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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Yuki had already run out of respites for her crafting. If only she could have bought more when she was here last time, but it seemed that Bistro was cleared out of Respites with her purchase. It was unfortunate. After a few days, though, Bistro should have had some time to fill her stock. Throwing the doors to the shop open, Yuki gave the owner a smile and wave.

    "Morning!" Talking a short walk over to the counter where the respites were, Yuki pulled about half them off the shelf and returned to Bistro. "Already ran out of Respites again. Need some to fill and order more quickly."


    [152316] | [152329] | [152334] | [152849] | [152069] Respites purchased 5000 Col.


  2. "I'm not going to die. Shield has put is teachings into my brain and I don't take any battle that I can't handle anymore. The snake thing wasn't my fault and it couldn't do hardly any damage to me. The problem was... It cut through my antidote and paralyzed me three times. Three times. My un-luck against critical hits is extremely uncanny Mari." There was a bit of complaint in her voice, entirely towards the game mechanics. She was already half tempted to get a para-immune item to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

    "Crozeph is a super nice guy to me. At first he seemed a little weird to me, but I think I'm really warming up to him. He's so relaxed and quiet, I'm just afraid he'll get attacked while he's sleeping or something. Next time I see him, I'm going to offer him my house to sleep in if he needs it. So anyways, we've talked a lot about me. Are you doing alright Mari? Looks like a lot has changed since we last met. I see you're apart of a guild now. Who's symbol is that?" The girl inspected the guild icon next to her name, trying to remember which guild used the Tori as their icon.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Iron_Lion said:

    ][Name: Iron_Lion]
    [Your Profession: Alchemist]
    [Your Rank: 1]
    [Roll ID: 153216]
    [Roll Result: CD: 11]
    [Item Type: Salve]
    [Tier: 1]
    [Quality: Rare]
    [Enhancements: 2 HP Recover {+40 HP}]
    [Description: A small tray the size of an adult's palm containing a simple lime green salve which cures wounds when applied. The salve is a bone meal paste with the stem of green petal daisy's mixed into it.]
    [Post Link



  4. 1 minute ago, Gaius said:

    Improvement (Room Purchase) Basic Kitchen

    Slots Used: Rooms [3/5], Yard [0/1]

    House Name: Rolling Bite (Attachment)
    Location: Floor 7 - Hills surrounding Deepedge, near the fields of grain on the south side
    Description: A building and tavern, shop and home the place is modest but able to take on patrons. The tavern half composes rounded tables, a long drawn dark wood counter that leads into a subsection of a scattered mess of a kitchen, clean but disorganized. The bed chambers lay upstairs, with a few doors that won't open and the one that does the owner's room.
    Plot Size: Townhouse
    Room(s): Chef's Kitchen (Cooking/Workshop), Dining Room, Basic Kitchen

    Total Cost: 10000 Col


  5. Why won't it hit only her? Only the tanks?

    Yuki complained in her mind. She had no idea what to do. The only thing that she was good for was drawing the bosses' aggro and taking the hits for her allies. Beyond that, she was completely useless in every way imaginable. A pair of stressed eyes soon turned into ones of desperation. What was she going to even one of these people got damaged at all?! Surely they were winding their health bars down to low so that their first real attack would be the only one that they needed.

    "I-I don't know what to do..." Yuki said, tightening the grip on her lance in frustration. "Hate doesn't seem to work. I'm attacking but it wont focus on only me!"

    Unable to think of a better plan, Yuki gave in to the only thing she knew how to do. A pink sword art enveloped her weapon, slashing through all three targets at once. Only a single strike made it through, tearing a small cut through the Goblin and inflicting him with bleed. "Focus on me!" Which sounded more like a plea than a demand.


    Gob-Gob: -(42)
    Swine Jesus: Miss
    Minion 12: Miss

    Zajcica: HP: 440/440 220/220 | EN: 80/82 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 99 | EVA: -1 | THNS: 36 | BH: 8 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | DoT Reitst: 25%+25% (1st proc)

  6. Finally making it to the Colossus's shoulder, Yuki took a look around for one of the beasts weak points that Night had mentioned. Likely, she could find a weak point on the things head right? As she was about to start climbing, it's neck it's foot connected with the ground. The tremor of just it stomping around was enough to throw her off balance.

    Sliding down the arm of the beast, she jammed her weapon into the hand just before she slipped off. Out of some sheer luck she was actually able to find a weak spot there of all places. Once she noticed it, she looked up to Night and had to yell with all her strength to make sure it reached her. "Hey!!! I found one on it's hand! You check the head!!"

