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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Once the fight was done and the witch had met her comedic demise, Yuki sighed under her breath. Thank god that was finally over. There was no way Yuki was going to be able to handle that witch's incessant nagging any longer. Shield's paralysis still seemed to be affecting him and she was thinking of getting him an antidote, but a quick inspection of her consumables menu confirmed that she wouldn't have anything to help him.

    Once he was finally unfrozen, the paladin gave him a grin. "Sorry if my tanking abilities made it difficult to do your work. I will make sure that it doesn't happen the next time that we quest together." It was then Yuki looked up to her HUD and remembered the lower leveled player that Shield had brought along with him. She was probably still hiding for her life from any unwelcome mobs. "Oh hey, we should probably go meet up with your rookie guild mate."

  2. fq11gd76ah701.pngThe paladin wasn't one to be fashionably late. Honestly, she preferred to be one of the first persons to an event when it was happening.  Being early was always better than being late. A boat ride was all it took to get there, and while Yuki wasn't very fond of boats, she found time to write up a message to her best friend. @NIGHT may want to be apart of this, so she sent her a quick message containing the coordinates to the Jacob's Ladder Guild Hall and a short run down of what was happening. Also that she should wear a kimono or yukata, else be the biggest sore thumb in existence. As she stepped off the boat and into the estate that was owned by Crow's friend Baldur, she was actually insanely impressed with it. This may have been even more breathtaking than her own home.

    So this is where Crozeph goes when he isn't spending time with her. Interesting. Well, at least there were people who were nice enough to tolerate his inane sleeping habits besides just her. She would have to meet this man, Baldur when she had a chance to do so and thank him for taking care of her sleepy headed numskull.

    Many people were already socializing, getting to know the people they don't or just talking with past friends. Yuki took the time to find her loved-one and walked over to him. She was dressed in a familiar pink kimono with the white fur that resembled from her cape. The warm smile she had was beaming with excitement.

    "Crowy~" The call came from behind and was met with a hug. She knew how much he loved those surprise hugs. I slight blush formed over the woman's cheeks. "I'm nervous, I must admit. I hardly know anyone here well and this is my first time associating with anything done on the front lines." Letting go of the boy, Yuki could hear a familiar voice. It was Mari. The girl seemed to be leading all the players to be ushered into the meeting area at this point. The orange player was one of the leaders of the guild, she heard, so she would have to do her best not to make any mistakes like she usually did around the ginger-haired player.

    Then she came over and drug Crozeph to her side, telling people to follow him. Once that was done, she waved to Mari with a smile, remembering what she said to her last time they talked. She didn't want to see Yuki upset, nor did the paladin want to feel upset. After what happened with Crozeph in the last bit of time they saw each other, Yuki was in the best mood that she has ever been since she hit the second tier, even not better.

    Mari would probably be too busy to talk right now, so Yuki elected to not say anything to her. Rather, she caught up with her significant other and looped her fingers around his. Her palm clasped with his, she wouldn't really care who saw. "Did you sleep well? Here I brought something for you to eat cause I wasn't sure if there would be food made for the event." Opening her menu really quick to pull out the item, it was a small bento box of teriyaki chicken, rice and california rolls. She offered it to Crow with a smile.

    It was then that the girl actually noticed a stand out face within the crowd. As the two approached him, Yuki smiled and called out for her old mentor. "Oi, Shield! It's been some time hunh? Good to see you! Crow told me about the meeting and I thought I should join to listen in. Even if I'm not going to the floor boss, this will be a nice experience to see how the floor boss raids are planned."

    @Crozeph @Mari @Shield


    Name: Zajčica
    Level: 50
    HP: 1090/1090
    EN: 100/100

    Damage: 3
    Mitigation: 159
    Evasion: -1
    Accuracy: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Durandal (T3/Perfect/OHSS): ACC II; BLD I
    Armor: Charlemagne Rouge (T3/Perfect/Heavy): Heavy Momentum II, Rec I
    Misc: Casa di Logistilla (T3/Perfect/Shield): Thorns II; Taunt

    One-Handed Straight Sword [Rank 1]
    Heavy Armor [Rank 5]
    Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
    Block [Rank 4]
    Battle Healing [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Defender

    Shield Bash

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:
    Tanos Statue: +15 Mitigation for a thread.

