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Posts posted by Zajcica

  1. The sound of the deep voice coming from no where sucked Yuki out of her thoughts and sent her backwards off the bridge. The girl landed with a loud clank from her armor and a splash of water from the shallow stream. The girl laid there momentarily with a quiet "Itatata...." Escaping her lips. When she was done complaining about the uncomfortable tingling sensation the game substituted for pain, she looked up who she presumed was the man who spoke with her.

    Holy [censored] he's massive.

    Yuki was pretty proud of who much muscle she retained from hormone treatment, but this man put her to shame. He looked like the leader or a gang of bandits that plunder carriages on the road or something. However, he was a player, and green for that matter. Not that all orange players are awful people.

    She realized she hadn't sad anything to him yet. "Ah konnichiwa! Ore wa Yuki. Yoroshikune." Her usual greeting was always in Japanese, if the man didn't have global translation turned on. Otherwise he would just hear. "Hi! My name is Yuki, nice to meet you!" 

    "You wanna help me quest you said? The quest I checked out would be too difficult for me to tank, so I don't think I could do it..."


  2. The lean girl stretched herself out while Crow took his time eating the beef stew she had prepared by request. Some of her best work she would dare say, though stew wasn't difficult to make. As long as it was a recipe she knew, or was provided, she could always make amazing meals for anyone.

    For someone so small, Yuki was pretty lean. Guess being able to cook your own meals made it easy to stay fit in the real world, but her body was probably nothing but a muscleless sack of skin at this point. It was upsetting knowing that she would lose this fit form when she made it back, but she would get it all back. No time to think about that mess though. Worry about it when you make it back Yuki.

    The pink haired paladin looked absolutely tiny with out her armor on, but even still she found a way to completely crack the boulder with her first punch. It wasn't much to start with, but it was still amazing how a single punch from her could curb boulders.

    She knew Crow would hit it just as hard, if not harder so she couldn't wait to see his face when he punched the rock and made an even bigger indent than her. "This is pretty good stress relief I'd say. Give it a try Crow."




    • HP: 46/50 I -2 EVA
  3. Spoiler

    Level: 27 | HP:  570/570+30 | Energy: 54/54 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 4 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 

    R2 OHAS, R4 Heavy Armor, R1 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration


    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC 3
    White Spear - Lux(OHAS): 2 Bleed, 1 Taunt

    Ice Wall(Shield): MIT 3

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    Oyakodon with Miso - Overhealth 2 <Using

    So, after all the accidents that she had starting off, she decided to stop walking when her menu was pulled up. The girl took seat on a bridge in the safe zone that over looked a small stream of water to look through the quests in the area. She had already completed the wasp one, and the other one looked too difficult to solo on her own. Or more correctly, she didn't want to have to spend a bunch of time killing all the mobs along with the boss and the threat of poison.

    There was a new quest that she didn't remember existed when she first did the Queen Wasp thread. Man it had been so long since she did that quest. It was with a girl name Luna who she hadn't seen in so long. She hoped Luna was alright... 

    The Paladin looked at the information that was on the quest. The Queen that they killed has resurrected and she was even nastier before. Back then, Yuki could was basically invincible compared to it, but looking at it's stats now along with it's minions, she would be overwhelmed way to easily. The girl sighed audibly.

    "I'm starting to run out of quests to do that are in my skill range..."


  4. c63d85f2deed1b6e30af8745193754f187887b3e_00.jpg.495980e2c3efcc389240ad4d5127df9f.jpgYuki smiled to Crow. She was happy he was open minded to becoming closer. It made her feel a little bit better about how she went off on him earlier.

    "You know Crozeph, you're a pretty strong person, no matter what you said you're like in the real world. To prove it, we should go do that quest that gives you that hand to hand skill together! Come on it will be fun!" She seemed much happier after that conversation. Her smile was bright and happy. They transported to Floor Two where they would find the quest <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> way down in the south of the floor.

    The met the NPC that would get her ready for the boulder breaking. They drew whiskers on her face and told her what she needed to do: Break the boulder using only her fists. Hell she could break it with her skull if she wanted. She took the armor she was wearing off and rested it on the ground next to the boulder. Time to get started.