    Her lance hummed with a pink power again. Furiously, she began jamming the weapon in the weak spot as many times as possible, trying to make sure she got some damage out.


    Yuki: HP:  880/880 | Energy: 76/82 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 54 | LD: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]

    Colossus: 996/1000 -(9*6-50) | Dmg: N/a
    Colossus Weak Point 1: Attacks made: [2/3]



    Weak Points: Weak points can be found on both hands, chest, and head. These can only be attacked up to three times before the weak point is gone, and you have to move onto the next one. If you miss attacking it, it will not count as using one of the three chances.
    [Note: To climb to a weak point, you must spend 2 Posts climbing to it, and this goes for every weak point]

    Oblivious: Since the boss is so large and you have to hold on and climb, players have no way to get space to «Charge» for extra damage, nor can they try to Stealth or Track the creature, as it does not care.

    Shake: Every three posts after the boss is found, «Colossus» will "shake" trying to get the player off of its body. Players have to grip onto the creature, rolling an LD to see how strong their grip is on the creature. The next post, «Colossus» will roll his own LD. If his LD is greater than the player, the player is thrown off, dealing 250 Unmitigatable damage to the player, and they have to restart their climb to the next Weak Point.
    [Note: LD items can come into effect when rolling, but no skills or mods that give an LD bonus can help]


  7. The both of them held each other for some time. The embarrassment was starting to wash away now that she was accepting that Crow was enjoying the interaction. In fact, the more they held each other, the more Crow seemed to ease up. His tension calmed and he looked like he was going to fall asleep right then and there. Yuki gave him her warm smile.

    "You want to go lay down? You look like you could fall asleep." She half joked, finally breaking the hug so that she could finish the rest of her food. "My bed is super comfy and I'll leave the outside door open so you can still get the feeling of nature around you. The birds chirp right outside the door and the wind is calmed from the wall around the estate so its really peaceful. You'll fall asleep in seconds, I usually do too."

  8. Gripping onto the rocky surface of the golem with all her strength, Yuki does her absolute best to pull herself up. Night had already gotten a lead on her, curse heavier armor for weighing her down so much. Halfway up the golems body, the two of them had no trouble. Then the colossus must have taken notice of them finally. It shook devastatingly hard trying to get them off. While Yuki was able to latch her spear into it and hold on, Night wasn't so lucky. She began to plummet down towards the earth.

    "Night!" She called out, as her friend began to fall. Latching hard onto her spear, the paladin reached out and caught her friends wrist just barely. The two struggled to keep their grip, but soon Yuki was able to help her get latched onto the golems frame once more when the shaking stopped. "Phew, that was close. You okay?"


    Yuki and Night hold on for dear life...
    Climb post [2/2]

  9. With the reins in hands, Yuki lazily guided the horses in front of her. A wave of relief covered her when Night reassured her that she wouldn't have to fight any snakes. She watched the ground pass by below the horses feet. The sound of galloping had her distracted enough to completely miss the giant, until she felt the vibration of the colossus's feet. She snapped back into position when Night called for her to move forward towards the enemy.

    "That looks awful." Reminders of the Absolute Zero and the freezing water was on her mind when she stared at it long enough. "But it isn't snakes. Not sure how I'm going to tank this thing."

    Snapping the reins with a loud crack, the horses began galloping a bit faster. It didn't take long for them to catch up with the over-sized golem. "Quick! Jump onto him!" Yuki called out as  they got close enough to jump on. The horses slowly started to go off track without any lead.


    Climbing post [1/2]


  10. 11 hours ago, Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows said:

    Familiar Name: Persistence


    A blue shadow mongoose, Persistence is roughly two feet of long, with a physical form that consists of slick blackness as dark as a void, or starless sky, wrapped in an aura of roiling shadows that emanates within about of foot of its body.  Two large, bright blue eyes with the same horizontal pupils common to all mongooses are its only other distinguishing feature.  Cool to the touch, its fur feels like the softest silk over coiled muscle.  Frequently underestimated due to their small size, all blue shadow mongooses are cunning predators that rely on lighting agility and reflexes to outmaneuver foes several times their size and subdue them with unexpected, crippling strikes using their sharp claws and wicked bite.  They are resistant or outright immune to most venoms, making them natural enemies to serpents of every kind.

