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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. 1 hour ago, Gaius said:


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  2. 1 hour ago, Sam said:

    7/7/2020 Sell Junk from Here

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    Grand Totals:
    30950 Col
    76 Merchant Exp


  3. 1 hour ago, Raidou said:


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  4. 1 hour ago, Shiina said:


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  5. 56 minutes ago, Setsuna said:


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  6. 39 minutes ago, Kasumi said:


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    Name: Ricordo Ring
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 10
    Roll ID: 157792
    Roll Result: 10+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: ACC III
    Post Link: Here
    An iron ring that has three striped lines across its surface. The green, white and red lines serve as a constant reminder as to what the user is trying to get back to.



  7. 30 minutes ago, Griswold said:


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  8. Yuki was quiet for a moment. She wasn't going to let this little shit sneak up on her like that again. If she had let get the better of her more often than not, it would start to think she wasn't much of a threat. The shifting sand on the ground started to approach her again. The light around her armor summoned around her arm and glowed with a radiant hue.

    The sand exploded in front of her as the sand shark popped out of it like a jack in the box. Yuki's fist reeled back and nailed the gnawing enemy directly in the head. It's body completely limped over, stuck in the sand. With a kick, she knocked it over on it's side. "Might be immune to paralysis, but sure can't resist my fist." She grinned looking over at Creius. "Here you go, free hit while it's unable to attack."


    [13]Zajčica | HP: 1350/1350 | EN: 80/114  | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 3 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 67 | DoT -25% | 
    [4]Creius | HP 420/420 | Energy 37/42 (-2+1) | DMG: 6 | MIT: 26 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 1

    Terra Firma | 310/650 [164] | 250 DMG | 75 MIT | EVA: 4 | ACC: 0 [Bleed: 1-1/2] | [STUNNED}

  9. Yuki sighed quietly. She knew that she wasn't doing much by the standards of her level, but Alkor's words gave her a little bit of piece. She is doing enough damage to compensate the missed damage from him. If she could just get a hold of some more experience to gain a two handed weapon skill then this combat probably would have been finished already.

    Well, soon the bees would come in for another attack, and she was ready for anything. Or maybe she wasn't ready for anything. The first bee pierced her shoulder, throwing off her attacks completely and only hitting a single one of the wasps. She took her free hand and pulled the bee loose from her armor and threw it on the ground.

    "Damn critical hits not triggering thorns. So annoying." She complains for a moment until one of the other wasps explodes into data against her armor.


    [15, 6, 9, 3] Zajčica | HP:1230/1230 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 61 | DoT -25%
    [0, 0, 0, 0] Alkor | HP:590/590 | EN: 55/58 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 48 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 0 | BLT: 24

    Bee Minion 1: 175/250 -(36) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT | [BLEED: 36/1]
    Bee Minion 2: 20/250 -(1+84) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT
    Bee Minion 3: 165/250 | 125 DMG | 25 MIT
    Bee Minion 5: 165/250 -(84) | 125 DMG | 25 MIT

  10. The peep soon reformed into it's massive form. All the tiny peeps were gone and Yuki swallowed the one in her gullet. Annoying that she could only get ahold of one before they reformed but whatever, as long as it died, that's all that mattered to her. Raising her blade to the peep, it reaches down to peck her and stabs its face on the point of Durandal.

    "Ha, this thing is completely stupid. I doubt we'll get as much experience for this one, but hopefully the gear is good." She mentions as she releases her blade form the giant marshmallow and gives it a quick wipe away. "Everyone doing alright? I'm not sure if we'll need to rest before we move on to the next boss or even how many are coming after this one. We had better be ready for it."

    With that said, the paladin walked a little more forward to ensure that the peep focused her.


    The Giant Peep | HP: 639/2000 -(1+84) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 150 | ACC: 3

    [3] NIGHT | HP: 1195/1195 | EN: 63/114 | DMG: 26 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TVM: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3 | Stealth Detection: 3 | [Vengeful Riposte]
    [1] Hidden | HP: 1020/1020 | EN: 50/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 58 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | HLY: 8 | V-OFF: 102
    [6] Raidou | HP: 1160/1160 | EN: 66/104 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 86 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 5 | BH: 58 | TAUNT | Antidote: 3 | VENGEFUL RIPOSTE
    [10] Zajcica | HP: 1265/1265 | EN: 101/104 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 209 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | BLD: 36 | HM: 6 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 84 | BH: 63 | TAUNT | DoT -25% | PHASE

  11. As Andromeda started her work, Yuki couldn't help but peer over her shoulder to see the result as soon as possible. A flash of light appeared as the ticket was absorbed by the reroll and send back into the Cardinal as data. The eagerness was barely containable, before her focus honed in on the reversed screen.

