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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Yuki was glad that she hadn't pressed her to reveal the context of the name she had chosen to be known as in the game. A time machine would have been nice to have so she could change that name to something much less embarrassing. She didn't have much time to think about that since another group of wolves came through the thicket, and it looked as though they brought the alpha with them this time around.

    Yuki reached for her spear to reform in her hand just as Ariel told her to sit this one out. It was probably best for her to wait until Ariel killed some of them off after taking the damage that she did from the last group. If she pushed to hard, things could get pretty dangerous. "Once you finish the smaller ones off, I'll help you fight the boss." She mentioned getting a little bit of distance from the battlefield so she could regenerate her health points for the finisher.


    OoC turns [1/2]


  2. Night sent the boss flying with a single strike of her Galaxy Destroyer. It was a trademark for her at this point, that was if she wasn't using Tempest to stun her targets. Yuki wasted no time at all keeping the pressure on this creature that was made completely out of electricity. Following the scared trail of heated lighting that set the grass on fire as the Taneuma barreled across the ground, she followed up with a punch from her other hand, the one that had Basilisk's Bane equipped. Her mark was just barely missed as the Taneuma stood much more quickly than expected.

    Holding her arms in front of her in a cross between her chest and the horse's hind legs, Night's loaned armor was doing her wonders in absorbing the electrical shocks of the Taneuma's strikes. She was beginning to really appreciate this armor for that reason alone.


    Taneuma | HP: 1137/1500 (-56) | DMG: 275 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 0 (2, -2)

    [1] NIGHT | HP: 1085/1085 | EN: 95/104 (-9) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [5] Zajcica | HP: 652/980 (275-111)+29| EN: 80/92 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 111 | EVA: -1 | REC: 2 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 29 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | PARA-IMMUNE | SHIELD BASH: [3/3]



    Grounded: Stuns and Paralysis cannot effect «Taneuma»

    Lightning Strike: When a player rolls a natural attack roll of 9-10, «Taneuma» will send out an electric shock, causing paralysis to the player

    Conductive: If «Taneuma» rolls a natural attack roll of 9-10 and rolls a 6+ on the CD, «Taneuma» will knock the player with the highest hate into water, then cause a shock to go throughout the water, dealing 300 Unmitigatable damage.


  3. Yuki held her shield up for cover until Ariel delivered the final blow to send it packing. She could have swore she saw a unique skill hit somewhere in there. That poor wolf is probably still reeling even as data in the Cardinal.

    With the threat under control and the both of them in a safe situation, the tank moved her spear back into her hammer-space and sighed in relief. Then Ariel made sure to remind her of the name she had been using for a username. A sly blush formed on her face as she thought about it. She wasn't really proud of the name. Maybe she could tip toe around its meaning and Ariel would be satisfied with that like Mari was.

    "It's a European word I used for a username, Slovenian to be exact. I use Yuki be cause it's my name and has a much nicer meaning than the other one. You pronounce it Zay-chi-sah, if you really must call me by that name."

  4. Yuki watched the lightning storm cover the area of the lake. Jolts of mini lightning leaders stemmed with bright flashes into the lake as the final beast of the Scents of the Wild appeared before the two players. It's gait unmatched, it charged down from the darkened clouds, landing with a crash of lightning around the two players. The paladin's hair stood on end. This boss was nothing to be messed with.

    "I'm going in." The paladin said, knowing that she would have to take the lead and attack first so that her knight can take the follow up attack without worrying about getting hit with heavy damage. Pulling back her armored fist, she rushed through the grass, passing over currents of electricity without a problem thanks to Night's loan. While the Taneuma was getting itself ready, the girl's fist collided with it's face. Her hand sparked with lightning against the enemies mane of electric current. The jolt went up her arm and absorbed into Basilisk's Bane, stunning her for a slight second before freeing her of a paralysis effect, however, her's had not activated either. "Sh*t."


