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  1. Yasu would watch as the player who had taken his order walked back to make it, taking note of the care she would put into the brew. As she worked on the press, the player would flip his journal to a blank page, sketching out the general shape of the player and the press. As Kagami continued to work, Monarch would add more and more detail to the drawing, adding more detail to the french press than anything else, like that’s what he cared about the most. Kagami’s form would appear rough but still recognizable, the rest of the shop would be just general shapes. But the press had almost every deta
  2. An empty field, wild hare running amuck in the grass. The sun was rising, and yet Yasuhiro hadn’t slept. A light rustle would escape as the boy emerged from the shadows. The rabbits wouldn’t even turn their gaze as a sword as black as the night sliced through them. Picking up the meat Yasu would turn towards the town so far from where he was. A little light gathering was all he needed, as his wealth grew he stepped ever closer to his goal. Checking his inventory, the boy would write in his journal everything he had acquired that night before closing the book and hooking it to his belt. Th
  3. Yasu hadn’t been sitting long before a player approached him, asking if he would like anything. He didn’t like the taste of alcohol, and from what he had heard, the taste was just an unfortunate part of getting the effects of it, which also were not in the game. If he had to guess, the only reason one would use alcohol in this game was to simply hold onto a world they can’t get back to on their own. A remnant of a past better off let go of. ”I’ll have a coffee, black please.” Despite not talking to many people, Yasu had a generally good demeanor, and his voice was gentle. Quiet, sure, but
  4. Monarch’s plan had gone to crap pretty quickly. After being scooped up and carried away, he’d thought his teammates would follow suit as these creatures forgot to do the most important thing when capturing somebody. Why didn’t they come with me? Perhaps they hadn’t thought of this. Yasu had come up with a semi decent plan, though he probably should’ve run it past the team before getting himself into danger. From where he could tell, the guards carrying him had no great features. They both looked the same as far as equipment goes, and neither had a unique weapon. Guess they’re just grunts.
  5. Yasuhiro’s eyes opened from his little makeshift bed of a bench. The air around him was thick, and the ground beneath him wet. A rare sight for the boy, but as far as anyone else was concerned it was simple. Morning dew. Hiro would stand up, grabbing his journal he had used as a makeshift pillow and placing it in a holster he kept on his side. The usually unmotivated kid had finally made a goal for himself, and now he was back to his old ways. Months had gone by and all he had to show for it was a packed sleep schedule and a huge pile of filled out journals for people watching sitting in
  6. The young boy, unfazed by the outlandish settlement placed in a tree, would step right inside and examine the path onward, noticing the hexagonal symbol and pulling out his journal and sketching it on a new page. ”Perhaps it’s the name of their settlement…” He would explain quietly to himself. His eyes would then float up to the dim light sources, he had to figure out what they were made of so he drew them as well. ”As much as I know about Fae, I can’t guarantee I’ll see through the lies. I won’t talk unless I can be sure no one will be captured.” Yasu wasn’t lying, his extent of know
  7. Yasuhiro was a tired and lazy child, this game being about the most intense thing he’s ever done. ”I just know things.” He would explain, pulling his scarf over his mouth as he stood up and followed the pair. It appears the Fae had similar styles in folklore as they do in this game, which means Kayaba took this world seriously. Every ounce of detail poured into this world had its own complicated backstory based somewhat in reality. The Fae were never expert craftsmen but making do in the forests is an art in of itself. The boy wasn’t so worried about their combat prowess. If they were any
  8. Monarch hated the idea of someone dying because he was saved. He had made no contribution to either world, and despite not caring too much about that, He thought someone who had actual value outside of information stored in a book that can be passed to anyone should deserve to live more than he does. That’s when Morningstar mentioned being the reason they’re here, and that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if someone died for him. ”I agreed to help.” The kid’s eyes would burn with an intensity as if he was trying to stare a hole through the back of Morningstar’s head. ”I never said I wo
  9. Yasu generally only helped people when they asked him personally. And it was never out of the kindness of his heart, it was always to avoid having to deal with someone trying to convince him to help. This time was different, he had put himself in this position of his own free will, and as such he would have to go through with it. You see, while this kid was lazy, he would always keep a promise, so he rarely ever made them. ”I’m sorry.” The kid would remark, his voice much quieter than usual. As Nari stood, Monarch would finish his drink and stand as well, although it would look like he was alr
  10. Yasu couldn't help but feel like he was missing some important information, which coupled with Nari's question, gave him more information than he truly wanted. In fact, Yasu wanted to walk away as is. He had a feeling Nari was capable of helping, and Morningstar didn't look like he was altogether helpless. In truth, the only reason he had stepped up was simply because of Iris. In the off chance he ever saw her again, he wanted to be better than he was before. If for no other reason than to help those around him when they needed it. He didn't really care what most people thought of him, in fact
  11. Yasu would fall back to his prone position on the bench, but the noise of the players right beside him would not allow the kid to rest. He just wanted some sleep, and as the nightmare had interrupted his wish, the kid would fiddle with his hair, listening to the players speak. "Likewise." The kid would say, regarding Morningstar's comment. Oh well. I guess sleep is out of the question for now. He would sit up once more, standing and stretching with a remarkably low range of motion. "The fae are kidnapping players and keeping them in the Cavern of Faeries." He would say, before fiddling with th
  12. Yasu sat at the table with these strangers, if for no other reason than to be off of his feet. He had agreed to help, but he had no idea what he would be doing or why, so he needed to save his energy or create a surplus. ”No thanks.” He would say, as a black coffee materialized in his hand and he would take a sip. His journal would slide off of his hip as it opened to a page with a sketch of Astreya on it. An almost perfect rendering at that. On that same page, Yasu would sketch the two players he sat with but would not write a description next to them. ”I’m not a good fighter.” Monarch w
  13. Monarch had found his bench. It was perfect, long enough to lay on and empty enough to not be bothered. There weren’t many shops on this street, just a nearby request board and the boy knew just how rarely those were actually used, so right here would be perfect. As he lay down, a gust of wind picks up, blowing his hair in a soothing dance across his head. A small smirk would appear as he drifted off into the darkness. Through the darkness, a flame was lit. Footsteps fast approaching behind him, and yet the person before him remained still and undefined. An uneasy feeling rose to Yasu’s t
  14. Yasu had found his way into a bar on the seventh floor, yet somehow he couldn't afford anything. All this time doing nothing and watching players really should've gone towards setting up a business that could run itself. A drawing of the tavern would be placed on the page of the journal the boy was always carrying on his hip. His button up short sleeve shirt and black pants with comfy sneakers would pull the eyes of people not invested in their own situation. Whatever, let them stare, he was comfortable. The boy's ears would be pulled away towards a pair of players speaking of a guild, Ya
  15. The boy watched for a moment, the wolf taking his paw up slightly higher than usual. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for. Yasu's sword would glow, his eyes fixed on the enemy before him as it charged forward once more. A snarl from the dog would throw slobber at kid and his blade would start to fall. Not quite quick enough however, as the yellow wolf's teeth would plant themselves firmly into the boy's leg. Holding it in place, Monarch's sword would fall on the monster's head, causing it to break its grip and pull back once more. The first exchange had gone swimmingly, and Monarch
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