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About Wulfrin

  • Birthday 01/12/1998

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    The Trackers Alliance

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  1. "Appreciate it," Wulfrin chuckled as he prepared for his next barrage of strikes. "I probably could if I was able to raise my damage output some more, but I'm kind of poor so the gear is a bit out of my reach." So far the battle was going well. The Forgotten Time King's health bar had dipped drastically. When the boss turned its gaze away from the pink colored tank, Wulfrin's mid immediately went into overdrive. He looked for every possible way to stop FTK from running down the two low level players that were being escorted through the quest. Yuuki then brought the boss's attention fully
  2. PH * * * Thread Closure Oats receives: x EXP (75% of standard thread rewards) 0 Col 1 Mon (Shield Arts Playtest) Quest Clear Requirements not met: Thread Dropped Siren Receives: x EXP [ + 800 Quest] 3000 Col [4 pages/2 + 2000 (quest)+ 200(loot)] 11 mats (loot+quest) 1 Guild Token (Tracker's Alliance) 1 Mon (Shield Art's playtest) Quest Clear Rewards: Zackariah's Special Drought | ID 243541a | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery A ruddy-colored drink mixture that looks like it definitely came out of an apprentice alchemy class. Initiate's Dr
  3. PH * * * Recovery?: ID 243529 | CD 2 | +0 EN Wulfrin regains 6 HP and 1 EN Cooldowns: Frozen Hide (4/4) Main Action: [x11] ST-II vs Katoka (11 EN) -3 Jacket = 8 EN Free Action: ID 243530 | BD 5+3+1-1= 8 Hit | 10*11=110-34 = 76 + 16 (Vulnerability) = 92 DMG to Katoka. Katoka drops to 0 HP Wulfrin takes 4 Damage from Frost Thorns + Frost Aura Wulfrin | HP: 37/200 (41-4) | EN: 35/59 (42+1-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | PARA-IM | BH:6 | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD:3 | Jacket | Soul | Vulnerability | T1 Frost Thorn | T1 Frost Aura Katoka | HP: 0/200 (71-
  4. Ph * * * Wulfrin takes 4 damage from Frost Aura (2/2) Recovery?: ID 243527 | CD 7 | +2 EN Wulfrin regains 6 HP and 3 EN Cooldowns: Frozen Hide (3/4) Main Action: [x8] ST-I vs Katoka (8 EN) -3 Jacket = 5 EN Free Action: ID 243526 | BD 8+3+1-1= 11 Hit | 10*8=80-34 = 46 + 16 (Vulnerability) = 62 DMG to Katoka. Wulfrin takes 8 Damage from Frost Thorns + Frost Aura Wulfrin | HP: 129/200 (135-4+6-8) | EN: 42/59 (44+3-5) | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | PARA-IM | BH:6 | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD:3 | Jacket | Soul | Vulnerability | T1 Frost Thorn | T1 Fros
  5. Ph * * * Wulfrin takes 4 damage from Frost Aura (1/2) Frozen Hide fades Recovery?: ID 243524 | CD 12 | +2 EN Wulfrin regains 6 HP and 3 EN Cooldowns: Frozen Hide (2/4) Main Action: [x11] ST-II vs Katoka (11 EN) -3 Jacket = 8 EN Free Action: ID 243523 | BD 4+3+1-1= 7 Hit | 10*11=110-38 = 72 + 16 (Vulnerability) = 88 DMG to Katoka. Katoka Drops to zero HP. Phoenix Soul activates. Wulfrin takes 8 Damage from Frost Thorns + Frost Aura Wulfrin | HP: 135/200 (141-4+6-8) | EN: 44/59 (49+3-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | PARA-IM | BH:6 | REC: 2
  6. "Fantastic!" Wulfrin shouted over the roar of combat. "All according to plan! Now it's my turn." The celestial steel of his blade hummed as it emerged from its scabbard. In the blink of an eye Wulfrin was right below the Monkey King's center of mass, making use of the opening created by Astra's successful stun attempt. Wulfrin's blade began to shine with a vibrant emerald hue, a sword art gifted to him for completing this quest before, as he unleashed a series of strikes directly into the overgrown ape's core. Small fractal of red scattered around the beast as Wulfrin's barrage continued.
  7. PH * * * Initiative: ID 243519 | LD 6 - Wulfrin goes first Wulfrin uses Warm jacket - SA EN cost reduced by 3 Phoenix Soul - revive at 100HP Energy Drink - +16 EN Wulfrin | HP: 200/200 | EN: 59/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | PARA-IM | BH:6 | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD:3 | Jacket | Soul * * * Recovery?: None Wulfrin is at Full HP and EN Cooldowns: Main Action: [x8] ST-I vs Katoka (8 EN) -3 Jacket = 5 EN Free Action: (-5 EN) Frozen Hide - Wulfrin gains T1 Frost Thorns and Frost Aura until his next turn ID 243520 | BD 10 (Major Crit
  8. Thank the gods for sushi plates, Wulfrin thought to himself as Boreas continued an unrelenting assault. A small red gem shattered in his opponent's fingers as the rapier rapidly approached Wulfrin's form. In his distracted state, Wulfrin was unable to avoid the carefully aimed attack. The burst of fire dispersed across Wulfrin's armor harmlessly as both his Sushi feast and Frozen Hide faded from him. Wulfrin stumbled back briefly clutching his right side, just below his ribs. As Wulfrin examined his left hand, he found it covered in the familiar red pixels signifying a bleed effect, his battle
  9. "Fair enough," Wulfrin shrugged as the unexpected challenger made their entrance into the ring. "May our duel be worthy of the gods' attention." The elegant rapier came from out of nowhere, the accompanying charge skill immediately put Wulfrin on the defensive. As the battle began, the effects of his pre fight meals took effect causing a raging fire to erupt from beneath the plates of his armor. The flames lashed outward in retaliation of Boreas's swift strikes as Wulfrin struggled to keep up with the incoming attacks. When his opponent was made vulnerable at the end of their sword art, W
  10. Ph * * * Looking for chest because why not: ID 243326 | LD 7+3=10 nothing. Wamp Wamp
  11. Wulfrin continued watching the remaining boarlet's last ditch attempts to survive. With its family butchered into tiny fractals of data in the form of tusks, it was becoming more and more erratic. Wulfrin had to become a bit more active in order to keep the boar from fleeing off to alert the other groups around them. Wulfrin did not want this to draw out any longer, so boar wranglin' became the name of the game. The boar was on its way to leave when Wulfrin flicked the ovule in its face. He followed it up with a small nudge to redirect the boar towards Siren. "Don't let it leave!" Wulfrin
  12. Wulfrin's attention snapped as the faintest of whispers graced his ears. It was soft spoken and uncertain. Quickly Wulfrin's eyes scanned the room as the children scattered in all directions, hyped up on sugar and promises of stories. All except one. A small girl with hair so blonde it was almost white and reddish eyes peered from the doorway. They looked as if they had just recovered from being tossed around. Without missing a beat, Wulfrin grabbed a small tin of sweets and made his way over. "Hey there," Wulfrin said as he crouched down making sure to reach her eye level. He reached up
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