    Freyd found Persistence after an extensive search of the species' natural habitat in the desert canyons of floor 5 - or perhaps she finally let him find her?  The ordeal was certainly in keeping with her standard approach: to exhaust her prey, or any predator foolish enough to threaten her.  She had first observerd him in secret as he sought to save another of her kin from a trio of iron vipers, then as he drove off several local predators, and finally dealt with other lumbering invaders in her den.  Having proven that he was trustworthy, and assured that should could leave the rest of her pack in good condition, Persistence willingly accepted Freyd.  Which one of them is truly the master in this arrangement remains to be determined.

    Thread Link: [F5-SP] <<Feeding Your Enemy>> - Freyd (still in progress)

    Familiar found on roll ID#153005

    Familiar tamed on roll ID#153006

    Familiar Mastery Skill: <<Training your Friend>> not complete


    3 hours ago, Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows said:

    Name: Flawed Dowsing Rods
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 153020, 153021
    Roll Result: 13, 18
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: ACC 1, LD 1
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19567-f01-sp-freyd/?do=findComment&comment=610684
    Description: A pair of 12” long copper dowsing rods rumoured to be capable of finding anything except water.

    Name: Gladiator's Brace
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 153022, 153023
    Roll Result: 18, 6
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: ACC 1, REC 1
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19567-f01-sp-freyd/?do=findComment&comment=610684
    Description: A supportive harness made of thin leather and stretchable fabrics.  It can be worn under or over armor to reduce strain on a wielder’s limbs during combat.


      Reveal hidden contents




  11. Yuki took the crystals and the artisan's craft, moving the healing songs back into her inventory and trying to make some room for the wayfinder. This boss wasn't supposed to attack them directly or something like that, so her armor was a little useless in this situation. Removing the plating from her currently equipped items she replaced it with her new item. It will increase her luck to help her in the coming fight.

    "Thanks, I'll make good use of them. Is this boss going to be hard? The first few we've done haven't been that difficult but I'm expecting it to get more difficult as we continue to go down the line. There's only like three more of these things left isn't there?" The paladin started leading the way, letting her partner guide her as they walked in talked. "Actually, what are we even fighting this time? A snake?! Please no snakes."


    Changes Charlemagne for Wayfinder.


  12. The girl paused while she was trying to move back to her seat. "C-can you hug me again?" Red blush flushed the woman's cheeks. She didn't say anything, feeling like her words would only further the awkward air. Shuffling back next to him, she threw her arms around his chest. Pressing her head against him, the pink locks ruffled against his clothes. This hug was much longer than her first one, three times as long.

    Moving closer to him without realizing it, she looked up to him and gave him an embarrassed smile. "H-How is this?" She asked snuggling up to him quietly. Butterflies were welling up in her stomach.

    "Um... So, have you thought about my proposal since we last talked then? You said you wanted more time to think on it since it was a bit sudden. My sentiment still stands if you want to... uh, you know?"


  13. "No no. Mari its not that I don't want to talk to you. I just... I'm tired is all. I'm worried that you might still be a bit annoyed with me since I was a bit hard to deal with before, but its clear I'm worrying for no reason. I have had some problems, like...uh... getting eaten by a snake... I have made a few great friends though and they wouldn't let anything like that happen to me again. [censored]... Paralysis." Yuki struggled to improve her mood, but she was doing her best. "I'm sorry that I came off like that. I'll drop it. I don't want anyone calling me something like meek so I need to get over it. I met a friend named Night who has been helping me get through the game without getting myself killed. I tank for her and she does all the damage. We've been pretty unstoppable since we met each other. I also met a guy named Crozeph who has been super nice to me. He's probably the only person that comes to get buffed foods from me."

  14. As Crow took up her lock card, a feeling of relief welled in the paladin's chest. Knowing that Crow had others that wanted to help him out would help set her heart at ease. His guild symbol was that of Jacob's Ladder. Mari and Shield were both part of that guild, so that was even better. Those two would let Crow get himself hurt.

    Yuki shifted over the tatami mat next to her friend and reached out to give him a warm hug. No matter how hard she was trying to get those bad thoughts out of her head, they stayed, eating away at the relief she was feeling slowly. The paladin's thin arms wrapped around Crozeph's form. With her head nudged up against his chest, she hoped this didn't make things feel awkward. After a couple of seconds enjoying the hug, she let go of Crow and gave him a warm smile.

    "You're always welcome here." Her expression lighting up and a more sincere smile forming on her face.


