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Everything posted by Xena

  1. Xena had sighed to herself, she had been walking through second floor holding a book in her hand, it was a small blue one, inside she had been jotting down lyrics the entire day. Taking floors, preferably low ones for inspiration she found herself on the second one, ironically it was the floor that put her in a depressed spiral the past 1 or 2 years. She wondered how her real body was doing, how her cat was doing, hopefully both were well, she imagined that she couldn't be here in the game if her real body wasn't alive. It wasn't until that thought crossed her mind that a NPC walked up to her,
  2. Xena decided she'd try again then leave it at that for the day. Holding the crystal in her palms once more she attempted to sing again. Her voice this time trying a bit harder, though it was effectively the exact same As she sung her palms glowed from the crystal inside them, but by the end when she opened them nothing had changed again, she pouted but shruged placing it back in the bag. Oh well, there was always tomorrow, or the next day. Plopping on her sleeping bag in the corner she just laid there, if someone came around she'd take their order but for now she was just tired. Crafting
  3. Xena sighed to herself beneath the shop floor, the room was littered with materials in bags, a place for crafting a few instruments and a assortment of other items, as well as a sleeping bag in the corner. She was basically using this room as 4 different things in one. And that led to it being a absolute mess, thankfully no one would be seeing it. Picking up a bag of materials she sighed, might as well get busy and start practicing. She took what looked like a shard out of it, setting the bag aside she sighed holding the crystal in her palms beginning to sing. After about a minute she opened h
  4. Among the jungle terrain of floor six a cabin stood, it was rather far from the warp pad, it was a miracle you even found it, guided by the soft sound of singing. The area was covered in claw marks, though it was registered as a safe zone, meaning a shop. Upon further inspection there was a even a sign labeling it as 'The Tigress Den' Should you of chosen to proceed further the door would open with a small creak, a counter was on the left side the building, and on the right was a waiting area, it even had a fire place. The sound of music would stop as you enter, the faint sound of walking coul
  5. Xena certainly was still in a adrenaline fueled temper tantrum you could call it. She didnt understand half the things Freyd was saying and honestly couldn't remember if he was like this before or not, she wasn't entirely able to remember. Looking to the side was a big mistake however, she heard him stretching but she had simply watched the forest, she could of sworn she heard something. Not that it mattered as she felt herself suddenly grabbed up by Freyd, most girls would probably kick or scream more but Xena who just wasn't expecting it at all held her hood down going quiet, a second adrena
  6. Cost Of Transaction:(Quest Materials.) Crafter Profession:Performer Crafters Rank:0 Item Name:A Beginning. Item Type:Support Song Item Rarity:Rare Item Enhancements:Health Recovery 2 Craft ID/Roll: 203571 CD 11 Item Description:The Beginning of a performers dream, and the savior of another's life.
