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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Now that Shield had taken the aggro over her, it was best that she get back in the fight and help things not live anymore. She jumped behind the two remaining monkeys, feeling faster than ever without a shield to weigh her down a completely impaled one of them, throwing it towards Shield once it she was finished with it and slashed the pink clad lance across the other monkeys tiny chest. She grinned happily seeing the two major critical attacks that she had landed, completely opposite from what she is used to getting. Since she had taken her shield off as well, the mobs were still focused on the other tank in their party.

    "You doing alright, Shye?" The girl looked over to see the healer giving her a thumbs up, she returned the sentiment with at smile. The she looked over to Shield to make sure that he was fine as well, which was something that was useless to worry about since the man was practically invincible.


    [H:8/8/8/8] Shield: HP: 1850/1850 | EN: 167/176 | DMG: 2 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 181 | BH:92 | HB: 48 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18/4
    [H: 1/4/1/3] Yuki: 
    720/720 | 52/66 | DMG: 5 | MIT 81 | EVA: -1 | THN: 18 | BLD: 24
    [H: 2/0/0/0] Shye: 200/200 | 20/20 | DMG: 2 | BLD: 12 | Rec: 1 | EVA: 3

    <<Flying Monkey 1>> HP: 0/150  | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20
    <<Flying Monkey 2>> HP: 90/150 (-10) | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20 - [BLD: 24/2 turn] [ENV: 18/4 turn] 
    <<Flying Monkey 3>> HP: 0/150 | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20
    <<Flying Monkey 4>> HP: 139/150 (-10) | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20 - [BLD: 24/2 turn]

  2. Yuki's face only scrunched up further, like she was doing her best to not cry more than she already was. Her words came roughly though the sobbing.

    "But what if I'm not good enough to protect someone... What if... What if someone dies because I can't do the job I'm meant to do? I can't live with the guilt of someone's death being my fault! I started leveling because I thought it would be better to die saving someone else's life than just crying in the town of beginnings, or so I could help the front lines work faster! I don't want to live in this hell anymore! I wanna see my mom, my dad, and my sister again! Why does it have to be like this!?" The paladin started into to a full blown bawl again. So much energy wasted on crying. What was she, a freaking child? A crybaby that only whined and complained in hardship?

    "There's so much weighing on me Night. People need me to be strong, confident and ready for battle, but also not reckless and careless... I don't know where the medium is! Please help me!" The girl threw her arms around her friend, clutching her somewhat tightly. She knew Night wasn't fond of physical contact like this, but she couldn't control herself at this point.

  3. The paladin's expression grew strained as Pinball turned and continued on his way. She was doing her best to reach out to him and he was only spitting in her face. She had faith in someone like Mari, who she knew killed several people, but she knew that Mari was redeemable. Even someone like Hidden was redeemable, so without a doubt, so was this boy. The girl brandished her giant lance and rushed at the boy.

    Her footsteps coming at him must have been too much of a give away. She swung the enormous lance to no effect, the boy weaving out of the way without even really looking at her attack. She tripped over a lose rock in the snow and ate the white blanket in front of her, but quickly got up. She stared the boy down with a serious face, like she was actually looking to fight him now. Her lance dwarfed her size, but somehow she was able to hold it one hand, pointing it at him.


    Yuki misses Pinball with a Basic Attack!

  4. The pinkette took the few sheets of tissue was offered and cleaned off her face. She looked over at night, the streaks of tears still painting her cheeks over a very thin color of red.

    "I'm not suicidal Night, I don't rush into every battle thinking that'll need to throw myself in front of them and die for it. But if that's what it has to come to, then I would rather be the one to die in that situation. I'm nobody important... Aincrad, Earth, anywhere... I'm just a single person that is no different, if not worse than others... My job here in this world is to ensure others live to see the end of this steel castle. If I die to save another persons life... At least I could find some solace in saving one person... even for just a moment." The more she talked, the more she felt like she was only droning on. Everything that she was saying seemed so useless and stupid, so why did she care so much about it?

  5. Yuki slid over and watched the presentation on her friends HUD. She was still quiet watching her finger trace the names of people that Night once knew. She was still having trouble believing that her life was anymore important than others. She was no one special, neither here or in the real world.

    "N-No. I don't want to see anyone else get hurt as long as I can move. If I can move my feet, I would happily die to save the life of a friend like you. D-Death doesn't scare me in the slightest." What an awful lie. "I- I just..." The paladin searched for the words that she needed to make her thoughts clear. "This world is awful! Why am I forced to feel this way because anyone of my friends could die in the blink of an eye?! Why can't I just make friends and be happy with a mediocre life?!" The girl started to break into tears a bit. The streams down her cheeks glinted off the light when she looked back at night.

