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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. Yuki fastened the last belt of her armor just as Crow finished his last sentence, her smile never waned. Her thin finger reached out to Crozeph's face and stayed there for a moment, close to touching him while she spoke. "This tank never takes breaks! After this I'm going grinding to get Uniques!" The girl booped his nose with her finger then started walking them back to the safe zone.

    "You'd best keep up with me! I won't be sitting around waiting for you to get strong or anything Kuro-kun. It would get boring if I didn't get to see you, so remember that my shop is always open if you need buff foods, or if you need just a meal in General. I also have enough room for you to sleep in my mansion if you need somewhere to sleep, okay? She gave him another one of her cute-girl smiles, as opposed to the optimistic hardworker ones. "Continue to stay strong with me."


  2. Yuki paused just before the quest area. She wanted to check the stats on everything before she entered battle. Knowledge and experience were the keys to victory for a soloing tank. It's damage couldn't surpass her mitigation enough before it killed her since she three times as much more health points than the boss did. She did lack in the damage department, as always. With a mixture of thorns and sword arts with a slight bleed she could easily manage killing this thing. It would just...take awhile.

    Her ears perked as she heard the sound of footsteps crunching the snow behind her, slowly. They were distant, but approaching. The girl expected a lower level player looking for some good experience from the dragon, but when she turned to greet them, she instantly noticed the orange crystal floating above his head. A PKer out here? Were they here for her? No, it was like with Hidden. Perhaps this was just a quest he had yet to complete and was looking to get it out of the way. Yuki's concern for the orange crystal faded with a friendly smile. "Oi! You here to take on the dragon too? Ore wa Yuki. Yoroshikune."


  3. The tank walked into Everyday Miracles. It had been a minute since she last saw Shield. She wondered if he would be impressed with her supply drop that she was about to deliver. Anything she didn't need that Shield could use, she would leave with him. That was if anything she had would be useful at all Identifying items could be extremely worthwhile or useless. But, it wasn't hard to collect the items so she would try as many times as she needed.

    "Shield! I've been busy and I need your help!" The girl started pulling items out of her inventory, setting each across the counter so he could look at them all. ""I'm looking for an armor or shield with an aura or a Weapon that has blight on it. I would appreciate it if you checked if any of these had those. Anything else you can keep, I'm not worried about Col."


    ID:           143377
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Heavy Armor
    Quality: Perfect

    ID:          144896
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Heavy Armor
    Quality: Perfect

    ID:          144896-1
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Heavy Armor
    Quality: Perfect

    ID:          145686
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Shield
    Quality: Perfect

    ID:          145686-1
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Shield
    Quality: Perfect

    ID:          144417
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Heavy Armor
    Quality: Rare

    ID:          144422
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Heavy Armor
    Quality: Rare

    ID:          144901
    Tier:       2
    Type:     Shield
    Quality: Rare

    ID:          143380
    Tier:       2
    Type:     One-Handed Assault Spear
    Quality: Rare

    ID:          142822
    Tier:       2
    Type:     One-Handed Assault Spear
    Quality: Perfect

    Banker Fee: (1200x6)+(800x4)=10,400Col
    Shield Fee: (375x6)+(250x4)=3,250

    Total Cost: 10,400+3,250=13,650

    Giving Shield +1 CD potion from Witch of the West.

  4. Name: Mochi Supreme
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145914
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD: 1
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: LD 3
    Description: A tone of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Ika Teriyaki Bento
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145918; 145918-1;145918-2
    Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 19
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: A box filled with squid in teriyaki sauce, rice, California rolls and served with Miso.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Toriniku Teriyaki Bento
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145917
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD: 6
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT 2; ACC 1
    Description: A box filled with Chick in teriyaki sauce, rice, California rolls and served with Miso.
    Post Link: [Here]

  5. Day 25


    (1)Fail: 1
    (2)Salvage: 2
    (3)Uncommon: 2
    (5)Rare: 2
    (8)Perfect: 3

    EXP: 93 Total: 1,575+93=1,663


    Name: Mochi Supreme
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145914
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD: 1
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: LD 3
    Description: A tone of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Ika Teriyaki Bento
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145918; 145918-1;145918-2
    Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 19
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Prosperity 3
    Description: A box filled with squid in teriyaki sauce, rice, California rolls and served with Miso.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Toriniku Teriyaki Bento
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145917
    Roll: CD: 12+1; LD: 6
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT 2; ACC 1
    Description: A box filled with Chick in teriyaki sauce, rice, California rolls and served with Miso.
    Post Link: [Here]


  6. Yuki grinned with joy as Crow was starting to take on the kind of spirit that she had. When she first met him, he looked like such a troubled and hurting soul. And now he always seemed happy to be around her, happy to be alive.