    Flame Aura.

    The girl's jaw dropped to the counter. She hadn't actually expected Andromeda to land that lucky roll but here it was. Her face lit up bright and her eye glistened in response. "Y-You actually got it?! I-I can't believe it!" Yuki grabbed her hand and gave it a good shake, grabbing her armor and transferring every bit of Col that she had on her person to Andromeda.

    "Keep this! Thank you so much!" And with a wave, she was gone.

  12. Once the door was opened, Yuki hopped down the stairs from the hatch and made her way down to the foot of the first level. The sound of wings and screeching monkeys filled the air as the barreled around the corner towards her. Yuki stood behind Shield as they all barreled into the hulk of a man and exploded against his thorns. She sighed in relief as all them exploded against his thorns instantly. The sounds dissipated from the hallway with that.

    "Well, she shouldn't be far from here if she was just hiding. Wonder if she found you another chest like she did before." The sound of a door squeaking open caught her attention. It was Shye coming out of one of the rooms near the stairs. Yuki gave her a smile and a wave as she made her way out and back to the party, seemingly unharmed from them leaving her alone.

  13. Yuki shrank a little. Even though she had just recently broke the Tier level cap, and was feeling stronger than ever, she wasn't careful enough to warn her ally about the skills that she has as a tank player.

    "L-Like I mentioned," She responded sheepishly, "I'm a tank player. I have Fighting Spirit and Taunt equipped, so I generate more hate than you can... probably. I was so distracted with the situation that I forgot to tell you what I was capable of. I'm sorry. I guess I should probably stay out fights then, I can't change my weapon cause this is the only one that I own..."

    Yuki looked like she hated herself right now, hiding behind the curtain of pink hair with a blush. Her health had taken a pretty good chunk, but she's been beaten up worse before. At least Lessa seemed more forgiving as a teacher than Shield.

  14. Seeing that Night was having trouble with getting a good, well deserved pat to the big ol' cat, Yuki figured she might as well make it's last moments a calm one. So that she could give it a nice little pet before it passed back into the Cardinal as data. Her fist shined with it's beautiful radiance and charged in her fist. A wide haymaker connected with Ki'Raion's chest knocking it to it's knees and leaving it winded from the looks of it. Yuki looked up to Night and gestured to the big cat with a smile.

    "Last time I promised that I would let you have a good look at the cats, so there you go. Go wild. Just please make sure it dies." She said giving her a thumbs up. When the Ki'raion got back up, if it did, it likely wouldn't have much time to react to what Night was going to finish it with.


    Ki'Raion | HP: 204/850 -(20+54) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | [Stun!]

    [1] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1285 | EN: 114/124 (-9) | DMG: 31 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 5 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [10] Zajcica | HP: 1230/1230 | EN: 107/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | BH: 61 | HM: 6 | BLD:36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT
    [1] Crozeph | HP: 880/880 | EN: 78/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24

    TAIL SWIPE: On BD 9-10, MD 1-5, 150 AoE to all party members on top of normal attack on player with the most hate.
    VENUS FLY TRAP: On BD 9-10, MD 6-10, player with most hate is trapped in Ki'Raion's floral mane. 150 DMG on top of normal attack, 100 DMG extra for each turn they are trapped. Freed when Ki'Raion takes 200 DMG from then or when another player achieves greater hate. Trapped player can still attack.
    PHOTOSYNTHESIZE: Every second attack, gain 150 DMG.

  15. The King weeble-wobbled it's way over to Yuki and clamped it's massive jaw on her leg as she was trying to move. Soon it started to drag her towards the lake on her back, intending to drown her. Hell no.

    The paladin's fist began to glow with a radiant energy. Normally she saves the attack to work in conjunction with heavy momentum, but there was no way she was going for a dunk with this thing. Her hand reached forward and slammed into the beast's face, not stopping it with the first attack, but surely the second punch stopped it dead in it's tracks as they reached the shore.

    The paladin stood to her feet and looked at the dazed enemy. A disgusted frown graced her lips. "Like hell you think you're going to drag me into that lake you little shit!" She was already angry about having to touch the lizard, this wasn't helping her mood.


