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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Night was doing whatever she needed to get her damage to work. Yuki knew she was still there judging by her HP bar still being lit up, and she could feel in her gut that she wasn't the only player in the arena's battlefield.

    The girl cracked her knuckles under her gauntlet and loosed her neck. Bones popped into place satisfyingly. Without even drawing her blade, the paladin grinned and rushed in raising her off hand attempting to plow it into the Rhino's face. Even with her buffed accuracy, she had trouble connecting. It was a little bit more quick than she had imagined.

    It charged her soon after. Even with her new, lighter weight armor, Yuki knew she wouldn't be able to dodge this thing. She braced for impact. The rhino collided with her hands. Her HP took the hit and so did the enemies. The paladin smirked. "You wanna kill me? Gonna have to try harder!"


    Piasuhon: 1,016/1,100 (-84) | DMG: 300 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2

    Zajčica | HP:1360/1360 | EN:100/100 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 204 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 68 | DoT -25%

  2. Yuki nodded. She had no gear to help with the cold of the rain and the wind, but her armor and leather made it much easier to keep herself warm. Night's usual track suit was probably doing it's best to keep her at a reasonable temperature, but not really working enough to fulfill her needs. As much as she wanted to do something to help her, there was the restraint of time. Every moment counts from here on out. With a sigh, she beckon's Night to follow her lead.

    This boss would be no where as difficult as the Rhino, but she didn't want to test it. The murky swamps here might actually be worse than the floor where the Hebi resided. The rain probably wasn't helping with that insight. Yuki was determined, however.

    Soon, the duo reached the boss area. The wyvern patrolled it's territory as normal. Yuki was about to ruin it's day. As she approached with her charge, the Wyvern took notice of her and went on the offensive. It clawed into her chest, paying dearly for it's mistake. Yuki's HP took a dip too, but it didn't matter. Balling her fist, she threw a heavy punch with her free hand, slamming her gauntlet-shield into the lizards face. It looked dizzied.


    Sea Wyvern: 162/300 (3*10)+54*2 | DMG: 300 | STUNNED

    Zajčica | HP:1090/1090 | EN:100/100 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 204 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 54 | TAUNT | BH: 54 | DoT -25%

  3. "I trust you with my life." Yuki said as she took the black crystals in her hand, observing their interesting phoenix design. After that, she followed the knight into the arena and she was already gone. Night was expanding her repertoire and so would she. They needed to be stronger for what was to come, or else they would die.

    Then, the arena was open and out came the rhino. A rather unintimidating boss just by it's appearance, but Yuki knew by now not to judge an enemy by their appearance. She clicked the buttons on the crystals that Night had given her and threw them down into the battle field without much thought. Luckily they didn't shatter, but that should help keep the boss debuffed for her friend's needs. As long as she was coming completely packed with what she needed, Yuki would keep going with her and protect her at every turn. That was her job - her duty.


    • [T2E3] [ref] Clair de Lune (1) | INCARCERATION
    • [T2E3] [ref] Le Gibet (1) | Instant | LULLABY II

    Items used

    Piasuhon: 1,100/1,100 | DMG: 300 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 0 (2, -2) | INCARCERATION

    Zajčica | HP:1360/1360 | EN:100/100 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 204 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 84 | TAUNT | BH: 68 | DoT -25%

  4. Night was proving to be unintentionally elusive this time. Where the hell was she? The paladin had failed to bring herself an umbrella, which would be really nice right now since her hair was getting soaked and rain drops continued to assault her eyes. She groaned audibly and opened her menu pulling up Night's name.

    Zajcica: Oi
    Zajcica: Where are you?
    Zajcica: No time to be wasted
    Zajcica: I need to get these skills if I want to maximize my y'know
    Zajcica: Live.

    She sent the messages, trying not to sound like an ass, but time was of the essence more than ever. She had none to spare. After spending a break with her soon-to-be husband, she was ready to get back into this dreadful grind. She was closer than ever at being able to help the front lines. No one would take her seriously if she didn't come completely prepared.