    "I don't want to! I don't want to make people worry about me Ren, but I have to!!! I have to do it! If I do everything in my power to protect them, who will?! Who is going to do it?!" Yuki threw her face into her knees and sobbed quietly next to her friend, wetting the skirt of her kimono with her own tears.

  6. Silence drifted over the room at the end of her sentence. She didn't mean to bring anything like that up, but it was hard to by empathetic when she herself had never been through the death of a close friend here in Aincrad. Was that really the penalty of this game? The think that anything you do leads into you getting to leave the game, but instead you just make new, wonderful friends and watch them all either disappear or die one-by-one? Yuki set her ice cream on the table and shifted into a sit on her rear end where she curled her legs up to her chest. Her mind was starting to trail off again like it was before the snake fight. Was she going to lose everyone she cared about to this game? Was someone going to lose her to the system? Would she die one day and just leave everyone she knew behind with a hole in their hearts for the rest of their life? What was she supposed to do anymore?

  7. "Mari is a better person than she might have you believe. Yes- She is an orange player, yes, I'm aware that she has taken some lives, but she isn't a killer like people make out orange players to be. In fact, I've met worse green players than most of the orange ones that I've met. Mari, Hidden, and a boy in the snow floor four. He didn't tell me his name." The paladin took a glob of her own ice cream and shoveled it into her mouth. She was surprised that she was able to get the taste of the food nearly perfect to its real world counter part.

    "Mari is one of the first people I told me secret to here in Aincrad, I don't know what came over me, but I met her at the Gala after you broke away from our conversation. I stepped outside and met her. She was such a nice person who was having a hard time coping with the color of her crystal. It was stupid. We're all people, maybe not at this instant, but that doesn't mean we aren't alive. Mari shouldn't have to live with the guilt of taking someone's life and having it publicly displayed like that. Nobody knows the details, perhaps it was in self defense or maybe she really is a killer behind the curtain. Nevertheless, I would trust Mari with my life, if only she could ever trust me with it..."

    This would probably be a good time to change the subject then. "What about you then Night? What is your story?" The paladin took another munch out of the batter and scooped up some ice cream into her mouth.

  8. The paladin took her seat back when Ren stopped her. She figured that it was a bit of an odd dish, but it had it's own unique taste that was good in it's own right. Unique had that staple of making weird combinations of foods that seemed to somehow worked. That's when she brought up Yuki's experience in Aincrad so far. Honestly, she had to think on that for a moment. A lot had happened since she was level one.

    "I... I-I'm not sure. At first, I was scared. I sat around like a coward in the Town of Beginnings and cried for around a year. When I finally accepted it, I sat around for another year, not crying, but still terrified. Then after, I got some gear made and went out into the field for the first time. I accepted that if I died there, then I wasn't strong enough to help anyone. I came out invincible for my first 10 levels. Up until then, I felt like I could do anything. I had balls again." She giggled, the weird pun coming off completely differently. "Sorry, anyway. I grew into this reckless attitude that nothing could stop me. I think I'm only here because people like you have helped me. You've all kept me alive. You, Mari, Hidden, Shield, Life, Crow.... I wish I could something to thank all of you..."

  9. Yuki watched Night pry off the lid of her ice cream, not the exactly the reaction she intended to see, but maybe it was a bit weird to deep fry ice cream... Well when it was put that way.

    "Never had Deep-Fried Ice Cream? It's just ice cream with deep-fried pancake batter over it. Goes well with chocolate syrup. I can remove the pancake batter from some of the recipes right now if you let me use your kitchen. The Sword Art Online system for food is a little lenient." The paladin took a seat on one of the pillows, sitting on her knees politely. The stiffness in her shoulders was apparent. Hopefully Night wouldn't notice how nervous she was. It had been ages since she lasted visited a friends house, even back in the real world. Having a house guest was different since her parents had a lot of guests.

    "Here, let me get you one without the batter." She stood from her seat to go find one of the ice creams she could remove the pancake batter from for Ren.