    Level: 27 | HP:  570/570 | Energy: 54/54 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 5 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 

    R2 OHAS, R4 Heavy Armor, R1 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration


    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC 3
    White Spear - Lux(OHAS): 2 Bleed, 1 Taunt

    Ice Wall(Shield): MIT 3

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)

    Consumables Used:


    Name: Nikujaga with Buttered Bread
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145078
    Roll: 11+1 LD: 6
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Protein 2; ACC 1
    Description: A stew comprised of Beef Stock, Carrots, Shichimi Togarashi(chili pepper powder) and Green Onion. This is all served with a side of bread and butter and made specifically for Crozeph.
    Post Link: [Here]


  5. Weak immune system? Was Crozeph that feeble in real life? He looked fine to her in the game, but now she worried that she walking glass talking about something like that. She didn't want him to get upset with her because she mentioned something she shouldn't really have an opinion on.

    "I can handle the cold weather rather fine. I prefer it to smoldering heat like on floor nine." The girl said with a slight smile. It was hard to make conversation with him now that she had yelled at him like that. She wondered if she hurt his feelings with it. Maybe she should say something? "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier Crow. I didn't mean to sound angry or anything... And you said you don't have those feelings for me, which is what I expected, y'know." The pinkette paused momentarily while she thought of how to word what she was going to say next. "Though...I'm not opposed to us getting to know each other better, for that end goal."

    Her face was tinted red again, though it was tough for the boy to see since she was looking off to the side, he could still hear the embarrassment in her voice.


  6. Yuki watched the tower of a monster's HP drop into the red instantly. Crozeph's single target damage was pretty good compared to her. She couldn't even deal a third of that damage with her strongest sword art if she landed a major critical.

    No time to be awestruck. They had a fight in front of them and the big guy was already almost done for, she would finish this easily. Her lance shined pink against the contrast of the white snow and jabbed into the giant ice elemental three times. The final blow made it crack, then finally exploded into blue polygons. The congratulations screen appeared in front of them and Yuki's screen updated with the final blow reward Snowfrost. It looked like a powerful tanking salve, so she would probably keep it for herself.

    "Well, you made that rather easy, didn't you Crow? Guess I paid the right man to help me out." She smiled at him and started to lead the way back to town.


    Yuki | HP:  570/570 | Energy: 46/54 (-4) | DMG: 4 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 
    Crozeph HP: 480/480 I Energy: 40/48 I MIT: 8 I ACC: 0 I EVA: 2 I +1 Savvy

    : 0/100
    Damage per Attack: 40

  7. Yuki listened to Crozeph as he explained some of his back ground. He seemed like he came from a less than fortunate family, but not quite like what Yuki had. Her parents were pretty middle of line when it came to how much money they made. The made enough and just a little extra. It was a good stable life. Maybe Crow had it a little bit tougher than she did. She was going to make a comment but then the conversation was deflected onto her.

    "Uh, right. My mom taught me how to cook around the age of seventeen. I didn't really start getting good at it until I was about twenty or so. The game makes it easier to cook by letting the system simplify the process. You just have to know how to mix flavors to make it taste good, is all." She mentioned. "Y-You're welcome to come by my shop any time for food. Buff or no buff. Anything I make for you that is vanity is free, so please keep coming back."

    With that the Avalanche spawned in front of them. It was an opening in the cliff side large enough for it to spawn. Yuki took out her lance and it instantly turned pink. With a quick rush, she got into battle. Missing her target, but dodging it's first attack. She already had it's attention.



    Yuki | HP:  570/570 | Energy: 50/54 (-4) | DMG: 4 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 
    Crozeph HP: 480/480 I Energy: 48/48 I MIT: 8 I ACC: 0 I EVA: 2 I +1 Savvy

    : 100/100
    Damage per Attack: 40

  8. Name: Nikujaga with Buttered Bread
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145079; 145079-1; 145079-2 
    Roll: 12+1 LD: 19
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Protein 2; ACC 1
    Description: A stew comprised of Beef Stock, Carrots, Shichimi Togarashi(chili pepper powder) and Green Onion. This is all served with a side of bread and butter and made specifically for Crozeph.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Nikujaga with Buttered Bread
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145078
    Roll: 11+1 LD: 6
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Protein 2; ACC 1
    Description: A stew comprised of Beef Stock, Carrots, Shichimi Togarashi(chili pepper powder) and Green Onion. This is all served with a side of bread and butter and made specifically for Crozeph.
    Post Link: [Here]

  9. Yuki led the way, trudging through the snow and leaving her prints with every step. They would get filled in pretty quick thanks to the falling snow, however. The cold didn't bother her, it was usually pretty cold in Japanese winters but she was also completely donned with metal armor and leather fittings. Only her face and thighs were feeling the brunt of the hostile temperature. Crozeph mentioned what she said about her cooking.

