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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Yuki weaved through and onslaught of attacks. For the Beast's stature and size, it was faster than she had expected it to be. While it was important to get hit to trigger her thorns, getting hit by a barrage of critical hits would be dangerous. Deflecting punches with her spear and sidestepping so many attacks, she looked for her moment to strike. Reaching in to stab the monster in it's side, she is caught mid-attack and send a few feet onto her back. Hardly scratched, she gets up, noticing the critical attack just moments before the Frost Beast is upon her again. She quickly dives out of the way and deflects another attack.

    "Oi! What's gotten in to you?! You were so slow then suddenly you're coming at me like this?!" The paladin complained, completely heated in battle to responsd to her tag along who was cheering for her victory.


    [9]Yuki: 660/820 | 64/76 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT: 25%+25% | Thorns: 56 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [2]Freyd: 20/20 | 0/2 | DMG: 1

    Frost Beast: 87/250 (-2) | DMG: 160(Min: 24)

  2. "I think you could consider use both higher-leveled players comparatively. I mean, you're Tier three now and I'm not too far away from it. We may not be front liners but we're no pushovers or anything." The girl mentioned at Night's humbleness to accept such a claim. "If we keep up the speed we're at, we'll get to max level in no time."

    Night went ahead of her, walking towards the teleporter to get to floor 16 as quickly as possible. Yuki herself wasn't as eager to find her way up to that floor, so she hesitantly lagged behind her friend. "I'll be right behind you." She mentioned slowly making her way up to the teleporter and sighing when she had to say these dreadful activation words another time. At least they wouldn't have to fight the Hebishinu this time around. Night wouldn't be cruel enough to make her fight it a fourth time... right?



    SP: 2 quest, 1 page; 1 event
    Col: 2700 per player
    Yamata no Orochi Statue


  3. "Yep, Freyd. He's a bit of an upstart, I'm not sure if we'll be seeing him up in our levels soon, but I'll reserve that judgement for later. I don't know him all that well. In fact, he was actually pretty surprised to see someone of my level on floor four. Weird in my opinion. Tons of higher leveled players find themselves on lower floors to clear up quests they missed. I guess he hadn't seen that many before. It's still weird to consider myself a high level player since I was literally level 10 just last month. He was using a vanity level 1 handed straight sword I think. Never told me what he planned to settle on." Turning the corner of the crossroads, the paladin continued to follow her companion through the tunnels, as she probably knew them better.

    "Yeah, so I'll be seeing merchants for immolation potion purchases from now on. I'll likely try help non-maxed merchants get experience so I can bring them unidentified gear when they're at their bests. It's a win-win situation, you know?"

  4. Entering the humble little shop with a creak of the entrance door, Yuki stepped in with her dark-haired companion and was greeted by the musky smell of hard back covers. Unbothered by the scent, she walked up to the counter where she was greeted by the snow-haired player and a much more organized area. Cleanliness wasn't much a bother to her anyways.

    "Ore wa Yuki, yoroshikune!~" She greeted who she assumed was Andromeda and turned to Night while she collected her unidentified gear on the shopkeeps counter. "My friend here recommended that I bring you some unidentified gear. Mind having a look at these to see if we get anything Unique? I would prefer a weapon with Blight or an Armor piece with Elemental aura or thorns."


    Roll ID(s):  [152286-a]
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Cost: 1,270

    Roll ID(s):  [152286-b]
    Item Type: One-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Cost: 1,270

    Roll ID(s):  [152284-a][152284-b][152284-c];
    Item Type: One-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Cost: 1,270 per

    Roll ID(s):  [152283-a][152283-b][152283-c]
    Item Type: One-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Cost: 1,270 per

    Roll ID(s):  [152291-b]
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    Cost: 860

    Total Cost: 11,020

  5. Teleporting down to the beginner's city - man it had be some time since she was down on this floor, but it was nice to see it again - she reunited with Night and made her way through the dark twists and turn that were the back streets of the Town of Beginnings. It wouldn't be long before the duo was outside the door to the shop known simply as Andromeda's Wares. She admired the simplicity of the name, since her shop was similiarly named "Yuki's Grill".

    As she was about to step in, she saw the sign on the door. 8pm to 11pm, Wow those were some prime time hours for buying and selling. The paladin quickly glanced at the clock to make sure the time was right. 8:36pm, so she had just opened no too long ago. "Welp, let's get this done then."