    Name: Zajčica
    Level: 50
    HP: 1090/1090
    EN: 100/100

    Damage: 3
    Mitigation: 159
    Evasion: -1
    Accuracy: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Durandal (T3/Perfect/OHSS): ACC II; BLD I
    Armor: Charlemagne Rouge (T3/Perfect/Heavy): Heavy Momentum II, Rec I
    Misc: Casa di Logistilla (T3/Perfect/Shield): Thorns II; Taunt

    One-Handed Straight Sword [Rank 1]
    Heavy Armor [Rank 5]
    Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
    Block [Rank 4]
    Battle Healing [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Defender

    Shield Bash

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal*1
    Ika Shogayaki(OH III)

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:
    Tanos Statue: +15 Mitigation for a thread.


  5. Yuki walked into the boss spawning location where Night was waiting for her. This boss was supposed to be a pretty hefty one, a scary monster to take on. It could be more difficult to tank than even the stallion was. Yuki had barely walked away from that fight without limping away from it. She made sure that she would be buffed this time. They would need to be at full power this time. No question asked.

    "Night, I know you were wanting to experiment with your capabilities, but please tell me you are using some buffs for this fight. If we're going to the boss fight, we cannot be fighting with weight on our ankles. We need everything that we can use to make it through and I need more levels to make sure I don't die." Yuki was plain and direct. She didn't want to sound like she was ruining Night's experiment with the no buff thing, but this was legitimate life or death.


    Name: Zajčica
    Level: 50
    HP: 1360/1360
    EN: 100/100

    Damage: 3
    Mitigation: 204
    Evasion: -1
    Accuracy: 2
    BH: 68
    BLD: 36
    H.M.: 2
    REC: 1
    THRNS: 54+30

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Durandal (T3/Perfect/OHSS): ACC II; BLD I
    Armor: Charlemagne Rouge (T3/Perfect/Heavy): Heavy Momentum II, Rec I
    Misc: Casa di Logistilla (T3/Perfect/Shield): Thorns II; Taunt

    One-Handed Straight Sword [Rank 1]
    Heavy Armor [Rank 5]
    Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
    Block [Rank 4]
    Battle Healing [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Defender

    Shield Bash

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal*1
    Immolation+2*10 < Using
    Ration+2*10 Using
    Ika Shogayaki(OH III) < Using
    Fiery Dragon Roll < Using

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:
    Tanos Statue: +15 Mitigation for a thread.

  6. The light expression Yuki wore was quickly diminished with the mention of buying howl. Yuki had not bought howl yet. In fact, she had actively avoided buying the skill in order to take a more proactive role as a tank. She could see the flaws with what her build brought, but this was not a time to be picky about what she wanted. Honestly, she had only come to this meeting in order to listen and spend more time with Crozeph to meet more of his guild members. However, they had barely gotten through the meeting start and she was wanting to offer help. She was probably one of the weakest Third Tier players in this room, but she felt capable.

    Trying to force herself to stay seated didn't help either. She rose to her feet, making sure to keep the integrity of her beautiful kimono in place and looked over every familiar face that she knew was going to oppose her, then looked at Baldur. "Pardon my rookie eagerness, but I wish to offer myself as shield to the front liners." She started, surveying the expressions of many who would judge her what she she was about to say. "I have freshly reached Tier three, only just gaining my 50th level just a few days ago, however, I can say with certainty that I can tank well enough to be an asset." Saying that wouldn't be enough, she needed to sell her skills here or she would just look like an eager rookie who thought they could just jump in a front line fight and win by the power of friendship alone. "I have maxed not only my Heavy Armor skill, my Battle Healing skill, and my block skills, but I am also just a few SP shy of acquiring Howl and Parry. I lack any kind of damage, I will admit, but I hope that my skills will be enough to help keep people alive and that's all I want. I plead you and the other front liners to let me join the battle."