    "Nuh, well, no. People like my cooking, I know it. The thing is that you really seem to enjoy my food over anyone else's and your opinion is unbaised to it unlike my families. You don't tell me that it is good because I'm your daughter or sister or relative of any kind. It's a genuine, honest opinion on my cooking and I just love to see how it makes you smile is all." Her face was a little red. Why did talking about this stuff have to be so awkward. Maybe it was because how she mentioned that she liked his smile. 

    They had spent some time already climbing the mountains. It wouldn't be too much longer until they reached the ice elemental that lived up here.


  10. Spoiler

    Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 7
    ID: 142305
    Roll: 12+1; LD: 8
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition
    Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Day 23


    (1)Fail: 0
    (2)Salvage: 1
    (3)Uncommon: 3
    (5)Rare: 3
    (8)Perfect: 2

    EXP: 104 Total: 1,385+104=1,489


    Name: Nikujaga with Buttered Bread
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145079; 145079-1; 145079-2 
    Roll: 12+1 LD: 19
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Protein 2; ACC 1
    Description: A stew comprised of Beef Stock, Carrots, Shichimi Togarashi(chili pepper powder) and Green Onion. This is all served with a side of bread and butter and made specifically for Crozeph.
    Post Link: [Here]

    Name: Nikujaga with Buttered Bread
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 145078
    Roll: 11+1 LD: 6
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Protein 2; ACC 1
    Description: A stew comprised of Beef Stock, Carrots, Shichimi Togarashi(chili pepper powder) and Green Onion. This is all served with a side of bread and butter and made specifically for Crozeph.
    Post Link: [Here]


  11. Yuki stood in her angered position while she thought on what he just said. It was the answer she was expecting, honestly, so she didn't feel bad at all. Her mind was just eating away this whole thing and she just couldn't stand not knowing. She doesn't know what it means to be flirted to, so now she had screwed up two of these situations with her stupid words.

    Th-Thank you Crow." She said taking a seat to cool off. "I apologize for getting emotional like that. I'm not used to these feelings and I'm a bit dense when it comes to touchy-feely feelings. I couldn't tell if you were trying to get close to me in a roundabout way. I just like direct conversation. Tip-toeing around a subject is just a way to delay any reaction and it pisses me off. I enjoy your company, so please don't be mad at me for losing my cool. I don't think anyone outside my family has enjoyed my cooking as much as you have, it makes me so happy when I see you enjoying the meal."

    The girl gave him a smile and stood from her chair. "If you're done, we can go ahead and get started. Remember, worry about doubts before or after a battle. You're a strong guy, but I need you in the right head-space or my tanking won't last long enough for us to kill it, 'kay?"


  12. Yuki seemed a bit stuck in her own shock. It was difficult enough for her to understand these feelings if they were actually trying to become a couple, but Crozpeh's reaction to them literally sleeping together was so laid back. The confusion was visible on the girl's face, but she tried to put it away once her food was finished.

    "Look, I can sleep just fine on my own. I just... I enjoyed it... It was a nice change of pace that my mother would have drop kicked me for if she'd known. She wants me to find love, but she'd kill me if I knew I shared a bed with a boy." She was about to drive the nail in the coffin, even though it might be a bit too early for something like this. "Do you like me or what Crow? You're giving me mixed signals and I'm so confused with what to do with them."


  13. Yuki took a seat in the grass nearby Shion once the remaining floral monster had been dealt with. Her massive lance laid in the grass next to her along with the shield that she used. Shion was wanting to get to know the others better, so she started off to loosen the mood. Yuki wasn't afraid to share with them.

    "I'm level 24 and known to be thick skulled most of the time. I've been working on my recklessness, though. I pride being a tank player if it means others can succeed. Taking the bulk of the damage and letting everyone else do the damage is fine with me." Yuki said stretching out her back and limbs to make sure her body stayed warmed up for the next battle that was coming. "You both seem like really strong people. I'm glad to have met the both of you!"

    When her stretching was finished, she looked over to NIGHT expecting her response now.


  14. Yuki listened to his response about sleeping together in a bed again. She could... move closer? What was he saying out of nowhere?! Her face continued to turn a deeper red as he went on. He was probably only looking at in a practical way, but she was absolutely taking it in a much more perverted way than he meant.