  15. "Oi!" Yuki slammed her hand on the kotatsu's wooden surface and gave him an angry look. The reaction was something of an outburst that Yuki fell back on once she realized she even scared herself with it. Her nervous voice came out, something that she would never really show out in the field. "D-Don't say those sort of things. You're name won't end up on that stupid slab... I-I'll protect you."

    The paladin looked down at her food, not even half done with the plate. With him talking like this, how could she focus on eating. He was acting like his condition and health didn't matter. She wanted to cry thinking about things like that. After a moment, she sighs quietly and opens her menu. A small card summoned on the table between them, followed by it splitting in half and into two pieces when she clicked the 'Make a Copy' function. A pen formed in her hand when she pulled over to her to start writing. 'For Crow' followed by a drawing of a chibi version of herself holding a heart. The penmanship is immaculate and beautiful.

    The girl slid the blue card with the writing over to him and took back her own. "Here. This is an access card to my house. Since it's outside the safe zone, I have to keep it locked all the time. Having this card will allow you to unlock the doors without trouble. Next time you visit, I'll have made a few more additions to the house and they'll be for you. You can use my bed to sleep if I'm not, even if I'm here. No more sleeping in trees. Promise?"

  16. Initial Application: [Here]
    Room(s) Being Added: Basic Kitchen 2(10,000); Mega Slime Farm 2(25,000)
    Room(s) Being Upgraded: Master Bedroom(15,000)[Assigned to @Zajcica]
    Room(s) Being Re-Assigned: @Crozeph is being assigned to the following rooms: Basic Kitchen 2, Mega Slime Farm 2, Dining Room, and Living Room
    Total Cost: 50,000 Col

  17. "Well-Done coming up." The girl said as she pulled her own steak off the grill sooner than his. Middle ground was the best for her, medium steak would suit her best. After a few moments the vegetables were finished along with the remaining steak. Setting them on a plate and making sure everything was in order, she grabbed them both up in her hand, set them on the kotatsu table and sat to Crozeph's right, instead of across from him. "Itadakimasu" She gave him a warm smile while picking up her steak knife.

    She was a quiet for a moment while she took in the flavors of the beef, letting the spices soak on her tongue. It was insanely hard to get the flavors to come out the way she made it, but she took pride in it. "Also, it doesn't matter what Night thinks of you. This is my house, and I say you are welcome here whenever you like. I encourage you to come and stay here if you have nowhere else to go. What if you fell from the tree and its too high? What if you do get attacked by mobs in your sleep.... I... Don't want to see your name on the Monument..."

  18. "Hm, fried food is unhealthy- Well, I guess being healthy in here isn't really a thing is it. Still, I don't want to start any bad habits. Here let's do a grilled steak with some veggies." The girl says while starting up their dinner.

    "I like how your home reflects your nationality, now I feel like I am in a small, peaceful town" Yuki looked at him and gave him something of a stern expression. "Oi. I better now hear about you sleeping in any trees or anything stupid like that. I have a bed in my room that you can use- in fact, I'm going to expand my house to have a guest room. If you need a place to sleep, you had better come here and rest. You hear me?"

    The paladin sighed, she didn't want to come off angry or anything but it must be awful sleeping in trees or on the hard ground. He has to wake up sore or something. The smell of her steaks started to waft through the room. Almost forgetting to ask, she turned to Crowzeph while getting the vegetables ready for the grill. "How do you like your steak?"

    "Night does visit often. Another good reason to get a guest room, and no, people don't come to get food from me all that often. I get some business everyone once in awhile but you and Night are really the only ones who get food from me."

  19. 2 hours ago, Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows said:
    Name: Grand Respite
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 152734, 152735
    Roll Result: 9, 15
    Item Type: T1 2HSS
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Paralyze 1, Accuracy 1
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19567-f01-sp-freyd/?do=findComment&amp;comment=610684
    A single-edged iron blade, nearly five feet long, that gives a slight tingle to the touch, but charges with motion.  The hilt is heavily insulated to protect the wielder.
      Reveal hidden contents



    2 hours ago, Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows said:
    Name: Justicar's Vambraces
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 152736, 152737
    Roll Result: 15, 4
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: ACC 1, KEEN 1
    Post Link:


    A pair of hardened steel vambraces each engraved in minute script with the first one hundred names on the Monument of Life.

    Identical results to items approved in post #5, above.

      Reveal hidden contents



  20. With her enemy defeated, Yuki quickly checked her inventory to ensure that she had gotten the drop that was promised. While the potion wasn't anything insanely good, it could still be helpful if she didn't make any food for a weak boss. Nothing she would ever spend time trying to farm anyway. 