    With her query put to rest, she too rested on the tatami mat. She watched the faces of some people who would disapprove of her trying to do this. Namely she looked to the most obvious people: @Mari, @Shield, @NIGHT, and most importantly @Crozeph. The lot of them would probably be the most worried about her, having known personally how reckless she can be. This was for all the money though. Yuki wouldn't fuck around here.

    She would, however, wait for @Baldur's response first.

  7. It had taken time, but soon, the vines holding her digits to the soil faltered. With a heavy pull one of her arms, it snapped. The broken piece dissolved of data. Not wasting any time whatsoever, the girl picked up her axe - God it was heavy to hold in a single hand - and slashed it through the other vine that held her arm down. With arms free, soon came her legs.

    "Oh, you're going to pay for that you over grown root!" The girl said hefting herself off the ground and readying her axe for battle. She rushed forward at high speed, leaping into the air over the tree and slammed her axe down into the now helpless enemy. After being forced to the ground and completely frozen in place, she wasn't going to show this thing any mercy. It hadn't shown any to them. The bark splinter with ease as her axe passed through the tree's body. Teach him to try and root her.


    Axe Attack 1 > Tree of Winter | DMG: 6

  8. T1 MIT Perfect Meals


    Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 155109[11/13]; 155122[13/20]; 155124[13/5]; 155127[13/12]; 155128[12/14]
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality(Yield): Perfect(10)
    Enhancements: MIT III
    Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
    Post Link: [Here]

    T1 ACC Rare Meal


    Name: Ramen and Veggies
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 155113[11/13]; 155108[8/18]; 155118[10/15]
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
    Enhancements: ACC II
    Description: A bowl of yummy Japanese ramen mixed with vegetables.
    Post Link: [Here]

    T1 Protein/OH Perfect Meal


    Name: Kobe Steak
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 155121[12/16]
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality(Yield): Perfect(3)
    Enhancements: Protein II; OH I
    Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
    Post Link: [Here]


  9. The paladin grinned at Crow's remark to her new gear. It was resplendent and beautiful in her opinion, glowing like she had some holy power, much like her legal name entailed. She felt like a beacon of hope in a dark cave.

    "My armor was specially made to don a resonance of holiness and protection from evil." She quipped before moving between Crow and one of the pray-mantis arms. Her shield pinged against the appendage, sending it to the side. With her much lighter weapon, she followed up with another attack in light speed. It cut through the enemy effortlessly. The blade weighed absolutely nothing compared to her and the new armor was at least 40lbs lighter than her last set.

    Rushing into battle with the first insect following behind her, Yuki slashed through the other targets with speeds that she didn't even know was capable. Honestly, she was more impressed than she could possibly be. "We'll find a different set of enemies for you Night. Just kill these ones off quickly."


    Insect Chimera A | HP: 168/864  -(3*2) | DMG: 168 |
    Insect Chimera B | HP: 298/864 -(3*2+74) | DMG: 168 | 
    Insect Chimera C | HP: 288/864 -(3*2+74) | DMG: 168 |
    Insect Chimera D | HP: 283/864 -(4*2+74)+36 | DMG: 168 | BLEED: 36[1/2]

    [1, 2, 1, 1] NIGHT | HP: 1175/1175 | EN: 95/112 (-17) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 54 | ACC: 4 | LD: 8 | PRSOP: 6
    [7, 4, 4, 5] Zajcica | HP: 1040/1040 | EN: 96/98 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 159 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 | BH: 54 | REC: 1 | HM: 2 | THORNS: 74 | BLD: 36 | 
    [3, 2, 1, 2] Crozeph | HP: 680/680 | EN: 46/68 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 74 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 3 | FREEZE: 1 | REC: 2 | LD: 2

  10. Yuki was smiling as she reunited with Crozeph, but nearly as soon as she was able to see him again, he was being whisked away by someone to go and do something. For the time being, she would let him go to do the things he needed for his guild. It could look bad on him if she stepped on someone's toes.