    "A-Are you sure something like that is okay?! I... I woke up so confused and embarrassed but you're taking it so lightly..." She tried to hide her face a little bit while she ate. "And yeah, that's the quest I planned on doing if that is fine with you. I heard it gives a decent amount of experience and I am only a little bit of experience away from grand-mastering the heavy armor skill. This quest will give me the amount of experience I need to fill that requirement and then I'll be as good as possible with heavy armor."


  15. Yuki sat down at the table and opened her menu to grab some of her own chop sticks. When she got them, she started with "Ittadakimasu!" The girl then starts to eat the meats that she had prepared.

    Crozeph mentioned the food for free. It was weird becuase it wasn't like she was giving to him for free, it was payment for helping her with the quest. "Well, it's not really for free, Crow. You're helping me with a quest so this is fair payment, I hope..." It was then that Yuki remembered how she had woken up clinged to Crows back in the bed. Her face instantly washed red and she couldn't help but wonder if he remembered it. He had woken up first so it was him who saw her there first.

    "Ne? Crow, sorry about... y'know, what happened at the inn on floor nine. I was sleeping pretty heavily."


  16. Yuki watched Crozeph approach her from the portal. She wasn't that far away since she was waiting on him there. The girl waved him down with a smile.

    "Hey there Crow. I'm doing alright." She opened up her menu and scrolled through some of the items until she found the vanity food that she had made. It had no buff on it, but she was sure that Crozeph would appreciate it. Also, she was sure he probably hadn't had a good meal since they last saw each other. "Here! You can have this for helping me! If you want something with a buff, I'll make sure to make it next time I get home."

    The girl took another item from her inventory and started to eat some of the vanity bento like she had given Crow. It was filled with all sorts of foods Ika Teriyaki, California rolls, crab rangoons and rice. All still as warm as when they were made.


  17. There weren't that many quests out on floor four, but Yuki would die if she had to go back up to floor nine any time soon than ever again. The cold breeze of this floor would be ten times better than the heat of the last one. She stopped in the city to collect the quest. A hidden field boss in the tundra of the fourth floor that would pretty easy for her to take down alone if she wanted to. However, where was the fun in doing quests alone if she was allowed to bring other people?

    The paladin pulled open her menu and scrolled through her friend's list and looked through all the people she had made friends with. Mari, Life, Cord, Arabelle, Macradon, Azhoda, Night, and Cro-. Oh hey! Crozeph would be the perfect person to take along with her on this quest. She pulled up their messaging menu and sent him something.

    "Meet me on Floor four and let's have some fun!"



    Level: 27 | HP:  570/570 | Energy: 54/54 Hate: 1/3/4(M/H/C)

    DMG: 4 | EVA: 0 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | Thorns: 18 

    R2 OHAS, R4 Heavy Armor, R1 MIT Familiar, Fighting Spirit, Concentration


    Equipment(In use)
    Regal Cuirass(Heavy Armor): 1MIT, 2 Thorns
    La Black Luna(Trinket): ACC 3
    White Spear - Lux(OHAS): 2 Bleed, 1 Taunt

    Ice Wall(Shield): MIT 3

    (2x)Starter Healing Potions(50HP)
    Oyakodon with Miso - Overhealth 2


  18. Yuki listened as Crozeph slowly passed into sleep. She could barely keep her eyes open but she was able to get one last sentence out before drifting off. "Good night Crow." And with that the paladin slowly lulled into a rest. She snored quietly from the deprivation. The digital body was more resilient than the one on the outside, but even still Yuki could barely keep herself from straight up passing out. 

    Though she stayed on her side of the bed for most of the time, Yuki eventually rolled over in the bed and rested her head against the boy's back. If she were to wake up in this position, she would nearly have a heart attack but at this point, the paladin was numb to it. The endeavor that she had just went through had been enough for one person to weather over a whole year and her body just moved on its own. This would be a weird thing to wake up to...


  19. The pink haired paladin stepped up to the plate to try and see if she could put the remaining enemy to rest, just like the last combat. She quietly took a breath, exhaling through her mouth and tried to make sure this coming attack would connect. If she didn't connect with this thing it would look a little embarrassing after being encouraged to make sure her weapon hit. The lance turned pink and jabbed at the plant with force. Unfortunately, her blow didn't connect at all. 

