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  1. Gideon

    Gideon's Journal

    GIDEON Friends List invader Real-Life Best Friend thread tracking No threads.
  2. Gideon

    Gideon's Journal

    GIDEON Stat block level 1 health 20 energy 2 damage6 Skills & mods weapon skills 2HSS (5 | Novice) - +3 DMG Inventory weapons ♛ Queen's Gambit Rare 2HSS | 2 DMG MISC. ♟︎ Starter Healing Potions x3 Heals 50 HP
  3. GIDEON BASICS character name Gideon real name Donna Jo Smith DOB / age August 17 / 17 gender Female height 5'2 hair color Black eye color Blue orientation Bisexual profession Undecided Vices & Virtues tough After a childhood spent largely on her own, Gideon acquired a certain physical and mental fortitude. It doesn't matter if she's taking hits in a fight, or receiving harsh criticism, she doesn't stay down long. In fact, she's l
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