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    Firm Anima

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  1. "Ah! Hello, friend. Call me Ren, and be welcome to The Knight Shift. We aim to provide for as many of Aincrad's players' weapons needs as we can. Please, sit a while and tell me your tale while I work. It's always nice to meet someone new." Peering over the order form, the white-haired smith smudged more soot across his slender features in a vain effort to wipe away heavy and persistent layers of toil. The shop had been busy. A good busy, and steadily too. It felt nice to feel like his efforts were making a difference. Hammering and chatting at the same time, it felt like the two
  2. Name: Andrius' Fang Crafting ID: 224005 Item Type: Weapon (Rapier) Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: ACC III Description: A azure blue and silver rapier with a wind aesthetic to the blade and its hilt. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r8-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=682950
  3. Provided to @Nymoria Kamoku | T4 Perfect Weapon (Dagger) | ACC II | BLD I A simple tanto styled dagger that contains a pink leather wrap upon the hilt, and an inlaid amethyst like along the tang of the blade. Fusion ID 241674 Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39172-rencesvals-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=694142 Provided to @Faerie Branch of the World Tree | T2 Perfect Weapon (Projectile) | ACC I | DMG II A simple recurving longbow made of a slightly golden wood. The bow looks to be made of one complete solid piece rather than multiple pieces glued together,
  4. R9 Blacksmith (14 crafts/day - 10 from rank +1 from extended workshop +3 from Trading Hall III) Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt) Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 174816 Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day) Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD) Trading Hall (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +3 attempt/day) Crafter's Respite | n/a ID 241658 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 7 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP) ID 241659 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 15 | T2 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP) ID 241660 | CD 12+1=13 | LD 17 | T2 Perfect Weapon (+13 EXP) ID 241661 | CD 9+1=7 | LD 1 | T2 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP)
  5. Fuse 2x T4 Rare Weapon (240671, 240676) into 1x Perfect Weapon | Fusion ID 241674 Name: Kamoku Fusion ID: 241674 Item Type: Weapon (Dagger) Tier: 4 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: ACC II | BLD I Description: A simple tanto styled dagger that contains a pink leather wrap upon the hilt, and an inlaid amethyst like along the tang of the blade. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r8-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=693409 Name: Branch of the World Tree Crafting ID: 241660 Item Type: Weapon (Projectile) Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhanc
  6. "Three and a half..." Eyes wide, the white-haired smith let the orbs drift down to the disparate items left on his counter, along with hastily scrawled... something... that pretended to be guiding instructions. They looked more like the sort of scribbles his roommates used to leave when they were too lazy to go do the grocery shopping, and too cheap to actually tell him what they actually needed, leaving him to guess and ultimately foot the bill. "Uh... hi?" It was a start, his brain still struggling to figure out how to transfur the coat onto the other shell without compromising its
  7. Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r8-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=693748 Note: Cannot change item names via fusion. Confirmed with client to keep as noted below. Heavy Coat | T4 Perfect Light Armor | 236444d | Antifreeze | Evasion | Recovery A coat made of heavy animal hide. What it lacks in mitigation, it makes up in cold resistance and flexibility. Resilient Thistle | T4 Demonic Light Armor | 234598 | Mitigation | Regen | Fireproof | Vamp-D This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the eponymous wildfl
  8. It took Ren a minute to figure out where the voice was coming from, the ambient din of forge and smithy normally drowning out any such possible clarity, until he spotted his latest customer at the counter and could fathom what was at play. "Oh! Sign? That's astounding! I never realized that the system could translate. Huh..." he paused, as if lost in quandary. "Forgive me for asking, if the nerve gear is already reading your mind to let you control your avatar, and able to process your thoughts, why can't it enable you to think to speak?" Ren blushed, awkwardly, having blurted out h
  9. Name: Reticent Crafting ID: 240680 Item Type: Weapon (Rapier) Tier: 4 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: ACC II | BLD I Description: A simple thin sword with a basic hilt wrapped in a soft pink leather. A single sentence runs along the blade; forgotten, but not gone. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r8-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=693409
  10. R8 Blacksmith (13 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +3 from Trading Hall III) Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt) Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170483 Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day) Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD) Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day) Crafter's Respite | n/a ID 240670 | CD 5+1=6 | LD 6 | T4 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP) ID 240671 | CD 9+1=10 | LD 8 | T4 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP) ID 240672 | CD 6+1=7 | LD 11 | T4 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP) ID 240673 | CD 1+1=2 | LD 10 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat ID 2406
  11. Work completed, Ren wiped the sweat from his soot-stained brow as he watched an apprentice tenderly prepare the freshly wrought wares for their new owners. In a rush to forge and form the armor, he realized he'd taken liberties without verifying first and hoped she would be pleased with the results. They seemed true to the intent of her original order, with a bit of extra context and history tacked on. Such was his 'thing' after all, the mostly white-haired smith driving his adventuring companions mad as he strode to study every bit of lore they came across. Most couldn't understand why he
  12. Name: Silver Sword Crafting ID: 240500 Item Type: Weapon (Straight Sword) Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: ACC III Description: Exorcist's silver for the vanquishment of monsters. The sword is one-handed, deep blue in color with white edges and triangular gold detailing beneath the crossguard. It strikes true and pure regardless of the troubles of the souls that may come to wield it. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r8-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=693257 Name: Mountains and Rivers Crafting ID: 240514 Item Type: Armor (Heavy
  13. R8 Blacksmith (13 crafts/day - 9 from rank +1 from extended workshop +3 from Trading Hall III) Ambition Tool (+1 EXP per attempt) Ambition Food (+1 EXP/craft) | 170477-3 Extended Workshop (+2 EXP per attempt, +1 attempt/day) Hephaestus' Hammer (+1 CD) Lucrative (+2 EXP/craft, Salvage on LD 6+, +1 attempt/day) Crafter's Respite | 215832-2 ID 240496 | CD 8+1=9 | LD 15 | T3 Rare Weapon (+11 EXP) ID 240497 | CD 3+1=4 | LD 8 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat ID 240498 | CD 4+1=5 | LD 19 | T3 Uncommon Weapon (+9 EXP) ID 240499 | CD 2+1=3 | LD 9 | Salvage (+8 EXP) - keep mat ID
  14. Spirits lifted by a new commission from a returning customer, Ren set himself to work immediately, crafting the piece with meticulous care. Even as he worked fine filigree into the flat of the blade, he admired the artistry of the request and found himself surprised by his degree of precision. Maybe practice did lead closer to perfection, after all? "Your will, m'lady." Bowing as he presented the hafted blade, he'd always been one to appreciate a bit of dramatic flare and found her formal bearing and manner endearing and strangely familiar. "I've adjusted the length and weight balance
  15. Fuse 2x T2 Rare Weapons [235799, 235801] into 1x T2 Perfect Weapon | Fusion ID 240184 Name: Fate's Grasp Fusion ID: 240184 Item Type: Weapon (Polearm) Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: DMG II, ACC I Description: Similar in design to a halberd, this weapon contains a shorter spear-point atop its peak, and a longer, thinner axe blade along its forefront. Etched into the blade itself is the imagery of a raven taking flight, as if flying towards the observer. Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r8-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=689631
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