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  1. Profile Username: Senken Real name: Ken Nishiki Age: 21 (December 29th) Gender: male Height: 5’8 Weight: 133lbs Orientation: Pansexual About: History/personality He’s a very bubbly and extroverted young man who can sometimes be overconfident and arrogant at times. He seems to try and make friends often but is unsuccessful because he’s spoiled, rude, and a little annoying. He talks a lot and doesn’t know when to shut up. He was born in Ohsaka, his family was very wealthy, his
  2. My name is Duck or Oliver (yes in fact it’s my real name) I am 21, my birthday is December 29th, I’m a male. I’m pansexual, I adore writing and reading and I also enjoy anime, manga, movies, video games, and basically anything that brings entertainment while also granting deep emotional connections. I don’t often get upset or angry about anything, but if I do, I’ll let you know. My fav character in SAO is either Klein or Eugeo, but I love em all… yes even Sugou, Kayaba, and Death Gun. It’s been a while since I’ve messed with anything SAO, so I might be a bit rusty with lord and the like. I’m f
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