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Everything posted by Koga

  1. k o g a the elder wolf The applause, Kindling's voice, it all faded away into the background as Koga stepped on the field of battle once more. The scent of dry desert and dust filled his nostrils. It reminded him of home. Across the way, the glint of polished armor flickered in the harsh sun. It drew the eyes of all who were present. How could it not? How could one not be drawn to the flowing golden locks wavering gently in the wind as Lessa, the Guardian of Aincrad. How could he not be? The applause died, Kindling stepped off the f
  2. k o g a the elder wolf The applause! The cheers! The...squeak of the rusty gate as it opened... Yeah, no, there were no applause or cheers. Maybe some cricket noises. A cough if Koga was lucky (or unlucky) enough. The man simply deadpan stared at the fiery-haired announcer. For some reason Koga had the distinct feeling he'd met the man before somewhere. Something about a deep dark cave, fiery magicks and a dragon? No, that couldn't be right...No matter, Koga still felt the distinct urge to flip the man the bird, but refrained. You know, ke
  3. It was over. What had been a hellish slog just to survive ended in just a mere moment. Quicker than it had taken for Freyd to die and then come back to life. The once great protector was dead, and in his wake, he left small gifts of parting for those who'd bested him. The loot menu unceremoniously appeared before Koga's eyes only moments after the obnoxious 'CONGRATULATIONS' had (something he now treated with about as much verve as one did draining a pus-filled wound). Two items were listed there. Bottled Darkness, and Bear Trap. One of each. Koga resolved to look take a closer look
  4. That was the last time Koga taunted a boss. No sooner had he thanked Astralin for the extra healing did the bosses next attack strike the whole party, decimating their HP bars. Astralin probably just saved Koga's life, even as he tumbled through the acrid muck again. Truly, the swordsman was getting sick of this disgusting water and mud. Or maybe it was just the fact that his insides were just on the verge of becoming his outsides. His HP was in the red, and even when his passive healing began to kick in, bringing him into the orange, it was only just. Not good. Very, very not good.
  5. Do you believe in the Divine? Do you believe in an otherworldly force, greater than oneself? Do you believe in a power greater than Death itself? Masato had always struggled with faith. Or maybe he simply believed differently. What the man witnessed in those fragile moments, that turning point where the Frontlines might crumble beneath the weight of the death of a friend, or rally to enact righteous vengeance had him redefining his faith once more. Whether it was an error in code, Cardinal's fickle favor, Kayaba's personal intervention, or the simple love of a companion whi
  6. The party was immobilized. Koga tugged and pulled at the vines, tried to cut them away his sword to no avail. This wasn't good. A brief glance up at the boss told Koga that Callisto was temporarily distracted by another party. "Someone please tell me they brought a chainsaw!" Koga called to the others as he tried again to free himself, the thorns biting into his legs as he pulled. Another vine lashed out, reaching up to Koga's sword arm and binding it. This wasn't good. The sound of electricity crackling suddenly cut through the air as Astralin cast whatever pseudo-magic it was that she u
  7. Koga leapt off Callisto's back, landing beside Katoka, gently punching her shoulder with a satisfied smirk as they reassessed the boss' HP. Almost to the red. The fight was almost over, the Frontliners had this cinched, Koga thought, despite himself. It never did well to congratulate oneself before the job was done. They could get pseudo-plastered and celebrate later though. Koga refocused himself and readied his sword again to sweep in with another strike. The man took one step forward- What was the status effect that had just popped onto his screen? Was that bleed? Oh, and why coul
  8. The man did not respond, merely flipping through the pages of his book as Koga took his seat. 'Okay...' the ronin thought to himself as he leaned back in his chair and picked a spot elsewhere to look at as he waited to order some coffee and then be on his way. Thankfully, the silence did not last too long as a particularly beleaguered looking waitress finally arrived and asked for the man's order with a strained smile. Surprisingly, the silent, brooding man with the book cut-in before Koga even had a chance to respond. And he sent a chill down Koga's spine. "Coffee, black, with two s
  9. The fog closed in around them. Suffocating them. Even hanging above the battlefield, it was difficult for Koga to make out any shapes on the ground below. Only the swirling movement of the fog as people Frontliners and the boss alike moved about, stirring the air around them. Kat burst through the fog-cover, rushing towards Koga before making use of the makeshift spring board. With the added momentum of Kat pushing away, Koga was able to swing himself to plant his feet against the tree and begin rocketing after her. Below them, Koga searched for the largest movements. He found it, just be
  10. As the battle wore on, Callisto's attacks had become more and more wild, less controlled. Or at least whatever had passed for controlled for an oversized bear with anger issues. Sharp swipes became wild swipes, lethal bites became wild thrashing. Despite the massive paws and cavernous maw that came looking for Koga, to wipe him off the face of the...Aincrad? the swordsman, seasoned fighter, seasoned warrior, and stacked with EVA, slid past each and every blow. The man leapt over the next clawed paw to come swinging for him, leaving him hanging in the air. A perfect target, unable to move,
  11. The enemy coiled, in a way that only a lumbering mass of a meat and muscle and fury could. Thirsty, for blood and vengeance, every step it took made the ground rumble, the air itself became pregnant with malicious intent. Callisto would not be deprived for much longer. Even with the party returned to almost full strength, they were still in mortal danger. Alk was in no condition to fight. Not now, whatever visions he'd seen leaving him still stunned. Oscar, Astralin, Morningstar, Katoka, every Frontliner kept up their attacks, trusting that their tanks and healers would have their backs.
  12. Horror game? Koga had never really considered the Metro series much of a horror series. Sure, it had creepy moments, was set during a Russian apocalypse, and dark overtones, but what games didn't these days? A lot, but it wasn't exactly like dark and a little creepy was in short supply, last time Koga had checked, and very few of those technically counted as a horror games. "I dunno if I'd count Metro as horror," the man stated, before pointing at Lilith. "This bitch is scarier than those games were, especially the later two." Lilith didn't like that. Unfortunately for Lilith, Koga didn't
  13. With Alkor free of the fell-beasts jaws, and now wrestling with it, attempting to hold it down to make it an easier target for the Frontliners. Astralin tossed him a crystal, which he caught, before dispersing it and stepping up, katana angled towards the boss before running towards their foe. Two health bars gone with that last volley. They might actually make it out of here aliv- Memories flooded into Koga's mind. Memories that weren't his. Memories of decay, and plunder, and burning and cruelty, and greed, and death. Memories of the forest. Koga found himself kneeling on the rotte
  14. Koga's eyes flickered back and forth as he monitored the other parties, Callisto, as the battle entered fever pitch. They were Frontliners, Aincrad's best and with that knowledge came some satisfaction as they all watched as the first of Callisto's many health bars dropped sharply. Not quite gone, but a strong start for those fighting for those trapped in Aincrad. Callisto didn't seem particularly fond of that fact as he lashed out at the players. Everyone scrambled each moving to attend to their party, and while Koga might've liked to help them too, he had his own priorities right now, a
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