    SP: 2 for Quest; 1 for Page; 1 for Bonus
    Col total: 26,036 NIGHT: 13,822 Yuki: 12,214
    Moretsuna Statue

    [T2E3]Uni Perfect Weapon (7) | [152286B] | [152284A][152284B][152284C] | [152283A][152283B][152283C]
    [T2E3]Uni Perfect Armor (1) | [152286A]
    [T2E2]Uni Rare Trinket (1) | [152291B]

    [T2E3] Uni Perfect Consumeable(1) | [152291A]
    Tier 2 Material (8) | [1] [2]

  6. "Name's Freyd. Looked like a new DPS, but I wasn't too sure. He was level 1, easily and had basic starting gear. The Frost Beast's stats kind of suck so I outlasted it with thorns and my armor. No AoEs or special abilities or anything, but a good drop comes with it. Let's you raise an item's type all the way up to perfect if isn't already and lets you choose the enhancement on it. I'm willing to have more than just one of those on deck if you're willing to go do that boss some time, for sure." She laughed with Night for a moment, glad that the tension had been broken up a bit from her gloomy expression that she had earlier.

    "The potions are named 'Immolation Potions' they raise your thorns damage based on what tier you buy them at. Unfortunately I cannot use the Tier 3 ones, since I'm not tier 3 yet, but it would be nice to have that extra damage."

  7. Yuki smiled and looked at the gear now residing in her inventory that was ready to be identified. Why not go ahead and take them to her so the items don't get lost in her inventory. She wasn't that worried about second tier gear, but wasn't willing to see them junked without a chance to get a nice enhancement.

    "Why don't you take me down to her right now then? You know the way and we can go have her identify these before heading to the next boss. Maybe I'll get a unique to use until I finish up the last few levels of Tier two and she'll get some good business and experience from identifying them. I try to make it a mission to visit many stores and not just rely solely on one store per profession, that way everyone gets business." The paladin said as the town started to come into view from the line of trees.

  8. Yuki smiled, glad that her friend had taken notice of her improved gear and tactics. Even if it had felt like she was lagging behind for level, it was nice to have her newest gear being recognized.

    "I went to a shop recently that sells the potions that increase a player's thorns damage and have been using them to help deal more damage on every quest I go on. I recently took a player through Essence of Steel and was able to help them kill the boss. They were a pretty low level so I boosted them quite a bit with that quest. Only took me about three hits to kill it off, maybe four. These potions have been helping me a lot, I bought them in bulk." She would continue to use them til she was up to tier three too, after which she would replace them with the stronger versions and be doing even more damage.

  9. Yuki shook her head to Night's assumptions, accepting the trade when it was finished and walking along side her friend with a smile. "None of that. Shield is just a good friend and I don't mind paying his rates. He was one of the only merchants that I knew about until that tiny fox mask girl set up a shop just down the road from mine. If you have a friend that needs business, I will gladly pay their rates as well. The Col is insignificant to me. I already have an amazing house and no need for much more than a couple consumables."

    Now that she had been weakened, Night could see that Yuki was much more on her guard on the way back to town. Her eyes scanned around every tree to avoid another ambush on their hands. It could be dangerous for them to get attacked again when Yuki was sitting just above half her maximum HP.

  10. Yuki stretched her arms loose and picked her lance back up, returning it back to its usual place in her database. Night had indeed gotten some useful item drops from the Lamia it seemed and some Col as well.

    "Our usual loot terms. You get the consumables and materials, I get the equipment and such. All the weapons and armor are more useful to me at this point than they are to you. Maybe I can find some nice items in their to replace this armor, even though I just got it not too long ago. Heavy Momentum isn't so helpful for someone that uses area of effect attacks so it's not really the best enhancement for me." She said opening up her trade menu with Night, hoping that there was a good bounty of items for her to take. Armor with auras or weapons with DoTs would be preferable, but first she'd need to get them identified obviously. "As for Col, you can keep the most of it. I'm not worried about it. Just need enough to identify the items."

  11. Yuki followed up behind the knight, transferring the lance back to her space. Thank god that was over before it got of hand. There was a chance that the boss could have started to over power the two of them if they handed finished then and there.