    That was when she was approached by @Arabelle. It was good to see more familiar faces, especially since many of them here weren't. "Arabelle! You look gorgeous in that kimono!" The paladin said with a bright smile, looking a little more closely at the design of the traditional Japanese wear. Her interest in the fabric didn't halt her manners, however, she still saw her friend's +1. "Good day, ore wa Yuki. Yoroshikune~"

    Peering through the crowd while mingling with Arabelle and Edel, Yuki noticed a familiar head of hair. Like she could mistake it for anyone but her. Was she avoiding Yuki? Why not come up and say hi? Then she remembered how her best friend had trouble with some social interaction and disliked it most of the time. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from going to try and cheer her friend up. She beckoned Arabelle to follow her.

    As she walked by, she could've swore that she saw Mari give her a nod. Maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her, but she wouldn't let the repeat mistake she made resurface in a place like this. She had intended to leave it on the back burner, but she couldn't help but try to talk with the guilder leader. Keep it short and sweet Yuki.

    "@Mari-chan." The pinkette smiled at the ginger-haired woman. The paladin seemed to be carrying a lax or unwound air with her. Completely opposite of what she had came to Mari with last time they saw each other. She looks like she's been taking lessons from Crozeph's sleeping habits. "I'm happy to see you again. Your kimono is beautiful. I just wanted to come over to say that, and to tell you that even if you're a little busy with your work, I think a lot of people would be pleased to see you smile a little more." With that, she gave the freckled player a small bow and a smile then continued on course to see the one who could maybe use a friend right now.

    @NIGHT was edging the main group of the get together, seeming to actively avoid any interaction she could. Hopefully she would be okay with Yuki coming up to see her at least. Once she was within reach, she tapped Night on the shoulder and smiled as they turned to meet gazes. Her rosy colored eyes observed the girl's yukata. It was simple, like most yukata, but it really suited her. Night wasn't one to be fancy or anything. "Good day, Night." The girl chuckled lightly as that rolled off her tongue. "It's hard to say that without it sounding kind of weird. Are you doing okay? You're looking a little nervous. I understand if you don't feel like talking though." Yuki would wait on a response from Night before heading off to find anyone else she might know. Once she was done, she could return to Crow's side. Didn't want him to get nervous doing a bit of leading.

    Another person she noticed was @Ariel - The Crowned Lion and @Raidou. She didn't know the players very well at all, but they were both notable. Ariel being a front liner, and Raidou apparently being the big shot of a guild that did it's best to arm low level players with the means to protect themselves. Ariel seemed to be attending to a child that was sitting on the ground like she had scraped her knees. Raidou seemed distant himself, not making much conversation with the white lioness.

    Being on auto-path came with it's fair share of disadvantages. Like unwillingly running head long into something, or in this case someone. It was a good thing that @Cordelia was about 4 inches taller than her, or else she probably would have sent her to the ground accidentally. "Oh- my apolog- Oh Cordelia! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that. Lost in thought and whatnot. Glad to see you hear, I'd be pretty nervous if there wasn't that many familiar faces." It seemed that now, @Crozeph had found his words and began to lead the people into Baldur's estate. "I gotta go meet up with him. He'll probably get nervous if I'm not there with him. Let's try to talk after the meeting." She said with a smile as she trot off to catch up with Crow.

    Once she finally reached his side, he had finished his short summary. Everyone began to take seats on the mats provided with the small tables. "I hope I did a good job," The boy said looking down towards the floor. A curtain of pink free of it's usual braid brought his vision back up to her. "Hey, you did great. Let's find a seat so that your guild leaders can discuss things with the front liners." She said grabbing his hand and softly pulling him to a seat. She sat down at a table, expecting him to sit next to her to share it. No need for them to take up two tables when there was already so many people here. Not to mention, she would rather sit as close to him as possible. Once he was down on the ground, she shuffled her knees over to his side and held his hand. From there on, she would await the beginning of the meeting proper unless it would be further delayed for one reason or another.

  11. "Uwa-!" The girl yipped as she was suddenly picked up like a princess from a cartoon and carried into her bedroom by Crow. Behind the pink curtain of bangs, he could she her blush taking away from her normally pale skin. The over sized sleeve of her shirt had fallen down, revealing her shoulder but keeping the goods hidden enough from view. She quickly adjusted it before he saw anything.