  7. Thread Summary (Stealing Freyds Format) 4085 word / 30 words= 136 * 5 = 680 * tier 980 EXP (Word Count [680*1] + Quest [300] 400 col (400 [1 page]) 5 materials (quest) Unlock Performer Profession and Shop (Obtained Recording Crystal Health Recovery 2)
  8. Coming to a wake up, Xena found herself yawning looking around, she didn't remember much about yesterday, or anything quite yet, it was that feeling where you were so sleepy you just forget everything around you. It wasn't until the crackle of the fire place that she snapped out of it coming to a rise, her hair was a mess, she wasn't even aware bed head was a thing in SAO, then again too be fair she had managed to always have a bed too sleep in before this, picking up her hood she just covered her hair for the time being and looked out the window, the sun was already in the sky by a ways how l
  9. Laying on the floor once again he cloak was used as a pillow, it was thankfully soft enough to do so. She simply pondered the future some more, maybe being a songstress wouldn't be that bad, it had its benefits like she'd surely find out. It also had its disadvantages being most of the items you craft weren't permanent if they gave buffs or debuffs, though. Actual songs, or messages, were allowed to be kept forever. Maybe she'd write one, for someone, when a special time comes. But for now she just laid against the ground, the soft sound of wing against the cabin like shop being heard through
  10. Having a bit of time Xena pulled out a small blue book that she had picked up from her Info Shop it was empty, she didn't really have any plans for it until she decided to become a performer, now she had plans to turn it into a lyric book, though lyrics were hard to come up with, even harder to have ones that really stuck. Jotting down a few idea's she came to the conclusion that, she needed practice, and lots of it. But she wasn't about to start singing at what, 2 in the morning, she couldn't even tell. All she knew was it was night. And that she wanted to hit the sack coming to a stand she s
  11. Rolling on the floor at this point it was night. The jungle had grown quiet, as did she, the quest was effectively over. She just needed to really make this shop hers, but she wasn't entirely sure how. She didn't honestly know of any other performers either, everyone was either a black smith or a tailor, or a appraiser. She didn't entirely know, what to do with the place. Sitting up off the ground she came to a stand, the building was dark. Looking around she saw a cozy fire place in the corner, somewhat crawling over to it there was a fire starter above it, using said thing she started a fire
  12. Xena looked through the shop to see if she could find any other goodies but alas it seemed the chest was all she got out of that. She didn't mind that much though, placing the bag on the table she simply thought about instantly using it. But, that wouldn't end well, likely she'd just lose the materials. Leaving them at the desk she went over to the door closing it, and a notification appears saying she got the key back, interesting. She simply sighed removing her vanity cat items and pulling her hood down, that was a exhausting day, she was about ready to just flop on the floor and pass out. T
  13. Time had passed somewhat, about a hour as Xena had walked through the floors from floor, floor 6 hadn't changed much at all, it was after all a jungle, and sadly her claw marks didn't stay. They vanished on a regular timer, it was more annoying to her then the world most likely. Leaving a single scratch mark on a tree she followed to way point the Key's led with, she wasn't sure what to expect, whether a ruined building or a fully fledged studio, what she got, was in between, a moderate looking building, it looked like a cabin. Walking up too the door the key vanished and the door opened, insi
  14. "Lovely work little lady!" The guitarist said rather loudly which made her damn near drop the damn thing, catching it after fumbling for abut 8 whole seconds that was a very unneeded panic, she sighed angrily, she just needed him to teach her how to sing and she could leave. That was all, though she might not even need too learn how to sing, judging by the sound the crystal gave off she did a extremely good one with her soft song about 30 seconds ago. She sighed once more as the emerald green crystal vanished into her inventory for the time being, with a whistle Xena immediately looked at th
  15. As Xena held the material up to her eye a loud noise behind her that shook the earth spooked her looking behind her a large bug seemed to of spotted her, damn, and she was doing so well not getting aggro on enemies, she quickly scurried away towards the warp pad. Jumping onto it she teleported onto floor 1, landing on all fours she stood up placing the material in her bag, now she just needed to craft whatever the guitarist NPC wanted and he'd tech her how to be a songstress. Or at least she had hoped so, she may be on her own though as it seemed he was a musician more then a singer, though sh
  16. Xena had her ways of looking through the terrain, without skills, it was called hard effort and actually looking around. In truth she hadn't moved far from the warp pad now as she only needed one more material, it seemed they spawned randomly around you for a certain period of time, that's what she had guessed as actual searching didn't ever seem to matter. Crossing her arms she sat on the grass listening carefully, maybe the crystals made a pinging noise when they spawned, or any noise. She closed her eyes in attempting to listen closer but she just couldn't hear anything, until she heard the
  17. Xena had moved from the mountainous area, she had been up there for about 6 hours, good god time flies, she had her book out writing lyrics that might work, other pages listed entire songs she could remember that were from real life. They weren't much but, cover's were never looked down upon to her eyes, a lot improved on the original, though she wasn't sure she could do so, humming the tune of Bad Apple, a theme from another game she liked a whole lot, a bullet hell, though she couldn't remember its name. She wondered if that games creator got caught in this death game as well, hopefully not.
