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Everything posted by Nymoria

  1. The drakeling had almost taken her by surprise, erupting from a nearby side tunnel that Nymoria had entirely missed while she had passed it. Only a flash of motion out of the corner of her eye had saved her, the knife in her hand raising and stabbing towards it in a naturally reactive manner. Freezing in place, the blade stuck deep within its chest, the drakeling had stared at Nymoria with an expression that she felt was somehow a mixture of shock and anger. Nymoria quickly twisted the knife, before pulling it out and stepping back away from the thing. She could already see the combinat
  2. It hadn’t hesitated, moving towards her without a single concern towards its own well-being and continued existence. Nymoria had felt a single moment of pity for the creature, driven forward by the singular purpose it existed for, before she’d plunged the knife through it and broken its existence entirely. Sometimes Cardinal really is brutal…but is it making us as brutal? Nymoria shook her head, unwilling or incapable of admitting to the fact that Cardinal could be corrupting them. She knew that many players had done things they wouldn’t be proud of; things that they needed to do in order
  3. Another soft slash and Nymoria was sailing by the stunned drakeling. Her blade hadn’t been as lucky this time, repelled by the shimmering scales that protected the thing. Still, she’d scored enough of a hit to cause a significant drop in its health, as well as to leave her without having to worry about any retaliatory strikes. At least so long as I can bring it down before it has a chance. Reprimanded from her overtly confident behaviour, Nymoria spun around and refaced the drakeling. The thing had begun to shake off the stunned effect by the time she was focused on it, and she found hers
  4. The first of the creatures left behind, Nymoria continued along the path she had been following, knowing that she would quickly encounter more. I wonder how long until everyone starts looking for the next labyrinth. She cocked her head at the thought, interest and excitement, as well as a small measure of confusion, catching her mid-step. She knew she was interested, herself, in being involved in a labyrinth search, but she was also aware that those were generally kept for more experienced players. Should we join a labyrinth hunt, Shogan? She signed towards the fox, watching as it waved a
  5. The knife slashed across the drakeling’s form, leaving a large gash down its right side as Nymoria carried on beyond it. She could already see the red and greenish coloured blood seeping, the toxic effect blending in with the bleeding that she had caused and wearing away at the poor creature’s health before it even had a chance to fully register her presence. Not that it made a difference, with the thing being stunned in place, it would disappear into a shattering of shards before it could do anything towards Nymoria. A lucky start. I won’t always be so lucky…so be careful. The chastising
  6. The tunnels fanned out before her. She’d barely left the town ten minutes ago, and already Nymoria had seen signs of the drakelings within the depths of the mines. Or rather, the fore fringes of the mines. If they’ve already made it all the way up here… She shrugged off the thought, knowing that it would at least mean that she would have an easy time hunting them down. At least Shogan seems content with the explorative side of the day. The shadowy fox lopped along at her side, tails wagging in content as they moved through the depths of semi-dark mines. She doubted that Shogan had any fea
  7. Trouble in the Mines Drakelings. Alright. That seems…drakelings. Nymoria sighed as she rubbed the side of her head. The foreman had described the events plaguing the mines of Tomoika, but somehow she hadn’t expected it to be actual dragons. Well, there are dragons in this world, but still…drakelings? In an underground cave? I guess it’s not entirely impossible… ’It’s not going to be a problem, is it?’ The foreman stared at her skeptically as she lost herself in her thoughts. His words pulled her out of the dull confusion that was growing within her mind, and Nymoria gave a sheepish
  8. Nymoria side stepped the thrown sword, glancing up as she saw the entanglement that was Freyd and the Lich. The two tumbled together in an embrace that was anything but friendly, caring, or loving. She felt her feet move beneath her, the blade in her hand coming up as she felt the opportunity present itself. She didn’t hear anything, not truly, and yet Nymoria knew that now was the moment to strike, to close the gap between herself and the flailing forms. Just need to…not hit…Freyd… She’d closed the gap quickly, but a combination of flailing arms, legs, and something that appeared shadow