    She sighed in disappointment leaped away from a whip of vines that only cut up the grass where Yuki's feet were prior. She stood just in front of Night, knowing that she would make her attack next. She had faith that the clay-more user would make her attack connect with it and it would die. "We've been at this for awhile hunh? Gonna need another break after this one."


    Floral Stalker #1 | HP: 50/410 | DMG: 123

    [2, 2, 3, 2] NIGHT | HP: 850/850 | EN: 21/82 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 6 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 7 | PROSP: 3
    [1, 1, 0, 2] Azhoda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 36/72 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 72 | RECOVERY: 2 | HEAVY MOMENTUM: 2
    [1, 1, 1, 1] Zajcica | HP: 448/495 | EN: 29/48 (-4+1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 76 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 12

  20. Yuki laid quietly as Crozeph talked to her. She was already really tired and didn't have much to say right now. Though, she wouldn't ignore his question. She opened her menu really quick and looked for an item. Sure enough, there it was. Another consumable.

    "I do have it. It's a potion like most quests give. You can have it if you want, I can always go to Zandra or Mari for specific potions so it doesn't bother me." The girl said shutting her menu and rolling onto her back to get comfortable. "I'll give it to you in the morning... Also, you're not going to sleep like that, are you? Lay in the bed. I don't mind as long as you stay on your side..."

    ...Did she really just say that out loud? What the hell were the estrogen supplements doing to her brain? Was it simply because everyone here saw her as a girl so it was easier to feel like one?


  21. Yuki charged in behind the others. She could try to just AoE them all with her weapon and maybe apply a few more dots on top of them since that was the bulk of her damage along with thorns. Her pink lance took on its bright hue once again and left streaks through the air. That paladin's accuracy still left a lot to be desired, but it didn't matter too much as long as she made the attack. Like always, it was her job to take aggro and be one who gets beat up. She would do that if it kept other alive and well.

    Yuki took a few steps back to let Night make her next stun attack since they were about to be cleared of their stuns. If they didn't all get stunned, she would make sure to take the brunt of the damage from the unaffected enemies. "My strongest Sword Art is an AoE, so I'll attack them all every round, even if my damage is minuscule compared to you guys."


    Floral Stalker #1 | HP: 266/410 | DMG: 123 | STUNNED
    Floral Stalker #2 | HP: 176/410  | DMG: 123 | STUNNED
    Floral Stalker #3 | HP: 226/410 | DMG: 123 | STUNNED | BLEEDING (24) [1/2]
    Floral Stalker #4 | HP: 167/410  | DMG: 123 | STUNNED

    [1, 1, 2, 1] NIGHT | HP: 850/850 | EN: 37/82 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 18 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 6 | VAMP(OFF): 1 | BLEED: 24 | PARAV-D: 1 | LD: 7 | PROSP: 3
    [0, 1, 0, 2] Azhoda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 35/72 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 72 | RECOVERY: 2 | HEAVY MOMENTUM: 2
    [1, 1, 1, 1] Zajcica | HP: 448/495 | EN: 29/48 (-4+1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 76 | THORNS: 18 | BLEED: 12

  22. Yuki took a moment to think on the question. She was still pretty wore out after the longest, heaviest walk of her life. She felt like she could barely lift her legs if she wanted. After the moment was up, the girl laid back into the bed and covered up.

    "If we rest up... we can go to floor 22 and I'll treat you to another free meal... for you know, making sure I made it to safety. Else you want to continuing eating just bread?" The girl made some room on the bed. She was pretty lean for a lady, but she only took up about a third of the space on the mattress. There was enough room to find another person between the both of them so maybe he wouldn't feel awkward about it. Secretly, she wouldn't mind at all if he joined her in the bed, as long as he didn't do anything weird.


  23. It took maybe another hour, but Yuki let out a painful groan as she rolled around in the bed. Wait, a bed? Did Crozeph carry her back to the city and head off? She opened her eyes and rolled over to meet eyes with the boy who was currently resting his head against the wall. The bed creaked under her as she sat up in the covers.

    "N-Ne... daijo- Are you alright? You passed out in front of the cavern and I had to carry you back. It felt like hours. You were out for a long time." She mentioned, looking like she was barely awake. She was usually a slow one to wake up so she still looked pretty drowsy. "Th-Thank you for carrying me all the way back... You're a good friend Crow. I don't think I've a had someone care about me that much in so long..." She was too tired to even understand the words coming from her mouth.


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