  10. A shower would be more amazing than anything, but first thing was first.

    ""Here," She handed the food items over to Night and gave her a slight smile. "Perishable. They need to go into the fridge or they'll melt." With her vanity crafts handed off, the paladin took control of the bathroom. Luckily her armor didn't get the brunt of the mud like Night's did, but it was still covered in a thick cacophony of substances that she would never like to talk about ever again. For now, they would be fine in her inventory where nothing will get sticky from them. She showered longer than an average person did, but that was mostly because of the need to change into a kimono. When she was finished, she reunited with her friend, wherever she was, with a teal colored towel around her hair.

    "That feels so much better~ Thank you, Ren." 



    I can't have too much of kimono Astolfo. Or any Astolfo : Astolfo


    Level: 33 | HP:  720/720 | Energy: 66/66 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 4 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25% | Thorns: 18

    R2 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R2 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)

    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC 3
    White Spear - Lux(OHAS): 2 Bleed, 1 Taunt

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    (10x)Servings of Vanity Ice Cream


  11. Yuki smiled as she regained movement in her body. The paladin was covered head to toe in the beast's saliva and stomach- uh, juices? The paralysis subsided and Yuki saw her friend again. Stilling lagging from the shock of being locked into place, she was barely able to get her words out.

    "Y-You...you didnt... leave me... I..." Her smile faded away as the shock of what could have happened slip through her mind. The paladin began to bawl, obviously somewhat broken by this experience. "Nai, nai! She whined like a child, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I won't do snakes anymore! Never! Anyone who wants to do these quests with me again can ask another tank to get [censored] swallowed!

    After a moment, the paladin stood to her feet, a little wobbly, and went to go give Night a hug, before remembering that she was covered in three or four different types of slimy substances. "Nee... Ren... Can we go one of our houses and... just relax? I think... that's enough questing for me this week... but I don't want to be alone..."

  12. Inside the belly of the beast, the only thing the paladin could see was pink. Slimy pink flesh and muscle, now covering her unmoving paralyzed body. She couldn't help but cry a little, wondering if Night would stay or flee now that her tank was out of commission. Would this be where she died? N-No... Night wouldn't leave her behind and save herself.... Would she?

    On the outside, the snake looked over it's entire body, but couldn't see anything but a blur beyond Yuki's weapon. A golden, white lance that was like it's beacon in the soil. It let out a roar as it continued to think something was killing it and slammed it's head into the ground near Yuki's weapon. The beast only yelled in it's mistake. Pain overwhelming it's noggin for being so stupid as to just collide with the ground. When it was through with it's fit, it took another look around for the paladin, thinking there was another of her, or something.


    Hebishinu | HP: 42/600 (-186) | DMG: 140 | EVA: -2 | MIT: 100 | BLEEDING (24) [1/2]

    [5] NIGHT | HP: 796/930 | EN: 64/90 (+1, -10) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 22 | BURN: 24 | BLIGHT: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 9 | ANTIDOTE: 2
    [9] Zajcica | HP: 628/720 | EN: 64/66 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 24 | RECOVERY: 2

  13. The snake wasn't finished yet. It's prey was right in front of her ready for the picking. Yuki could see the change in its demeanor. It wouldn't be denied dinner a third time in a row. It rushed into the tank head first, catching the bladed lance by its sharpened edge a small amount of bleed taking over. Completely angered, it raged barraging itself at the girl until finally it broke her guard. "Nai, nai, nai-" Her voice was cut off.

    The lance flew through the air and landed into the soil with a -shlink- behind Ren. The last thing the knight gets to see before Yuki is fully engulfed was her legs infected with a static overlay.  The paladin was swallowed whole by the snake with no time at all, yet somehow, it couldn't seem to find Night. It searched aimlessly while it looked around for it's second course, wondering where it could be hiding.


    Hebishinu | HP: 228/600  | DMG: 140 | EVA: -2 | MIT: 100

    [4] NIGHT | HP: 796/930 | EN: 73/90 (+1, -9) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 22 | BURN: 24 | BLIGHT: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 9 | ANTIDOTE: 2
    [9] Zajcica | HP: 628/720 (-31) | EN: 63/66 (-3+1) | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5 | BLEED: 24 | RECOVERY: 2

  14. An extremely unpleasant noise released from the beast's pain as Night shoved her blade into it's scaly skin. It looked down at the darker haired girl, who was nothing more than a black blob in it's vision. All it could see was the pink paladin standing before it. In it's rage it reached down and bit her once again. The paladin struggled against it's clamping jaw once more. Finally, she found her moment to strike, passing the lance through it's jaw and falling from it's mouth again. Back into the shallow, muddy bank the lake seeped from. Static formed around her frame, like she was paralyzed, but the antidote she had was keeping her going.

