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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Player ID: Zajcica

    Message contents:

    Nice to meet you! I'm Yuki, a level 60 tank, looking for new faces to party with. I am capable of tanking pretty much any boss in the game. With me as your shield, you'll never have to worry about over-buffing to keep the damage from bosses minimal. It doesn't matter what your level is. If you're new to the game and looking for someone to teach you the ropes, I can surely do that.

    Anyone else around my level feel free to contact me as well. I'm still leveling and could use a lot of help gaining some more experience.

    Stats: 202 Mitigation, 1290 HP, 105 thorns, heavy aggro gain, maximum damage reduction.

    The message is signed in Japanese(Translated to native languages) with Yuki's name and a small drawing of a bunny.

  2. The more that he talked, the more the paladin couldn't help but flush red. He changed his entire appearance just because of her? And not even in a bad way like he was trying to service to her liking. She really liked his blue hair, but something about his appearance came off even more handsome now. Just looking at him like this made it difficult to not blush. Her pulled her hand into his hair, where she lightly brushed her fingers through the locks of light brown. More buttered words came with compliments. The further they walked, the more her reddened face continued to fill with a light pink hue. How could one even blush when they had no blood anyway?

    Then Crozeph blind folded her with his hands. "H-Hey! Wha-" Without much of a fight, she let him lead her to wherever the hell they were going. She figured that this only meant more than a "walk". He had planned this from the beginning.

    When she could finally see again, the two of them were in front of the church that would arrange player marriages. Yuki's breath stopped - not really like she needed it anyway - and she covered her mouth, her blush still as red as when it formed. "C-Chris..." She said as he took hold over hand and gave it a delicate kiss. "Y-You're ready? I'm ready for this. I want to take this step with you and live this dreary life in Aincrad with you next to me every night." She threw her arms around him with a few tears in her eyes, obviously touched by his efforts to surprise her and formally propose.

  3. As the King came back in for one final attack, the entire group seemed displaced, however, Yuki had yet to falter as it descended upon her. It looked as though it was going to make a regular attack, but then it hopped into the air, much higher than she thought it's tiny legs could take it. When it came back down, Yuki did the most simple thing she could have done: She walked underneath the bosses path and stood still.

    When it came back down, it landed directly on top of her. Everyone still took damage from the area of effect, but at least it was finally dead. Yuki sighed as the polygons around her cleared. "Well, that was annoying. Let's go back to my place and get something to eat, something that is reasonably edible please." She glared at Crow for a moment, his words of asking her to cook a fucking lizard echoed through her head.


    King of Lakes | HP: 42/1200 -(75+36+54) | DMG: 125 | MIT: 20 | BODY SLAM | DIVE

    [3] NIGHT | HP: 1237/1285 -(120-72) | EN: 105/124 (+1, -2) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 1 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [8] Zajcica | HP: 1229/1230 -(120-166) | EN: 112/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -1 | BH: 61 | HM: 6 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | VENGEFUL RIPOSTE
    [3] Crozeph | HP: 808/880 -(120-48) | EN: 54/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24

    BODY SLAM: On MD9, AoE 120 DMG.
    DIVE: On MD10, 150 unmitigable DMG + stun on player w/ highest hate.



    SP: 3 quest, 1 page, 1 event
    Filet of King: T3 Perfect Meal
    Over Health Adds +135 HP to your maximum health points for a single thread.
    200 col to Night and Crozeph.


  4. As Night plummeted to the ground, Yuki rushed over to try and catch her. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough, and her damage buddy collided with the grass unceremoniously. When her tank finally caught up she looked down on her and grinned. "Had your fair fill of over grown kittens then?" She asked, reaching down to help her to feet.

    Well, that was yet another boss down and out. Sooner or later, she was going to run out of doable quests for their experience and she was fretting that the most. She had gained nearly 20 levels in such a short time because of all of these quests that she still needed to do and she was just barely edging level 60. How she was able to get all of this done before the floor boss fight came around she had no idea. Perhaps everyone just needed more time to prepare, which benefited to her grinding spree a lot. 