  9. Hello, I was hoping I could have some assistance with some identifications. Nymoria signed to the blonde as she pulled out a list of items, requests, and general ideas she'd had. I am looking for a few things... - Order Form Items for Identification Rare Weapon {3} | ID241708, 241918, 242229 Perfect Weapon {10} | ID242149, 242152, 242202 [a/b/c], 242230 [a/b/c], 242231 [a/b] Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID241537, 241707, 242200, 242201 Perfect Armour/Shield {7} | ID241534, 241540 [a/b], 241925 [a/b], 241926, 242151, 242274 [a/b], 242275, 242278 Rare Trinket {2} | ID24
  10. Nymoria wandered into the small convenience store on a whim, the front window displays drawing her attention as she saw something that looked vaguely familiar. Her eyes traced the half-empty shelves, a clear sign that little had occurred within the shop as of recent - that, or business had been far too good for the keeper behind the counter. Excuse me, I would like to place a small order, if you have the time... - Order Form Salves Basilisk Venom | Stock: 3 | Toxic Venom A Jar filled with a constantly moving greenish liquid. If you look closely you can see flecks o
  11. Hey, Acanthus. I told you I would come visit your shop. It is good to finally see it! Nymoria signed as she looked around, her eyes scanning both the building itself and the items on display. Oh, these look good! I will take this, this, this... - Purchase Order Mass HP Recovery 3 | 239811 [3 materials] Mass Monster's Fortune 3 | 235042 [3 materials] Instant Incarceration | 234615 [3 materials] Hypnosis 2 | 227790, 226910, 234753 [6 materials] Instant Hypnosis 2 | 234747 [3 materials] Misperception | 234614, 234611, 234751, 234749 [8 materials] Tot
  12. The shop smelled amazing, as it always did. Nymoria had wandered in on a whim, smiling as she entered. A quick browse around confirmed that what she was looking for wasn't currently available, and with a leisurely pace she approached the elderly man who owned and operated the shop. Excuse me.[/color Nymoria signed, waiting for the man to look towards her before continuing. [color=thistle]I want to place an order, please. - Order Form Item Name: [imperial quarter blend] Item Type: [Potion] Item Tier: [4] Item Quality: [Perfect] Enhancements: [Damage III] Descript
  13. Hello, I know you're closed, but...I was hoping that I could come to you for some help... Nymoria signed to the woman who had just existed her door. The purple haired lady stopped, eyeing the deaf girl signing towards her, before sighing and turning back towards the home. Nymoria waited only a second before following her inside, explaining the items that she needed to purchase. - Nymoria purchases; Break My Heart [Support Song | Tierless | HP Recovery III | Instant] x 30 Total Cost: 30 materials
  14. The final snapdragon disappeared, and Nymoria felt something that was close to contentment at its finality. She turned to find Nemo watching her from the distance, his form outlined by the slowly lowering sun. For the first time, she noticed how long she’d been in the garden, and the fact that the time had entirely gotten away from her. Sighing, she sheathed the dagger, deciding that it would be time to head home now rather than to continue into the depths of nightfall. I should be heading home. Thank you for your company, and all your time today, Nemo. It is always a pleasure to visit y
  15. It didn’t take long for the creature to become impatient, rushing towards Nymoria with its small wings carrying it across the air. The claws and teeth reached for her, and she found herself shifting nervously on the ground as she tried to keep herself from leaping out of the way too early. She knew that she needed to time it right, to wait until the thing was close enough for her to lash outwards and leap to the side, all in one motion. She hadn’t expected how difficult it would be to watch something, even something as small as the snapdragon, to barrel down upon her and remain stationary as i
  16. Three of the four fell to her sudden barrage as she rushed into their midst, the small drakes unable to react quick enough to avoid the short, dangerous blade in her hand. Nymoria’s flowing movements brought her through and around the beasts, only a single one left facing her as it fled backwards in order to avoid her rageful rush. She spun on the spot as she came to a stop, eyeing the creature and considering her options. There’s no need to be bashful, I can take some time to finish this one off. But don’t play with it either…be kind, considerate. Humane. End its misery as quickly as pos
  17. Nymoria had closed in with the snapdragons even as Nemo continued musing about the watering habits of the creatures, leaving the man behind to his own thoughts as she began tearing into the group. Her danger lashed out as she came in close, catching all four and pushing three of them away. Only one managed to get beneath her guard, and as it raked its claws across her, she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done something wrong in order to cause herself to drop her guard. Don’t think like that. It was simply a lucky maneuver on its own part. Focus on the fight, don’t doubt yourself. They’r