    "Uegh..." The paladin slowly rose to her feet, both disgust and worry on her face. "S-Stop... I can't go through this again..." The girls mind went back to the Sando Satsu, her focus slowly losing it's grip. No more Antidote to protect her.


    Hebishinu | HP: 414/600 (-186) | DMG: 140 | EVA: -2 | MIT: 100

    [3] NIGHT | HP: 796/930 | EN: 81/90 (+1, -9) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 22 | BURN: 24 | BLIGHT: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 9 | ANTIDOTE: 2
    [4] Zajcica | HP: 659/720 (-31) | EN: 66/66 (-4+5) | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5 | BLEED: 24 | RECOVERY: 2 | ANTIDOTE: 0

  15. As the paladin stood up, completely unbothered by the contact that the two had just experienced, a low growl bellowed from her belly and through her teeth. Her fierce expression was way off her usual cheery, laid back attitude.

    "Grr... How dare you..." She started in a whisper under her own breath. The grip on the lance of Argalia choking it's haft. "How dare you hurt my friend you bastard!" The paladin rushed past Night, looking to ram the weapon deep into it's long, slithering, soon-to-be corpse. It cared not for her anger, however. It's jaws latched around her upper half, picking her up off the ground. In retaliation, the girl jammed her spear into it's tongue. That's how these things smelled things or something right?

    The snake wailed in pain, dropping the paladin into the water below. She quickly swam back to an area where she could stand between it and Night, covered in purple liquid that washed away too quickly to be effective. "I am your enemy, you scaly sack of [censored]!"


    Hebishinu | HP: 600/600 | DMG: 140 | EVA: -2 | MIT: 100 | SAFEGUARD: Depleted!

    [2] NIGHT | HP: 796/930 | EN: 89/90 (-1) | ACC: 2 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 6 | BURN: 24 | BLIGHT: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 9 | ANTIDOTE: 2
    [4] Zajcica | HP: 690/720 (-30) | EN: 66/66 | DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 111 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5 | BLEED: 24 | RECOVERY: 2 | ANTIDOTE: 1/3

  16. The silence broken, the paladin's locked onto the serpent peering from the serene lake, only disturbed by it's motion of peaking over the level of water. Her mind was solid now, the only thing she had on her mind was to protect Night. With a flash of light, the girl's weapon formed into her hand along with her shield. Her core lowered to the ground and her legs squared to center her balance further. Her eyes looked focused and determined.

    "Don't worry. I'm here." Her words were somewhat off beat. The serious tone that she normally steered away from was surfacing in her expression. As badly as she wanted to take the battle to her enemy to ensure her friends safety, she was told to use the items given to her when they encountered it. The hum of her menu pulled up the item list in her inventory. She wasn't familiar with these song boxes, but she clicked them on and threw them into the battlefield. Their music played through the quiet chirping of the birds.

    Before she had time get into position, the long snakes body rose from the water, swinging forward with a might strong enough to send her damaging ally directly into her frame. The two fell to the ground, Yuki's armor not really helping cushion the blow of the fall. "R-Ren!! Are you alright?!"


    Zajcica: 720/720 | 66/66 | DMG: 5 | MIT: 111 | EVA: -1 | Rec: 2 | BLD: 24[9-10] | THN: 18 | Anti: 3/3
    Night: 798/930 -132 | 90/90 | ACC: 2 (1, +1) | DMG: 20 (16, +3+1*) | EVA: 0 | MIT: 6 (36, -15*) | BURN: 24 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | Antidote: 2 (0, +2)

    Hebishinu: 600/600 | MIT: 100 | DMG: 140 | ACC: +2 | Para(CD: 7-12)/Toxic(CD: 1-6)MD: 9-10

    • [T2E2] March of the Rebellion (1)
      -- [ Hypnosis II | -2 ACC to one enemy for one battle. ]
    • [T2E2] Le Gibet (1) | [ref]
      -- [ Lullaby II | -2 EVA to one enemy for one battle. ]
      -- [ Instant Effect | Item can be used as a free action. ]

    Using items on Hebishinu


  17. The paladin was still lost in thought. The green leaves a had entranced her as she stared into nothing but space in general. Crow and Life weren't the only ones now that the thoughts went through her head. There was also Mari. Was it just because she hadn't given Yuki a message in some time, or because she herself hadn't messaged Mari and asked if she was doing alright? It's hard to believe that all of them disappearing from her inbox was just coincidental.