    Wedding Ring:


  3. "As much as I love the romantic idea you have in your mind," The girl started in response, "I think it would lose feeling after a few moments when we're completely drenched." Mostly, she didn't feel like getting up from this spot. It was warm, tender and a feeling that Yuki wasn't ready to escape just yet. Latching closer to her lover, she smiled warmly.

    "How about instead we talk more about these feelings of ours? I mean, we just had our first kiss. This was my first kiss ever and yours. I don't think I've ever felt anything so romantic in my entire life. You see it in TV shows and stuff but nothing could ever beat that moment that I just experienced with you, Chris. That sounds so cliche." The girl chuckled as her head rested just below Crozeph's chin. The downpour getting much heavier had only strengthened her want to stay in doors for the day.

    All this lovey-dovey had reminded Yuki about something. "Um, hey Chris." The girl said raising her head and adjusting her position to look the boy in the eyes. "I heard that there's a quest where we can get married with in the game. I know this is awkward, but you want to do it in time? I hear we can have an actual wedding and everything. It sounds so beautiful in my head."


  4. The paladin grinned as her two friends seemingly were getting along. Good, she was worried for a moment that they might not like each other. Well, no time to think on that much longer as three more spiders crawled down from the ceiling. Noticing Night's discomfort with the arachnids, Yuki quickly got on making her attacks so that they would only focus her. Even with a missed strike, the spiders all still focused her, surrounding her and biting her with their large fangs. The two other women could only hear her chuckling.

    "It's too easy!" She said looking at her health bar nearly tick back up to completely full. Nothing here could kill her while she had her two damager companions with her. "Wouldn't it be more fun if you illicit some sort of danger silly spiders? You're hurting yourself more than you're hurting me!" She laughed as she stood there and let the spiders bite her.

    @Arabelle @NIGHT


    Spider #5 | HP: 550/550  | DMG: 144
    Spider #2 | HP: 182/550 -(6*4) | DMG: 144
    Spider #6 | HP: 470/550 -(6*4+56) | DMG: 144
    Spider #7 | HP: 436/550 -(8*4+56+24) | DMG: 144 | BLEED: 24 [1/2]

    [0, 1, 0, 0] NIGHT | HP: 990/990 | EN: 80/96 (-16) | DMG: 22 | MIT: 6 | ACC: 4 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 8 | PROSP: 6
    [1, 6, 3, 4] Zajcica | HP: 900/910 -[(144*3)-(139*3)]+9 | EN: 66/76 | DMG: 5 | MIT: 139 | EVA: -1 | BH: 9 | BLD: 24 | DoT Resist: 25%+25% (1st proc) | THRNS: 56
    [0, 0, 0, 0] Arabelle | HP: 660/660 | EN: 46/66 | ACC: 4 | LD: 3 | PROSP: 3

  5. Yuki stretched. Her cooking was finally finished and she could relax, until she got a message from someone. Her menu pinged with a familiar chime, getting a groan from her. Her mood changed when she opened it up, however, to see it was from Crozeph. It was hard to think about him without thinking about the feeling of their lips having met. The rain was the only sound she could hear while she thought of that scene from a third person perspective.

    After a moment, she shook that from her mind and started to make a reply to the boy. Perfect timing for her to cook some buffed food.


    Hey! Sure I'll come. It'll be relaxing to do something other than grind quests for experience. I'm still looking for some unique gear too, so this will be nice. I'll bring Night since she can do a ton of damage. She makes it super easy,

    P.S. - I know it hasn't been long, but I missed you. We'll be there as soon as possible.


    With that message finished, she scrolled down further to find her best friend.


    A friend of mine found something interesting on Floor 21, it might be a new Nature's Treasure area. The grinding is real in new areas, so you should join us. Meet us here. -insert coordinates attachment- See ya there.