    Feeling the frustration coming off of Night, she hoped that the dark-haired girl was alright. Perhaps this floor bugged her the same way that floor 16 bugged her. Unfortunately, that's where the duo had to go next if they wanted to continue this quest line. At least there were no snakes involved in the next one. Turning to her friend with a big smile, she gave her a thumbs up. "No matter how many times I see it, your strength ceases to amaze me Night. I'm really glad that you have my back." The luck that she was able to meet Night was probably the greatest boon that she had received from this awful world.

  12. A welcome reprieve washed over Yuki as the heat from the attacks was thinned out. Three of them down and out and the remaining one of them grounded from the knights boot, the paladin took her moment to breathe. These things may have momentarily triggered her fear, but at least she had Night here to help her fight. A happy smile went across her face when the mobs did drop loot. She wondered if night would be willing to let her have the gear, but she would have to ask her once they finished off this remaining serpent.

    Launching off her feet again, the paladin dug her massive lance into the mob's chest before it had the time to stand up. It clawed back at her instantly, leaving it with barely any remaining health points, Yuki kept her spear embedding the poor serpent to the ground. Probably best for Night to get the killing blow anyways, since she had the better luck with these loot drops.



    Lamia #1 | HP: -210/550 (-288) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3
    Lamia #2 | HP: 22/550 -(7*6+56) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3
    Lamia #3 | HP: -142/550 (-276) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3
    Lamia #4 | HP: -116/550 (-276) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3

    [5, 2, 4, 4] NIGHT | HP: 1045/1045 | EN: 56/100 (+1, -17+2) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 2 | LD: 9 | REC: 2 | TAUNT | PARAIMMUNE
    [6, 7, 6, 7] Zajcica | HP: 513/860 (150-99)+8 | EN: 46/76 | ACC: 3 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT: -25%-25% | THORNS: 56 | BH: 8


  13. Seeing it's HP low, the Lich called for reinforcements instantly. Wailing a shrill shriek from it's disgusting maw and summoning to more of the undead warriors. It was going to absorb them again Yuki wasn't liking that idea. A hum of her pink lance and another kick off her feet to gain some momentum, she slammed the lance into the ground, missing her target. The Lich retaliated, but couldn't seem to find it's target either.

    With the liches new minions on the field, it wasted no time absorbing them and regaining a ton of it's health at once. Yuki's eyes widened. If it continued this, it might start getting a bit too strong for her to tank. Gritting her teeth, the paladin stood from her spot and observed the new health point bar. Nothing to worry about now. Night could probably finish it with her next attack easily, and if not, Yuki herself could do it.



    The Leech Lich | HP: 217/450 (+200-24) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 70 | MIT: 35 | LEECH: 2 | UNDEAD | BLEEDING (24) [1/2]

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 1045/1045 (+50) | EN: 80/100 (+1, -9) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 36 | LD: 3 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24
    [3] Zajcica | HP: 860/860 | EN: 58/80 | DMG: 7 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT: -25%-25% | THORNS: 56 | BH: 8

    Lich Absorbs 2 Stygian Warriors and gets new stats
    The Leech Lich | HP: 450 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 90 | MIT: 45 | LEECH: 4 | UNDEAD


    LEECH: «The Leech Lich» will consume up to two creatures per turn and will do so whenever it can. If it consumes the a creature, he restores +100 Health and gains +5 Mitigation, +50 Base Health, and +10 Damage. If it lands a hit on the player, «The Leech Lich» will heal a third of however much damage it dealt to the player. Every other turn  two more «Stygian Warriors» will spawn, but there will always be a maximum of four «Stygian Warriors» at any given time.
    PROTECTED: «The Leech Lich» cannot be attacked until the other creatures are defeated or devoured by «The Leech Lich». After the original 4 die, «The Leech Lich» is no longer protected.
    UNDEAD: Fallen damage has no effect on «The Leech Lich», but Holy damage deals +25 Damage when the enchantment procs.


  14. Working her way through this stupid fear, she soon realized that these enemies didn't have any paralysis or else she would have been on the ground from the last attack, and it wasn't likely that she would be eaten by one of them.... right? Shaking that awful thought off, the paladin's face got more stern and focused. her lance lit up it's beautiful pink color once more and slashed through each one of her targets easily. Even able to inflict bleed, a smirk ran across her face.