    The white noise of the forest around her drowned out Night's words. It wasn't that often when she let these sort of things fill her mind to the brim with meaningless questions. It wasn't until the girl found herself running face first into a low hanging branch that she finally snapped out of her deep mental fortitude. She shook her head to null out the pain as fast as it came. "Ita-tata...G-Gomen..." The girl said trying to fake a smile to Night while rubbing the place on her head that made contact with the branch.

  18. Yuki grew quiet for awhile. Even as the items appeared in her console, accepted them and moved them into their proper place in her inventory. On top of her want to get out of this forest, several other things were weighing her mind down. She couldn't help but wonder what Life was up to at this point. She hadn't seen him since he was level ten. Did her approach to him scare him off to the point of him not wanting to see her again? And Crow, what about him? Since they last talked, he said he wanted to quest on his own for awhile. Was that just a distraction from the fact that he actually was trying to get rid of her?

    And now Night. She was reckless with her feelings with her as well, she wasn't going to leave her too was she? That was what worried her the most, that she would lose yet another friend to her stupidity. She seemed completely out of touch with the conversation Night was trying to have with her at this point.

  19. Yuki was confused a bit. She didn't know that Night had a problem with plants or anything similar. It was something of an odd fear, but she couldn't really judge. She was terrified of a snake in sand but not one in water. Since her friend wasn't taking lead, she guessed that she should, walking off out of the safe zone and making their way towards the quest location.

    She wondered if saying anything further on the subject was okay, but she didn't really want to make Night's mood worse. The paladin sighed in defeat, her curiosity would get her killed. "I'm not very subtle, or smooth am I? I'm starting to see why I've been rejected three times, but I at least know when to stop. I promise I'll leave it alone from now on." The paladin relaxed her arms back at her sides and looked off to the side. Her voice did seem somewhat deflated. "That being said, you're still one of my best friends here in Aincrad. I wouldn't trade your friendship for anything. There's a lot of things I want to talk about, but maybe not out here... another time."

  20. Yuki noted the change in expression. That Night had when she looked at the item she made her. She honestly wasn't able to tell if it was the items fault, or if it had to do with what happened when they last ate it. It was pretty obvious that she wasn't interested in her that way, though, that wouldn't stop the two from being friends and partners in combat. She would defend Ren to her final breath if that's what it came down to.

    "We'll be alright. I trust you to take it down before it can hurt me. It'll be lucky to scratch me." Yuki rested her hands behind her head with her armors up, taking note of Night's quiet and meek demeanor so far. Hopefully there was nothing bothering her. "Is something wrong? You don't really seem as up to the challenge today as you were when we did our last quest... Is it something to do with me? Are you worried I might break down like last time? I won't, I promise."

    While she took the time to answer, Yuki opened her menu and used the item that would keep her stable should a paralysis afflict her.


    [T1E3] One Beast's Defiance (1) -- [ Antidote III | Immunity to status conditions for 3 turns. ]


  21. Likely to get dirty this time around, might even get wet in the process. Oh well, literally anything beats floor nine. She walked around the teleporter a bit getting a good feel for the air and the area around her, until Night appeared rather meekly.

    "Oi Ren. What's this- Oh hey, I was just wondering if I should get more consumables, looks like you took care of that hunh? I already ate my food to buff my toughness." When the trade menu popped up, Yuki decided now would be a good time to give her the gift she prepared as well. She loaded them into the trade menu and accepted them. "There, that should keep you dishing damage longer and longer. You're already insanely strong, but I figure this will help expedite the process even further. I hope you like it." The girl says with a warm smile to her best friend.


    Transferring to Night

    Name: Odamaki-Mushi: Midnight Special
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 148257; -1; -2
    Roll: 9+1; LD: 16
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Protein II
    Description: The tag line for this items description reads only: "For a Friend<3"
    Post Link: [Here]


  22. -Ping-

    The paladin sees her menu light up with a familiar flash of the envelope icon. Surely it was Night again and she would have to decipher yet another displaced and jumbled message- Oh no it's actually entirely readable this time. She didn't have any problems with snakes in a whole, it was just the one on floor seven. One hour from now.

    If it was Floor 16, it was going to be tougher than the last few bosses she had been fighting. Time to get her game face on and show Ren what she was really capable of. She spent a short amount of time in the kitchen making Night a special meal that would be helpful for the quest and something for herself. Normally she would make this enhancement on a different dish, but she could do something special for her best friend.

