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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Name: Fiery Dragon Roll
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 148251
    Roll: CD: 11+1; LD 11
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: Tier 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT III
    Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Fiery Dragon Roll
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 148253
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD 10
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: Tier 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT III
    Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 148256
    Roll: 11+1; LD: 6
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition
    Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 148258
    Roll: 11+1; LD: 9
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition
    Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Odamaki-Mushi: Midnight Special
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 148257; -1; -2
    Roll: 9+1; LD: 16
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Protein II
    Description: The tag line for this items description reads only: "For a Friend<3"
    Post Link: [Here]


  2. Spoiler


    Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 7
    ID: 142305
    Roll: 12+1; LD: 8
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition
    Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Day 29


    (1)Fail: 0
    (2)Salvage: 0
    (3)Uncommon: 2
    (5)Rare: 4
    (8)Perfect: 4

    EXP: 118 Total: 1,934+118=2,052

  3. Yuki smiled to her friend, eyeing the beautiful little music box that she was holding. It was playing a nice little piano tune, likely the craft of a talented performer here in Aincrad, but Yuki didn't know anyone who was a performer, other than that dark haired girl in her guild. Did she play piano? Maybe it was hers.

    "I can't remember the name of the one I put the most time into, but I remember my character being a lizard with wicked horns! I was like a dragon person without the wings and I could breath fire! It was fun, but it was too much of a grind to tolerate for too long honestly. That's most of the reason that I don't like MMOs but I guess my attitude can change when it comes to life or death situations."

    Yuki laughed, trying to ensure Night that she wasn't saying that in a bad way. "Oscar's hotdogs are so good-!" Her conversation started to devolve into a topic of cooking, that Night would have to suffer through for the rest of the evening.



    SP: 3 quest to night only; 1 page; 1 bonus
    Snake Venom
    200 col per player


  4. The pinkette took a moment. The images of her past were nothing but that: The past. Those who held onto it and let consume them would get themselves killed in a world as harsh as this. She was stronger now and this would not anchor her down. Yuki looked up at Night, who was holding her hand out to her. They had just barely started to get to know each other, but there was no doubt in her mind. Ren was probably her best friend in this digital hell. Yuki would do everything she could to protect Night.

    Her hand clasped Night's, pulling herself upward into a stand. After a few seconds of breathing carefully to cool herself down, the paladin gave the knight a smile. "We can go anywhere else in the game and I'll smile. As long as you're here with me, there is no reason for me to be upset. I showed my weakness, but I won't let it happen again. I promise that next time we go into combat, I'll be more fierce than a lion on the hunt. And yes, I like that idea."

  5. Yuki stood still, knowing full well that Night could obliterate this boss with a single strike and no help whatsoever. The scars on her mind weighed her down heavily, though. Nearly dying to this boss had left a mark on her that she would never forget. The serpents exploded into nothing but dust of blue before her friend's blade. With a heavy sigh as her friend returned, Yuki started to approach Ren with her arms out, like she wanted to hug her but stopped midway. She didn't want to make her feel awkward or anything again.

    With no idea what to do at this point, the paladin took a seat on the ground, huddling her knees into her chest. Her words came out quietly to Night, just loud enough to hear over the wind. "If tank - being everyone's shield - I can protect them right? I... I can keep you, Mari, Shield, and everyone else alive.. I..." Her voice trailed off.

  6. Yuki's composure was difficult to break to begin with, but a near death experience can really take a toll on a person. It's traumatizing to see a little green bar signifying how much longer you have to live and watch it tick down slowly and surely to its end and you're just dead.

    "No one said that to me before. I just hold to my ideals." Yuki was having a difficult time looking at her friend, thinking about things she shouldn't. The thought of Night just vaporizing into data terrified her more than dying herself. The girl took a deep breath and shook that image from her mind. "I don't care about 'more likely', Ren. I care about certainty that you will come out of battle alive. If anyone is to die between the two of us it should be me. I am to protect you so I should be taking the damage. I won't let you die. I won't stand and watch you fight alone. I am your shield, a shield is useless if you don't stand behind it." The girl continued outside the city with her friend, ready for when the boss spawns.