    [4]Yuki | HP: 845/980 (-275-111)+29 | EN: 82/92 | DMG: 1 | MIT:111 | EVA: -1 | REC: 1 | H.M.: 1 | THRNS: 56 | TAUNT | PARA: 2 | PARA IMMUNE | BH:29 | DoT -25%+25%(First)

    Taneuma: 1444/1500 -(30-75)+56 | DMG: 275 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2



    Grounded: Stuns and Paralysis cannot effect «Taneuma»

    Lightning Strike: When a player rolls a natural attack roll of 9-10, «Taneuma» will send out an electric shock, causing paralysis to the player

    Conductive: If «Taneuma» rolls a natural attack roll of 9-10 and rolls a 6+ on the CD, «Taneuma» will knock the player with the highest hate into water, then cause a shock to go throughout the water, dealing 300 Unmitigatable damage.


  5. There was no time to be talking about names yet, there was still an enemy alive. Yuki quickly jumped past her companion and stopped it from sneak attacking her barely. It's rabid jaws almost connected directly with Yuki's nose as her attack nearly sent her to the ground. The urgency to get between the two of them and take the hit was most of the reason she nearly connected with the ground. Throwing the boss away from Ariel, Yuki turns to the two-handed spear user and grins. "I'll tell you after we finish this last enemy off. Looks like he's resisting even with only a few bits of health points remaining."

    Yuki took a defensive stance as the wolf paced around her looking for any break in her armor to land a good hit. If it did do that, it wouldn't realize that it would be the last mistake it ever made.


     [5]Yuki: 662/840 +9 | 60/78 | DMG: 9 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
     [4]Ariel: 1490/1490 | 111/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate

    Warg Wolf 1: 15/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1


    << Sonic Fangs >> : Many Rapid Bites inflicted on the Player with the most hate. Deals 225 DMG on CD:10+
    << Protect the Alpha! >> : Warg Wolves place themselves in a position to protect their leader. <<BloodBane>> [if present] may not be targeted or hit while at least 1 <<Warg Wolf>> still lives.


  6. Yuki scratched the back of her head. She was feeling even more unsure about this boss the more that they talked about it. Especially with Paralyze being a factor. The paladin thought about her options and sighed. This wasn't the same as the serpent. The snake wouldn't have the damage to kill her if it wanted to, this thing could actually murder her if they weren't careful. "Yes." She said taking the paralytic immunity item that was offered to her. Contemplating the choice at which item she would have to remove, she looked over at Night and gave her a smile.

    "Thank you for the concern. I won't take any chances with this boss. I don't feel safe with us going in almost completely un-buffed. If we can't finish it, we come back ready for this boss with a full set of buffs and take it for a walk. Easy."


    Travel Post: 2/3

    Yuki trades out Trap of Argalia for Basilisk's Bane.


  7. Yuki subconsciously moved slightly closer to Crozeph, resting her side on his and leaning her head against his shoulder. Her curled hand around his was beginning to get warm. The morning hadn't quiet woken her to the point of staying awake, so it seemed as though she was about to fall asleep again leaning against him. She pulled Crozeph's hand into her lap and closed her eyes, breathing slowly and quietly. The food was hardly on her mind right now, as much as she needed to eat.

    Rubbing her pink hair against Crow's clothing, the girl spoke quietly. "I've never had a chance to experience a feeling like this Chris. I love it. I don' think I could have asked for anything greater than this, even if we haven't decided to take this relationship to the next level, at least formally. I'm not sure if you want to call me your girlfriend, or if you want me to call you my boyfriend or anything like that, but in the time I've known you, I want to continue going until we're comfortable with those terms, if you are okay with that."


  8. Yuki took a moment to head back into her room and change into her armor. She only just realized how awkward it was that she undressed in front of Night. The standard for her wasn't the same since she was still used to walking around shirtless in her own home. Once she had her armor on, her shoulders seemed to grow three sizes bigger thanks to the cape and the pauldrons that protected her tiny frame.

    "Sorry about that, didn't think." She said walking over to her fridge and pulling out more copies of the granola bars and juice boxes and moving them over to her own inventory, just in case Night wanted more. Her and Crozeph seemed to always be swooning over her cooking. That was why she never emptied the fridge of vanity items. "If you say so, I guess. I don't understand why, but you have your reasons. If it gets dangerous, then we'll teleport out."

  9. Ariel wasn't outputting the amount of damage she expected, but it was still much more than Yuki could accomplish. She would complain about it of course. Eyeing that weaker target, she activated her sword art again, slashing that target and leading each next attack into it's next target. This time, she was able to hit every single target. Drawing almost all of them to look at her. Thankfully, one of the targets had dissolved back into the Cardinal.

