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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. On 6/15/2020 at 1:13 PM, Bistro said:
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  2. Yuki couldn't help but chuckle a little as the little cat familiar reacted poorly to her master's affection towards the bigger cat. However, she wasn't about to lower her defense the same way that Night was. That went against everything that she valued in combat. (Which was not ending up dead.)

    Since her Shield Bash was on cool down, she would have to resort to her regular sword arts instead. The golden, white lance hummed with a soft pink energy. The creature was already annoyed with the two enough with Night's constant swooning. It swiped at them both, missing Night, but nailing the tank across the best with it's claw. Her HP was getting close to half now, which was making her a bit nervous. She would be glad when the thing was put down for good, but maybe Night will feel differently about that. Surely she wouldn't falter and let her get closer to death for a big cat.



    Suterusu | HP: 288/1000  | DMG: 250 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1

    [3] NIGHT | HP: 1085/1085 | EN: 87/104 (+1, -9) | DMG: 25 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXVM: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [2] Zajcica | HP: 700/960  | EN: 87/90 | DMG: 13 (9+2, +2) | MIT: 111 | ACC: -1 | EVA: -1 | BLD: 24 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 9 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | 
    Shield Bash: [2/3]

    [2/3]STEALTH: Every three rounds, «Suterusu» will enter stealth. An LD rating is not needed to be rolled for this, and it has a base stealth of 18. If the player is unable to find «Suterusu», «Suterusu» will leap from stealth and attack, gaining a +50 damage for the attack. Also, if a 9-10 is rolled, it gains a Partial Phase, ignoring 25% of Mitigation. This will happen every 4 turns.
    CUNNING DODGE: On a player's natural attack roll of 9, it is not guaranteed as a hit, and is still affected by Evasion and Accuracy.


  3. Yuki recoiled at the pure loving reaction that came from Night. She didn't think about it, but the puma did resemble Nyanko quite a bit. She must absolutely adore cats then. Should have been apparent from her familiar of choice. Again, no snakes are fine in her books.

    That all being said, she really hopes that Night will forgive her for trying to murder the beast before it kills her. This time, she would switch it up. She had just learned a new mod and wanted to use it in an actual fight with the gear she acquired from Shield forever ago. A full armed gauntlet that was enough to cover her body for protection like a shield, but it's enhancements favored the shield bash.

    Rushing forward, the paladin reached forward with her free hand, balled it into a fist and attempted to deck the black cat in the face, and not Nyanko. It was just a little too agile for her though, stepping out of the way and clawing back at her with no problem whatsoever. Her fist connected with the stone ground, causing enough damage to send the stone's flying through cracks around her wrist. Whatever, she's just drawing aggro. Hopefully Night wouldn't falter and try to spare or something.



    Suterusu | HP: 588/1000 (-56) | DMG: 250 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 (3, -2) | STEALTH | CUNNING DODGE

    [1] NIGHT | HP: 1085/1085 | EN: 95/104  | DMG: 25 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | LD: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXVM: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3
    [2] Zajcica | HP: 700/960
    (-250-111)+9 | EN: 88/90 (2)| DMG: 11 (9, +2) | MIT: 111 | ACC: -1 | EVA: -1 | BLD: 24 | HM: 2 | THRNS: 56 | PARA: 8-10 | BH: 9 | DoT: -25%-25% | TAUNT | Shield Bash: [3/3]

    [2/3]STEALTH: Every three rounds, «Suterusu» will enter stealth. An LD rating is not needed to be rolled for this, and it has a base stealth of 18. If the player is unable to find «Suterusu», «Suterusu» will leap from stealth and attack, gaining a +50 damage for the attack. Also, if a 9-10 is rolled, it gains a Partial Phase, ignoring 25% of Mitigation. This will happen every 4 turns.
    CUNNING DODGE: On a player's natural attack roll of 9, it is not guaranteed as a hit, and is still affected by Evasion and Accuracy.


  4. The two quickly made there way to the exit. Once the gleaming light had settled on them, they notice that the area seemed to be a cut of garden that was the center of the temple. It was built into a ditch, making it somewhat difficult to find, but still provided a canopy for the sun to peak through. In the center was a pool of water that seemed to have collected rain water in a structure of stone. "This is interesting. At least we can see now." The paladin said, making sure that her weapon was ready.