    Once she was let down in her bed, she made room for him, raising the blanket over her and opening it to him. He crawled under the covers with her, giving her time to pull the blanket over him and scoot close. Her face, the color of a strawberry, was stuffed into his chest. "You keep finding ways to keep me smiling. I was beginning to think that this world held nothing for me whatsoever, but now I think I'm glad that I ended up in this mess. If I didn't put on the Nevergear, I would have never met you. Thinking about that sort of present makes me sad, but this is the one I have now and I couldn't be happier." With a quick peck to the boy's lips, she gets comfort able in his arms and slowly lulls to sleep. They could sleep this rainy day away and get back to the grinding later.



    SP: 1 page; 1 event
    Col: 400 Col to Crozeph


  12. Yuki's new glorious armor helped illuminate the increasingly dim lit cave. The further they got from the entrance the visibility continued to lower. She was happy to see Crozeph doing fine, even if they had only seen each other a few days ago in her house. He seemed happier the more that they continued this relationship, and she was feeling the same. nothing could stop this mighty group of players. Not even these ugly ass mutations of bugs that spawned.

    Crow launched himself at the combat. Instinctively, Yuki reached out to grab him. "Wai-" She stopped. He wasn't a young player with no experience. He knew how to keep himself safe from danger. As long as she was here, she wouldn't let him get hurt. Instead of pulling him back like a mother catching her excited child back to her side, she instead released her new weapon from it's holster on her side. Even with no light, the blade seemed to emit a glimmer that reflected across the cavern, almost like a weak glow-stone.

    Her sword emitted a low hum, bathed in gold and pink and slashed at each of the targets. Somehow, she missed almost every single target even though more than half of them were frozen. How even? "S-Stay behind me Crow! They might try to target you!" The remaining one that refused to be frozen attempted to claw Yuki with it's disgusting pray-mantis claw. Yuki raised her shield and deflected the blow with ease, kicking the monster back into line. "Think twice if you're gonna try getting past my guard."



    • [2/2/1/2]Crozeph: 680/680 I EN: 58/68 I DMG: 15 I MIT: 74 I ACC: 6 I EVA: 3 I Recovery +4 EN I Freeze +1
    • [4/1/1/1]Zajčica | HP:1090/1090 | EN:96/100 -(4) | DMG: 3 | MIT:159 | EVA:-1 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 36 | H.M.: 2 | REC: 1 | THRNS: 74 | TAUNT | BH: 54 | DoT -25%+(-25%)
    • [0/0/0/0]@NIGHT
    • Insect Chimera A: 711/864 (-1+24) I DMG: 168 [Shatter!]
    • Insect Chimera B: 726/864 I DMG: 168 [freeze]
    • Insect Chimera C: 660/864 -(74) I DMG: 168 
    • Insect Chimera D: 736/864 I DMG: 168 [freeze]
  13. "I-I didn't mean right this moment or anything.." Her face flushed entirely red thinking about what she just said out loud. She hadn't meant for it to sound like that, but that was the way it came off. However, Crow seemed to take her comment in stride and even humor it. "I honestly never thought I'd be getting married with anyone in my life. Not like getting married here means in anything outside of it. I won't complain if we start thinking about getting married... I think we might be rushing a bit, but in all honesty, I'm liking this so much right now that I don't think I care."

    Finally, Yuki crawled up to her feet and reached down to help her spouse up off the floor. "Some time this week, we can go check out the quest to get engaged. After that we could start planning a wedding. Start up a guest list and get prepared. I think we could aim to do it after the floor boss to help any front liners that want to come with their schedules. It will be a refreshing relaxation period for them after killing the floor boss. It can be like a celebration party along with our wedding." The girl smiled holding his hand in both of hers.

    "I'm still pretty tired. Do you... wanna come and rest in my bed with me?" She asked, pulling him a long to her room.