    "There we go. That was pretty easy." Yuki commented as the polygon's flew back into the ether. These enemies did some dangerous damage though and that was somewhat worrisome. What would the boss be dealing if these guys were tearing through her? "I might have to sit out the fight with the boss. Will you be okay to fight it without a tank? Well, I guess you would be since you were intended on coming her alone, hunh?"


    [4/7/6/4] Yuki: 653/840 (175-112)+8 | 60/78 | DMG: 9 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [4/4/4/4] Ariel: 1488/1490 | 146/146 | 79 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate

    Warg Wolf 1: 109/500 -(6*4-20) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1
    Warg Wolf 2: 77/500 -(6*4-20+24) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | BLEED: (24)[0/2]
    Warg Wolf 3: 89/500 -(6*4-20) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 
    Warg Wolf 4: 40/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | BLEED: (24)[0/2]


    << Sonic Fangs >> : Many Rapid Bites inflicted on the Player with the most hate. Deals 225 DMG on CD:10+
    << Protect the Alpha! >> : Warg Wolves place themselves in a position to protect their leader. <<BloodBane>> [if present] may not be targeted or hit while at least 1 <<Warg Wolf>> still lives.


  10. "No, I don't have any laundry out right now." She reassured him, but she seemed to pick up on his sadness. Moving over to the side that Crow was sitting on, the girl looked down at his hand sitting on the table and took it in her own hand, hoping that this wouldn't be an invasion of his privacy. A blush formed on her face as the embarrassment began to wash over her. "You aren't alone here. Don't worry." She said resting her head against the two hands and smiling, her face still red across the cheeks.

    When his mood changed back to a smile, the girl seemed a little more brightened up. She pulled her head up off her hand and scoot the plate of food over to her, keeping her grip on his hand if he would continue to grasp hers. "It's been years since I woke up to someone in my house... Thank you for being here."


  11. With her shirt back on, Yuki looked over at the quest details that were on Night's HUD. It was easily the most dangerous boss that they would be facing in this entire quest line. This was the last one that they needed to do, then they could use the benefits of the statues of the wilds. That health boosting one had caught her eye.

    But what caught her ear was the fact that Night wanted to go unbuffed. Why? She felt like they had barely gotten through the puma, but maybe Night wont freak out like she did. "Why go in unbuffed if I struggled with taking damage from the puma? Are you sure you're going to be able to beat it? Oh, well I guess that's why you want me to bring teleportation crystal."

    Looking over at the fridge, Yuki opened it's menu showing the contents. She pointed to the total of vanity food - "325 Vanity Foods"

    "Take anything you want."

  12. The paladin rubbed her eyes as she transferred the plate of food over to the kotatsu with Crow. While she felt like they were on a pretty good touchy-feely ground, she didn't want to make him feel awkward with the constant contact. She sat to his side on the kotatsu, making sure to get her feet under the cover. It was breezy, so she made sure to turn the heater on low. 

    "I think it's going to start raining soon." Yuki mentioned before stuffing one of the perfectly cook sausages in her mouth. It was seasoned perfectly for the food that they were eating even though Yuki was barely ten minutes awake. It had come as natural as breathing to her at this point. The eggs that Crozeph had made were pretty good. He at least knew how to make simple things pretty good. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to show him the ropes so he could make vanity food for himself.

    "We can just stay here and relax." She mentioned remembering the events of what happened with Mari the day before. If there was something she needed right now, it was a break away from this death game. "I... I don't want to do anything but relax with you. I haven't taken a day to relax since I started this game. No better person to share it with." She gave him another warm smile and bit into the eggs he made her.


  13. Yuki readied her own spear just as quickly as her damage counterpart. She had nowhere near the experience that Ariel did, but she's done this song and dance more than enough times to fend for herself. Activating the light pink energy in her sword art, the power hummed with a low growl. With a solid swipe through every single target, the paladin had done not nearly enough damage compared to Ariel, but was able to activate bleed.

    With retaliation, the wolves slashed at the tank angrily. Claw marks appeared over her arms and chest, lowering her health smidgen. The attackers found themselves regretting the attacks when thorns ate at their green bars bringing the entire lot into the yellow color. She grinned at her success. "Don't worry about me. I can fight too! I think I weakened them enough for you to kill them with your next attack. It might be close."