    Once they had reached the pool of water, the stalker that had been watching them made it's move. Leaping from the shadows, the puma jumped on the paladin, slashing her back in surprise. Already ready for anything, the girl tried to strike back with her own weapon, but it was too fast for her. "[censored]. Well, at least it's not a f*cking snake."


    Zajcica:  Yuki | HP:830/960 (-250-111)+9 | EN:90/90 | DMG:9 | MIT:111 | EVA:-1 | BLD: 24 | H.M.: 1[Stack: 2DMG] | THRNS: 56 | TAUNT | PARA:2 | BH: 9 | DoT -25%+25%(First)

    Suterusu: 944/1000 (-56) | DMG: 250 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 3

  5. Yuki still didn't like this. Her unease stemmed from the jungle-like for. For some reason, her senses screamed nothing but a snake type boss again, only since they were on a higher floor, she was fearing that it would be stronger than the freakin' Hebi. Nothing scared her more than that honestly.

    At the offer of the two paths, Yuki really wanted to stay to the more well lit areas, but alas, she knew that this boss would be deeper into the temple wherever the darkness was. "I have a feeling the boss will be further down, unfortunately. It looks dark down there, makes me wish I actually brought a glow stone, but again I wasn't expecting a cave exploration." The duo walked down the steps into the darkness, instinctively, Yuki summoned her weapon. She couldn't help but worry that something was going to jump them and that it was going to paralyze and eat her.

    The hall was completely dark down the stairs, but still the illumination of the floor above helped them see a little further than five feet past their faces. The vines were much more dense down here as well, not to mention the roots that came out of the ceiling above them. The must be far enough under the ground to see tree roots that had made their way through the stone. "I can hardly see." The paladin complains, straining her eyes to see further in the pitch black.


    Exploring the Temple [2/3]


  6. "If that's the case, the boss might have varying appearances? That or their just playing tricks on you. I think I'm going to to underestimate this boss without much information, so let's be careful when we see it. Don't pull any punches. If it hurts more than the Colossus, we can't take it lightly." She began to map out a strategy in her head. Most of them proved to be just split the bosses attention while Night nuked it from a flank, but still she couldn't help but worry as they made their way out of the safe zone into the field.

    The quest guided them to the temple easily enough, however, from there, the objective only read "Explore the mysterious temple." She wasn't really liking this. "Everything about this is screaming my nerves. I don't like not knowing what I'm going to be fighting. Especially after what we just fought last time."


  7. <<Scent of the Wild: Puma>>

    The paladin stretched her back out when the two arrived at floor 20. They were five quests in on this line now and she was starting to wonder how many more there was. After their last encounter with the Colossus, she wasn't too eager to figure out what was coming next. "Nee, Night? What's next? You have the information on all the bosses for this quest line, I thought, so how many more do we have to do and what are going to fight. If it's as bad as the giant, I'm afraid to see what could be next in store."

    Floor 20 took a stark contrast to the rest of the green-covered floors below it. It was a giant jungle ridden with very jungle themed enemies: Big cats, insects and probably other similarly dangerous wildlife. Perhaps the next target was something themed off the jungle itself. That would be pretty interesting.


    Level: 45
    HP: 960/960
    EN: 90/90

    Damage: 9
    Mitigation: 111
    Evasion: -1
    BH: 9
    BLD: 24
    H.M.: 1
    THRNS: 36+20
    PARA: 2

    Equipped Gear
    Weapon: Trap of Argalia (T2/Perfect/OHAS): Bleed 1, Damage 2
    Armor: Charlemagne (T2/Perfect/Heavy): Heavy Momentum 1, Thorns 2
    Misc: Braced Reproach (T2/Perfect/Shield): Taunt 1, Paralyze 2

    One Handed Assualt Spear [Rank 3]
    Heavy Armor [Rank 5]
    Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
    Block [Rank 3]
    Battle Healing [Rank 1]

    Extra Skills
    Familiar Mastery: Defender

    Battle Ready Inventory
    Teleportation Crystal*1
    Immolation Potion+1*11 < Using

    Housing Buffs
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1](Used in this thread)


  8. As Night delivered the final strike to the Colossus, the head bowled over it's neck and down past it's chest. The girl clung to the giant's body as the head nearly took her down to earth with it. She sighed quietly as she realized she was safe enough at this point. Night warned her that they needed to get off of it before they fell to their death, something Yuki could get behind.