    Name: Zajčica
    Level: 50
    HP: 1090/1090
    EN: 100/100

    Damage: 3
    Mitigation: 159
    Evasion: -1
    Accuracy: 2
    BH: 54
    BLD: 36
    H.M.: 2
    REC: 1
    THRNS: 54+20

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Durandal (T3/Perfect/OHSS): ACC II; BLD I
    Armor: Charlemagne Rouge (T3/Perfect/Heavy): Heavy Momentum II, Rec I
    Misc: Casa di Logistilla (T3/Perfect/Shield): Thorns II; Taunt

    One-Handed Straight Sword [Rank 1]
    Heavy Armor [Rank 5]
    Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
    Block [Rank 4]
    Battle Healing [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Defender

    Shield Bash

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal*1

    Immolation Potion+1*10 < using

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:
    Tanos Statue: +15 Mitigation for a thread.

    Wedding Ring:


  6. T1 Ambition Desserts


    Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 154499[13/3]; 154503[13/15]; 154505[11/6]; 154506[11/13]; 154494[12/7]
    Item Type: Desserts
    Tier: 1
    Quality(Yield): Perfect(7)
    Enhancements: Ambition
    Description: A batch of ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of deep-fried pancake batter topped with a cherry.
    Post Link: [Here]

    T1 ACC Desserts


    Name: Konpeito Candy
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 154495[12/7]; 154502[8/19]; 154488[9/15]; 154489[10/8]
    Item Type: Desserts
    Tier: 1
    Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
    Enhancements: ACC II
    Description: A sugar ball, yep, that's it.
    Post Link: [Here]

    T2 MIT Meal


    Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 154483[11/9]
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality(Yield): Perfect(1)
    Enhancements: MIT III
    Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
    Post Link: [Here]

    T2 OH Meal


    Name: Ika Shogayaki
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 154485[12/14]
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
    Enhancements: OH III
    Description: Stir-fry squid served with vegetables.
    Post Link: [Here]


  7. As the clouds parted and the light shown down on the three kings, they were lifted away into the heavens like cows being pulled by a tractor beam into a UFO. Yuki didn't even know what to think about this sitiuation. As the congratulations message appeared before the entire group, the paladin's crying ceased but her face still held it's pale expression. Getting up off her knees the girl turned to Arabelle, then looked over at Night. The both of them seemed to have no idea what happened either.

    With a sigh the pink haired player turned and started heading back to the teleporter to go home and sleep. Of course the game was just jerking their legs. "I'll see you later guys. I- I can't take this, I just need to go home and sleep." Making her way through the crowd to get back to the Town of Beginnings.

  8. The time for watching was over. Yuki needed to do something or her muscles might start getting cold. With a quick dash of speed and hum of a sword art, the pink paladin rushed past Ariel. The lance reached in and plowed directly into the last remaining wolf. Her attack didn't accomplish much and it seemed that the canine was still focusing on her damage counter part. She wasn't necessarily worried since Ariel could easily take a hit.

    "I'll get too bored just standing around letting you take all the damage." The girl turned to her ally and grinning a bit cocky. The wolves were somewhat ignoring her, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get to the main boss of the group. It hid behind it's lower wolf to ensure that it wouldn't get targeted by either of the two players that tried to work around it. "This boss is something of a coward, don't you think?"


    • [3/0] Yuki: 840/840 | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    • [4/0] Ariel: 1282/1490 | 68/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate
    • Warg Wolves 1: 268/500 | 200 DMG | 45 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA
    • Warg Wolves 2: 64/500 | 200 DMG | 20 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 
    •  Warg Wolves 3: 198/500 | 200 DMG | 20 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA

      << Sonic Fangs >> : Many Rapid Bites inflicted on the Player with the most hate. Deals 225 DMG on CD:10+
      << Protect the Alpha! >> : Warg Wolves place themselves in a position to protect their leader. <<BloodBane>> [if present] may not be targeted or hit while at least 1 <<Warg Wolf>> still lives. 

      Blood bane: 1250/1250 | 225 DMG | 50 Mit | 3 ACC


      << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
      << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
      << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


  9. Yuki stood quietly off to the side of the battlefield, just out of reach of being targeted by anything she didn't want to hit her. The best she could do was wait for some of the wolves to die so that she could come in and help her. If Ariel took any damage, she would jump in and pull aggro.

    Ariel's voice sounded through the battle to check on the lower leveled player. "I'm doing alright. Keep your eye on the battle and I'm here to help when you need it!" The paladin called. She gripped on to her lance tightly, making sure to be ready to jump into the fray if she was needed.