  18. She’d spent enough time seated. Nymoria could feel the itch building within herself, the desire to go test herself in combat once more. Pushing off the ground, she stretched in order to loosen the muscles that had begun to relax in the dirt, before turning towards Nemo with a smile on her face that was filled with excitement at the coming conflict. I am going to go find some more snapdragons. Would you like to come with me? Nemo gave a nod, before pushing himself from the ground and dusting off the small amounts of dirt that had clung to him. Nymoria waited, patiently, as the man rose and
  19. The two of them remained silent for a while longer, Nemo apparently content with the observation that had been made, and nothing else coming to mind to say aloud. Nymoria found herself gazing out into the distance, her body acting naturally as she thought about everything she’d experienced. There’s no doubt about it. Some of the NPCs are more…lively than others. Almost as though they are developing into something that could be considered conscious. Is this the side effects of a continually learning artificial intelligence? Just how much can Cardinal learn? How much can it adapt, and…what else
  20. Nemo seemed to consider her words for a few moments, as if trying to figure out if she were being sincere or not in her commentary. Nymoria allowed herself to focus on searching for materials, her hands flowing around her as she touched, dug and loosened various things from the areas around her. When Nemo spoke again, she found herself putting away yet another collection of items she’d found, and a grandeur success coming from her efforts. ’That is…good to hear. It’s what I wanted, from this place. Somewhere that people could come to relax, to get away from the world…and to spend some tim
  21. ’It’s lovely today, isn’t it?’ Nemo’s voice was soft, as if he was lost in thought as he spoke. Nymoria paused only long enough in her searching to confirm that the conversation was going to remain causal, before allowing her hands to continue their movement. His gaze held the horizon, and although he didn’t appear anything but content with what he saw, Nymoria couldn’t help but wonder if he was already planning something new. ’It’s nice to see people enjoying the garden so much. It brings…a small measure of joy, seeing it all. It’s like…people come here, and they can find a bit of peace. Away
  22. She shook her head slightly to clear it, allowing her hands to continue rummaging through the ground’s dirt and grasses as she thought to her self. Nemo had fallen silent, staring off into the distance with a content expression upon his face; one which Nymoria knew was a sign that he was taking comfort and contentment in the garden that he had worked so hard to create. Maybe it’s not so bad to unload on an NPC. At least they can’t judge me, or ignore me…although that’s a bit selfish, isn’t it? And they’ll only say what Cardinal thinks I want them to say…still, it’s...good practice? The ar
  23. The sabre was not feeling right in my hands last time. I felt that there was…a change in how I fought. The dagger seems more beneficial for how close, and agile I tend to fight. It seemed like a good idea to change. Her hands flowed through the signs as she excitedly explained her thinking to the NPC, who watched and listened with rapt attention. She wasn’t entirely sure whether Nemo actually cared; whether he could care at all or not. She was, however, not paying attention to his reaction that much if she were to be entirely candid. The knife feels lighter, faster, more me. It allows me to mo
  24. The final snapdragon disappeared as Nymoria’s knife pierced the front of it, leaving the shards to shimmer down to the ground in an almost dramatic effect that was lost to her. She felt herself smiling at her success, and yet somehow felt like she’d pushed a border line that she hadn’t meant to come so close to after the paralysis. You’re becoming careless with your success. Reign it in, focus on being more careful. You don’t want to accidentally walk into something you can’t handle. Chastised appropriately, she let herself revel slightly in the victory as she sheathed the knife and turne
  25. The snapdragons had noticed her approach, and as much as Nymoria attempted to duck underneath their coming assault, she felt as claws and teeth dug into her digital form. Tearing apart her essence, they ripped her digital flesh as they tried to reduce her health to nothing – a fact that she wasn’t ready to allow to happen. Lashing out with her blade, she forced them back, cutting deeply into one’s wing as it limped backwards and out of her reach, as much as it could. She could feel herself swaying from the moment of conflict, and naturally took a step away from the creatures in order to p
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