    The two of them rushed their climbing down as quick as possible to get off the thing before it collided with the ground. It's knees bucked into the dirt, causing it to shake violently enough to throw the paladin off as they were getting close to the ground. Night was much faster than her, so she got off easily. Yuki on the other hand wasn't quick enough. The shaking through her off and she fell to her back taking a bit more fall damage, but not nearly as bad as earlier. When the two reunited and the giant was completely gone, she gave her damage buddy a thumbs up. "Nailed it."



    SP: 3 Quest; 1 page; 1 event | NIGHT: 1 Yui's Grace
    Col: 5,200 per player
    Tanos Statue acquired.

  9. Since she had forgotten about the fact that her not doing any damage to this thing would only make this fight longer and she spent too much time worrying about her completely capable friend Yuki made sure that she got her attack in this time around. Rearing back her heavy spear from it implanted position on the Colossus's stone pectoral, the paladin slammed it harshly into the weak point she was attacking. The damage came out to be a critical, doing a bit better damage than she did the last few times she had attacked it. Nice.

    The bleed effect appeared above the Colossus's health points, making the job only just the slightest easier for Night. She looked up to make sure her friend was alright when the giant began to rumble. It looks like it was going to do another shake. She gripped onto her lance and hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as the one that shook them off earlier.



    Colossus | HP: 157/1000 (-10) | EVA: -2 | MIT: 50 | BLEEDING: 24 [2/2]

    NIGHT | HP: 905/1065 | EN: 80/102 (+1, -9) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 25 | LD: 6 | BURN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLEED: 36 | TOXIN: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3 | Stealth Detection: 3
    Zajcica | HP: 662/880 | EN: 74/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]


  10. Yuki embeds her spear into the colossus's chest, doing her best to hold on to the being as it attempted to shake it's predators off of it's body. She made sure that wouldn't happen again. Soon, the long shake came. The pink haired paladin did her best to clutch on to her spear as the entire body shook ferociously. Luckily, it calmed quickly, making sure that neither of the two girl had fallen off.

    Yuki checked to ensure that her friend was still on board, luckily she was, but she seemed to be having trouble keeping her balance again. She would have to do everything in her power not to jump after her if she falls again. It would just be causing damage to the both of them and Night would really only be pissed by it. In all this time thinking, she forgot that she was supposed to be doing damage to the Colossus. Oh yeah, that might have helped.



    Colossus | HP: 442/1000 | EVA: -2 | MIT: 50

    NIGHT | HP: 905/1065 | EN: 88/102 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 25 | LD: 6 | BURN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLEED: 36 | TOXIN: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3 | Stealth Detection: 3
    Zajcica | HP: 654/880 (+8) | EN: 76/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]


  11. The Colossus's shaking continued to be fierce. Now that it had really noticed their presence, it doesn't seem to enjoy their company, especially after having lost one of it's hand to the girls' spear and claymore. Yuki was barely able to keep her grip when it shook ferociously enough to send them both flying. Looking up at Night when she checked to ensure her companion was doing alright at the top, she gave her a thumbs up and continued her way up to the enemies chest.

    There wasn't much room for her to find footing on this weak point, and she would sh*t a brick if it's entire torso disintegrated when she broke this party of it's body. Nevertheless, she found places to set her feet and looked at the matching weak point that she could strike. If it didn't send her flying again, she would be able to get at least one attack in and deal a bit of damage.


    Zajcica | HP: 646/880 (+8) | EN: 76/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]

    Climbing post [2/2]


  12. T1 LD Snacks


    Name: Ice Cream Mochi
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 153770;-1;-2[13/17]
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Die III
    Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
    Post Link: [Here]

    T2 LD Snacks


    Name: Ice Cream Mochi
    Profession/Rank: Cook/9
    IDs[CD/LD]: 153780;-1;-2[11/17]
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Die III
    Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
    Post Link: [Here]


  13. Yuki herself wasn't as fast as Night was. It took her a moment to catch up with the Colossus and latch on with her weapon embedded into the enemy. Her companion had already seemed to make it half way to the head, where she was going for. Yuki would have to keep up if she wanted to be useful in some way. Forcing herself to keep up, she made her way for the weak point on the Colossus' chest.