    Watching a front liner at work was definitely something, even if Night was capable of doing more damage. Night, had a weapon like Jack's Executioner though, so not a fair comparison cause that weapon is insanely powerful.

    @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  10. Yuki’s breath became uneven as Crow dipped in further to get close with her. This feeling of being close with person you was only something that she had dreamed of in her teenage years. The last few months have been some of the weirdest feelings that she would probably experience in her entire life. The number of friends that she had made in such a short time not to mention the realization of how much she preferred men to women. Her thoughts raced as Crozeph’s breath beat against her cheek.

    A peck of his lips against her head nullified and hesitation that she was holding in. His words had melted her heart, there was no time to debate if what she was about to do was even a good idea. Her arm roped behind Crow’s head, hand grasping at the dark, short locks. A faint voice could barely be heard over the downpour. “Chris...”

    And with that, Yuki escalate their scene by pressing her lips to his. The softness of her kiss landed onto Crow.

    Time seemed to stand still in that moment. Up until now, Yuki hadn't kissed anyone. In the heat of the moment, her body had moved on it own. Once their lips parted, Yuki adjusted her position into Crow’s lap. Her face towards him flushed deeply red after that experience, but a warm smile across her cheek, she wrapped her legs around his core and placed her head into his chest. She closed her eyes and contemplated something - anything - to say. Sooner or later, the only thing that she could fall on was the simplest phrase one could use in thid situation.

    ”I love you.”


  11. The paladin smiled lightly, looking at the muddy wet ground just outside her wooden patio. If there was any better time to tell him about her secret, it would have to be now. It something that she was entitled to keep a secret to the one she loved. Especially one that meant so much to her. Only a few people know about this, but it was time she told Crow. He deserved to know. When she spoke to him next, the tone of her voice deepened slightly past her normally soft, peppy tone.

    "Chris. I... I am not a natural born woman. I was born as a boy, but have been in treatment to change my sex for over 3 years now. In the real world, I am still male, but here the system has picked my model to be female. I don't want to be a boy, so I have to change my body. My legal name is Mikoto, Jun. I feel like it is a stretch to ask you something so selfish, but: Can you please love someone like me?" Her hand wrapped around Crow's, her body relaxing into his chest. Her eyes closed for a moment soaking in the quiet of the rainfall, letting Crozeph ruminate on her secret. After a moment, she would open her eyes and look up at him, tilting her head backwards to see his face.


  12. T1 LD III Dessert


    Name: Ice Cream Mochi
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 154357[12/7]; 154354[12/4]; 154350[12/6]; 154349[10/4]
    Item Type: Desserts
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Die III
    Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
    Post Link: [Here]

    T1 ACC II Desserts


    Name: Strawberry Ice Cream
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 154356;-1[7/15]; 154358;-1;-2[8/17]
    Item Type: Desserts
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: ACC II
    Description: A bowl of Ice Cream with actual strawberries.
    Post Link: [Here]


  13. There was no will to fight anymore. Her friends, Night and Arabelle continued to believe that there was something that they could do to end this hell, but nothing. No matter what the players did, they would never be able to best the Rain Minion's perfect defense and as long as it was alive, no one would be getting out of this game. Yuki's eyes watered. There was nothing that she could do no matter what. She didn't have the strength and her tanking abilities were completely useless in this situation.

    Another flex from the boss and ear piercing squeal came, effectively lowering all their HP by another half. Yuki had basically become level 1 again. What was going to happen to them? This sick twisted lie wasn't something that she could put up with any more. The girl crouched down, her head huddled in her hands and tears streaming down her cheeks. "I don't want anyone to die! I don't wanna die! What do I do?!"

    [No Action]

    @NIGHT @Arabelle

  14. Black.Rider.full.2208377.jpgThe fire soon put out, the paladin groans as she forces herself to stand. A mix of fatigue and the feeling of electric currents being sent through her form were enough to make her want to lay in the charred grass for another three hours if she could. But the boss would respawn if she didn't move and try to kill her again. That was enough motivation to get her off the ground. She looked as though she could barely stand.