  7. "You're going to fight it then? I-I won't leave your side. I won't take that risk. I- ... I cannot falter. Composure... Need to pull myself together..." The paladin gave her cheeks a few taps to wake herself up from the bad memories that she had of this area. With probably the most serious face Night had ever seen her wear, the girl reestablished her stance at her side.

    "Ren, in the short time we've known each other, you're easily one of my favorite people in Aincrad. I will not let you walk into this fight without me because I'm scared. I am even more scared of going without you and you never returning." With that, Yuki took the lead. She would not accept Night fighting this beast alone. She would not let a small fear consume her, no matter what she had experienced before. Shield had told her before... "A tank cannot show weakness, I cannot hold uncertainty in my heart."

  8. Yuki hesitated to move. She didn't want to go anywhere near this monster again. After having finished it before, she swore that she would never come back to this area unless it was absolutely necessary. Macradon, Mari's friend, and the Blacksmith who made her original armor, saved her from that giant monster. She couldn't sleep peacefully for a week after that day. Six health points. That was how close she came to dying to that monster. 

    "N-Night, do we have to do this quest?" Yuki's voice became more serious as she spoke from now. Her voice was deeper, like she wasn't trying so hard to keep up her feminine voice, as she usually was. "Have you completed it before, I mean? If so, I will help, but if not, I want nothing to do with this quest." The paladin stood in her place, waiting on an answer and almost ignoring the other bits of conversation that Ren was trying to make.

  9. The paladin met with her query before moving further into her home floor. From her understanding, the player that they were tagging along with had already undertaken this quest and lead her through the forest to where the witch's castle was supposed to be. Seeing Shield again would be nice.

    "Y-You're Yuki, right? Hard to miss, Shield said that you were a girl in heavy armor with some long pink hair. It's pretyy." Shye said approaching the taller woman.

    "Oi! Ore wa Yuki, yoroshikune~ And yeah, that's me. You're supposed to lead me to this witch mansion in the forest where Shield is waiting for us. He's a patient guy, but we shouldn't keep him waiting. Let's go." With that, the two walked through the forest together. Shye stood close behind the paladin to make sure that neither of them got ambushed. Soon after, Yuki found the bright white beacon in the fog that was Shield's shiny ass armor.

    "Oi! How's it going Shield?" Aki cawed in recognition to the player who had trained them.


    Level: 33 | HP:  720/720 | Energy: 66/66 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 5 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81 | ACC: 0 | DoT Restst: 25%+25%(1st proc) | Thorns: 18

    R2 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R2 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): MIT I, Thorns II
    Braced Reproach(Shield): Taunt I; Para II
    Trap of Argalia(OHAS): DMG I; BLD I

    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC III
    Revenant(Shield): Taunt I; Rec II

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)


  10. The paladin smiled back at her friend, who was no asking her what her favorite games were. Did she come out and tell Ren the truth? Well, she already knew enough about Yuki, might as well not be afraid to tell her anything at this point.

    "I've played a couple MMO's but I always found them kind of difficult to play. There's so much that you have to know to be successful in them...Now here I am, wanting to learn how to play them so I can survive. I enjoy anything that is fantasy based, not so much sci-fi stuff, but usually roleplaying games or adventure-esque games. Stuff where you can be free to explore whatever you want and just have fun. That sounds kinda lam-" The pinkette noticed the familiar town set on floor seven. It was this quest.

    After a moment the paladin slowed to a stop, holding her hand against her other arm. "N-Nai..." She whispered came under her breath, a memorable voice of her last trek through this floor. "Dasukette!!!" Yuki shook her head, trying to remove that encounter from her brain.

  11. The paladin looked at the wonderful items that her friend was attempting to share with her. She appreciated the sentiment and still accepted the items knowing full well that Night may never use them. Hell, she herself has only used a healing potion once.

