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Everything posted by Riardon

  1. "Seems my progress will rely on that fact," Riardon sighed as he continued to search for the elusive materials. "I seem to be struggling to locate even one." It was a slightly depressing reality, but it was the hand he was being dealt. The reassurance that his success didn't really matter much took a large portion of the weight from his shoulders, though it still stung to not be able to complete a promised task. When he told someone he would do a job, he tended to do everything in his power to complete the task even if it meant inconveniencing himself a bit. That way of thinking didn't te
  2. Riardon recognized the familiar foraging ground of Wulfrin. He had been brought here to complete his Appraiser's quest. Guess he wasn't lying about frequenting this place. He thought to himself as he moved to explore the familiar clearing. At least he could confirm first hand that the place was safe, though Wulfrin did have to pull off to take care of a few straggling mobs that had sought to interrupt their little expidition. "I can confirm this place is safe," Riardon said as he began to pick a few random herbs and leaves around the immediate area. "Hopefully we'll have better luck than
  3. "Likewise," Riardon said as Bastion had introduced themselves and began going over their findings. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." The mission briefing was a bit short for his liking, but Riardon was beginning to understand the course of action before him. The way Wulfrin spoke, he assumed that Wulfrin had done this so many times he likely had the scripts of the NPCs memorized and was just funneling the party toward the NPCs as a requirement. "Well then," Riardon chimed in as Wulfrin finished his last sentence. "I say it's time we pay Zackariah a visit. I'll lead since our esc
  4. "Pleasure to meet you," The older gentleman gave a slight bow from his chair. "Also I can vouch for Wulfrin's ability to keep us safe. He's escorted me on a similar quest before, so we should have nothing to worry about." Riardon took his tea pot and poured two more cups for the new additions to the gathering and offered one to each. The group around him was definitely rag tag, but at the very least they seemed like they were plenty capable. He dismissed the pot to his endless inventory space where it would sit and remain piping hot for the next time he had need. His attention fixated on
  5. "Not sure how busy you think I am," Riardon responded as his associate left his shop with just as much haste as he'd shown coming in. "But sure. I'll be there in a few minutes." Despite his response falling on long departed ears, Riardon finished the cup of tea he had procured from another kindly gentleman not to far from his place of business. He had nothing of his own equipment wise as of yet, so there wasn't a whole lot to get ready. Had the lad been just a smidge less in a hurry, He probably could have just traveled with him. With a sigh Riardon made his way to the front porch and loc
  6. @Acanthus I have your consumables ready: Can o' Spinach | ID: 231140a | T4 Perfect Potion | DMG 3 Desc. Munch on the contents and you'll feel your muscles increase in size. Imperial Chocolate Bar | T4 Perfect Snack | ID 231140b | Prosperity 3 Desc. Some say eating this candy bar brings one good fortune. This has yet to be proven though Dr. Pepper | ID: 231141a | T4 Perfect Potion | HP Recovery 3 Desc. This fizzy soda drink is made from an exquisite blend of 23 different flavors. Can o' Spinach | ID: 23114ba | T4 Perfect Potion | DMG 3 Desc. Munch on the contents an
  7. Appraisals 10/19/2024 Rank 2 | 6 Appraisals per day Items Being Evaluated: T4 Perfect Weapon (For Acanthus) | Item 1 (Keep): Can o' Spinach | ID: 231140a | T4 Perfect Potion | DMG 3 Desc. Munch on the contents and you'll feel your muscles increase in size. Item 2 (Keep): Imperial Chocolate Bar | T4 Perfect Snack | ID 231140b | Prosperity 3 Desc. Some say eating this candy bar brings one good fortune. This has yet to be proven though Item 3 (Keep): Dr. Pepper | ID: 231141a | T4 Perfect Potion | HP Recovery 3 Desc. This fizzy soda drink is made fro
  8. @Acanthus Enduring Thistle +3 | T4 Perfect Light Armor | ID 226823a | Rec | Vamp Def | Light Momentum Desc. This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the thistle, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s resilience upon the wearer. post link:
  9. Items 1-6 Junked: 9/23/24 Items 1-5 Kept | Item 6 Junked: 10/19/24
  10. Appraisals 9/23/2024 Rank 2 | 6 Appraisals per day Item 1: Tier: 3 Rarity: Perfect Type: Armor/Shield ID: 230667a Slot 1: ID 233214 | BD 5 | CD 10 | LD 1 No Unique | +3 exp Slot 2: ID 233215 | BD 7 | CD 7 | LD 14 No Unique | +3 exp Slot 3: ID 233216 | BD 2 | CD 12 | LD 16 No Unique | +3 exp Total Exp: +9 exp Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col _____________________________________________________________________ Item 2: Tier: 3 Rarity: Perfect Type: Armor/Sheild ID: 230668a Slot 1: ID 233217 | BD 3 | CD 9