    (154070 is Warg Wolf 1)

    [1/4/3/4] Yuki: 705/840 -(175-112)+9 | 78/78 | DMG: 9 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [2/2/2/2] Ariel: 1488/1490 -(175-79+92) | 146/146 | 19 (+4) | AA +6(7) BD | BH+HB: 92 | +5 LD | +1 Hate

    Warg Wolf 1: 284/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1
    Warg Wolf 2: 256/500 -(8*4+24) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | BLEED: (24)[1/2]
    Warg Wolf 3: 244/500 -(6*4) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 
    Warg Wolf 4: 192/500 -(8*4+24+56) | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | BLEED: (24)[1/2]

  14. Astolfo (Fate/Apocrypha) (With images) | Astolfo fateThe peering daylight was shining through the open outside door on the other side from where Crozeph knocked. The girl groaned heavily as consciousness came back to her. Her thoughts were muddied from just waking, but she could barely hear Crozeph's voice muffled through the thin door frame. Lifting her head, the woman looked over at the door to see his darkened silhouette of the boy.

    "Crow... Wath tim is iht?" The girl squinted her eyes to look at her HUD seeing that it's currently 6am. Honestly, she just wanted to go back to bed at this point, but she could faintly smell some eggs or something. Crozeph seems to have made breakfast which was nice of him, but usually she prefers to make her own food. Not that she was going to decline him or anything.

    Finally, the paladin rose from her bed and stretched her back out. With a loud yawn, she looked out to the sky of the open door. It was nice right now, but it seemed like it was going to rain soon. The moisture was in the air. Her pajamas draped down low on her body, some of the baggiest clothes that she owned. She closed the outside door to her room and made her way to the second door that lead into the hallway of her home where Crozeph was waiting. Her eyes seemed tired and a bit out of focus.

    "Mroning." The girl said giving him a quick, tired hug before making her way to the kitchen to see what he had decided to cook up for them. Eggs and coffee. Not bad. A simple meal that he did good enough on. Though it was missing some things, Yuki's voice cleared up as she began to speak again. "You made eggs but there's nothing good to soak up the yolk of the egg like bread or biscuits. Also, the dish lacks a main focus. Sausage or bacon would have been a good addition." She naturally starts putting sausage on the stove along with toasting some bread. It was a natural thing, not that she was trying to belittle Crozeph's attempt cause the eggs looked fine.

    "The eggs aren't bad though. Thank you for the thought." Within no time the other pieces of the meal were done and now it was a breakfast with some reasonable girth to it. "There you go. That looks a lot more tasty, doesn't it?" She said with a smile.


  15. 6 minutes ago, Iron_Lion said:


    [Name]: Glowing Healing Salve
    [Your profession]: Alchemist
    [Your Rank]: 1
    [Roll ID]: 153963
    [Roll Result]: CD: 11
    [Item Type]: Salve
    [Tier]: 1
    [Quality]: Rare
    [Enhancements]: 2 HP Recovery [+40 HP]
    [Description]: A small tray the size of an adult's palm containing teal blue salve which smells like moderately cooked mushrooms. The salve is made of a bone meal paste with glow shroom spores mixed into it.
    [Post Link]:


    [Name]: Glowing Scented Salve
    [Your profession]: Alchemist
    [Your Rank]: 1
    [Roll ID]: 153963
    [Roll Result]: CD: 12
    [Item Type]: Salve
    [Tier]: 1
    [Quality]: Perfect
    [Enhancements]: 1 Pheromones [+1 CD Taming Familiar]
    [Description]: A small tray the size of an adult's palm containing a somewhat glowing teal blue salve which smells like well cooked mushrooms. The salve is made of a bone meal paste with glow shroom spores mixed into it.
    [Post Link]:



  16. Yuki scratched the back of her and looked down at the black shirt she was wearing. Where did she even get this shirt again? Hell she couldn't even remember at this point.

    "Uh... Is it your shirt?" She asked, genuinely stumped. How would she have gotten one of Night's shirts? When? "Wait, when did I even get this shirt." She pulled the shirt out to inspect it more. Not satisfied with what she was seeing at this angle, she removes the shirt from her person, leaving her in nothing but her sweatpants and a tube top that sat on her loosely. Looking for anything that could signify who had ownership of this shirt. After careful thought she remembered that all items have tags showed who created them and who owned them. She opened the description for the item showed that the item did, in fact, belong to the paladin and was made by some low rank tailor in the town of beginnings who's name she couldn't even recognize if she tried. She must have acquired this shirt before she started leveling. "It's mine." She said, throw the shirt back on sipping her drink carefully.