  5. As Night came back, Yuki was still trying to ensure that she was alright. Thankfully, his battle healing was kicking in just enough to heal him up quickly. It had been a long time since she let someone get attacked by something that she could have easily focused on. Thank god that this mob didn't do a lot of damage or else Crozeph could have been a little bit of danger.

    Though, soon Night had fished up what they were looking for and Yuki didn't hesitate for a second to take out her giant horn and toot it as loudly as possible. The brass instrument rang over the battlefield absorbing the attention of every single mob. They jumped on her instantly, flaying her with attacks that would have plummeted Crozeph's health if she hadn't taken the aggro. This is what it meant to be a tank, and to protect others.


    Fossil Fish #1 | HP: 196/250 -(54) | DMG: 100 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2
    Fossil Fish #1 | HP: 250/250 | DMG: 100 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2
    Lurker Fish | HP: 496/500 -(54) | DMG: 250 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1

    [0, 0, 0] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1285 | EN: 122/124 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 3 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [4, 4, 4] Zajcica | HP: 1180/1280 -(100) | EN: 95/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | BH: 64 | HM: 6 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | PARRY
    [0, 0, 0] Crozeph | HP: 845/880 | EN: 63/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24 | BH: 17

  6. "We're not almost there," Yuki said raising her hand as the bee approached her at high speed. "We've won!" With angry growl, she heaved her fist forward with force enough to send it into the dirt. The ground was left with divot where the bee impacted with it showing just how strong the tiny, pink haired tank could be when she used certain skills. Thank god for the system's help!

    Yuki swiped her palms against each other to release the dust from them once combat was finished. "There we go. Normally I wouldn't use such a strong attack on an enemy that weak, but it was alive for way too long." She turned her bright smile back to Alkor and placed her hands at hips. "Good fight! I think we should rest up. You used a lot of sword arts, so I bet your energy is looking a bit low right now. The queen spawns with some other mobs with her, so you'll need to be in the fight for as long as possible." 


    [6] Zajčica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 61 | DoT -25%
    [1] Alkor | HP: 590/590 | EN: 22/58 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 48 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 0 | BLT: 24

    Bee Minion 5: 0/250 -(20+84) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT

  7. Yuki looked down at the loot rewards that appeared before her, and while Raidou seemed to have gotten an item, she was just dumped with double money rewards. She pouted momentarily, a little annoyed by the fact that she hadn't gotten anything useful beyond that. That was just great.

    With a sigh, she let it go. There was still one more boss, and it likely had the best of the loot drops in this dungeon. Hopefully she would get something very useful from it.

    "Are you guys still good to keep on moving?" When she got a head count of nods or responses, she nodded back and started to lead the way into the final area. This is where likely the most difficult of the bosses would reside and with it, they had the chance to collect something amazing. Stepping up to a teleporter in the hallway, she got a message asking if she was ready to move into the next area. "Alright, let's go then!" The paladin chimed and clicked the accept button before flashing away in bright of light.


    40k col and 60 T3 Materials

  8. Yuki watched the pattern of the bee. Every little move it made noted for her to use against it. Soon, it would use that movement to close in on her and attempt to make an attack. It missed yet again. Being a tank was great and everything, but it really sucked that she had to rely on her enemies being competent enough to actually hit her. "You would think that since you have specific skills that make you easier to hit, that things wouldn't have so much trouble actually attacking you. However, this bee and many other enemies continue to disprove that."

    Her complaint was followed up with a sword slash. It tore through her target with ease but only did enough damage to nick it. No worse than a paper cut. Granted, she wasn't using any sword arts any more, but when use one when she'll still only do a single point of damage.