    "S-so what now? are we heading to your house?" Her friend asked, received with a nod. "Yeah, lets head back. That was all I needed, the free experience."

    Making her way back to the floor five teleporter, she called out to Cardinal and willed herself back to Coral on the twenty-second floor. Once Crow had arrived as well, she lead him out to her home, connected to her shop. "Would you like a real meal now? That last one was just a simple meal in case I can't head back home." She asked, stepping through sliding door of her shop and taking off her armor for her usual kimono.

  21. Turning to see her friend, she gave him a smile. Crozeph was a pretty carefree kind of guy, and that was probably one of the reasons she liked him so much. It reminded her that while things need to stay serious, that doesn't mean you should recklessly tear through it.

    "Oi, Kurisu." She attempted to roll his name off her tongue as well as her American English teachings could provide. Sadly, they failed her. Without even thinking about it, she pulled out a vanity meal, a bowl of quickly made ramen, that she had stocked up with her almost all the time. "Here. Not my best work but it should still be good. I wasn't planning on bringing anyone ahead of time, but if we finish it quick, maybe we can head to my place and I can make you something more delicious."

    Her taunts for food were generally a good way to motivate the boy. His love for her cooking was one of the few reasons she kept it up considering the low amount of business her shop gets in the first place. Once Crow was done eating the bowl of noodles, she lead the charge into the sandy desert. "Easy quest, like I said. I could do it alone, but there's no fun in that."

    The shark was pretty easy to find actually. When she did, she wasted no time in getting the battle started. Her ally already knew what he needed to do. Her spear punctured the beast without much of a problem. It leaped on to her when it saw the chance and bit down on her arm. It did more damage to itself than anything else. Finally able to shake it off, it dove back into the sand. "Well, this has been pretty easy so far." The paladin said looking at the enemies HP bar.



    Yuki: 880/880 -(50-99)+8| 76/82 (-6) | DMG: 9 | EVA: -1 | ACC: 3| MIT: 99 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36 | BH: 8 | HM: 1[0] | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    Crozeph: -stats go here lol-

    Sand Shark: 35/125 -(9*6)+36 | DMG: 50

  22. How did Yuki continue missing these completely easy quests for no better reason than, "I just never noticed it."? All these quests that she was missing she could solo without any problem whatsoever when she was level 10. Though, she remembers seeing the information saying that this boss actually dropped a really nice tanking consumable. Wondering if it could be useful, maybe it would be useful to bring someone along. Her finger trailed her friends list heading towards Night, however, she found herself scrolling over Crozeph's name. How has he been since they last saw each other. They left on a bad foot with her yelling at him.

    Sending him a message, now would be a good time for her to apologize to him for that.

    Hey you,

    Meet out on floor five. Let's do something. It's been awhile since we last talked and even then we didn't have much time to talk since the boss was a bit dangerous. I could kill this boss on my own, but that's no fun... right? :3




    Level: 41 | HP:  880/880 | Energy: 82/82 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 9 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36 | BH: 8 | HM: 1[0] | Conc. CD: [0/3]

    R3 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R3 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, R2 Block, R1 BH, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)
    Charlemagne(Heavy Armor): HM I, Thorns II
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC III
    Trap of Argalia(OHAS): DMG II; BLD I

     Taunt I; Rec II

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    (12x)Immolation Potion


  23. Trying to get passed her bad mood regarding old memories, Yuki kept up the fake smile. The conversation about her name was avoided all together thankfully. It was one thing that she told Night what it meant, but it would be twenty times more embarrassing to have to tell Mari what her name meant.

    With her arms folded Yuki nodded to the response. "I remember you telling me how annoy that it was that daggers didn't really have the ability to attack more than a single target. If I did that, I don't know how I would even tank. I know that there's an ability that lets you draw aggro consistently through like yelling or something, but that's boring as [censored]. I've seen Shield do it and it looks completely boring. If I draw it through attacking I figure I might as well attack and defend. Best offense is a strong defense and what not."

    "You been keeping safe?" The question lashed her across the stomach. When she heard it, the only thing she could think about was the freakin' snake that she had to fight three times in a row. And about how she was swallowed whole. "Y-Yeah. I've been... fine. It has been a long while since we last talked hasn't it. I'm level 36 now, so I'm slowly catching up with you guys. Soon, I'll be joining the front lines, hunh?" The topic shifted left and right with her. Mari was probably noticing at this point that she was deflecting her questions. Did she really have to worry her by telling her that she had gotten eat by a snake?


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