    "That's the spirit!" She blurted out, giving him one of the biggest grins he had ever seen from her. "Nothing can stop the burn of passion and dedication! No one could understand that more than me! I've changed so much in just a few years that now I feel like the world is too small too handle all my great feats! I'll destroy this digital hell with my bare hands if I have to, nothing is going to stop me from becoming strong and seeing my family again!"

    The girl stood from her spot and picked up her armor clicking it back into place around her body. "Well, if this is goodbye for now Crozeph, next time you see me, I'll be even stronger than you remembered now, so you keep fighting too and get strong, or else the game might get boring." She smirked at him with challenge.




    • HP: 0/50 I -2 EVA
  7. Yuki settled the rest of her armor into place and looked back at the mound of muscle before her. Her smile never seemed to stop, like she never saw shame in showing how friendly of a person she was. The pinkette wasn't necessarily troubled by getting wet, but he Alec seemed like he really wanted to repay the inconvenience he caused her. That's really all it was, an inconvenience.

    "I'm down for a fight! Though I don't know how well you can hold hate over me so I might have to stop attacking at some point to make sure that they don't all focus me. I can take hits, but I still only have Tier 1 gear. I need to upgrade soon, which was my plan. Though, if you're going to lead me through the quest, we can get started right now." The paladin sent the man an invite to her party and a friend request as well.


  8. Yuki took a few more practice swings and tried to activate a sword art with her fist. Interesting thing to think about but she focused her energy into her hand and gave the boulder a set of fast jabs. Cracks spurred everywhere around the boulder with every hit and Yuki had already dealt twice as much damage with her fist as she had before she had the skill. She smiled at Crozeph.

    "That's fair." The girl said, "Well, I'll always be right here if you need me for anything Kuro-kun. And well, if I'm not literally right here, you can message me any time you want. With both of our strength combined, we'll get out of this game. Nothing will stop us from seeing the things we love in the real world again."

    Now was a good time to rest before they got back into the grind of destroying another boulder. She took a seat on the ground below the boulder that Crow had claimed and rested quietly for a moment.




    • HP: 9/50 I -2 EVA
  9. Yuki looked down at her hand that was trap in a stone handcuff. She took a step back to give Crow enough room to punch near hand and loosen it free. With a quick stretch of her wrist, the girl slowly removed her hand from the rock. "Ch-Chris... you sound like you've had a rough time..." She tried to get him a smile. "N-Ne, Chris, I'm not like any other girls that you've known in your life. I would shoulder that weight with you rather than judging you for it. Its what a good friend would do... A good girl friend rather... It's just like taking the damage for dps players as a tank player, I help lift the weight of danger off your shoulder so you can freely move." She felt like it was a bad analogy, and even saying the word girlfriend caused her to choke on some words.

    With one last punch from the tiny girl, the boulder split into two halves. "If you don't let someone help you carry that wait...you'll get crushed by it."



    • HP: 12/50 I -2 EVA
  10. Yuki tried to wipe the flem of the plant off her person as much as possible but it continued to stick to her pretty prominently. It was uncomfortable and singed her body with the tingling sensation that replaced the actual feeling of pain. She was a bit mad, and angry, at this point and she needed to go home now and relax in her tub for hours. 

    The lance in her hand shined through the ooze that covered it and slashed through her enemy. They couldn't move this time so no need to worry about taking damage. "I had fun fighting with you guys, but I think this will be the last group that I can handle for the day... I need to go home and shower for hours just to get this stench off me." She said plugging her nose after jamming her spear into the dirt next to her in an attempt to steer away the smell.