    [6] Zajčica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 61 | DoT -25%
    [1] Alkor | HP: 590/590 | EN: 23/58 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 48 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 0 | BLT: 24

    Bee Minion 5: 78/250  | 125 DMG | 25 MIT

  9. As they moved into the last bits of combat, Yuki watched the bleeding bee blow into a batch of data. The polygons of blue faded quickly. Her attention was solely set on this remaining bee. Not matter what it did, it could not win against her. She was tougher than they could possibly fathom. "You're next little guy. It's nothing personal, of course."

    The bee chraged in angrily at the head of pink as she stood there ready for such and attack. As it came in, her fist met with it again. The needle of the bee's stinger pierced straight through her hand as they connected, landing a critical attack on her, so no thorns. However, she still took no more than a single point of damage. Her favorite number at this point was becoming one.

    With her other hand, she sheathed her sword for a moment to pull the bee out of her body and throw it back into the air. "Just you wait until I get that unique enhancement. You won't be so safe from thorns with those critical attacks for so long."


    [6] Zajčica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 61 | DoT -25%
    [1] Alkor | HP: 590/590 | EN: 24/58 (-11)| DMG: 10 | MIT: 48 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 0 | BLT: 24

    Bee Minion 1: 28/250 | 125 DMG | 25 MIT | [BLEED: 36/2]
    Bee Minion 5: 78/250 (-1) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT

  10. Yuki's confidence was over welling with pride right now. Being able to help these lower leveled players reminded her of how so many people had helped her to make this climb and just how great it feels to be at the top of the ladder as a tank. This game rightly screwed over every citizen of Aincrad, but she was feeling as though she was finally turning the tables on the game.

    "From the moment I stepped foot on this battlefield, victory was assured. Nothing you can do will move me, hurt me or bend me. I am indomitable." Whether she was talking to Alkor, the wasps or just speaking her mind remained to be unseen. Her control of a fight was masterful, as was second nature for a tank of her caliber. "Keep up your assault on the one that is still feeling well. I will ensure that nothing stops you."

    The wasps approached once again, missing their attacks, especially considering one of them could hardly fly. Yuki reached out to the one who's condition was still fine and simply punched it. It was flown back a few feet from the impact, but was able to keep itself up.


    [15, 6] Zajčica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 61 | DoT -25%
    [1, 0] Alkor | HP: 590/590 | EN: 34/58 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 48 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 0 | BLT: 24

    Bee Minion 1: 28/250 -(36) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT | [BLEED: 36/2]{REFRESH}
    Bee Minion 5: 164/250 -(1) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT

  11. 8 minutes ago, Shiina said:


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


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      Reveal hidden contents



  12. The programs that mocked human life were pretty good in Sword Art Online for the Non-Player Characters, and even some of the enemies in this case. The dark elf fell to her knees and struggled to fight back. Her sword lay in the grass in front of her. "I can't give up. I will defeat you!"

    She picked up her sword and slashed Yuki across the chest. Yuki simply waved as the program started to fade. "Bye." She said, getting the item drop that she needed. About time that was finally over. Now she could finally move on with her life. Pocketing her item and returning her lance to it's hammer space. Yuki sighed. "I warned you. At least you won't remember this for the next time. That was kind of embarrassing I would say." Yuki turned and started to head back to town. With the quest finally finished, she had now completed all these low level quests that she missed. Thank god.


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 2/12 | 9 DMG


    2 quest SP; 1 page; 1 event; 3 for Yuki's Yui's Grace and Mega Slime Farm
    Col: 400 to Yuki

  13. "Don't you tell me how to fight my battles! I might just be a low ranking sentry, but that doesn't mean that I can't kill you." The dark elf coughed once more standing to her feet slowly. Her body was completely shaken from the damage she had suffered up until now. "On the contrary, you couldn't kill me no matter how many attacks you landed on me. We could sit here and fight for ages and you would never dent me."