  17. She was actually pretty surprised when Ariel said that just being Tier 3 was well enough to go join the floor boss. Maybe she was over estimating the boss raids after all. Thought the way Ariel was making it sound was like she had a hard time adjusting to it.

    "I'm worried to be honest." The girl started. "I want to move up as quickly as possible to help the progress go more smoothly, but I fear for my own life. I can't do hardly any damage, even if it's not supposed to be my focus and I'm no where on par with other tank players right now. I'll be lucky if these monsters don't maul me. I guess I would be if it weren't for the fact that I was bringing a pretty strong companion like you along with me."

    Moving through the canopy of dark, gloomy trees the duo finds themselves face to face with the warg they were searching for. Blood Bane was not present.

    Yuki: 840/840 | 78/78 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 112 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]

    Warg Wolf 1: 500/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1
    Warg Wolf 2: 500/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1
    Warg Wolf 3: 500/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1
    Warg Wolf 4: 500/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 20 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1


    << Sonic Fangs >> : Many Rapid Bites inflicted on the Player with the most hate. Deals 225 DMG on CD:10+
    << Protect the Alpha! >> : Warg Wolves place themselves in a position to protect their leader. <<BloodBane>> [if present] may not be targeted or hit while at least 1 <<Warg Wolf>> still lives. 


  18. Even though she put out her apology, she didn't really think that Mari would accept it then and there and likely wouldn't want anything to do with her right now. The girl looked pretty defeated at this point with a sinking expression on her face. She sighed quietly as she turned from Mari and started heading back to the safe zone. She knew better than to try and continue arguing with the ginger haired DPS when she was riled up like this.

    As she was walking away, though, she couldn't keep herself from saying one thing to her. "You could be nice... but you're not... I like that you won't sugar coat your feelings to save face. I'm sorry again." And with that, the pink-haired tank rushed back to the safe zone. After that, she really just wanted to go home and sleep for hours. There was so much she still needed to do, but perhaps Mari was right. She needed to take a break before she melted down from the tension... 

    When she made it back to the safe zone, she opened her menu and started to compose a message to Crozeph.


  19. Astolfo (Fate/Apocrypha) (With images) | Astolfo fateYuki came out of her bedroom dressed in the most normal clothing that Night had ever seen her wear. It looked like she must have been hot under her blanket and like she had just barely woken up. She lifted the over sized, black t-shirt and fanned the heat out from her chest, which was much more toned than Night probably thought it was. Not like she would be thinking about those kind of things anyway.

    "Ngiht, mroning." The girl was barely able to respond to her friend's concern. She needed something to wake her up, so she walked past Night heading into her kitchen and opening the fridge door to find something she had made with caffeine in it. After taking a quick drink, the girl shook off her morning woes and looked back to her friend. "Sorry, yeah, I always have a teleport crystal in my inventory. Is the next one that dangerous?"




    Level: 46
    HP: 980/980
    EN: 92/92

    Damage: 9
    Mitigation: 111
    Evasion: -1
    BH: 29
    BLD: 24
    H.M.: 1
    THRNS: 36+20
    PARA: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Trap of Argalia (T2/Perfect/OHAS): Bleed 1, Damage 2
    Armor: Charlemagne (T2/Perfect/Heavy): Heavy Momentum 1, Thorns 2
    Misc: Braced Reproach (T2/Perfect/Shield): Taunt 1, Paralyze 2

    One Handed Assualt Spear [Rank 3]
    Heavy Armor [Rank 5]
    Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
    Block [Rank 3]
    Battle Healing [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Defender

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal*1
    Immolation Potion+1*10 < Using

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]


  20. Yuki followed behind the front liner, eager to learn anything she can from her. She had gotten her chance to learn from Shield what the front lines are like, but she always loved varied opinions on subjects. 

