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  1. Micheal would sigh as he lie on the ground. "So bored...." He'd manage to say to himself before sitting up. All he had been doing is chilling in the town but he needed some excitement, some kind of a thrill, and someone to talk to. Man he was used to being alone but this was a next level of lonliness. "Maybe I should just go kill some boars or something." He'd push himself off the ground and grab his sword before sheathing it. He'd watch the people roam the town which brought a smile to his face before he'd start to leave the town. He'd walk in the grassy plains slowly looking around at t
  2. He’d laugh a bit to himself as she fumbled her words. “Sorry I kind of came up to you unexpectedly.” He’d say in an attempt to comfort her. He’d think about her request. Working alone was typically his style but then again he was the one who approached her and she seemed like she needed help. For a quest as boring as this one, he’d also need people with him if he was going to get through it. “Yeah, I’m down to work together!” He’d say with a smile and enthusiastic tone. He’d open up his menu and send her a party invite before accepting the same quest. He wasn’t too thrilled to be doing this qu
  3. First Lessons Micheal would be leaning up against the wall of Zacharia’s shop watching as people strolled by. He knew he needed to get stronger so he could get out of this death game but he didn’t know where to start. Should he fight some enemies and grind up, do some low level quests, maybe there was another way? With a sigh he’d get off the wall and walk up to the front of the shop. He’d notice a short pink haired chick just staring at her menu. She seems to know what she’s doing…? He’d come up from behind her with a smile and wave his hand in front of her. “You all good, you look like
  4. SONIC


    Profile: Username: SONIC Real name: Micheal Frills Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 5’11 Background: Micheal grew up with a pretty normal childhood. He grew up with two parents who loved him a lot, his family was above the average amount of wealth but they weren’t rich. He’d work with his family at a cleaning company before starting a job where he moved boxes. He wouldn’t do anything too special as a kid aside from playing video games and hanging out with his best friend Luna. Luna and him would essentially grow up with each other, they were family. They’d hang out everyday,
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