    "Thanks, but I feel bad that I didn't bring you anything buffed now that you're giving me some potions for combat. I'm sure I'll be thanking you when one of these potions saves me from a life or death situation. And have as much of the rolls as you want. You know that if you ever need anything Night, I'm just outside of Coral on Floor 22 okay? Promise me that if you find yourself needing something that you can't get a hold of for a quest that you'll come to me. I will get it done right for you, Ren." The girl gave her a warm, endearing smile. "And, yeah, my mom taught me how to cook. Besides video games, it's my favorite hobby."


    Aceepting items from Night:

    • [T1EU] Starter Healing Potions (3) -- [ Heals 50 HP. ]
    • [T1E1] Uncommon Health Potions (3) -- [ Heals 40 HP. ]


  12. It didn't take too long for Yuki to catch up with her usual grinding partner. Only about 5 minutes later, the pink haired night showed up carrying a bag with her towards Night. When she got up to her friend the girl's voice rang.

    "Oi!~ I brought you some things for the invite, just some vanity muchies for us to snack on." Ren could smell the compounding of rice and seaweed mixed with several other ingredients. The food she had brought was dragon rolls, something that she was fond of for the strong taste. "If you're not familiar with them, they're called Dragon Rolls! They're pretty hot so be careful! If you want something less spicy, the other roll is a California roll."

    The paladin took a piece of the Spicy Dragon Roll and stuffed in her mouth. After a moment of struggling to not breath pretty much literal fire, the girl let out a sigh of relief. "So, you lead the way. I'll throw myself at whatever blocks your path as usual."

  13. All the teammates got their chances to pick up one of the fallen branches that came from the trees. Yuki, did not have that luxury as the Tree of Winter appeared way too quickly for her to make up her mind on which one of the branches she could take. All the branch piles phased away, leaving what was left of the trees in the players' hands. It was kind of weird to think of the branches like the bones of their enemies, but it was probably a good thing that she hadn't picked up the branches. It seemed like the Tree of Winter had increased it's power with the trophies that they had collected from his brothers and sister. The feeling of the branches imbued the group with power, but the Winter tree itself seemed to take the benefit for himself as well.

    Yuki readied her axe and decided to try a new sword art. Her axe switched to a pink hue, filling the air with a low hum. "No more messing around then, hunh? It is worth to try and honor your family, so let us give you a good fight then!" Electricity laced within the axe, it cleaved into the tree sending a few splinters of damage out of its skeleton. It was only then that Yuki realized it's beefy health bar - Whew! This thing was tougher than all three of the other trees combined!

    "We all need to attack together! Put all your strength into it guys!" The bunny girl took a step back, returning to her group of players while they worked out a strategy.


    > 3 Damage inflicted on the Tree of Winter. Paralyze afflicted!

  14. Name: Hanami Dango Supreme with Green Tea
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID:  147929
    Roll: CD: 12+1: LD: 6
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: Hanami Dango sticks served with warm green tea.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Hanami Dango Supreme with Green Tea
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID:  147930
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: Hanami Dango sticks served with warm green tea.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Hanami Dango Supreme with Green Tea
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 147933
    Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 2
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: Hanami Dango sticks served with warm green tea.
    Post Link: [Here]

  15. Day 28


    (1)Fail: 2
    (2)Salvage: 1
    (3)Uncommon: 1
    (5)Rare: 3
    (8)Perfect: 3

    EXP: 98 Total: 1,836+98=1,934


    Name: Hanami Dango Supreme with Green Tea
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID:  147929
    Roll: CD: 12+1: LD: 6
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: Hanami Dango sticks served with warm green tea.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Hanami Dango Supreme with Green Tea
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID:  147930
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: Hanami Dango sticks served with warm green tea.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Hanami Dango Supreme with Green Tea
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 147933
    Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 2
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: Hanami Dango sticks served with warm green tea.
    Post Link: [Here]


  16. Barely waking up from her slumber, the paladin's eyes caught a glance of her messages. Ten minutes ago from Night- What kind of jumbled mess is this? The only thing she could make up was a field boss on floor 7? She only had about a half hour to get ready. Would that be enough time to meet her there? Probably not. The girl rose from bed carefully and slowly, still plenty tired. Needed something to help her wake up.