  18. Xena continued moving returning to her feet, she was honestly leaning into being cat like a tad too much even in her opinion, it was fun sure. But embarrassing, and could likely lead to her getting hurt if she didn't actually practice combat like that. Should she even practice combat like that was the big question, it's not like it'd be a illegal way of play, there wasn't many things that were illegal as much as looked down upon in this game. Continuing to search the area for the required materials she looked to her side, downwards was a cliff, which she immediately backed off from, fall damag
  19. With a caution Xena proceeded into the next area, her claws no longer long in her pockets but held at her sides, the fact another player had been here recently was somewhat frightening her eyes grazed across the area, she held a close area against the wall, of the mountain, she just needed to find 3 more of the necessary materials and she should be fine. After all, there was supposedly no way to fail the crafting, according to what she was told. She'd find out if that was true soon enough should she survive long enough. Then she spotted something shining, dropping to all fours she practically
  20. Xena's trek through the mountains was a lonely one to be sure, but if anyone found out what she was doing who knows what might happen, she had a assortment of friends, being 3. It was upsetting to her that she could only make 3 friends in 2 years, maybe it was due to her recluse personality. Often only speaking when spoken too, how would that work when she sung she wondered. She wasn't entirely sure if she'd be able to do this, maybe the NPC knew how to cope with stage freight, maybe she might not even have any in this game. She never really tried, but around folks like Freyd, she would likely
  21. As Xena walked through the area she kicked a rock continuing to kick it as she walked, her hands in her cloth pockets thankfully the realism didn't have the gauntlets tear said pants apart, that would be completely annoying. Regardless she whistled the toon she had came up with attempting to also think of some lyrics, what would go well with it. "By your side, we are unity..." The toon she had sung was a song she knew in the real word, maybe bringing some of those to SAO would give players a sense of home, she wasn't entire sure, she kicked the rock again this time a bit to hard sending i
  22. Xena had climbed up the side of a small mountain to gain a view point over the area, if anything shined she would probably go to check it, after all those usually meant items in the area, and if it shined a specific color then it was a quest item. As she gazed over the side of the cliff she decided if she hadn't found anything here and now she'd move spots on the map, maybe she'd have better luck doing that. "C'mon, I need you to show yourself..." She mumbled to herself. Alas she couldn't find anything, solemn she left the area, perhaps the next area would yearn greater results she wasn't
  23. Xena had taken a smile upon her face, it had only been about a 3 hours, and she already found 2 materials, she honestly expected this to take even longer, knowing her luck. But for now she was content at the pace she was going, placing a single finger against a wall a long claw mark was left on it, the dust of the wall fizzling into broken particles that vanished afterwards, this area seemed to have materials galore in it, perhaps she could find more somewhere that or she'd find nothing, she wasn't entirely sure. It took her about 40 minutes of searching the area and finding nothing to have he
  24. Time had since passed quite a bit through the day, Xena had kept staying in the field for long enough to come up with a song, or at least the toon to one. She had whistled it and snapped her clawed fingers to add too it adding a satisfying metal sound to it, much like a drum. She wasn't the biggest fan of drums, or rock in general though, what with her appearance you'd assume she loved pop, she didn't, she actually preferred most songs with no lyrics, but then, what would a performer be without their lyrics? Seems she'd need to get herself out of not liking lyrics if she wanted to succeed, but
  25. As Xena continued trudging through the mountainous terrain of the second floor for castle aincrad she sighed to herself. Was this really going to be worth it, the skills and items she got for this would probably be worth it, but she had her doubts. She had a head full of doubt's and yet she had no choice but to press onwards, after all, if she didn't she'd get left in the dust. And she wasn't ready to be lost and forgotten, not quite yet. She kicked the ground in a attempt to get said thoughts out of her head frowning to herself, scraping a large boulder she decided to check it for any materia
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