    King of Lakes | HP: 521/1200 (-20+54) | DMG: 125 | MIT: 20

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1285 | EN: 115/124 (-9) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 72 | ACC: 1 | BH: 51 | HM: 6 | LM: 2 | LD: 10
    [4] Zajcica | HP: 1229/1230 | EN: 113/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 166 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -1 | BH: 61 | HM: 6 | BLD:36 | REC: 3 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | VENGEFUL RIPOSTE
    [1] Crozeph | HP: 880/880 | EN: 74/86 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | REC: 4 | FRZ: 9-10/24

    BODY SLAM: On MD9, AoE 120 DMG.
    DIVE: On MD10, 150 unmitigatable DMG + stun on player w/ highest hate.

  16. Surprised from the burst of light that came from Lessa, she covered her eyes to not go blind. It was entrancing, even for a player. She remembered how Shield's howl could even effect her, but she didn't know the skill was so malleable with the player. Yuki tightened the grip on her lance, knowing full well that she wasn't going to get much done. However, she still had to do something.

    The white lance she held glowed a radiant pink with a low hum of power. It slashed through the area striking ever target with a fierce blow. However, just as she expected, her damage was too weak to bypass their mitigation. And now every single one of the monkeys were looking at her. She braced herself behind her shield, but still some attacks got through, effectively dropping her health down by a sixth. "C-Crap, sorry! I forgot I have a lot of taunt grabbing skills!"


    Flying Monkey 1: 131/150 -(1+18) | 70(35) DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 2: 149/150 -(1) | 70(35) DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 3: 131/150 -(1+18) | 70(35) DMG | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 4: 119/150 -(1+12+18) | 70(35) DMG | 20 MIT | [BLEED: 12/1]

    [3|3|3|4] Zajcica: 495/600 -(35*3) | Energy: 42/54 -(4+8) | DMG: 4 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 
    [2|2|2|2] Lessa: 1045/1045 | Energy: 93/100 | DMG: 16 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 116 | ACC: 4 | Thorns: 36 | BLD: 24

  17. Yuki walked in with her head held high. There was better feeling than this. The feeling of finally own her own unique gear for the boss fight and being just as strong as she had hoped she would be starting out at the wind wasp.

    "Oi!" She called to the shop owner with a smile while removing her gear and appearing now in a beautiful, pink kimono. "I recently came into contact with some gear as a gift from someone. So I wasn't able to give you the chance to give me a unique item like I promised. There's just one thing though: My gear has a useless slot on it. Mitigation. I can't use Mitigation on armor and I need it changed. Luckily, I've brought this!" She takes the Easter Bunnies Favor from her inventory and puts it on the counter. "As much as I would swoon and love you for making that mitigation slot another aura, I will take anything that it changes to. That item should make the enhancement unique no matter what. I think you have the best chance of getting me something amazing. Please let me know when it's done. I'm willing to wait here if it wont be long."


    Reroll needed for Item(No ID present) - Rerolling Mitigation at 100% chance of Unique enhancement.

    Name: Jack’s Flaming Plate
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Flame Aura | MitigationTaunt
    Description: A dark full plate armor that has hot-spot nearly burning and igniting flames. Small sparks fly with each movement of the armor.
    Post Link: [Here]


    Favor Bought [here]
    Favor Acquired [here]


  18. Nearly as soon as Night had left the group, the pole started to fiddle in it's spot. The wire washed into the water and reeled. Yuki ran over to the dock, grabbing the pole and stopping the wire from going any further. With a mighty heave after a bit of a struggle, she shored the fossil fish to the shore. It landed right next to Crow and Night was nowhere to be found. That wasn't good at all.

    "C-Crow! Be careful." The paladin did her best to get in front of her soon-to-be, but to no avail. The mob saw Crow and gave him no time to react to his attack. It's scaly mouth revealed the sharp teeth in its maw. Reaching forward, it grabbed him and bit him down on his shoulder just as Yuki arrived. She shoulder checked the beast and huffed angrily. "I'm going to destroy you!"


    Yuki fishes up Fossil Fish!

    [0]Zajčica | HP:1280/1280 | EN:114/114 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | BH: 64 | DoT -25% | [Parry Active]
    [0]Crozeph | HP: 828/880 (-52) I EN 75/86 I DMG: 15 I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I BH: 17
    [0]NIGHT | 

    Fossil Fish 2 | 250/250 HP | 50 MIT | +1 Accuracy | +2 Evasion | 100 DMG | +25 Damage on a roll of 9 | +50 Damage on a roll of 10

  19. 7 minutes ago, Shiina said:


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  20. 2 minutes ago, Gaius said:


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  21. 10 minutes ago, Setsuna said:

    7/6/20 (Received Template):

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  22. 2 minutes ago, Kasumi said:


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