    The Lamia were still up and ready to fight even with their HP already drained a bit. Each one took their turns raking their claws against her armor and paying the price for it. Somehow, even two of them missed their attacks. The paladin sighed in relief. "Th-These things aren't as scary. They're just annoying." A glance over to Night, the paladin nodded at her to finish them off. Hopefully they were loot valid mobs for her.


    Lamia #1 | HP: 78/550 (-7*6+56) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3
    Lamia #2 | HP: 396/550 (-7*6+56) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3
    Lamia #3 | HP: 134/550 (-7*6) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3
    Lamia #4 | HP: 160/550 (-8*6+24) | ACC: 3 | DMG: 150 | EVA: -3 | BLEED: [1/2] (24)

    [2, 0, 2, 2] NIGHT | HP: 1045/1045 | EN: 70/100 (+1, -14) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 2 | LD: 9 | REC: 2 | TAUNT | PARAIMMUNE
    [6, 4, 6, 7] Zajcica | HP:
    554/860 -(150-99)*2+8 | EN: 60/76 | ACC: 3 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT: -25%-25% | THORNS: 56 | BH: 8

  15. Watching the group of Stygian Warriors meet their end to either the boss or the blade of her ally, Yuki found her opening to make sure this thing was stopped before it got too much stronger. She raised her lance to the ceiling of the cave and charged ahead of Night, making sure that she overtook the aggro on the beast before it could attack Night.

    Kicking off the ground with the help of the Cardinal system, Yuki lunged through the air and dug her golden lance into the beast's chest(?). The Lich seemed less bothered about the attack, however, as sit grabbed Yuki with two of its appendages and sucked some light from the paladin's body. It was draining her HP with attacks as well? Good thing it couldn't do enough to heal itself a lot. The creature then dropped the paladin to the ground, who let out a loud "Kah-" As she plunked against the floor with her weapon.



    [0, 3]The Leech Lich | HP: 308/350 (-9*6+24)+1 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 70 | MIT: 35 | LEECH: 2 | PROTECTED | UNDEAD | BLEED: 2/2 (24)

    [1, 1, 1, 0] NIGHT | HP: 995/1045 | EN: 88/100 (-12) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 36 | LD: 3 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24
    [1, 1, 3, 0] Zajcica | HP: 860/860 -(1)+8 | EN: 60/80 (-6) | DMG: 7 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT: -25%-25% | THORNS: 56 | BH: 8


    LEECH: «The Leech Lich» will consume up to two creatures per turn and will do so whenever it can. If it consumes the a creature, he restores +100 Health and gains +5 Mitigation, +50 Base Health, and +10 Damage. If it lands a hit on the player, «The Leech Lich» will heal a third of however much damage it dealt to the player. Every other turn  two more «Stygian Warriors» will spawn, but there will always be a maximum of four «Stygian Warriors» at any given time.
    PROTECTED: «The Leech Lich» cannot be attacked until the other creatures are defeated or devoured by «The Leech Lich». After the original 4 die, «The Leech Lich» is no longer protected.
    UNDEAD: Fallen damage has no effect on «The Leech Lich», but Holy damage deals +25 Damage when the enchantment procs.


  16. Getting up to her feet just in time to see the demise of the fish. Yuki let out a sigh and returned her weapon to it's hammerspace where it belonged. That had gone by much more quickly than she assumed it would. She expected the fish to be harder than the Lich was since it was on a higher floor, but even the lich had some mechanics that made him a bit tricky to deal with. They would need to head back to the teleporter now to get the next subsidiary quest done.

    "Let's make our way back and do the next quest. Best to get them all done as soon as possible, right?" The paladin said with a shrug, leading the way back to the main settlement. On their way back, things would get a little more exciting than she expected, however. A group of Lamia wailed from off the trail, converging on the duo quickly. Yuki's heart stopped when she saw the serpentine bodies. "Nai! Stay away!" Drawing her sword and reactively activating a sword art the paladin took a slash at all of them at once. Only missing one of them even with the completely misguided attack, Yuki tried to back off but was surrounded too quickly to react, getting raked by claws from every angle. "G-Get off me!"