    Floral Stalker #1 | HP: 82/410 | DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING (24) [1/2]
    Floral Stalker #2 | HP: 34/410 (-16) | DMG: 123 | STUNNED
    Floral Stalker #3 | HP: -2/410 (-108) | DMG: 123 | STUNNED |
    Floral Stalker #4 | HP: -28/410 (-90) | DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING (24) [1/2]

    [2, 1, 1, 2] NIGHT | HP: 850/850 | EN: 34/82 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 6 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 7 | PROSP: 3
    [2, 2, 4, 2] Azhoda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 32/72  (+1 -15)| ACC: 1 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 72 | RECOVERY: 2 | HEAVY MOMENTUM: 2
    [1, 1, 3, 3] Zajcica | HP: 495/495 | EN: 26/48 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 76 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 12

  11. Yuki blushed a little deeper since he noticed her comment on his name was meant to be a little flirty. Though, she hadn't mean to call him Kurisu, she just couldn't pronounce Chris correctly. "N-Nai, nai. I mean Kuris-Chrisu. Why can I not say this?" The girl looked a bit frustrated with her inability to say his name. Getting somewhat aggravated, the girl pulled back her fist and literally jammed it into the boulder getting her hand stuck in the stone. "Chris, Chris is a cute name. I think it's cute."

    Her face flushed as she realized that she might have gone a bit too far with trying might have been making Crow a bit uncomfortable. "Gomen... I'm nervous, I've never tried to get to know a boy better like this." She said with her fist still lodged in the rock, struggling to get her hand free.




    • HP: 19/50 I -2 EVA
  12. With the one finally dead Yuki took a moment to breath. That was awful. At least she didn't get covered in that disgusting slime that these things ooze. Not much time to rest as the next set of monsters came in. She drew her lance on them, nicking them with some damage early on and causing them to drip more the slime from their bodies. They weren't stunned this time, so she would probably would have to take some damage this time. She raised her shield and readied herself for the onslaught to come. The first few attacks missed her. The next one clashed against her armor and the final one didn't use vines. It came closer and almost appeared as though it was about to throw up- No. It vomit on her directly with its repulsive smelling ooze. It also seemed to burn at her skin and send her health bar down more than usual.

    "Iyana! Kimochiwarui!!!" She started screaming trying to scrape the ooze off her body while it continued to burn at her skin. Her health dropped by a fourth just from those attacks.




    Floral Stalker #1 | HP: 266/410 | DMG: 123
    Floral Stalker #2 | 
    HP: 266/410 (-18)| DMG: 123
    Floral Stalker #3 | 
    HP: 238/410 (-16+12) | DMG: 123
    Floral Stalker #4 | 
    HP: 256/410 (-16+12) | DMG: 123 | BLEEDING [1/2]

    [0/0/0/0] NIGHT | HP: 850/850 | EN: 47/82 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 6 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 7 | PROSP: 3
    [2/1/2/1] Azhoda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 46/72 (+1 -17) | ACC: 1 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 72 | RECOVERY: 2 | HEAVY MOMENTUM: 2
    [1/1/3/3] Zajcica | HP: 323/495 (125+123-76) | EN: 26/48 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 76 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 12


  13. Kuro-kun? That's a cute little nickname and she likes it. Her smile continued to shine even though her hand was feeling a bit cramped from punching the boulder so much already. "Kuro-kun. I like it! And yeah, just call me Yuki then. Shorten to Yu if it's easier for you" The tank sized up the boulder one more another time, winding her punch back to get a good swing on her enemy, which was a boulder, but still! It looked at her funny!

    "Shine!" The girl screamed in her native language as she slammed her fist into the giant rock, creating another giant crack upon it's smooth surface. It looked like only a few more good hits would send this boulder into the afterlife. "Kurisu is a cute name, by the way." She smiled at him with a slight blush. She was trying to be a bit flirtatious, but it wasn't her forte so hopefully he didn't see it as too aggressive.




    • HP: 25/50 I -2 EVA
  14. Yuki leaped in front of her friends once more to brandish her bla- I mean lance. Well, with the way Lux was designed, it was basically a pole arm sword anyway. Not the point, the pink shine slashed at the plant just barely missing its body to finish it off. Yuki grunted a curse word in her native language before trying to back up. As she started to step back though, the plant seemed like it could hardly keep itself up from how weak it was. It fell over, almost on Yuki. It tried to freaking body slam her?! Nope, not having that sticky smell [censored] on her, she dove out of the way, not carrying that her thorns would have killed if she just let it fall on her.

    "Oi!?!? What the hell are you doing?!" She re-actively screamed in anger "Don't you touch me with that smell slime you disgusting plant!" She plugged her nose and moved out of the way when some of the goo splashed off the ground and nearly landed on her in a big glob.