  14. "I already have a good idea of the build that I want to. I took me all the way up until the latter half of tier two to figure it out, but if I have my way, anything that can be mitigated will stand no chance against me, no matter how much it mitigation it has against me. However, the idea in mind requires quite a bit of care and time to make perfect, though I assume that pretty much every player's build is the same way. Either way, the important part is that I get strong so that I can do what is necessary to help everyone here, including myself. This world is cruel and I won't rest until I see my parents and my sister again. If I'm not strong enough to..." The girl paused a moment, walking beside Ariel with a slightly distant look in her eyes. She shook that feeling off pretty quickly. "Well, I'd rather die trying than live scared."

  15. The paladin readied herself for anything. She was still insanely new to all of this and was having trouble adjusting where she needed, especially since she wasn't sure how to be tanking in this situation. It felt like it was getting dangerous. Mari was stunned and she was getting close to being in the same boat. There weren't that many of them here to be fighting this thing, but she was sure that they could get through this if they just pooled their damage together and finished it.

    Vines reached out to each player, and Yuki couldn't help but shove herself in front of an attack to help one of the other players. The branches reached out to stab Mishiro, but the pinkette stood in front of her like a shield, deflecting the vine with a heavy swing from her axe. Another vine swat her to the side and the moment she collided with the soil, roots emerged from the ground and tied her down. Struggling to break free, she is soon restrained and slowly the freeze takes over her form. "K-Kuso..." She groaned under her breath before she could no longer move.

    [Yuki is stunned and cannot act this round]

  16. Yuki sighed in relief. Admittedly, she was getting a bit nervous with her health getting so low. Ariel herself was probably running rather low on energy using all those insanely powerful sword arts. Once the enemy was cleared, she returned her shield to her inventory as well and caught up with Ariel. The paladin stopped next to the lioness and gave her a smirk. "The power of a front liner is unmatched. I only hope I can get as strong as you to join the front lines as well. I just need to keep grinding and keep getting stronger. I hope we can fight together on the front one day."

    The paladin was pleased that she got experience at fighting with a front liner that wasn't just Shield. Shield was a great man who had taught her a lot about what it means to be a tank, but working with someone who she might actually be working with in a group was nice.

  17. Yuki's weapon faded back into the ether. It was clear that Ariel had the rest of this fight in the bag and she would only make it more difficult for her at this point. Though, she kind of wish that she had kept the aggro on the enemy when she say it barely holding on for it's life with nothing but a sliver of a red health bar remaining. If she had taken another hit, it would have hit her thorns and died, or it could have proced a critical and forced her to bleed again. That would have been annoying gave the enemy it's health back. 

    Yuki could tell that her weapon was specially enhanced like she wanted with her own armor and weapon. Although, she wasn't very familiar with the type of ability the weapon was using. It seemed like every so often would increase her damage when she attacked but it was sort of based with luck. Pretty much the same way most damage over time effects worked.

    [No Action]

    • [7] Yuki: 567/840 | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3] 
    • [8] Ariel: 1320/1490 | 17/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate
    • Blood Bane: 31/1250 | 225 DMG | 50 Mit | 3 ACC

      << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
      << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
      << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


  18. Yuki was about to rush in for another attack, but Ariel's voice stopped her. Thinking the best thing that she could do was take it's attention so she could get easy hits in, Yuki was pushing her aggression from the moment that she entered battle. Observing health bars, she could see why she wanted her to hold back at this point. Ariel could finish their opponent with the next strike.If she rushed in and let the wolf feed of her health points, it might survive the next attack. Ariel was smart, made sense for someone as experienced as her.

    Yuki took a few steps back, getting some distance between her the boss. "He's all your then. I'm told my fighting style is a bit aggressive. I apologize." The paladin said backing off to Ariel's side and watching the wolf carefully to ensure that she blocked any attack that came at her from it.