  11. Item 1 (Junked) Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col Item 2 (Junked) Total Cost: 3040 - 1900 = 1,140 col Item 3 (KEEP) Total Cost: 3040 + 1000 + 2000 + 4000 = 10,040 col Item Result: Enduring Thistle +3 | T4 Perfect Light Armor | ID 226823a | Rec | Vamp Def | Light Momentum Desc. This simple breastplate features delicate engravings and patterns of the thistle, accentuated by soft hues of green and violet. It bestows the thistle’s resilience upon the wearer. Item 4 (Junked) Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk ref
  12. Appraisals 9/4/2024 Item 1: Tier: 3 Rarity: Perfect Type: Weapon ID: 230668b Slot 1: ID 232054 | BD 7 | CD 5 | LD 8 No Unique | +3 exp Slot 2: ID 232055 | BD 9 | CD 8 | LD 13 No Unique | +3 exp Slot 3: ID 232056 | BD 2 | CD 6 | LD 9 No Unique | +3 exp Total Exp: +9 exp Total Cost: 2000 - 1250 (junk refund) = 750 col _____________________________________________________________________ Item 2: Tier: 4 Rarity: Perfect Type: Weapon ID: 228531a Slot 1: ID 232057 | BD 7 | CD 3 | LD 6 No Unique | +3 Exp Slot 2: ID 2
  13. Junking Identified Items: Item #1: T3 Weapon Identification Cost: 1,440 Junked for: 900 Total cost: 540 col Item #2: T3 Weapon Identification Cost: 1,440 Junked for: 900 Total cost: 540 col Item #3: T3 Weapon Identification Cost: 1,440 Junked for: 900 Total cost: 540 col Item #4: T3 Weapon Identification Cost: 1,440 Junked for: 900 Total cost: 540 col Item #5: T3 Weapon Identification Cost: 1,440 Junked for: 900 Total cost: 540 col Total cost: 2,700 col - sent to banker
  14. Appraisals 9/4/2024 Attempts per day: 5 Rank: 1 Item #1 - Junked Item #2 - Junked Item #3 - Junked Item #4 - Junked Item #5 - Junked Total Cost = 540 + 540 + 540 + 540 + 540 = 2,700 Col | Sent to Banker EXP Gain: (2*5 = 10 slots) +3 exp/slot = 30 Exp
  15. Daily Appraisals: Cost: 450 + 450 + 450 + 750 + 750 = 2,850 Col | Sent to Banker 9/3/24 Post Link: Item #1 - Junked Item #2 - Junked Item #3 - Junked Item #4 - Junked Item #5 - Junked
  16. Appraisals 9/3/2024 Attempts per day: 5 Rank: 1 Item #1 - Junked Item #2 - Junked Item #3 - Junked Item #4 - Junked Item #5 - Junked Total Cost = 450 + 450 + 450 + 750 + 750 = 2,850 Col | Sent to Banker EXP Gain: (3*5 = 15 slots) +3 exp/slot = 45 Exp
  17. Junking Items: Unidentified T2 Uncommon Consumables [221093] [221094] Unidentified T3 Rare Consumables [222977c] [222977d] Unidentified T3 Uncommon Consumable [222950b] Item#1 T3 Rare Trinket [222951] Item#2 T3 Perfect Armor/Shield [221515a] Item#3 T3 Rare Armor/Shield [221515b] Item#4 T3 Rare Weapon [222977a] Item#5 T3 Rare Weapon [222977b] Cost: 910 Col = (150*2)+(300*1)+(450*2) [Junked Items] = 2,000 - 2910 (identifications that were junked) Sent to banker: 8/28/24 Post Link:
  18. 8/28/24 Junking: Unidentified T2 Uncommon Consumables [221093] [221094] Unidentified T3 Rare Consumables [222977c] [222977d] Unidentified T3 Uncommon Consumable [222950b] 2,000 Col = (150*2)+(300*1)+(450*2) Identifying Items:
  19. Appraiser | Rank 2 Experience: 209/250 For Accounting Purposes Mystic Essence:
  20. Current Unique Stock Unidentified Item Stock
  21. Services and Prices Junk Sale Identification Rerolls
  22. Within the autumnal setting of Glyndebourne, is a modest little shop kept neat and orderly by its proprietor. The items lining the shelves of the store are kept clean and clearly priced as if the owner was an experienced shop keep. Riardon can often be found relaxing on the front porch in a rocking chair, trying to make the most of his current predicament. He is always excited to see new faces and welcomes each with open arms. Should one inquire about wares or appraisals, he adopts a more professional tone, but does his best to keep the sense of comfort alive.
  23. New Item Appraisal Appraising Unidentified T1 Perfect Armor ID: 222193 Slot 1 - ID: 223983 | LD: 4 - Recovery Slot 2 - ID: 223986 | LD: 7 - Light Momentum Slot 3 - ID: 223987 | LD: 11 - Evasion Result: Duelist's Leather | T1 Perfect Light Armor | ID: 222193 Enhancements: Rec | Lght Mmnt | EVA Desc. A suit of light leather armor for those quick of feet and sharp of steel. Cost: none <<EaL: Appraiser>> Post Link:
  24. "Thanks for the offer," Riardon replied. "I'll definitely need at least something to get me off my feet. I think it's high time I get out and start hunting some monsters. It'll be a good way to scout a place for my shop. Speaking of offers, I've been thinking about yours. I think it will be a smart option for the both of us in the long run. I'd even like to see a group of us with the same mentality that can share equipment, materials, and col around. Imagine a group of us able to pass items around to get whatever a player may need." With a smile Riardon began to eat his meal. "Of course w
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