    [0, 0, 0, 0] NIGHT | HP: 1045/1045 | EN: 83/100 (+1, -9) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 2 | LD:9 | REC: 2 | TAUNT | PARAIMMUNE
    [3, 1, 3, 3] Zajcica | HP: 648/860 -(150-99)*4+8 | EN: 60/80 (-6+6) | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT: -25%-25% | THORNS: 56 | BH: 8

    Lamia 1: 452/550 -(7*6+56) | DMG: 150 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -3
    Lamia 2: 494/550 -(56) | DMG: 150 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -3
    Lamia 3: 452/550 -(7*6+56) | DMG: 150 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -3
    Lamia 4: 508/550 -(7*6) | DMG: 150 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -3

  17. As the Morestuna stood to its stubby little feet, Yuki stayed attached to it with her weapon. It struggled around like crazy to get the girl off it's back but the paladin was difficult to shake off. It only succeeded in hurting itself more on her thorns and making her dizzy. "Ugh, stop! Hold still you crazy freakin' beast!"

    Night's definite strike melted more than half it's health points instantly. The next attack would send it back to the Cardinal for sure. Drawing her lance out of the fishes body and landing unceremoniously on her stomach, Yuki rose as quickly as possible, making sure the fish wouldn't grab her and drag her under the water. It would do so if it got the chance and she wasn't ready to get eaten by another freaking animal. Night would kill it before it got another chance to attack her probably. That would put her doubts to rest at least.



    Mōretsuna | HP: 97/550 (-56) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 25 | PARALYZE | CD10+: DROWN | MD1: STRUGGLE

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 1045/1045 | EN: 91/100 (-9) | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23 | EVA: 2 | LD:9 | REC: 2 | TAUNT | PARAIMMUNE
    [4] Zajcica | HP: 860/860 -(1)+8 | EN: 74/80 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | DoT: -25%-25% | THORNS: 56 | BH: 8

    DROWN: «Mōretsuna» will drag down the player instead of attack, unless they roll a 10+ on the LD their turn. If the player fails, they will be brought into the water, where they will take 50 unmitigatable damage every turn until they return to the dock or boat, which takes a turn to do.
    STRUGGLE: The creature will flail and hit each player for 50 unmitigable damage, but also deal 50 unmitigatable damage to himself.


  18. "I don't intend to be as successful as you, but it is nice to know that not everything can just mitigate my damage any more. After you've seen so many 1 damage attacks, you start to wonder if you're doing anything useful. I understand my job as a tank, don't get me wrong. I just wish I could do more, y'know?" The caverns were damp and a bit dim. It would probably take them some time to find their target, but when they did, it would be done quickly. These quests weren't difficult, Yuki had just never noticed them before. The totems would be an amazing boon for her build and it seemed foolish to not complete this quest line.

    "We need all these totems to use their benefits right? And we can only use one. I wonder which one I should use since I'm something of a multi class build. More damage or more protection? Hmm.." The paladin wondered out loud, trying to see what Night was thinking about doing with her buff when they acquired all the totems.

    Arriving at the river in a much more timely manner, the paladin readied for the lich minions to appear. They rose from the water just in time to meet Yuki's pink lance Only striking two of her targets. They surrounded her quickly after. Once the mobs had made their attacks on Yuki, the Lich rose from the river's surface attempting to claw Night with it's flesh appendage. Unable to move from her position, the paladin called out. "Look out!" Trying to break free, she needed to make an attack on the Lich as soon as possible, but with its minions still on the battlefield, it sucks out their souls and disappears out of reach from the two. "Its getting stronger by eating the small guys? We need to kill them quick then!"


    [1, 4, 1, 3]Yuki: 860/860 -(4+8) | 66/80 -(6+8) | DMG: 7 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT: 25%+25% | Thorns: 56 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [0, 0, 0, 0]]NIGHT: HP: 1045/1045 -(50) | EN: 100/100 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23* | EVA: 2 | LD: 9 | REC: 2 | TAUNT | PARAIMMUNE | Stealth Detection: 3

    Stygian Warrior 1: 100/100 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1
    Stygian Warrior 2: 27/100 -(9*6+24) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1

    Stygian Warrior 3: 44/100 -(56) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1
    Stygian Warrior 4: 7/100 -(7*6+56) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1
    The Leech Lich: 250/250 | DMG: 50 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 2


    Leech Lich consumed Stygian Warriors 1 and 2 gaining 100hp, 20 DMG, 10 MIT and healing itself for 200 HP.