    "Yeah, I don't think I'll have what I need to be ready for the floor 25 boss raid. I'm still well off the level to come and join you guys on the front lines, of course. And I don't quite have the gear I need for it just yet. Perhaps if I pull a miracle and level up 25 levels and get some unique equipment, I might be able to join this boss raid. It's dangerous for sure, so I don't want to rush myself into the fray without being prepared. Would it be imposing if I asked you what your level is, and what level you think is good time to start thinking about joining floor boss raids? I'm not really sure when that sort of level should be. I was assuming around level 60-70."

    @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  21. The feeling between them was tense, something like she was feeling with Mari lately, and she definitely didn't want their relationship to reenact her last visit with the orange player. After a moment, she was about to try and divert the conversation from that when Night spoke first. An apology, that she didn't feel was entirely warranted. She didn't necessarily ignore the danger, just maybe had forgotten about her friend for a moment. Night had always been there for her when she was in danger, though so she wasn't going to fuss about it.

    "Hey, there's no need to worry about that." Yuki smiled, throwing her arm over the other girls shoulder for a moment. "Honestly, I found your passion for cats kind of cute. It would be hypocritical of me to judge you for your passions when I'm guilty of it too. I didn't even trickle below 50% so I wasn't worried. We've only got one more of these quests to do, right? Let's go get it finished so I can get the statue's benefits and get a little more tougher. Then maybe we can come back and see this boss again. Give you a bit more time to look at the cat without their being much of a sense of danger for me.

  22. It seems that Night had just gotten a look at her health bar just as it ticked back up to full. The scratch marks faded from her body and she was feeling better almost instantly. She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "That looked a little more than 'Just a little bit' to me. Looked like quite a bit."

    Yuki was fine up to this point, as she could have taken a few more hits, though, she was beginning to worry about her companions interest with the beast overtaking her priority of the tank's safety. Her weapon formed back into the ether as the paladin turned on her heel and walked out towards the exit. She wanted to get out of here before the boss respawned and they had to fight it again.

    Back in the darkness, the two walked back through the temple and made there way into the exit.

  23. When the two girls go their feet, Night attempted to help the paladin to her feet, but when the tiny familiar jumped free of her kit Night's crip on Yuki ceased causing her to fall to the ground, again. She laid there quietly, still feeling a bit of the painful claw marks stinging her back. She didn't need to attack it anyway, she was going to kill it or Yuki would just tank another attack until her companion realized that she was about to die.

    As she fanfare played, signifying their triumph over the beast, Yuki continued with her face laying against the stone. The girl sighed quietly as the pain in her back finally settled enough to stop stinging. She slowly got herself up into a sitting position as Night looked rather upset that she had to kill the big fluffy, albeit terrifying, opponent. She couldn't really muster much to say other than: "So... You seem to really like cats. A lot."

  24. Night, basically spooning the over sized Nyanko at this point, was able to catch the beast before it stealthed away from them. That was good at least. She wished she would just finish the thing off at this point, any longer the she prolonged this fight was longer that the beast had to suffer under that a suddenly amazing vice grip.

    While she had the moment, Yuki wouldn't waste her attack. She lit up her sword art and attempted to stab the pinned monster to the ground. Unfortunately, even with it being downed and pinned it was able to dodge her attack. It clawed at her leg, causing her to fall on to Night and giving it the moment that it needed to be freed from the girls insane choke hold. It didn't waste any time at clawing the living sh*t out of Yuki's back while she tried to recover from the fall.



    Suterusu | HP: 232/1000 (-56) | DMG: 250 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 | STEALTHED | CUNNING DODGE

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 1085/1085 | EN: 88/104 (+1) | DMG: 25 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXVM: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [3] Zajcica | HP: 570/960 (-130) | EN: 84/90 | DMG: 17 (9+6, +2) | MIT: 111 | ACC: -1 | EVA: -1 | BLD: 24 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 9 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | Shield Bash: [1/3]

    STEALTH: Every three rounds, «Suterusu» will enter stealth. An LD rating is not needed to be rolled for this, and it has a base stealth of 18. If the player is unable to find «Suterusu», «Suterusu» will leap from stealth and attack, gaining a +50 damage for the attack. Also, if a 9-10 is rolled, it gains a Partial Phase, ignoring 25% of Mitigation. This will happen every 4 turns.
    CUNNING DODGE: On a player's natural attack roll of 9, it is not guaranteed as a hit, and is still affected by Evasion and Accuracy.


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