    Aki cawed as Yuki continued to make her way up. The familiar cheered her on, making sure that Yuki didn't get the worst of herself. With a nod, the paladin smiled at her familiar. "Don't worry about me Aki, I'm fine as long as Night is here. We'll get through this, it's just going to be a little annoying is all." With a caw of confirmation, the tiny Gryphon began to fly around the Colossus' body to locate any more weak points.



    Zajcica | HP: 638/880 (+8) | EN: 76/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]


    Climbing 1/2


  14. "Mari!" Yuki panicked, getting a hold on her weapon and trying to break her free of the constraints that bound her to the ground. Attack after attack was wasted fruitlessly as the others made their attacks on the boss. "Crap! Their too tough. We'll finish him off quick as we can to get you at free Mari, just hold on."

    The axe was still difficult for the girl to wield compared to her spear. They weighed around the same, but had too much differences for her liking. Not really something she should be worried about right now though. She did choose to pick a weapon randomly, and that was biting her in the ass more than she really thought it would.

    The desperation to help a friend was aiding her urgent attack. With a hefty swing, Yuki rammed her heavy weapon into the trees bark. Digital splinters spammed from the roots of the tree. A grin formed between her cheeks as she was finally getting some damage in.


    6 damage to the tree of winter.

  15. Soon the Colossus had noticed their presence. It only took the loss of a hand to realize it was being attacked. With a mighty shake, the beast wriggled Night off it's shoulders. Yuki was lucky enough to barely hold on. She gripped on to the best with all her might, but once she noticed her companion plummeting, her body moved faster than her brain. She leapt off the Colossus and wrapped Night in her arms. Turning her body towards the earth, she collides with it first. The metal of her heavy armor clangs against the rocks. A pained groan escapes the paladin's breath upon collision.

    Letting go of her friend, Yuki groans in brief pain before sitting up. Looking back at Night. "Oi, are you okay? I was hoping that if I got between you and the ground somehow it would negate some of the fall damage.  We're both alright for now. Let's see if we can catch back up to him."



    Both Night and Yuki fall, taking 250 unmitigated damage.

    Colossus | HP: 717/1000 (-4) | EVA: -2 | MIT: 50

    NIGHT | HP: 815/1065 (-250) | EN: 93/102 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 25 | LD: 6 | BURN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLEED: 36 | TOXIN: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3 | Stealth Detection: 3
    Zajcica | HP: 630/880 (-250) | EN: 76/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]

  16. However, Yuki wasn't done.

    She caught to Mari and grabbed her by the back of her top, halting her into place. "And for the f***ing record-" Yuki cut herself off quickly. She was about to say something that had no relevance and mad things worse. It wasn't often that she got angry, but there was obviously some miscommunication that she wanted to set straight. After a few deep breaths she finally released the ginger's shirt from her grip. "Mari, I'm sorry. I've been stressed lately and I haven't been dealing with it well, I guess. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

    The paladin took a few more breaths. Last time this happened, she had to shut up, but she wouldn't just let Mari walk away like this. "From now on, the subject is dropped. I wont bring it up anymore, cause honestly, it pisses us both off to talk about it. I admit that I'm difficult to deal with, but please don't just walk away. Can we go do something else? We'll hang out and nothing more. It won't be stressful, it wont be an ordeal. I promise."


  17. As much as she was incapable of doing any damage to this thing at all, she wasn't just going to sit on the side lines and do nothing for Night. Every little bit of damage she contributes will help her finish the fight. Her lance glowed with a bright pink aura, readying the energy to convert into damage for her next attack.

    Even with the constant shaking of the colossus's every step, somehow the paladin is able to remain a grip on the side. She removes her weapon momentarily and jams it back into the weak point. The damage was insignificant again, even with her upgraded sword arts and damage. She was just glad that she had met Night to help her with this stuff.

    The moment the damage was made, the hand of the giant began to crack. The stone broke apart and Yuki barely had time to jump and grab the giant's wrist before it fell to the ground. She struggled for a moment and pulled herself up. "Well... This boss sucks..."


    Colossus | HP: 717/1000 (-4) | EVA: -2 | MIT: 50

    NIGHT | HP: 1065/1065 | EN: 93/102 (-9) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 25 | LD: 6 | BURN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLEED: 36 | TOXIN: 24 | REGEN: 30 | HM: 3 | Stealth Detection: 3
    Zajcica | HP: 880/880 | EN: 76/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]


    Weak point 1 destroyed.