    Another loud growl bellowed from the dark elf as she raised her weapon to retaliate against the pink paladin. Her hand was shaking way too much to even aim her sword at the paladin correctly. Yuki side stepped the attack with ease. "Come on this is just embarrassing now. You have to give up, or I'll just kill you. This is your last choice. Decide now: Do you want to live, or do you want to die?"


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 2/12 | 9 DMG

  14. With barely a sliver of health remaining, the dark elf pauses in pain. The lance pierced through her stomach with ease, pinching off half of her remaining health from a single attack. With another kick the enemy, she was released from her weapon and sent back into the grass. She struggled to get up after that attack, slowly trying to get up off the ground. Yuki didn't try to attack her while she was down though.

    Once she finally had the breath, she looked up to her aggressor with angry face. "You bastard!" She coughed out just barely through pained groans. "What? Come on, you gotta hit me at least once with something. If you don't this fight will never end. Are you going to try and run now? You should be scared. Touch me once, and I promise that you'll regret it." Yuki said with her arms folded against her chest.


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 2/12 -(5) | 9 DMG

  15. "Don't you mock me or I will destroy you!" The elf said as she raised her blade and brought it down over the paladin. With a loud growl, the dark skinned rogue dropped her blade upon the tank, who moved out of the way of it just for fun. No reason to let her die just yet when she can have a little bit of fun fighting for once. "Oh yeah, you're really scary. You gonna miss me another hundred times when I'm not moving?"

    "I hit you plenty of times while you were sleeping! You made it too easy." The elf retorted taking another hefty swing at her.

    "Yeah, yeah. And if they hadn't been critical attacks you would have already been dead." Yuki grinned. "You're actually more lucky than you could believe to be alive right now." Heaving her massive weapon back, Yuki pierces the target once again.


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 7/12 | 9 DMG

  16. With the next moment of combat, Yuki raised her lance and pierced the elf straight in the chest. There wasn't much of a reason to use sword arts on an enemy like this, she should would just stick with doing regular attacks until it fell over dead. With heavy kick, she released the target from her lance and knocked her to the ground.

    She got back to her feet and raised her blade at the paladin again, slashing at the girl with her sword but still coming up at her completely short of it's target. Yuki laughed in response, almost hysterically. "Have you been missing every single attack against me since I was sleeping? Ahaha! How do you do that?! I was asleep the whole time and you couldn't even do any damage to me! Do you really want to keep fighting me after having to deal with something like that? The moment you touch me you'll die!"


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 7/12 -(5) | 9 DMG

  17. There was so much needless junk in her inventory that she needed to offload. How did she lose such an important item in all this back log? After several more seconds of unconsciously dodging attacks by standing completely still and not even trying to avoid her enemy, she finally found the accuracy trinket. La Black Luna, the beautiful little horn that she commissioned to help with her inability to actually attack things.

    "Ah there it is! Sorry that took so long." Soon, her shield disappeared from her hand and was replaced with the horn. She strapped it to her hip on the belt of her armor, while still somehow avoiding attacks without even moving from her spot. "Now, let's get back to this. I'm sure you're frustrated by now and want to end this so allow me to finish this now that I'm awake and ready." Yuki gripped her lance tightly.


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 12/12 | 9 DMG

  18. Standing up slowly from the grass, the paladin felt a little woozy from her sleep. She was barely awake and pretty much unable to react what was going on around her. Suffice to say, she wasn't much of a morning person in the first place. Waking up was already difficult enough for her. She summoned her lance to her hand and lazily waved it in front of her, still a bit dazed from having just woken up.

    The dark elf easily dodged her lazy attack by stepping back. Yuki groaned a bit annoyed. "Gotta switch something up. Hold on a sec." She says pulling up her menu and looking for her accuracy trinket. The dark elf flailed wildly at her missing around 3 or 4 swipes at a target that was standing completely still doing nothing to actually dodge attacks. "Hold on a sec... where the hell is it? Jeez, this is taking so long."