    Floral Stalker #4 | HP: 10/410 (-12) | DMG: 123 | BLEEDING (12) [0/2]

    [2, 2, 2, 2] NIGHT | HP: 850/850 | EN: 55/82 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 6 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 7 | PROSP: 3
    [2, 2, 2, 0] Azhoda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 62/72 (+3 -1)| ACC: 1 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 72 | RECOVERY: 2 | HEAVY MOMENTUM: 2
    [3, 3, 4, 4] Zajcica | HP: 495/495 | EN: 36/48 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 76 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 12

  15. Yuki held out her hand shook his with a bright smile. She was glad that he didn't feel nervous about sharing his real name. Yuki always shared her real name because she was afraid of what people would think if they knew what her name actually meant. Zajcica was a very niche name that some speakers of the native language might not know what it even was. She intended to keep that a secret for as long as possible, but she would probably break down and tell him if he asked her.

    "Polon-kun. Got it- Or would you rather I continue to call you Crow, or maybe Kur-Kurisu. That's hard to say in English through my accent." She kind of giggled. "Chrees-kun." She repeated, attempting to get it right.

    With a break in the conversation the girl pulled back her haymaker and jammed her fist into a new section of the rock. "I don't mind if you call me by Mikoto since you know it's my name now, but if you like Yuki, please continue to use that."




    • HP: 32/50 I -2 EVA
  16. The pinkette brandished her lance again, letting it burn it's usual color once more. She followed suit behind the other two, taking the front line as she moved in to make her attack. With wide arcing slash, the lance tore through the thick skin of the plants. Each attack was made precisely, and three of them causing the plants to bleed again. That awful stench filled Yuki's nostrils and the liquid stained her weapon. Not looking forward to cleaning that off later.

    "That should weaken them quite a bit to finish them all off! If they attack, I'll make sure to block it off!" She said, staying in the front line to make sure that no stray attacks caught her dps friends. The next engagement would probably be their last. As much as Yuki wanted to continue her grind for Col and equipment, she had to take that equipment to a merchant to get it identified. Please, she needed an aura so badly.



    Floral Stalker #1 | HP: 139/410 (-16+12)| DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING[1/2]
    Floral Stalker #2 | HP: 135/410 (-20+12) | DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING[1/2]
    Floral Stalker #3 | HP: 131/410 (-24+12) | DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING[1/2]
    Floral Stalker #4 | HP: 244/410 (-20+12| DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING[1/2]

    [1, 1, 1, 1] NIGHT | HP: 850/850 | EN: 70/82  | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 6 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 7 | PROSP: 3
    [2, 2, 2, 0] Azhoda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 60/72 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 72 | RECOVERY: 2 | HEAVY MOMENTUM: 2
    [3, 3, 4, 3] Zajcica | HP: 495/495 | EN: 48/48 (-12)| DMG: 4 | MIT: 76 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 12

  17. Yuki took a moment to think on it. She would need Col for the identifications, so she needed that, but she definitely didn't need the materials. Literally all of the materials could go to Night and she wouldn't bat an eye to it. Her and Azhoda could share the biggest sum of the Col and Night could get some of it along with the materials. Then her and Azhoda could split up the weapons and armor together to see who gets what. That left the consumables for grabs. Those would likely be best handed off to Night, unless the redhead wanted any of them.

    "Alright. Easily enough, me and Azhoda can get the sum of the Col and Night can have all the materials we gathered. We'll shuffle through all the unidentified items when we're done and dived them as evenly as possible. Any objections to that?" She asked looking between the other two girls, then up to the oncoming enemies. Looks like they weren't done yet!


  18. Yuki watched the fight go on, she was still worried about Zandra who had gotten knocked out so early, but she would be alright for now. She had to keep her head and mind on the battle in front of her. If she lost focus, she would be lying on the ground with her. She watched Raidou make his attack on the tree, but he came up a bit short. Now would be a good time for her to jump back in.

    A pink hue enveloped her golden axe shining off the puddles made from the rain and she rushed the enemy. Water splashed up behind her heels with every stomp. The weapon she wielded above her head, she swung heavily down into the tree but her footing was lost on her last step. She slipped on the water and slid into the giant tree with her body with a loud 'thud'. Today was not her day.


    Yuki Misses the Tree of Summer

  19. European foods? She wasn't familiar with many foods in Europe. Foreign food was always an option for them since both her mother and her combined could make just about any foods their family could possibly want or need, but yeah, not much experience with that cuisine. Yuki gave them both a smile.