    A few stretches and something to drink and the paladin would be ready for the day to come. She wasn't going to leave Night hanging after all. Ren was becoming one of her best friends in the game pretty quickly. She opened her menu up and started writing a message to the other girl.

    Yuki: Oi!
    I just got ready, might be a few minutes late to floor seven.
    Thanks for inviting me!

    A little blip sound and the message went off. The paladin then started making her way to the Coral teleporter. 


    Level: 33 | HP:  720/720 | Energy: 66/66 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 4 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 81 | ACC: 3 | DoT Restst: 25% | Thorns: 18

    R2 OHAS, R5 Heavy Armor, R2 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration

    Athletics; Stonewall

    Housing Buffs
    Rested; Filling; Tasty; Angler; Hardworking

    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC 3
    White Spear - Lux(OHAS): 2 Bleed, 1 Taunt


    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)


  17. Night riffled through the back checking the sacks to tell the couple that they were now free of the Underdark. Yuki seemed as though she was done for the day, and maybe longer. The paladin sighed quietly to herself.

    "Thanks. It gets a little boring when I can't manage doing more than 1% of their HP in damage. At that point it's just best to let them bang uselessly against my prickly frame and be punished for it. She laughed quietly as a funny thought went through her head. "I'm like a pink cactus!" Her laughing only got more out of hand as she vocalized it.

    "Well, Ren, I know that this caused trouble for us the last time, but do you wanna finish this food now?" The egg and noodles from earlier appeared in her hand and she offered Night a smile. "We can eat and explore this town for fun while the heat on us cools down."


  18. The knight's blade sank into both of her targets, leaving dark red gashes again their models to signify seep wounds. Their health bars feel dangerously low, closing in on red now. One more attack would probably be enough to put an end to their misery. Noticing that Night had landed a critical hit, something that was known to attract more attention to a player, she picked up her lance again, swinging at that elf to ensure that his attention stayed glued to her. The one that was able to move parried the attack away from his comerade, knocking Yuki's weapon to the ground. She watched it fall, landing gently in the dirt next to her.

    Her fist socked the elf in the face, getting him off her. Her hand reached down and picked up her lance. She stood there idle again. She had a feeling that this would be foreshadowing for awhile. Just holding aggro and standing there like a meat prickly meat shield for others.


    Dark Elf Hunter #1 | HP: 195/575 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 150 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 30 
    Dark Elf Hunter #2 | HP: 183/575 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 150 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 30 | PARALYZED

    [2, 3] NIGHT | HP: 910/910 | EN: 38/88 | ACC: 5 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 2 | PARAV-O: 1 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 2
    [3, 4] Zajcica | HP: 590/590 | EN: 34/56 (-1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 92 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5

  19. The paladin stood idle, waiting for her friend to follow up the damage on her own attack. Yuki's damage was too awful to even make use of the exploitable position that they were in. Even if she did hit them, they would only take one damage and maybe make them bleed if she landed a good attack, but why? It probably would not change the damage threshold for Night anyway. That being said the tank sighed and just stood over them, looking entirely too bored to do anything but look down on the stunned enemies.

    "Man these guys get hit and stunned pretty often for programs named "Dark Elf Hunters". Can't you do anything better?" The paladin taunted kicking the Elf with her foot and shaking him. He gave her a fierce expression of aggravation for that one. She turned to Night and shrugged, taking a seat against the carriage again to rest. Her hate would surpass her friends for a few attacks, so why waste the energy.


    Yuki was too lazy to attack.

    Dark Elf Hunter #1 | HP: 429/575 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 150 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 30 | STUNNED
    Dark Elf Hunter #2 | HP: 429/575 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 150 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 30 | STUNNED

    [1, 1] NIGHT | HP: 910/910 | EN: 50/88 | ACC: 5 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 2 | PARAV-O: 1 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 2
    [3, 3] Zajcica | HP: 590/590 | EN: 34/56 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 92 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5

  20. The paladin pulled the carriage into the location where the the elven couple were needing to go. Thankfully they got there just as Night laid the killing blows on their enemies, sending them back into the Cardinal system where they would likely rematerialize as something else in the world, if not just the same program it was before.

