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About Kindling

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  1. Good Morning Challengers! Your weekly matches have been drawn up, and then separated between Hosts @Minako and I, @Kindling. Your host will be the one who posts the thread to introduce your fight, and give some flavor casting throughout the combat. With the drawn up matches, your Weekly Clash Shop has been rolled and assigned. Use this opportunity to understand who your opponent is, and plan accordingly either through your own build, and through consumables purchasable in the Weekly Shop. Remember! No outside consumables are allowed in these fights. Only those purchased at the Weekly Shop.
  2. Bubbling seas of magma, pockets where it jetted out sometimes fifteen feet into the air, the entire ground clinging to the feet of those who walked onto it from the tar-like crust that formed atop the streams and rivers of the molten material below. What was not to love about the wonderful stretches of Floor Nine? This was a destination hot spot, a place of fiery passion just outside the reaches of Yalon Village on this floor. Well, okay. Maybe the heat wasn't to die for. Or the Fauna, made of twisting pillars of fire or having backs of dark rock that ebbed with the life blood of the earth bel
  3. Bubbling seas of magma, pockets where it jetted out sometimes fifteen feet into the air, the entire ground clinging to the feet of those who walked onto it from the tar-like crust that formed atop the streams and rivers of the molten material below. What was not to love about the wonderful stretches of Floor Nine? This was a destination hot spot, a place of fiery passion just outside the reaches of Yalon Village on this floor. Well, okay. Maybe the heat wasn't to die for. Or the Fauna, made of twisting pillars of fire or having backs of dark rock that ebbed with the life blood of the earth bel
  4. Bubbling seas of magma, pockets where it jetted out sometimes fifteen feet into the air, the entire ground clinging to the feet of those who walked onto it from the tar-like crust that formed atop the streams and rivers of the molten material below. What was not to love about the wonderful stretches of Floor Nine? This was a destination hot spot, a place of fiery passion just outside the reaches of Yalon Village on this floor. Well, okay. Maybe the heat wasn't to die for. Or the Fauna, made of twisting pillars of fire or having backs of dark rock that ebbed with the life blood of the earth bel
  5. Bubbling seas of magma, pockets where it jetted out sometimes fifteen feet into the air, the entire ground clinging to the feet of those who walked onto it from the tar-like crust that formed atop the streams and rivers of the molten material below. What was not to love about the wonderful stretches of Floor Nine? This was a destination hot spot, a place of fiery passion just outside the reaches of Yalon Village on this floor. Well, okay. Maybe the heat wasn't to die for. Or the Fauna, made of twisting pillars of fire or having backs of dark rock that ebbed with the life blood of the earth bel
  6. Trading to @Hakai Rare Armor/Shield (2) Uncommon Consumable (1) Uncommon Weapon (1) Rare Trinket (1) Rare Consumable (1) + 3000 COL, it is what I can spare.
  7. @Boreas has been determined to take over Tricolor_Mina's spot in Clash Of Blades Special thanks to Ciela for showing interest and being willing to put her name in the hat. She will be the first consideration in another extreme circumstance!
  8. It is with a heavy heart that I deliver the unfortunate news that one of our combatants - @tricolor_mina - Will be tagging out of the competition under concerns of being able to keep up, and give her opponents the time and attention they deserve. I have spoken with her about it, and she has come to the conclusion that she can no longer give the competition a fair shake. We, the hosts, greatly appreciate her participation up to this point, and the effort dedicated to those she has fought thus far. We hope that all participants and viewers will extend to her the same gratitude and appreciation.
  9. The thoughts of grandeur were once more interrupted, their cacophony of calling voices, imagined chanting of his name, and echoes off of stone walls that were distant in time all coming to a halt when he heard a voice reach out to him. It's best description was that of eager awkwardness. He raised an eyebrow somewhat at the way the woman said her greetings. Letting that moment sit for a second, unsure of exactly what it was she meant, only to come to the conclusion that she was probably just being polite. It was true; they hadn't interacted outside of Kindling's showings as her host for a comb
  10. A splash of cold water was always a nice way to wake up to reality. Now for the second time here, though with much more poise. Kindling was knelt down, one knee just above the hardened sand and red rocks, cupping his hands together to bring the clear, unimpeached water of this oasis to his face once more. A brief respite from the warmth of the sun on his skin. Wiping any of the stray sand that danced in the wind from his eyes and face, as well as disspelling any of the adventurous water droplets that trailed down his face now as a result of that splash. When his eyes opened again, hands parted
  11. It came at the exact moment Kindling knew it would. Subconsciously counting the tempo beat by beat, and no sooner had his inner voice said 'now.' Than the Lizard flexed itself, and began once more to torpedo it's body straight at Kindling. Generating itself an immense amount of force to almost literally fly across the arena, and become a buzzsaw. Moving forward wasn't an option, lest one get hit by the veritable fan-blade that the crescent axe in the monster's hand had become. It didn't matter, that wasn't what he had in mind. Instead, he had disappeared from that spot as quickly as he could,
  12. Back on his feet, Kindling repoised his spear, thankful that he hadn't let it go in the midst of all of that and been disarmed. He could feel the aching surge with each heartbeat from that point of contact. Was just trying to et the field from moving around wildly within his vision, and his lungs to take in air again. Given none of the time to do any of those things except for suck in a sharp breath past his squeezed throat. Able to more like jog away from the new point of contact the monster was after. Kindling's HP was fine. He wasn't in danger there. Soon, the aching pain would subside, wit
  13. He was starting to get the hang of it. Mostly it meant closing the gap between them, and ducking or moving below the blade for it's point of contact. Though the monster wasn't a completely mindless machine. It seemed to learn that alongside him, beginning to pull back on it's blade as he tried to one again find that spot to it's exposed abdomen. The first two attempts of that meant that he had to just move back through the opening beneath it's open arm, and out of the way. That was no good, however impressive it was that the enemies here adapted, and seemed to be given some level of intelligen
  14. It was Kindling's turn to take the initiative. Now from behind him. Kindling moved forward, stabbing first into it's leg, then dashing, getting it's other knee. Then going for the hook of it's arm holding it's weapon. Then for it's unarmed side. Then trying to get underneath the plating in it's shoulder, just to test if there was a critical spot there, or a weak point. Which he didn't find, the damage of each strike was expected. A proportional amount of it's health. And less of that per a strike than that of his first set of hits. He had technically taken out more health than before, but it t
  15. A brief moment of silence, his blue eyes picked up. As though descending from the sky, a very loud, booming thump sounded throughout the enclosure. A perfect landing for his enemy, that barely even caused him to brace his knees. The newcomer stood up straight slowly. Revealing it crocodilian form. A massive body, around nine foot tall when standing bipedal as it was now. It's green scales were washed out with the color of sand, body riddled with cracks and dry skin from lack of hydration. It's yellow eyes had no whites in it, simply desert colored glows that peered at the red haired man. Takin
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