    First thing was first, she needed to return Basilisk Bane to it's rightful owner. Grabbing hold of the armor, it discharged a jolt of electricity in multiple directions. Yuki's arm was free of the grounded metal armor and nothing was left but charred skin on her model. No blood could be seen since players can't bleed, but the game was still able to replicate burns. The gauntlet she wore with her armor had been almost completely eaten by the heat. It slipped off her hand and fell into the grass. It wouldn't be usable without some refitting and fixing. That was to say for her entire set of armor at this point. The only piece that remained somewhat usable was the off-handed shoulder piece that barely got any taste of the lightning. Yuki's cape was charred to nothing and the lather pieces under her metal braces was cut and melted.

    Her arm hung limp in the air in front of her. The paralysis effected seemed to be only affecting the condition onto her arm that held the Bane. She gave the other girl a fierce grin reassuring her that she would be alright if allowed some time to rest. "G-Good... We're done." Was all she could say.



    SP: 4 quest; 1 page; 1 event
    Col: 6,200 per player
    Bialas Statue

    Yuki and Night unlock access to the Scent's Statues!


  15. When Crow brought up her unexpected hugs, Yuki pulled her free hand around the boy's upper frame, squeezing him tightly. She didn't know if that counter as unexpected for him, but she knew that he would appreciate it nonetheless. After a moment, she let go of Crozeph and continued to eat her food. It was around now that the rain was starting to pick up outside. The downpour started soft, but then came with more ferocity after a few minutes. Yuki got up from her seat and headed to the door, opening the sliding frame to see the falling water crashing with the morning coolness. She looked back at Crow, adjusting her falling pants before they revealed any more than they should to him.

    "I love the rain." She started, taking a deep breath and admiring the bad weather in front of her. "It soothes your weary muscles and has the feel in the air that just relaxes your body. Even still in this digital world I can feel the rain washing away my troubles. My real world problems are so far, yet they still feel so present. I've been throwing myself at everything in this game to avoid having to think about it. Forcing myself to think only about survival. Now that we're here Crow, I want you to know more about me, I want you to know that even though this world is digital and fake, my feelings are not." The girl took a seat just on the inside of the door frame, well away from the splashing of rain on her patio. She closed her eyes and though about everything that was happening in the world outside of this one. Then she remembered a crucial detail that she would have to reveal to Crozeph sooner or later. How was she going to tell him about her biggest secret without freaking him out.

    "So... Chris... I have a secret that could alter your opinion on me. I'm... worried. So I'll ask you: Do you want to know my greatest secret?"

  16. Continuing her screams of fake pain, the paladin struggled to battle with the Taneuma to ensure that it wouldn't hurt her vulnerable ally. The lightning was beginning to destroy her clothing at this rate, charging the cloth of leather and setting not only her cape ablaze, but beginning to melt some of the pieces of armor that she retained. The durability of her items would need to be checked after this and fixed but it was a small price to pay for being the tank that she needs to be in this moment.

    Soon, Night was moving again, and the horse was panicking. Finally, it was able to buck the pink haired girl off it's back and charge for NIght. At least she had stalled enough time to ensure that paralysis wouldn't take her friend the same way it had done her. The pinkette laid in the grass weak as could be. A fire had started on her cape and would soon travel to her hair if it got any worse, but she was too weak to move, yet again.


    Taneuma | HP: 15/1500 -(1) | DMG: 275 | MIT: 75 | BURNING (36) [2/2] | BLIGHTED (72) [2/2] | BLEEDING (36) [2/2]

    [10] NIGHT | HP: 886/1085 -(275-18) | EN: 71/104 (+1)| DMG: 25 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3 | PARALYZED
    [9] Zajcica | HP: 546/980 | EN: 82/92 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 111 | EVA: -1 | REC: 2 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 29 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | PARA-IMMUNE

  17. Yuki was happy to see Night get out of the way, but things got urgent the moment she saw the critical proc. Night's body seized and writhed against the ground as fought with the paralysis. The tank wasn't going to allow the Taneuma to make a mockery of her friend, and definitely not let it attack her without doing something.