    New stats - The Leech Lich: 350/350 | DMG: 70 | MIT: 35 | ACC: 2



    Leech: Four «Stygian Warriors» spawn with the boss when the River is found. «The Leech Lich» will consume up to two creatures per turn and will do so whenever it can. If it consumes the a creature, he restores +100 Health and gains +5 Mitigation, +50 Base Health, and +10 Damage. If it lands a hit on the player, «The Leech Lich» will heal a third of however much damage it dealt to the player. Every other turn  two more «Stygian Warriors» will spawn, but there will always be a maximum of four «Stygian Warriors» at any given time.

    Protected: «The Leech Lich» cannot be attacked until the other creatures are defeated or devoured by «The Leech Lich». After the original 4 die, «The Leech Lich» is no longer protected.

    Undead: Fallen damage has no effect on «The Leech Lich», but Holy damage deals +25 Damage when the enchantment procs.


  19. Watching the bobber in the water and observing the condition of the rod as it was cast, she tried to remember everything that her dad had taught her mixed with what she had witnessed from Shield when she was more of a pipsqueak of a player. With those in her mind, sooner or later, Night would find the catch. "Wait!" She called out as her companion looked ready to tug it in. The bobber went back and forth going under then back up. She waited for the right time...

    Suddenly it sank and the line began feeding into the lake. "Now! Now!" With a bit of struggle, Night would soon be able to pull the beast close enough to shore to fight. Yuki summoned her lance. "You're mine!" Leaping into the air, the paladin jumped on the back of the giant beast and dug her spear into it's back like she was spear fishing. Only difference being that this thing would surely not die from first contact. The paladin held on to her spear as the best struggled about to get her off.


    [3]Yuki: 860/860 (100-99+8) | 74/80 (-6) | DMG: 7 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT: 25%+25% | Thorns: 56 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [0]NIGHT: HP: 1045/1045 | EN: 100/100 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 23* | EVA: 2 | LD: 9 | REC: 2 | TAUNT | PARAIMMUNE | Stealth Detection: 3

    Moretsuna: 427/500 -(7*6-25+56) | DMG: 100 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1

  20. The paladin grinned happily as his attack landed true. He hadn't activated a sword art, but at least he had the guts to strike an attack against something that could destroy him with a single strike. However, that's what she was here for, this boss wouldn't get the best of her no matter how hard it tried to breach her defenses.

    "Keep up the fight! It isn't dead yet. Don't stand on ceremony until you've come out on top!" On queue, her lance lit up pink with a beautiful quiet hum. The bladed end of her lance just barely missed the massive golem, being completely ineffective. It raised it's arm, ready to strike again. It attempted to swat her away, but unfortunately for it, she was like a wall made of lead. Her feet planted in the ground, she barely moved from her position. The beast was pricked from her thorns. "One more good tun, and you're finished!"


    [8]Yuki: 660/820 (-160-99+8)| 64/76 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT: 25%+25% | Thorns: 56 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [1]Freyd: 20/20 | 0/2 | DMG: 1

    Frost Beast: 89/250 (-56) | DMG: 160(Min: 24)

  21. Peering over the shoulder of the knight, the paladin looked at some of the details of the quest to make sure that she could tank this boss reasonably. A grin ran across her face of satisfaction. For once in a long time, she had the potential to one shot the small fries. A bit of confidence was welling up inside the pink haired girl.

    "Don't worry, I recently upped my damage a bit so that I can help you fight better. I know I'm supposed to be focusing on my tanking, but I've gotten such good mitigation that I'm not worried about taking some time to level up my damage. Using Rank 2 sword arts are nearly useless at this point. Maybe I can kill some of the little guys on my own to help you out so you don';t use so much energy." The paladin was happy she could say something like that. Up to this point, she was nearly relying on her friend to do 80% of the work.


    Travelling to the Stygian River. (2/3)


  22. Back to this accursed floor. The existence of this swamp was like a natural bane to her existence. Stepping down off the portal, she got the feeling of unease hit her nearly instantly. Thank god they weren't going anywhere near the Hebi. The paladin shlopped through the mud next to her companion looking over at her.

    "We're hunting a big stupid fish right? My father taught me how to fish when I was younger. So yes, I can cook, I can fish and I know how to ride just about any mountable creature. You're learning a lot about me aren't you." The girl tried to lighten the mood for herself. Just being on the same altitude as the Hebishinu snake boss made her entirely uneasy. Imagine what would happen if they were in the middle of this boss and the Hebi attacked them at the same time? Was Cardinal that cruel? She didn't really want to figure that out.