    [No action]

    • [7] Yuki: 567/840 (-36) | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3] 
    • [6] Ariel: 1320/1490 | 28/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate
    • Blood Bane: 266/1250 | 225 DMG | 50 Mit | 3 ACC

      << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
      << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
      << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


  19. The false pain struck again momentarily, then subsided as soon as it came. The bleed effect waned and the paladin was sitting around 75% of her HP. Ariel had chunked it's health for more almost half of her max. It was insane the difference in damage that she could do when she was in one-on-one combat. She was glad that she wouldn't have to fight against her.

    The paladin grinned as her bleed effect disappeared. She was beaten up but still green so it wasn't time to give up yet. Confidence with cockiness wasn't the best of mixtures, but combined with Yuki's hardheaded nature, she could be a tough opponent to keep down.

    Rearing her lance back with the familiar pink hum of power, Yuki smashed her lance over the canine's head. The weight of the blade was enough to get some damage out, but unfortunately, a wolf had hide just as tough as her armor apparently.


    • [7] Yuki: 567/840 (-36) | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3] | Bleeding [36/1]
    • [4] Ariel: 1320/1490 | 41/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate
    • Blood Bane: 561/1250 -(1) | 225 DMG | 50 Mit | 3 ACC

      << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
      << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
      << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


  20. Yuki winced as the wolf only gained more ferocity in its eyes. The glint of the natural light caught it's eye as it tore at the non-existent tendon in her body. "K-Kah..." The girl grunted but it faded quickly remembering that she couldn't actually feel the pain, her brain was only trying to make her feel human. Honestly, the placebo feeling was nice for someone like her. She never really got the message of danger until it was right on her doorstep. If she didn't have a feeling of danger, she would put herself in way too much danger.

    Yuki shook off this feeling of being bite, whatever the hell it was. It felt as though her leg was falling asleep. Readying her spear, she would need to keep up her attacks to stay alive. If Ariel had room to breath, she would kill this thing off easily. When she stepped forward to make her attack, her leg burned with a familiar sensation, causing her attack to go way off to the side. She cursed under breath in her native language.


    • [4] Yuki: 603/840 (-36) | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3] | Bleeding [36/1]
    • [2] Ariel: 1374/1490 | 55/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate
    • Blood Bane: 819/1250 | 225 DMG | 50 Mit | 3 ACC

      << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
      << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
      << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


  21. 13 minutes ago, Sam said:

    6/21/20 Junk Sell From Here

      Reveal hidden contents

     Grand Totals:
    27900 Col
    152 Merchant Exp


  22. The bite from the alpha was a lot more dangerous than from its lackeys as expected. It's jaws felt like iron, locking her into her position momentarily. It refused to let go of her shin, so Yuki did the next best thing. The girls lance reared back and jammed directly into the side of the canine. It growled and backed up the moment it was released from the kabob. Glancing up at her health bar, Yuki was already feeling a bit nervous. Down past 90% doesn't happen that often for her. She would make a mental note that this boss is nothing to sneeze at.

    "No more of your pack to protect you, and so we become the lion's, and you the sheep." Yuki says, setting up in her usual defensive stance. Really though, her taunts were met with a bit of a nervous feeling. Seeing how easily her HP could be drained by this thing made her wish she had more self healing.


    [3] Yuki: 727/840 | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [0] Ariel: 1282/1490 | 68/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate

    Blood Bane: 1223/1250 (6*4) | 225 DMG | 50 Mit | 3 ACC


    << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
    << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
    << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


  23. 1 hour ago, Simmone said:

    House Name: The Black Odyssey (Attachment)
    Location: Floor 22 - Cathedral of the Forgotten
    Description: A well-concealed building, most happen to stumble upon it by accident then seek it deliberately. Those who do happen to respond to the owner's notices or requests find themselves lead into a path that feels like a labyrinth in streets that all seem the same.
    Plot Size: Townhouse
    Room(s): Storage Shed (Merchant/Workshop/Lawn Slot), Attic (Storage/Room Slot), Kitchen (Room Slot)
    Room Upgrade(s): N/a
    Total Cost: 10000 Col


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