    Once the horses finally stopped, the girl collapsed against the back of the carriage seat and groaned. "Tsukareta!~ Man that was annoyingly, long and tedious. " Her eyes trailed up to the dark-haired girl behind her, who was replacing her sword into its holder once again. When her eyes met the eyes of her friend, the girl smiled brightly to her, looking at her upside down.

    "Great job. Your sword really does make quick work of almost anything, doesn't it? I'm glad we got through that, but here is the quest location that were supposed to go to. Is that all we needed?"

    Just as she was sitting up, she saw the remaining group of riders jump from their hiding places, trying to get a stab of on the girl while she relaxed. 

    "Mooooouuuuu! Leave us alone! I'm totally done questing for a few days!" The pinkette groaned, blocking the strikes with her Shield and slashing both the enemies with a single swing of her weapon.



    Dark Elf Hunter 1: 574/575 (-1) | DMG: 150 | MIT: 30 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 2 | Para: 9-10MD +25 DMG | [BLEEDING: 1/2]
    Dark Elf Hunter 2: 575/575 (-1) | DMG: 150 | MIT: 30 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 2 | Para: 9-10MD +25 DMG

    [0, 0] NIGHT | HP: 910/910 | EN: 88/88  | ACC: 5 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 2 | PARAV-O: 1 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 2
    [3, 3] Zajcica | HP: 590/590 | EN: 56/56 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 92 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5

  21. The paladin looked back to make sure that the fight was still in their favor, and thankfully it was. The group of mobs were already down to about 30% health and Night could handle them with another single sword art. No reason to worry about making an attack here. She would just focus on navigating them through the remaining areas and into the Vale that Night was talking about earlier. She pulled up her map to see if she could find such a place logged there, and thankfully it was pinned on her quest marker. That made it simple enough. They could be there soon.

    The girl let out a sigh of relief, initially she thought that this quest was going to be dangerous for her to take on, but night made everything easy when she tanked for her. It was clear that the two of them would become some good friends.

    No Action Made.


    Dark Elf Hunter #1 | HP: 153/575 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 150 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 30 | BLEEDING (12) [2/2]
    Dark Elf Hunter #2 | HP: 174/575 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 150 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 30 | PARALYZED

    [3, 4] NIGHT | HP: 910/910 | EN: 69/88 | ACC: 5 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 2 | PARAV-O: 1 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 2
    [8, 4] Zajcica | HP: 590/590 | EN: 40/56 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 92 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5

  22. Following up on the elfs' weakened state. The paladin jumped on top of them, ramming her pink lance into their chests with ease since they were unable to move. Once the damage had been done, her very mediocre damage at that, her face scrunched up in annoyance. She wasn't meant to do the damage, she knew that, but watching these half assed mobs take absolutely no damage from her thorns really bugged her. If she could do more damage, she could help Night finish the fight faster. Know your role Yuki and stay the course. The course! She would need to drive again!

    The paladin took the reigns herself to ensure the horses had the guidance they needed not to run into anything. "I got this, and their focusing on me. Keep it up, Ren!" With that she snapped the reigns of the equine to keep them going. They had to be close to the Vale by now and these were the last of the guards to deal with.



    Dark Elf Hunter #1 | HP: 397/575  (-1+12) | DMG: 150 | MIT: 30 | STUNNED | BLEEDING (12) [2/2]
    Dark Elf Hunter #2 | HP: 420/575  (-1) | DMG: 150 | MIT: 30 | STUNNED

    [2, 2] NIGHT | HP: 910/910 | EN: 80/88 (-8) | ACC: 5 | DMG: 22 | EVA: 2 | PARAV-O: 1 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 2
    [8, 4] Zajcica | HP: 590/590 | EN: 46/56 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 92 | THORNS: 18 | REGEN: 5

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