  18. Trying her best to keep her cool as Mari continued to show that Yuki was still unprepared. She had no idea how to respond. Every time she talked to Mari, it seemed to contradict literally everything else Shield told her. Mari wants her to be careful all the time, but Shield told her to be brave and collected when fighting, always coming prepared with the knowledge to win against anything. They both wanted to see her live, but the pressure of trying to please the both of them was really getting to her at this point.

    "Mari. I don't understand what you want me to do. I took a fight with a boss that had no chance of out damaging my mitigation before my team could kill it. I came prepared with three charges of antidote and still got paralyzed twice through the bosses critical attacks. I could not have came more prepared and well equipped for a boss. Yet it seems like you always find something to criticize me for. I'm not a delicate little flower, nor a low leveled noob anymore. I have experience, knowledge, strength, and I'm slowly learning to control my reckless nature. What more can I do to please you? I don't even know at this point." The paladin shook her head. She was trying her best not to piss Mari off again, but she just couldn't figure out what she wanted her to do. If there were those unexpected events in battle, how could she prepare for it. What could she do beside prepare for what she knows is coming? It felt like she was being asked to grasp the impossible.


  19. Crow laid back on the floor quietly. Yuki didn't really complain, even though it was right in the middle of her kitchen. She had fallen asleep underneath the kotatsu plenty of times herself, it has just been awhile. This was still a good start for him and much better than sleeping out in the field like an idiot. Once he had fallen to sleep, she got up from her seat and cleaned up the mess of plates that was cluttering her table.

    Returning back to the boy who was just laying peacefully on the tatami mat, she kneeled down next to him and sighed. Was he always this tired? It probably had to do with being so deprived from a good sleep. She was at least satisfied that he wouldn't refuse her home as a place to stay.

    "You can stay as long as you like..." She mumble, laying her head down on his chest and soon falling to sleep with him.

  20. Yuki backed off to her party again, all of them were okay. Night and Arabelle still seemed optimistic that the battle could be won, but after seeing Rain Minion's True Calrex ability at work, she was beginning to think that this entire battle was suicide. Nothing has scared her more in her entire Aincrad career than how dangerously low not only her own health points were getting, but everyone else around her. Desperate to make something happen out of this, Yuki unleashed her third attack, aimed at all the kings, but trying her best to ensure that Rain Minion felt her rage.

    It's hp stayed red, unable to move from it's position no matter how much she attacked it. The grip on her lance tightened in anger, then loosened in distress. As she returned to Arabelle and Night, she couldn't help but comment about their situation.

    "Y-You guys are counting on me to keep control of the battle, b-but I can't.." Her face dropped, even though she kept her shield ready to block anything. "I-I'm failing you both. I'm sorry!"


    HP: 220/220 110/110 | EN: 60/82 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 99 | EVA: -1 | THNS: 36 | BH: 8 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | DoT Reitst: 25%+25% (1st proc)

    Swine Jesus: Missed!
    Rain Minion 12: 7*6 = 42DMG
    Gob-Gob: 7*6 = 42DMG

  21. T3 Rare Vitality


    Name: Ikayaki Slice
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 153287;-1
    Roll: 7+1; LD: 10
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: VIT II
    Description: A small, white, thin slice of squid. Extremely chewable.
    Post Link:  [Here]


    Name: Ikayaki Slice
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 153295;-1;-2
    Roll: 9+1; LD: 16
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: VIT II
    Description: A small, white, thin slice of squid. Extremely chewable.
    Post Link: [Here]



    Name: Ikayaki Slice
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 153297
    Roll: 7+1; LD: 2
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: VIT II
    Description: A small, white, thin slice of squid. Extremely chewable.
    Post Link: [Here]



    Name: Ikayaki Slice
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 153298
    Roll: 8+1; LD: 8
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: VIT II
    Description: A small, white, thin slice of squid. Extremely chewable.
    Post Link: [Here]


    Name: Ikayaki Slice
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 153300;-1;-2
    Roll: 8+1; LD: 16
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: VIT II
    Description: A small, white, thin slice of squid. Extremely chewable.
    Post Link: [Here]

    T1 Perfect LD:


    Name: Ice Cream Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 9
    ID: 153306;-1
    Roll: 10; LD: 12
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Die III
    Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
    Post Link:  [Here]


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