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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 237000, CD: 11 (+8 EN) PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (11 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 3 Targets = 6) = 17 EN) Free Action | ID: 236996 | 2 + 8 = 10, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #45 Dealing 495 Damage ID: 236997 | 1 + 8 = 9, Missed vs. Hearthfire Mote #46 ID: 236998 | 9 + 8 = 17, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #47 Dealing 495 Damage ID: 236999 | 9 + 8 = 17, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #48 Dealing 495 Damage 237005, MD:1-2=-1, Hearthfire Mote #46 vs Shiina (Missed) Players: Shiina | HP: 1008/1008 | EN: 83/116 | DMG: 1{+4} | MIT:2
  2. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236968, CD: 3 (No Proc) PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (11 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 2 Targets = 4) = 15 EN) Free Action | ID: 236964 | 3 + 8 = 11, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #35 Dealing 435 Damage ID: 236965 | 1 + 8 = 9, Missed vs. Hearthfire Mote #36 ID: 236966 | 5 + 8 = 13, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #37 Dealing 435 Damage ID: 236967 | 1 + 8 = 9, Missed vs. Hearthfire Mote #38 Players: Raidou | HP: 897/897 | EN: 67/116 | DMG: 28 | MIT:137 | ACC:5 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 | BH:49 | REC: 8 | LD:11 | QTY:2 | HYPER [0/3] N
  3. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236924, CD: 10 (+8 EN) PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (11 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 3 Targets = 6) = 17 EN) Free Action | ID: 236920 | 5 + 8 = 13, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #24 Dealing 465 Damage ID: 236921 | 8 + 8 = 16, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #25 Dealing 465 Damage ID: 236922 | 3 + 8 = 11, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #26 Dealing 465 Damage ID: 236923 | 1 + 8 = 9, Missed vs. Hearthfire Mote #27 Players: Raidou | HP: 897/897 | EN: 77/116 | DMG: 28{+4} | MIT:137 | ACC:5 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3{-1} | BH:49 | REC: 8 | LD:11 |
  4. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236890, CD: 2 (No Proc) PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (11 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 4 Targets = 8) = 19 EN) Free Action | ID: 236886 | 5 + 8 = 13, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #12 Dealing 435 Damage ID: 236887 | 9 + 8 = 17, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #13 Dealing 435 Damage ID: 236888 | 3 + 8 = 11, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #14 Dealing 435 Damage ID: 236889 | 4 + 8 = 12, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #15 Dealing 435 Damage Players: Raidou | HP: 897/897 | EN: 87/116 | DMG: 28 | MIT:137 | ACC:5 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 | BH:49 | REC: 8
  5. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236864, CD: 11 (+8 EN) PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (11 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 3 Targets = 6) = 17 EN) Free Action | ID: 236857 | 1 + 8 = 9, Miss vs. Hearthfire Mote #1 ID: 236858 | 10 + 8 = 18, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #2 Dealing 480 Damage ID: 236859 | 10 + 8 = 18, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #3 Dealing 480 Damage ID: 236860 | 6 + 8 = 14, Hit vs. Hearthfire Mote #4 Dealing 480 Damage Players: Simmoné | HP: 897/897 | EN: 89/116 | DMG: 27{+4} | MIT:40 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | REC: 8 | LD:14 | PROSP:8 | QTY: 4 Nisahim
  6. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236844, CD: 4 (No Proc) PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (11 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 3 Targets = 6) = 17 EN) Free Action | ID: 236841 | 5 + 8 = 13, Hit vs. Eye of Pyre #1 Dealing 495 - 120 = 375 Damage ID: 236842 | 8 + 8 = 16, Hit vs. Eye of Pyre #1 Dealing 495 - 120 = 375 Damage ID: 236843 | 9 + 8 = 17, Hit vs. Surt, Hearthfire Golem Dealing 750 - 160/2 = 670 Damage, [BRN 56/2] applied Players: Nisahime | HP: 897/897 | EN: 96/96 | DMG: 1{+4} | MIT:60 | ACC:1 | EVA:2 | LD:2 Shiina | HP: 1008/1008 | EN: 103/116 | DMG:
  7. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236829, CD: 8 (+8 EN) PH Post Action | Sand Dollar [5/6] (236828, LD: 8 {FAILURE})
  8. *Combat Ends, Rhino's Horns Reset, Trolls Blood Reset Standard Recovery +4 EN, Recovery: 236807, CD: 5 (No Proc) PH Post Action | Sand Dollar [1/6] (236806, LD: 18 {SUCCESS}) Players: Nisahime | HP: 897/897 | EN: 96/96 | DMG: 1{+4} | MIT:60 | ACC:1 | EVA:2 | LD:2 Gaius | HP: 966/966 | EN: 68/116 | DMG: 29{+4} | MIT:127 | ACC:1 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2{-1} | PARA-IM | BH:48 | REC: 8 | HM: 8 | HLY: 16 | BLD: 48 | ENV-O: 32 | LD:2 | TROLLS-B Simmoné | HP: 897/897 | EN: 96/116 | DMG: 27{+4} | MIT:40 | ACC:7 | AA | EVA:3 | REC: 8 | LD:14 | PROSP:8 | QTY: 4 Celeste | HP: 943/943