    Zajcica | HP: 820/820 | Energy: 76/76 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 104 | BH: 8 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Resist: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36

    Dark Elf: 12/12 | 9 DMG

  19. After Creius made his follow up attack, the stun effect wore off and the Terra was back to burrowing like the crazy thing does. It swam around in the sand, but Yuki looked unbothered by its attempts to taunt them with it's maximized evasion. This would be so much easier if only she could offer damage herself, rather than just her normal thorns damage. That would require a lot more SP than she has to offer right now.

    Soon the Terra began to burrow its way towards them, seeming to aim for Creius this time. Yuki was faster than light it seemed as she moved in front of him and activated parry. Unfortunately, it's attack fell short, completely missing the both of them. Yuki's strained expression settled as she looked back to her charge. "Don't worry, he won't get through me no matter how much he tries. I wont allow it."


    [13]Zajčica | HP: 1350/1350 | EN: 76/114 -(5+1) | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 3 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 67 | DoT -25% | [Activates Parry!]
    [5]Creius | HP 420/420 | Energy 37/42 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 26 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 1

    Terra Firma | 309/650 | 250 DMG | 75 MIT | EVA: 4 | ACC: 0 

  20. Her blush only got worse when Crozeph pointed out her staring eyes. They darted to the side along with her head when his mention came up. "Uh, sorry, I got a little caught up in thought." She deflected from that, biting into the ice cream in attempt to finish it.

    "You're taking me somewhere specific? I thought we were just going on a walk." The girl asked scarfing down the rest of the waffle cone. He seemed just as distracted in thought as she was. What was he planning? It was kind of out of place for him not to speak about something that was bothering him, so it had to be something else. "Are you alright Crow? You're acting kind of weird today."

    Normally she would leave it alone, but it really felt like he was troubled with something and she would be a bad girlfriend not to ask him what is going on.

  21. "I mean, I'm a tank. I might be a scrawny little girl, but I'm still tougher than most anyone else you'll meet. The game makes us stronger than we think. It also changes other things that you don't expect." Yuki said looking down at the ice cream in her hand, remember that even though she had been trapped in this game for years, she had never realized that she no longer had her manhood that stuck to her in the real world. A weird feeling had been there now that she was conscious of it.

    "Um..." The girl mumbled licking at the ice cream with a distracted expression. She looked back over to Crozeph, getting some butterflies in her stomach as she looked at his new appearance with a blush across her face. "Oh, uh... sorry. What were we talking about again? I trailed off for a moment there by accident."

  22. Although completely dazed by Night's attack, the beast of a fish somehow managed to find it's foot hold and return to it's cursed quadrupedal existence. Yuki stood in front of her company, being the beacon of light that she is and grinning a little angrily at the beast. She was still mad about having to touch that lizard to lure it out of it's lake so they could actually fight.

    Her blade lit up a lovely golden hue of glory, slashing through it's target precisely while even dodging the mobs attack entirely. How embarrassing that must be since she was literally one of the easiest player targets in the game to hit with Stonewall active. The bleed effect appeared on the enemies health bar and drained away a bit of it's health for the troubles. "Come on, you were trying so hard just a moment ago and now you can't do anything? Just die already, you're really starting to get on my nerves just having to look at you."


    King of Lakes | HP: 247/1200 (-1+36) | DMG: 125 | MIT: 20 | BODY SLAM | DIVE

    [3] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1285 | EN: 106/124 (-9) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 1 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [8] Zajcica | HP: 1229/1230 | EN: 113/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -1 | BH: 61 | HM: 6 | BLD:36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | VENGEFUL RIPOSTE
    [2] Crozeph | HP: 880/880 | EN: 62/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24

    BODY SLAM: On MD9, AoE 120 DMG.
    DIVE: On MD10, 150 unmitigatable DMG + stun on player w/ highest hate.