    On her way to teleporter she ate her Dragon Roll, and soon was on Floor 16 where she would await Night's arrival


    Level: 33 | HP:  720/720 | Energy: 66/66 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81+30ACC: 0 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 18

    R2 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R2 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): MIT I, Thorns II
    Revenant(Shield): Taunt I; Rec II
    Trap of Argalia(OHAS): DMG I; BLD I

    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC III

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    Fiery Dragon Roll - MIT III < Using
    Odamaki Musi: Midnight Special(x3)



  23. Yuki raise her own shield to block the attack, until Shield sent the creature flying. She shrank behind it when he spoke.

    "O-Oi... I am a tank too. If I didn't attack them all, Shye could have been hit... My taunt is on my new shield and I don't have one without taunt... Oh! I have an idea." The girl quickly opened up her menu and replaced the Shield was using with a neat little horn that she had. It would raise her accuracy by a bunch, so he wont miss, but more successful attacks will generate more hate. She also looked to see if she could remove Fighting Spirit from her skill slots, but it looked like they were locked during combat. This is something she would remember for next time.

    "Sorry about that shield. It's just natural taunt generation, I removed it so you should out pace me for the hate generated now. I'll think about the plan more thoroughly next time." She wasn't a tank this time, she was just something of a petty damage dealer. Man it would be helpful if Ren was here too help...


    Yuki switches her Shield out for her Accuracy III trinket

    [H:4/4/4/4] Shield: HP: 1850/1850 | EN: 167/176 | DMG: 2 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 181 | BH:92 | HB: 48 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18/4
    [H: 1/4/1/3] Yuki: 
    720/720 | 66/66 | DMG: 5 | MIT 81 | EVA: -1 | THN: 18 | BLD: 24
    [H: 2/0/0/0] Shye: 200/200 | 20/20 | DMG: 2 | BLD: 12 | Rec: 1 | EVA: 3

    <<Flying Monkey 1>> HP: 39/150  | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20 -  [BLD: 12/1 turn] 
    <<Flying Monkey 2>> HP: 124/150 | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20 - [BLD: 24/1 turn] 
    <<Flying Monkey 3>> HP: 51/150 | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20
    <<Flying Monkey 4>> HP: 149/150 | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20

  24. Yuki grinned as the monkeys descended from the castle, something she thought that she would never have the pleasure of seeing. She was ready to fight with Shield for once, rather than just get lectured and an orange cursor. The paladin's new lance glowed with a beautiful pink glow, watching as the monkeys got in range she swung at each, only missing two with her aoe. That didn't matter as long as she attacked at them.

    One of them dive-bombed directly towards Shye. Yuki quickly jumped between them and stabbed her lance through it's body. With a smile she gave the other girl a thumbs up. "Don't worry, I got your back, and so does Shield! We wont let these stupid things touch ya!" She pulled her lance free of the mob, who had only taken one damage, basically a staple of Yuki's combat skills at this point, and took not of the bleed that appeared near it's health bar. Nice to see the bleed doing double its previous damage.


    [H:0/0/0/0] Shield: HP: 1850/1850 | EN: 176/176 | DMG: 2 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 181 | BH:92 | HB: 48 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18/4
    [H: 1/4/1/3] Yuki: 
    720/720 | 58/66 | DMG: 5 | MIT 81 | EVA: -1 | THN: 18 | BLD: 24
    [H: 0/0/0/0] Shye: 200/200 | 20/20 | DMG: 2 | BLD: 12 | Rec: 1 | EVA: 3

    <<Flying Monkey 1>> HP: 150/150  | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20
    <<Flying Monkey 2>> HP: 149/150 (-1) | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20 | [BLEEDING: 24 for 2 turns]
    <<Flying Monkey 3>> HP: 150/150 | DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20
    <<Flying Monkey 4>> HP: 149/150 (-1)| DMG: 70 (35 min) | MIT 20

  25. Shye gave the mountain of a man a big smile. She was originally nervous about joining a guild but she was really coming around to it now. Everyone in it seemed so nice. The healer then turned to the other girl and gave her a warm smile.

    "It's a pretty simple quest from what I remember. Shield was able to complete it without my help." She said. The paladin gave her a smirk in return.

    "Oi, oi. I've been working on myself Shield. I did my research before heading out. We'll have to fight two parties of enemies, the first ones are just some weak lackeys, the second ones being with the witch herself. She can use a pretty tough AoE attack, which means you'll have to stay out of the combat when we get there." Shye shrank to the paladin's words a bit. She was not wrong on that one.

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