    "I could go for something different. I cook all my own meals so it would be nice to mix it up for a day. I don't think I'm ready to stop fighting just yet though. I need as many unidentified pieces of equipment as I can get." That brought up an interesting question for her actually. "By the way, how do you guys want to divide the spoils? I wasn't able to get much for myself since I only got one final blow..."

    The tank continued to stretch her muscles so they didn't get cold. It was good for her to stay warm even during a break. They weren't done just yet.


  20. Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145567
    Roll: CD: 8+1; LD: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145568
    Roll: CD: 10+1; LD: 10
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145570
    Roll: CD: 10+1; LD: 2
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145571
    Roll: CD: 9+1; LD: 8
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145572; 145572-1; 145572-2
    Roll: CD: 8+1; LD: 18
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

  21. Day 24


    (1)Fail: 1
    (2)Salvage: 2
    (3)Uncommon: 2
    (5)Rare: 5
    (8)Perfect: 0

    EXP: 86 Total: 1,489+86=1,575


    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145567
    Roll: CD: 8+1; LD: 4
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145568
    Roll: CD: 10+1; LD: 10
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145570
    Roll: CD: 10+1; LD: 2
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145571
    Roll: CD: 9+1; LD: 8
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Mochi
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145572; 145572-1; 145572-2
    Roll: CD: 8+1; LD: 18
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare 
    Enhancements: LD 2
    Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
    Post Link: [Here]


  22. The girl stood up from the stream and wrung out her clothes and hair. Water dripped from the pink locks even after she had wrung it out. She offered the man a smile to assure him that she was alright.

    "Hai! I'm native from Japan. My English is good enough though, so I'll speak it instead. Sorry if I can't speak words correctly, my accent is kind of bad." She said, through her thick accent. "I'm alright! I'm much tougher than I look on the outside! I am a tank as well, only level 27 though so I don't think I would last too long by myself. However, with help I think we could get it done. Tier three is waiting for me so I can't slow down just yet." Her eyes were fierce and passionate. She hadn't tried so hard in video game in so long, but she had made the grind from level one to here in about a month and a half. She was pretty proud of that. "I'm looking at Return of the Queen."


  23. Yuki watched Crozeph punch a massive crack into the boulders side next to hers. Comparing them, Crozeph could punch much harder than she could. It didn't really surprise her though. Yuki was tough, but not necessarily a strong person. The hormones hadn't really helped her with that stature either. When Crozeph pulled his hand back after the punch you smiled big.

    "Sugoi! You're so strong Crow!" She felt disrespectful when she couldn't use san or kun for Crow, but they were already pretty good friends so far. Using those names would be a bit too formal and it didn't seem to bother Crow at all. That being said, she couldn't help but wonder what his real name was. "I've been thinking Crozeph." The girl pulled back her tiny fist and rammed it into the boulder with the most force she could possibly muster. The crack she had made deepened even further.

    "What's your real name? Mine... mine is Mikoto. Yuki Mikoto."




    • HP: 36/50 I -2 EVA
  24. On floor four again this week. Crow and her had been able to defeat the massive golem that was on the top of that mountain. He had told her that she was the one who did most of the work during the Cerberus quest, while he did everything for that ice golem. She only hit it once and he destroyed it. It would be nice if that boy started to see more in himself. He didn't want to believe he was as strong as he is, and she needed to help him see it.

    The dragon on this floor was a doozie. With critical attacks, it would be able to freeze people in place, making evasion completely non-existent. That didn't matter for her though she could easily tank this bosses damage and kill it. Though, she was wondering if anyone would want to join her for it. Crow was resting after the Deforestation quest they did, so best not to ask him to come. It would be nice to quest with Mari again, but she tried her best to avoid bugging the orange player. Life had been missing for a while, but as far as she knew, he probably just went into a little reclusive hiding to avoid others for awhile. That left only players who were too low a level to do this quest. Welp, solo time it is. Maybe she'll actually use these beginner potions finally. She walked out of the safe zone and towards the dragon spawn point.



    Level: 27 | HP:  570/570 | Energy: 54/54 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 4 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 

    R2 OHAS, R4 Heavy Armor, R1 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration


    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC 3
    White Spear - Lux(OHAS): 2 Bleed, 1 Taunt

    Ice Wall(Shield): MIT 3

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    Oyakodon with Miso - Overhealth 2


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