  9. PH Post Action | [x15] AOE-I (22 - 2 [Stamina] + 2 [Shift] + (2 * 1 Targets = 2) = 24 EN) - 1 [Rested 1/2] = 23 EN Free Action | ID: 236798 | 6 + 8 + 1 = 15, Hit vs. Sand’s Claw Dealing 495 x 1.5 = 742 - 125 = 617 Damage Players: Nisahime | HP: 897/897 | EN: 96/96 | DMG: 1{+4} | MIT:60 | ACC:1 | EVA:2 | LD:2 Shiina | HP: 1008/1008 | EN: 107/116 | DMG: 1{+4} | MIT:251 | ACC:1 | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 16 | FR.AURA: 16 | THORNS:72 | BH:30 | HB: 40 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | LD:2 Gaius | HP: 966/966 | EN: 85/116 | DMG: 29{+4} | MIT:127 | ACC:1 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2{-1} | PARA-IM
  10. PH <<Assist System Engaged>> Level: 33 Paragon: 32 Tier: 4 True Tier: 7 Final EXP Reward: +25% Activated: True Light Lantern: +1 ACC, +1 LD (Party) Paragon (10): +1 LD while Looting/Searching Guild Rank 1: +1% Final EXP reward Consumed: Bottomless Tea Wares (Gungir's - EVA 2 | VIT 2 [Feast - 152493]) {RAIDOU} [5/6] Lunchbox of Everlasting Memories (Gungir's - MIT 3 | EVA 1 [Feast - 205491]) {NISAHIME} [6/6] Unfathomable Red Vials (Gungir's - PROT 2 | ACC 2 [Feast - 205487]) {CELESTE} [3/6] [Filled Protein] 5-Star Ceaseless Beef Wellingto
  11. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN, Hyperactive Fades Stuck in her stasis, she worked the part of barricade as the banshees continued to try and find any avenue to approach the woman. Each attempt would see them move in yet catch ablaze in that cold blue flame, seeing them either flail aggressively and escape or find themselves consumed by them. Those that failed would be reduced to ash. Celeste was still motionless, frozen like a statue with her head rested on that cleaver of hers. The thing stirred in a sharp swirl of color, sections of it losing filling an
  12. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN Her stamina screaming out in resistance as she was running entirely on empty, the girl was virtually spent. Her eyes go blank, and she uses her weapon to prop herself up. The banshees continue to rush toward her in a never-ending drove. It would appear she is consumed by them, but a sputtering and explosion of cobalt blue flame would see them flee as they burn. Once returned to view, Celeste seems to be burning softly in that same kindling yet static and motionless. Her bar on the HUD would turn from that pale green to a fli
  13. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN, Charge Refreshed Following in behind Shiina as the little helper would be the second out behind the guide, finding her quirky headstrong nature rather liberating. A surge of power as soon as they had the opportunity, she'd take a lock on of the newly entities beginning to ooze out of the walls. A rush of cardinal and a single tenacious broad stroke sees her cleave easily through the targets, sending them dispersing like mist. They howl in screams almost human, that quickly become distant as if from far away. As soon as she
  14. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN, Charge CD {2/3}, Hyperactive Fades A pivot on her heel as Kasumi would blink into existence, catching her off guard. "Damn, for a princess you can really fucking let her rip." The girl couldn't help but compliment the brawler bitch mentality that came out of the blossom. A wave of heat leaps on the weapon, causing the view to distort and tickle her right cheek. That cleaver of her grinds against the wall as she hefts it over her right shoulder. "Just die, wouldya? We got places to be." Celeste goads as she'd allow a purchas
  15. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN As if right on queue, Celeste was eagerly ready and willing. In a full sprint on Simmone's right as soon as the way was clear, Celeste leaps into a spin and runs her cleaver in nearly a baseball swing at the writhing mass of black. Before it can even fully take shape, the thing is sent like a baseball right out of the black fog. Bouncing once....twice....thrice for good measure, it connects with that stone wall hard. Floundering like a fish out of water, it slides like a wet piece of lunchmeat down the wall including a green
  16. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Charge CD {2/3} Seeing from the corner of her eyes, Shiina runs up and starts climbing the beast. “What the hell are you doing?” Celeste calls out to her. It was already starting to find its footing again and it wouldn’t be long before it started to try and fly again only this time it would be escaping with a tiny frame on its back that was the size of its claw alone. Slamming that cleaver down hard against its side, trying to make it impaired enough to where it didn’t want to go airborne. It was weird that she was actually worried about the tiny girl. Celeste was
  17. Standard Recovery +4 EN Eyes wide from the show that was just presented, that woman tends to amaze her in very odd ways. Simply put, pulling out a weapon that was just found in the game itself. How did this woman have it already, doesn't do anything without the help of the guild. Seeing another threat, those iced over ogres that looked more like Ugzeke than golems. “Okay frosty Ug’s let's see what you got.” saying as she rushed them down. That weapon twists, slashing at one's leg as it falls and finds it back as the new target. A swift notion before turning and plunging up right into the
