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  1. The two of them remained silent for a while longer, Nemo apparently content with the observation that had been made, and nothing else coming to mind to say aloud. Nymoria found herself gazing out into the distance, her body acting naturally as she thought about everything she’d experienced. There’s no doubt about it. Some of the NPCs are more…lively than others. Almost as though they are developing into something that could be considered conscious. Is this the side effects of a continually learning artificial intelligence? Just how much can Cardinal learn? How much can it adapt, and…what else
  2. Nemo seemed to consider her words for a few moments, as if trying to figure out if she were being sincere or not in her commentary. Nymoria allowed herself to focus on searching for materials, her hands flowing around her as she touched, dug and loosened various things from the areas around her. When Nemo spoke again, she found herself putting away yet another collection of items she’d found, and a grandeur success coming from her efforts. ’That is…good to hear. It’s what I wanted, from this place. Somewhere that people could come to relax, to get away from the world…and to spend some tim
  3. ’It’s lovely today, isn’t it?’ Nemo’s voice was soft, as if he was lost in thought as he spoke. Nymoria paused only long enough in her searching to confirm that the conversation was going to remain causal, before allowing her hands to continue their movement. His gaze held the horizon, and although he didn’t appear anything but content with what he saw, Nymoria couldn’t help but wonder if he was already planning something new. ’It’s nice to see people enjoying the garden so much. It brings…a small measure of joy, seeing it all. It’s like…people come here, and they can find a bit of peace. Away
  4. She shook her head slightly to clear it, allowing her hands to continue rummaging through the ground’s dirt and grasses as she thought to her self. Nemo had fallen silent, staring off into the distance with a content expression upon his face; one which Nymoria knew was a sign that he was taking comfort and contentment in the garden that he had worked so hard to create. Maybe it’s not so bad to unload on an NPC. At least they can’t judge me, or ignore me…although that’s a bit selfish, isn’t it? And they’ll only say what Cardinal thinks I want them to say…still, it’s...good practice? The ar
  5. The sabre was not feeling right in my hands last time. I felt that there was…a change in how I fought. The dagger seems more beneficial for how close, and agile I tend to fight. It seemed like a good idea to change. Her hands flowed through the signs as she excitedly explained her thinking to the NPC, who watched and listened with rapt attention. She wasn’t entirely sure whether Nemo actually cared; whether he could care at all or not. She was, however, not paying attention to his reaction that much if she were to be entirely candid. The knife feels lighter, faster, more me. It allows me to mo
  6. The final snapdragon disappeared as Nymoria’s knife pierced the front of it, leaving the shards to shimmer down to the ground in an almost dramatic effect that was lost to her. She felt herself smiling at her success, and yet somehow felt like she’d pushed a border line that she hadn’t meant to come so close to after the paralysis. You’re becoming careless with your success. Reign it in, focus on being more careful. You don’t want to accidentally walk into something you can’t handle. Chastised appropriately, she let herself revel slightly in the victory as she sheathed the knife and turne
  7. The snapdragons had noticed her approach, and as much as Nymoria attempted to duck underneath their coming assault, she felt as claws and teeth dug into her digital form. Tearing apart her essence, they ripped her digital flesh as they tried to reduce her health to nothing – a fact that she wasn’t ready to allow to happen. Lashing out with her blade, she forced them back, cutting deeply into one’s wing as it limped backwards and out of her reach, as much as it could. She could feel herself swaying from the moment of conflict, and naturally took a step away from the creatures in order to p
  8. Nymoria let out a breath as the final form of the snapdragon exploded in front of her, the knife’s blade still held upwards in the stabbing motion she’d taken to end the thing’s existence. She felt herself grin slightly, before turning to wave at Nemo. Her hands moved in a simplistic pattern as she signed towards him her own thoughts, happy to state them outwardly towards someone else. Knife works much better than sabre. Closer. Cleaner. Easier to hold. Nemo seemed to beam in response, his excitement likely nothing more than a pre-determined response from Cardinal’s coding within his mind
  9. Footsteps carried her into their midst, her body ducking as one of the snapdragons reacted quickly to her presence and shifted to swarm her. She brought up her blade, deflecting the tiny claws before digging into its side and forcing it to retreat from her. A quick, controlled flurry of slashes caught the other three as they approached, leaving two bleeding from their sides and all four hovering around her in hesitation as they tried to find a way to close in on her. Nymoria could see Nemo in the near distance, standing off to the side and watching with a small look of concern upon his fa
  10. She’d rested enough, and with the consent of Nemo, Nymoria had decided that it was time to push her luck once more. Forcing herself to her feet, she drew the dagger from the sheath on her thigh, testing the blade’s weight once more. It’s a lot closer to the enemy than the sabre ever was…but it’s lighter and faster. That gives me an advantage… She knew it was a dangerous tactic – she would need to get inside the reach of the enemy, strike them, and then retreat all without getting struck in retaliation. It had been what she’d been doing with the sabre though, and although her first fight had be
  11. The potions restored a fair amount of Nymoria’s health, and yet she still felt woozy on her feet. Post battle adrenaline depletion…I should take a moment to sit and recover. That was…an ordeal. She knew the voice in her head was right, and settled herself down onto the ground as she considered her next step. She knew it would be a few moments before she was ready to return to the field of battle – and she knew that she wasn’t going to try and engage the Nymphs again; their toxicity had proven deadly for her alone. ’Well, the snapdragons have been getting a bit populated…I guess they could
  12. Nymoria blinked. The Orchids had erupted into a shower of sparks and shards as they disappeared, leaving her standing alone in the field and wondering exactly how lucky she’d been in her moment of finality. She’d expected, in all reality, to have been taken down by the Orchid group as soon as she’d felt her body tense up and lock in place; yet she stood, knife in hand and staring at the empty field around her in a mixture of confusion and relief as she realised that she was not only still alive, but had defeated the group of Nymphs with another strong stroke. ’Wow, I was really worried th
  13. She opened her eyes, noticing that almost immediately that she was alive – and that the Orchids had apparently chosen to remain distant from her form. A fact that Nymoria felt was a blessing, as much as a confusing moment. She felt her body release from the paralysis that had held it still for the few, long seconds. Shaking herself off, she repositioned herself slightly away from the Orchids, eyeing them as she recognised the danger that they presented. She’d over estimated her capabilities, which had almost gotten her killed – and she’d felt a small measure of fear towards that realisation.
  14. Nymoria felt herself freeze in place as the toxins coursed through her; one of the Nymphs having managed to catch her off guard right after she’d torn through them all. The dagger in her hand had stopped halfway through the completion of its arc, and Nymoria could see as the group of Nymphs eyed her, knowing that she was helpless in the moment. She felt a single moment of fear course through her as she realised the sudden danger she was in, and the fact that she had done this to herself. Maybe…maybe they’ll be too afraid to approach? Nymoria knew she was being overtly optimistic, but if s
  15. The garden was the same as it always was, but as Nymoria glanced through the entryway and into the area beyond, she had an odd feeling that something within it was entirely different. Nothing major, she knew, but a small change that either Cardinal or Nemo had made, a change that would go unnoticed by most if they didn’t know to look for it. I wonder what it could be…should I ask Nemo? He’d probably be excited to explain it all to me, most likely. Maybe a bit later, though. Any thought of bringing the topic up to Nemo disappeared as she glanced out over the fields and stopped what she’d c
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