now in favor of actually attacking the damn thing. As soon as Callisto sat his fat ass back down, Cordelia went in for an
  14. A gust of trapped air wafted past Cordelia as the gates to the boss room opened. In that moment, she felt reminded of days in autumn, when the rain had just subsided and what lingered in its place was the unusual yet somewhat pleasant smell of wet leaves and morning dew. Then immediately her senses were bombarded. A scent so strong of death and rot that she could taste it on the tip of her tongue. Decrepit and ancient air that’s housed defeated corpses for God knows how long danced along her bare skin, sending shivers down her spine and causing her heart to beat out of her chest. The clack of
  15. Cordelia’s nose wrinkled, and she visibly shuddered. “That’ll do it,” she said. While far from considering it a phobia, she preferred to steer clear of anything with more than four legs. Anything with more than that was bound to be trouble– trouble that she did not want to deal with. Upon the mention of her shop, she blinked dumbly. Then a rush of memories flooded her head, and she suddenly gasped. The ginger hair. The green hood. “Oh, you’re Baldur and Mac’s friend!” she exclaimed, eyes widening. The day Jomei must’ve been talking about was far in the distant past, so her memories of it
  16. Cordelia’s brain stuttered, and her mouth opened before closing wordlessly. Sword? She looked down at the katana on her hip. “O-oh, you mean Onimaru!” she exclaimed, a surprised laugh leaving her. Instinctively, she unsheathed the blade from its saya and presented it to Arabelle. It’s not often she got the chance to gush about her sword. “It’s by no means intricate,” she began, already feeling the worries slip off her shoulder as she fell into familiar rambling. Cordelia went on to describe its design– from the slight chips on its surface to the detailed carvings inlaid upon the metal to the c
  17. As soon as she stepped into the crowd of amassing frontliners, an unexplainable smell hit Cordelia so hard that it almost sent her reeling. Her nose wrinkled in disdain, and she tried to swallow down the unease brewing in her stomach to no avail. It was nauseating, to say the least, both the smell and the knowledge that she was about to step into a floor boss fight. Cordelia was no stranger to the frontlines, but it truly never got easier. She made quick work of downing all the consumables she had prepared as she weaved between unfamiliar and familiar faces, searching for the lucky party
  18. "IM BACCCCK." Cordelia sprang through the doors of the diner with a skip in her step. She had just magically appeared from… somewhere– wherever she was last. Even though she was just here a few days ago, the incoming boss raid was forcing her to buy a few things she never typically bought. So here she was to steal some more hot dogs from her partner! Yippee! Stuffing a few hotdogs into her inventory, Cordelia bid the shop goodbye with an enthusiastic wave, regardless if there was anyone there. “Alrightthanksseeyoulaterbye!” And then she was off. To where? Who knows. Not her.
  19. Cordelia appeared at the shop with a hesitant look before sighing in relief when she realized she was at the right place. Shopping for consumables had never really been her style, often choosing to tough it out and hoping for the best. If she finds herself in a pickle because she didn’t bring a few snacks or potions– well, thems the breaks, she guessed. Still, she supposed this boss fight was important, and she’d probably get an earful if she didn’t bring consumables… so here she was. “Hey Zandra!” she greeted after searching through her noggin for the name for the familiar. “I’m just go
  20. Cordelia took a step back, dazed from the sudden onslaught of kisses. She was breathless, as if her words were stolen away in the abrupt act of passion. Slowly, her fingers ghosted over her lips after they parted, and she felt the lingering sensation of their kiss come in a dull but nonetheless pleasant buzz. What was a small moment of thoughtlessness was followed by a roaring wave of embarrassment that overtook her senses. Her gaze flickered over to the stunned enemies, grateful that they seemed to think better than to talk. Yes, she acknowledges that these NPCs were far from real people, but
  21. @Oscar >> Oscar: Want to try to cook some bosses. Help. Cordelia: << What?? Hello??? OSCAR???? ok. You get used to eating bizarre foods in SAO after a while. Sure, the game still had the standard meats and vegetables, but when you’re in a world filled with man killing flora and fauna, sometime’s you just have to take the bounty that’s given to you– even if “eating” didn’t really fufill it’s original function anymore. That being said, Cordelia isn’t sure she’s eve
  22. “No more secrets,” Cordelia repeated softly. It was an unspoken promise that she couldn’t help but feel emotional over. They had spent much too long running in two different directions that when faced with confronting their honesty, the simplicity of it struck a melancholic chord within her. It could’ve been so easy; the solution was within the grasp of her fingers, the tip of her tongue. But she supposed fate was a strange and fickle thing– forcing them apart, molding them into different people, before suddenly putting them back together again. It was a bittersweet feeling to know that they’d
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