  18. One of the tiny things was running right toward her. Cleaving down wasn't hard to kill these crabs. It was a breeze compared to the other that they last fought. The last was running from something, it seemed to be foaming from the mouth as its body rapidly turned in an unorthodox way to get back up every time it fell over from a turn. “What the hell is that?” Celeste's vocal cords screamed in an up and down tone. Throwing her weight into this hit trying to make contact with the rodent that decided to show itself. Instead the red thing that looked like it had rabies darted out of the way and th
  19. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Rhino Horn reset (Simmone/Kasumi) Putting a hand just above her eyes to shield the sun from them, looking around seeing nothing at first. Then she begins to hear little clicks, eyes veer to where the sound is coming from and finally she finds them coming from a boulder in the distance. That was not their normal spawning area, weird. “Over there guys” pointing to the pack of stupid that was slowly pitter pattering toward the group. Thinking about the last time, they clamped to her like a small fish. That was not going to happen this time. They were too far away fro
  20. Rushing into the crowd, blade flung out as she thrashed against the creature but with every swing came a claw blocking each, “How the hell?” as one of those hits brought her off balance. This causes a punch of a leg to come through right into Celeste’s stomach. Flinking back onto her ass with a slide in the sands. Coughing trying to catch her breath, staring wide at the creature. It has never done that before, eyes veer straight to Nisahime. Not that she was paying much attention but it seemed like in the previous fights the woman was trying to teach control and use of their weapons in a cont
  21. Sliding down the rope ladder, Lium was hard at work. Somehow he finally got the crew to stop being lazy asses. Curious as to how that was done, maybe bribery, something to motivate them. Celeste would have just threatened to throw them off the ship, if they didn’t want to die that would be motive enough. Landing on the ground with a huff of dust against the sands. This was starting to be a daily thing, the only thing that wasn’t normal is where that woman brought them. Last time it was snow with some speedy winds and a mist storm. Hopefully it won't be that extreme this time. The cold didn’t m
  22. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Charge Refreshed A broad stroke from the red headed broad sends crabs flying like shrapnel, tiny flakes of red shell spray across the beach. "These really even worth it?" The woman offers with a taste of irritation on her tone, hefting that clever of hers up to her left shoulder. The others start to flee like a tiny army, falling back to regroup from the titanic chick nearly 50 times their size. The small rods of pink slowly trucking at maybe an 6 inches a minute. "Where you going short stuff." she goads leaning over to lock eyes with the thing, stuck watching the
  23. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN Ripping herself up by pushing her kneecap with her left hand, Celeste immediately gets to her feet. "On it!" she barks in agreement to the order decreed by the white haired with no resistance, given that was exactly what she had planned anyway. A rush of red washes down her cleaver, and it sputters into a wave of blue flame that quickly claims its surface. "Hey numb nuts, fuck off!" Celeste yells out as she slams that weapon into dude, before she explodes into a maelstrom of similar cobalt flames. The entire area around her
  24. Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Charge Refreshed As a respective army started to form in this 25 foot across square chamber, Simmone was the first to break into the fight. A fact that caught even Celeste by surprise, normally she was one of the slow ones. Seeing the first of a few foes destroyed as a multitude like an army kept appearing one after another, a strange sound every time they did. The room itself burned in a reddish orange light from torches on the walls, upon the ground a massive symbol of a coffin plastered dead center. A ring of her weapon, Celeste's intentio
  25. *Optimal Turn Order Change Standard Recovery +4 EN, Horn of Battle +2 EN, Hyperactive +3 EN, Hyperactive Fades, Charge CD {2/3} Like usual, Raidou is just damn near too fast to see. He just blinds across the chamber like lightning and pile drives the ogre into the floor, like a cardboard cutout. Celeste sees her opportunity and as soon as her HUD pings allowing her to move she does, rampaging across the newly made distance with cardinal washing along her cleaver. "Mind if I cut in?" she barks but the question is rhetorical as she'd drive that brutal sword of hers square into the creatur
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