    With quite the unnatural speed for her hefty build, the paladin rushed into battle and rammed her shield's fist into the equine's face right where Jack's Executioner had found it's way into it's body. Grabbing hold of the beast, electricity cackled as the lighting found with the grounding conduction on Yuki's right hand. Electricity surged through her body and would have easily killed her in the real world. Even still should could feel the placebo of pain reach through her actual feelings as though she was feeling that bit of pain. "K-aaaaaahhhh!" It was a natural response when one body was flooded with several dozens of gigawatts of electricity.


    Taneuma | HP: 160/1500 (-1) | DMG: 275 | MIT: 75 | BURNING (36) [1/2] | BLIGHTED (72) [1/2] | BLEEDING (36) [1/2]

    [10] NIGHT | HP: 856/1085 (+30) | EN: 70/104 (+1, -10) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [6] Zajcica | HP: 546/980 | EN: 72/92 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 111 | EVA: -1 | REC: 2 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 29 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | PARA-IMMUNE

  18. Yuki never enjoyed sitting on the sidelines to watch damage players fight when she could be in the fight taking damage but it just wasn't her place this time. Ariel was more than capable of handling these mobs and she showed it in her amazing display of power through fallen and single target damage. The paladin was actually pretty impressed compared to her area of attack damage. It really showed how strong swords were compared to using lower level ones like she does.

    Finally, the paladin's Health bar ticked back up to completely full, signifying that she would be able to re-enter the battle at a moment's notice when Ariel needed it. Not yet, however. She didn't want to get in the lioness's way just yet. She was in her rhythm and Yuki trying to interrupt the battle to take aggro might only mess things up for her. Bide her time and pounce when necessary.

  19. The paladin looked in the palm of her hand at the tiny crystal. Night really loved these things, but they certainly were useful for these extremely powerful bosses. If she was going to not take hits for her knight, then at least she could help her in other ways. Taking the time to arm the little performer catalyst for music, she launched it, coming up to a sitting position. The crystal landed in the mud near the lake, playing it's piano tune and weakening the monster however it was supposed to based on it's effect.

    Watching Night fight, she couldn't risk taking any more attacks on the boss until her HP regenerated at least a little bit. However, Night would surely see it to the afterlife by that time. "B-Be careful please." The pink haired girl pleaded of her friend as she rose to her feet, still feeling the placebo of pain from the attack to her chest.



    Yuki uses Der Flohwalzer (1) -- [ Hypnosis II | -2 ACC to one enemy for one battle. ]

    Taneuma | HP: 581/1500 | DMG: 275 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 (-2)

    [8] NIGHT | HP: 926/1085 -(275+2) | EN: 79/104 (+1, -9) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXVM: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [3] Zajcica | HP: 546/980 (+29) | EN: 81/92 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 111 | EVA: -1 | REC: 2 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 29 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | PARA-IMMUNE


  20. Yuki made sure Night was out of the way before making her next attack. The para-immune equipment sat against her wrist, ready to absorb the electricity like a grounder. Raising her fist in the air, the paladin slammed it into the horse's face. Electricity formed around Basilisk Bane again, eating all the element into the armor and storing it to ensure it's wielder felt no effect from the shocks.

    That didn't mean that the Bane could save her from feeling the force of the equine's kick. It jumped once again, slamming it's hooved feet into Yuki's chest and sending her through the fire lit grass on to her stomach. She struggled to right her position for a moment. The Taneuma turned to meet her direction as well, gearing up to charge the paladin with it's next strike. Hopefully the paladin could work up the strength to pull herself off the ground before it came in stomped her head into the dirt.

    Yuki's was worried. Thinking back to what Mari said about unexpected occurrences, could she really risk taking another hit? Through her battered voice she barely choked out: "N-Night... Switch, please..."



    Activating Switch with Night

    Taneuma | HP: 831/1500 (-56) | DMG: 275 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 | STUN-IMMUNE | PARA-IMMUNE | LIGHTNING STRIKE | CONDUCTIVE

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 1085/1085 | EN: 87/104 (+1, -9) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [8] Zajcica | HP:
    517/980  | EN: 81/92 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 111 | EVA: -1 | REC: 2 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 29 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | PARA-IMMUNE

    LIGHTNING STRIKE: Player paralyzed on BD 9-10.
    CONDUCTIVE: On Taneuma's MD 9-10 and CD6+, Taneuma will deal 300 unmitigatable damage to the player with the highest hate.


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