  23. Yuki raised her sword as the beast came barreling towards her. The damage this thing could do without much effort was a bit unsettling so she wasn't going to just let it hit her like this. It was made even easier thanks to Night bear hugging the poor thing. As it came towards her she rolled out of the way and left a slashed read mark on it's leg. No damage, but it was going to die sooner or later with that amount of health remaining anyway.

    As Crozeph returned to her side, he asked her a question about Night's love for fluffy creatures. "She likes cats. A lot." She said simply watching the girl fight with the big cat some more. Whether or not she was trying to kill it or to hug it remained to be seen. Her swooning love could easily be mistaken for Canadian bear wrestling.


    Ki'Raion | HP: 78/850 -(1) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | STUNNED | TAIL SWIPE | VENUS FLY TRAP | PHOTOSYNTHESIZE

    [1] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1285 | EN: 112/124 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 3 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [10] Zajcica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 97/114 -(1+1) | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | BH: 61 | HM: 6 | BLD:36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT
    [1] Crozeph | HP: 880/880 | EN: 66/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24

    TAIL SWIPE: On BD 9-10, MD 1-5, 150 AoE to all party members on top of normal attack on player with the most hate.
    VENUS FLY TRAP: On BD 9-10, MD 6-10, player with most hate is trapped in Ki'Raion's floral mane. 150 DMG on top of normal attack, 100 DMG extra for each turn they are trapped. Freed when Ki'Raion takes 200 DMG from then or when another player achieves greater hate. Trapped players can still attack.
    PHOTOSYNTHESIZE: Every second attack, gain 150 DMG.

  24. The rage consuming her facial expression over took a bit of her attention. She was never one to tunnel vision on something so much after training with Shield, and she honestly didn't know that she was so attached to Crozeph already that she would get this angry seeing him get hurt.

    A holy flare of glory embedded itself in Yuki's gauntlet, shining with vengeance she slowly approached her target. It made some kind of gurgled rasp as she approached, shambling forward with mindless fury. Yuki's fist reeled back and nailed the fish as it tried to bit her. It's teeth flew from it's maw in all directions and its head embedded into the ground from the force. Then finally, it dissipated back into the Cardinal.

    The paladin took a deep breath and calmed herself, the 180 turned on her heel to look back at Crozeph, checking his condition to make sure the bleed effect wasn't present. "Are you okay? Did it make you bleed? Does it hurt at all?"


    Fossil Fish #1 | HP: 75/250 -(80+54) | DMG: 100 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2

    [0] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1285 | EN: 122/124 (-2) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 3 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [0] Zajcica | HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 114/114 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | BH: 64 | HM: 6 | BLD: 36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | PARRY
    [1] Crozeph | HP: 845/880 | EN: 63/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24 | BH: 17

  25. "I never let up!" Yuki grinned with a big smile as the bees approached her for another round of attacks. The paladin readied her attack, stepping out of the way of the first one's path. The next one came in and stabbed her in the side. It paid for it's stupidity with death, polygons explode and float into the atmosphere before dissipating slowly. The last be charges in like with a less keen approach. With a quick spin, Durandal sliced through the wing of the bee and fell to the ground. It struggled desperately to get back into the air as quickly as possible.

    "Nothing is going to stop me." Yuki said aloud as she turned to remaining bee that wasn't struggling to get off the ground. "Fight not because you think you are strong, fight because your will is unbreakable! To see the end of this world and meet the faces of those you cherish! That is my motto, nothing will stop me from seeing the ones that I love again!"


    [15, 6, 9, 3] Zajčica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 61 | DoT -25%
    [0, 0, 1, 0] Alkor | HP: 590/590 | EN: 44/58 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 48 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 0 | BLT: 24

    Bee Minion 1: 139/250 -(36) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT | [BLEED: 36/2]{REFRESH}
    Bee Minion 3: 80/250  | 125 DMG | 25 MIT
    Bee Minion 5: 165/250 | 125 DMG | 25 MIT

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