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About Zajcica

  • Birthday 07/19/1997

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  • Guild Name
    Aincrad Trading Post

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  1. Protein II; 243513d; 243509 MIT III; 243510; 243515 EVA II; ID#243513a; b; c ACC II; 243511a; b
  2. "I had really hoped for a bit of a challenge this time around. I remember so many people complaining about the difficulty of this boss, yet he's nothing but a pushover." Her cockiness was generally negligent to her duty as a tank but when you were at the level the paladin was, the was simply a science to it. Her numbers had gone beyond that of an enemy who's only skills involved high damage output. It was laughable how easy it was to become so invincible that threat was miniscule. "I'm more than happy to help you with the clear Wulfrin. We're all together in this and we should act as such."
  3. "That's insanely generous of you." Yuki will outright say. The paladin wasn't even aware that there were orphanages amongst the likes of SAO, although she had certainly seen children running around as players... "Oh, and don't worry about it, I'm just an airhead when I'm lost in thought like that. Just looking for something to do myself. Do you need help carrying some of that stuff? I've got some free hands here that are itching to anything but nothing!" She chuckles heartly. Yuki would attempt to relieve her of some of her load if she needed it and begin to walk with her. In an effort to
  4. The battle moved as ferociously as it had begun. Yuki was still waiting for her sword art to come off cooldown and oddly enough, her spear was quite good at keeping the Time King at bay. Clashes between their pole-arms was enough to send smaller rocks and bones scattered through the necropolis flying a few feet. ”Tch, amateur.” Yuki grinned and chuckled. Being cocky was too in her nature thanks to her insurmountable defensive prowess. The King’s spear found a gap in her defense reaching directly for her face. However, the paladin had shown her ability to grab weapons from lesser beings be
  5. Yuki gave her speech, glad that the members understood why she was so firm with them. Wulfrin was nice enough to supply some extra buffs, and even though they were detrimental to her build she would feel bad to not partake on a buff that would otherwise just be wasted. Hopefully the King had some good accuracy. As the group was finished in their setup, Yuki would turn to the two who were deciding to sit this tribulation out. "I would find cover, I'm known to be destructive." It was untrue, what she just said, but whatever she could do ensure the safety of others was necessary. After all,
  6. Yuki would wander into the familiar shop run by Bistro with purpose. She was hours out from one of the greatest fight she would probably participate in. Soloing the Forgotten Time King wouldn’t be easy, so she would need a bit of help from potions. Grabbing a couple of the damage potions from the shelf, she would take them to the counter and lay her total down for the shopkeep. ”Keep up your great work Bistro, Night gave good recommendations for you and I agree with her.” Yuki would bow and take her leave. Buying 5 Damage potions. 4000 Col.
  7. The Paladin stepped up to platform of the tomb that was surrounded by graves. The single shinning light in the darkness of the necropolis she had brought her party to basically just to watch. *several hours earlier* Yuki had awoken from her sleep to learn that a quest she had never done was still on her list of things to do from before she had gone on hiatus. It was one where she would have needed Night’s help back in the day, plus several healing potions. These days, Yuki was basically invincible to anything that wasn’t labeled a floor boss. She could just go and solo the boss if sh
  8. The paladin sighed as she stood as still as possible. Never in her life had she put on a formal kimono from start to finish and it was worse than any enemy in Sword Art Online that she’d ever struggled with. The mountain she climbed that was famously the largest mountain in Aincrad? Easy. Seven layers of fabric over another layer of fabric? Not. Just then, the tightness increased. “いったたたたたた!まあもう、ちょっと!余りに窮屈な!“ The girl cursed in her mother language as she continued to be dressed by her best friend. She loved the gender affirmation of wearing one when she could just equip it like armor but
  9. Rewards Selection Maddening Hex(x1) Callisto's Claw(x1)
  10. The pulse of purple fumes wafted and shifted the more the bear tried to graze her with those massive claws. The paladin simply stepped away from it’s front side and charged it with her spear coming just short of putting a scratch on it herself, just when she was starting to feel like she wouldn’t be missing this fight. The last health bar was more round of attacks away from putting an end to this boss fight but Yuki wasn’t relaxing just yet. Her defensive posture never waned for a moment as she ensured the safety of her comrades and friends. A paladin’s job was to protect those who cannot
  11. The Paladin was stunned for a moment as she watched Freyd basically rematerialize from his death... They were far from each other and she couldn't really see him from the range but she knew it was him. The feeling in her chest was burning, searing even. "W-We can do this! Like I said, keep the focus away from Freyd's group and give them time to stabilize! Not much longer and we'll be eating good at my place!" The pink-ette did everything she could to keep her group level-headed in light of the events. Especially after hearing Hirru's battle cry. Everyone was still sticking to plan but it'
  12. Time would pass slowly and pleasantly as the paladin sipped away her life. She was still waiting for the call from the frontlines regarding a meeting for the boss. Though, that didn’t mean her work stopped. After some time, she had decided that people were probably too nervous to approach her. So the frontliner removed all of her armor, leaving herself completely unequipped. From there she would toss her finished tea and head into the crowd. It wouldn’t be difficult to find someone struggling. Managing through the crowd of people, she would nearly collapse when colliding with Ciel
  13. She always knew that this could happen. The moment that she heard Mina's voice echo from behind her with the the name of a cherished friend, Yuki's pink hair would have been akin to a whip with the speed she turned to witness the ongoing death of one of those people. For a moment, she froze. Time stood still to her. Cold washed over her and suddenly she was back on floor 4 with a really under-geared Freyd. He bowed in front of her with sincerity and spoke: "Thanks Yuki, for offering to help me. I have a long way to go, but I plan to work hard to get better. You've opened my eyes to what
  14. The paladin would finally struggle free, something she may have had trouble with if not for Hirru's barrier. Thanks to that help she was able to wait out the grapple and land a little clumsily on the ground. She would cough out the damp fur and disgusting smell of Callisto's breath from her lungs, not that it helped too much with the current environment but still. "Don't worry, holding on is my specialty." The paladin will yell out to Hirru. "Thanks for the help though, I'm free now! A few more rounds of attacks and he'll be finished. Keep up the pressure!" Yuki's lance would glow pink as
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