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  1. I don't mean to be rude or anything. How long does it normally take for a journal to get approved?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Calcifer


      I'm tryiiiiing. Does that mean I need to be on Discord in order to get things reviewed? I just wanted to know if I should expect to be waiting a while lol.

    3. Zajcica


      Sorry for the wait, but your journal is approved now. If you don't wish to join the Discord, make sure to get ahold of a Player Support Team Member via DMs for quicker approval times.

    4. Baldur


      Generally give staff at least 24 hours to respond. You can also see which members of the Player Support Staff are online on the side bar of the forum and send them a message if you need something.

      I would highly recommend joining the discord server, because that's where we all socialize :)

  2. Profile Username: Calcifer Real name: Sakura Ito Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 5’3” History Make-believe is the best game anyone can play. You can do anything, be anyone, and all the unfair rules of the real world don’t matter anymore. This creed became so ingrained in Sakura’s mind that she no longer wanted it to be ‘just a game’. When she was little, Sakura loved to pretend. She took an otherwise boring childhood and made it exciting, creating stories and adventures and friends and memories. What started out as a commonly innocent manner of play, however, gradually evol
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