    Level: 40 | HP:  860/860 | Energy: 80/80 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 7 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]

    R3 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R3 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, R2 Block, Rank 1 BH, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)
    Charlemagne(Heavy Armor): HM I, Thorns II
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC III
    Trap of Argalia(OHAS): DMG I; BLD I

     Taunt I; Rec II
    Braced Reproach(Shield): Taunt; Para II

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    (11x)Immolation Potion+1 < Using 1


  23. Lich...Lich.. What was a lich again? Ah, oh well. The paladin was always there Night no matter what was in her way, an unknown target would stop her from helping the girl get stronger. By helping Night, Night was in turn helping her. She couldn't get stronger or really do any of these quests without her help, or at least some damage player's help. She quickly made her way down to Yomi on floor 10 and met up with her best friend, adjusting she collected awhile back, still trying to get used to the fit.

    "Oi, Night." The paladin called as she got close to the black-clad woman. "What's a lich? Do you have the info on this boss? What am I looking out for?" The girl asked, following her partner out in to the caverns. Since she likely had more information on this quest, it would be better to let her lead then form a strategy.


    Level: 40 | HP:  860/860 | Energy: 80/80 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 7 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 36+20 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]

    R3 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R3 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, R2 Block, Rank 1 BH, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)
    Charlemagne(Heavy Armor): HM I, Thorns II
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC III
    Trap of Argalia(OHAS): DMG I; BLD I

     Taunt I; Rec II
    Braced Reproach(Shield): Taunt; Para II

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    (12x)Immolation Potion+1 < Using 1


  24. "Don't let the system get to you, everyone misses attacks." The frustration and sadness could be seen in his body language. She too had been known for missing on average more than she actually hit anything. Now it didn't matter too much since she wasn't a primary damage dealer, that's what Night was for. Man she made everything entirely easy.

    The Frost beast raised it's arm once more, smashing the ground with it's mighty stub of a hand and missing the pink paladin entirely. Snow exploded around her and came careening down like a wave from the ocean during a tsunami. The snow messed up her own attack, but she hardly looked discouraged. "Case and point. You can't hit all the time unless you have five accuracy enhancements and one of them have to be absolute accuracy. Just focus and take a few breaths, never let the battle overwhelm your sanity or you'll lose sight of your goal."


    [7]Yuki: 713/820 | 67/76 | DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | DoT: 25%+25% | Thorns: 56 | BH: 8 | Conc. CD: [0/3]
    [0]Freyd: 20/20 | 0/2 | DMG: 1

    Frost Beast: 146/250 | DMG: 160(Min: 24)

  25. "Oi, Arabelle-san!" She waved turning around hearing the light clicks of her heals against the cavern floor. "Aw, you look adorable today. It's been awhile, I how you're doing alright today. We'll be out for awhile here, I want as many armors as possible for when I reach tier three and I'm sure you guys would also like some weapons. I only want the Armor and some of the col to identify the drops. Need those element enhancements you know?"

    With that, the paladin took Arabelle's advice, leading the trio into the caverns to find the Nature's Treasure location. Once they made it there, they were instantly attacked by spiders, sliding down from the ceiling with their web. Stepping in front of the two, Yuki grinning. "Stay behind me and do what you need to do! We're strong as a unit!"

    The paladin struck out her pink lance at all her targets, hitting everything with a single sword art. The spiders followed up with their own attacks, attacking with their large appendages, chunking the paladin for nearly no damage.


    Yuki: 905/910 (16+9) | 64/76 (-4+8)| DMG: 6 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 139 | BH: 9 | BLD: 24/2 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 56
    Night: HP: 990/990 | EN: 96/96 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 6 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 8 | PROSP: 6
    Arabelle: 660/660 HP | 66/66 EN | 20 DMG | 4 ACC  | 3 LD | 3 PROSP

    Cavern Spider 1: 470/550 (-24+56) | DMG: 144
    Cavern Spider 2: 470/550 (-24+56) | DMG: 144
    Cavern Spider 3: 526/550 (-24) | DMG: 144
    Cavern Spider 4: 526/550 (-24) | DMG: 144

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