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About Aquan

  • Birthday 09/16/1999

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  • Guild Name
    Firm Anima

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  1. "Wait. What?!" Aquan stood outside the campsite he found on the first floor, looking incredibly confused. It had been about a day since he woke up after the Storm washed through the floors, but yet... He was still alive? He checked multiple times to make sure he was still living, but all the tests came out to be positive. "I'm not dreaming, what is going on." He had mused to himself when he finally awoke. He shook his head and looked around the area, it looking a bit different than it had in the past. "The storm basically updated the game... That makes sense I suppose. The ability to add
  2. Current Level: 20 Current SP: 53 Link to SP Tracking: [link] Item Upgrades: 2.6 | PRE-CONVERSION 3.0 | UPGRADED ITEM #1 Item Name: Red Omamori Item ID: 17798 Item Tier: Tier 1 Item Type: Trinket Item Rarity: Perfect Item Enhancements: 3 Slots of Loot Die Description: Small Red Trinket Item Name: Red Omamori Item Tier: Tier 2 Item Type: Trinket Item Enhancements: 3 Slots of Loot Die Description: Small Red Trinket
  3. Character Name: Aquan Character Description: Aquarian. Nature nerd by heart, but now hopeful Gatherer. He tends to talk way too much, over analyze everything, but he tries his best to be 'normal'. He has been called Indiana Jones by others, but he just wants to find whatever he can, and help out the best he can... whatever that means. He enjoys cooking and exploring, and will always be happy to hear about nature. Character Journal: [link]
  4. Aquan took a moment to breathe. It felt weird, pausing when the chaos around him raged stronger than a tsunami. His eyes scanned the field around him, happy to take the moment to himself. His breathing slowed and he saw everyone else taking a moment to themselves to breathe. "Okay... Okay." He wiped some water from his face and stroked the neck of the horse he was riding, finding some comfort in the creature. His attention was pulled to a player calling for help to bring the stragglers to the rest of the group and he saw a player race off to do it. "Jevi! Thank god she's alive." He mutter
  5. The horse's hoof beets and the sound of the rampaging storm behind him made Aquan spur his horse faster. He had ridden horses many times without a saddle, but this time was different. If he fell off, he could wait a moment and climb back on to the horse. This time, he would be gone from the world if he took one moment to himself in this storm. He sighed and bent farther down on his mount, hoping beyond all hope those around him could out maneuver the impending weather. The horse he was riding streak across the field, wind whipping Aquan's face as he continued his trek through the terrain
  6. Aquan could feel himself slowly getting pulled down more and more by the shadows around him. They saved some of the horses, but he knew he didn't have long before the storm was going to take him. He looked up into the sky, and he could feel himself slowly getting pulled away. It was almost calm as he accepted his fate, the shadow pulling at his skin, clothing, and the gear on his body. "Goodbye world." He muttered and sighed, letting the shadow take him. GET ON A HORSE He was ripped from the storm and his body was thrown to a safe distance from the encroaching storm. He gasped and wh
  7. "We did it! Holy s-" Aquan's exhausted celebration was cut short by the creature plunging into the darkness. He stumbled backwards, almost toppling over Lessa in the process. His eyes seemed to be stuck in a wide expression, and his right arm moved to cover his mouth slightly in shock. "No... No." While a NPC horse was just a NPC horse, the fact that this storm refused to hurt everything, even those created by the game. This was becoming the last straw for Aquan. It was strange, but it seemed as though the storm's volume started to lessen in a way. The shock was setting in for Aquan and h
  8. He placed his hand softly on Jevi's shoulder as she regained her composure from almost being taken into the storm. "We need to get everyone up. I agree. I don't know if scaling buildings would be the best idea in the wo-. Oh no, Get to high ground. I have to go." His eyes stared at the stampeding horses, and all the people, NPC's and Players alike, that are in the direct path of them. He sighed and swiped some water off his body, running as fast as he could towards the animals. He ran up to Lessa, a stronger player already trying to help people evade the horses. "I'll try to calm the hors
  9. Aquan opened his mouth to say something, but closed it slowly. He did not know what to say to the man anymore but he did know that he was hurting. "Grimm I-" He was cut off by the man's foot colliding with a shadow, saving the fallen Jevi from being pulled into the dark ink. Aquan gasped and pulled Jevi up to her feet after Grimm saved her. "A-are you okay? I could barely see you go down... I don't know how long we all can last out here." Aquan sighed softly and looked around the area they were. It seemed every single time he blinked, someone else was being pulled into the Shadow. The woman th
  10. House Name: Aquarian's Apartment Location: Floor 20/Inti Description: This apartment sits in the middle tier of the Settlement of Inti. Overlooking part of a field, Aquan's apartment has a long balcony, and is covered in windows. The apartment has potted plants in any place that sunlight can reach well enough for a plant to grow. The indoor is modest and plain, except for the kitchen. The kitchen is littered with different spices, recipe books, food, and other ingredients that go into cooking. There is a small fire place that is used occasionally, marked my the little bit of soot gathered
  11. Aquan sighed and entered the store on the First Floor. He had been around here once with Valentine when they decided to get food together after a quest, but now he was here to go shopping, something he has never done before until today. "Okay, I believe this is the shop." The man entered the shop and looked around, trying to spot what he was looking for. The guild suggested he look into some of these items to increase his ability to get materials because that was his prime target in the game. He quickly saw the item and picked it off the shelf. "Thank you! Here is the 500 Col, Firm Anima recom
  12. Aquan climbed up the mountain with Valentine next to him, trying to keep him moving. Slip Aquan blinked for a moment, unable to register what happened. Valentine was there one minute, but then gone another. "Grimm..." His head turns to look at Valentine's partner, unable to register fully what just happened. He kept his grip on the mountain but slowly looked at his hand, then back down the slope. He watched as the man's form disappeared into the storm. His hand started to shake, his mind overwhelmed by thoughts of what happened to the man, and what could happen to them. "St
  13. Aquan waved to Lessa again. "N-No. No injuries. How many people do you all have? There's four of us-" He stopped and looked over to see Grimm's Silhouette lift up someone else. "Okay make that 5." He looked over at Jevi, seeing the woman getting helped up, "Okay make that 6 of us." He placed a hand on Valentine's shoulder and smiled as best as he could. "We're getting to higher ground, We will be okay. We have to be." He was not letting himself think of the other options. With others falling around him, he didn't want to see anyone else go down. He wrapped an arm around the man's waist and hoi
  14. Aquan took a moment to take a deep breath and close his eyes. He kept his body moving enough to keep the dark shadows off of him, but the stimulation from the visuals was getting to much in order for him to keep an analytical brain. "Okay," He began, his mind finally getting time to work again, "Buildings are not safe, not moving is not safe. If we begin to climb we will have the ability to move to higher ground and escape the flooding. However we can only climb for so long. After that point we need to protect each other by fending off these weird shadow creatures. With the players I see combi
  15. Aquarian looked around the area, unsure of where to go from their position. He was aware of some Firm Anima members holding up in a tavern nearby, but beyond that he didn't know what he could possibly do. He sighed and turned to the couple, his eyes going wide as the shadow went up their bodies. Aquan began to run to them, but a two people interviened and pulled them apart. Aquan gave a small sigh of relief and ran up to them, shouting slightly over the storm. "There's a group at the Tavern near by. Freya and some other Firm Anima members are in there, we should head there with them!" He yelle
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