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Everything posted by Nymoria

  1. The wind and sand battered them as they stood silently, Nymoria waiting to see what the man would say in response to her words. She could see his eyes narrowed, stuck in consideration as he seemed to eye her stance. She assumed that he was taking into view her entire form, seeing the tensed muscles and clear discipline that showed through the way she held the sabre; soft in her palm, yet firmly gripped so as to not let it loose. A grip that would bespeak of some level of expertise with the weapon, to any who had the eye to notice such a thing. Whether he noticed it or not, Nymoria wasn’t
  2. There were seven of them, each wearing robes of similar fashion to those the elderly man that Nymoria had been escorting through the desert. Theirs were lighter, providing less bulk than what her companion wore even if it covered all of their forms. The sand continued to blow and surround them, just enough to ensure their forms were little more than indistinguishable silhouettes that appeared right before her, and yet far enough away to be indecipherable. Her blade shifted with the wind suddenly, her grip light enough to allow it to waver slightly. The lead figure suddenly approached, tu
  3. 17/8/2024 Rank 1 Artisan | 8/19 EXP Crafting Buffs | N/A ID CD Result EXP 1 226721 11 T1 Rare | Jewelry (-1 Material) +5 EXP 2 226722 2 Fail (-1 Material) +1 EXP
  4. She followed calmly as the trio made their way back into the town, making a direct path towards the alchemist. She could see the hopes in a few steps as they thought that, perhaps, the quest would be over. She’d come to know better, following the most recent updates that Cardinal had gone through; they still had quite a ways to go if they were to complete the quest today. Not that she’d tell them, yet. She’d stood off to the side at Zackariah’s, smiling to herself as the alchemist turned them away with gifts that looked questionable at best. A slight change from when she’d taken the quest
  5. She was certain that the expression of confusion on her face must've been comical to the other two as they continued to explain the entire situation, and yet Nymoria found herself not quite understanding it. Wulfrin had explained it to be related to the rolls in a random number generator - she assumed this was something internally that Cardinal handled, as a backend system within the game - and yet nothing he made really made sense. She pictured a set of digital dice quickly rolling every time she did something, an image that appeared both off putting and comical at the same time. Shrugging it
  6. Her continued searching had been fruitless, just adding to the growing annoyances that were building up within Nymoria’s mind. She could, thankfully, play off her lack of success due to the storm that continued to swell and swirl around them, but she’d also been hoping that her original success would continue to a point where she could make the trip at least somewhat worthwhile. The continued lack of anything valuable meat that she was, for lack of a better purpose, simply following her escort and glancing about open sand areas in the hopes that he would somehow begin to walk faster. Not
  7. The man slowed as he entered the edges of the outcropping, the area providing at least some protection from the winds and sands that whipped at them, if not blocking them out completely. Nymoria strode up beside him, her eyes casting about as she waited to see if they’d reached their destination or not. She was careful to keep the look of annoyance and desperate desire to return home off of her face, knowing that it would do nothing in the moment. ”We’re almost…there. This outcropping…is familiar.” She could’ve sighed at his words, had she not more restraint on herself. She had been hopi
  8. An outcropping in the distance, just barely visible through the storm, had caught her attention. She’d been about to point it out, when the man suddenly turned towards her, his voice mostly lost against the wind and Nymoria’s lack of hearing, but the movement of his arms and general stance told her everything she needed to know about what he was trying to say. A quick nod in return, and their direction had shifted slightly as they made their way towards the outcropping, hoping to find some sort of solace from the storm. Her eyes continued to wander across the sands before her as she step
  9. The cheeks on her face flushed slightly at the collection of compliments she suddenly received, and Nymoria found herself ducking her head into the grasses to avoid the looks of the others while she composed herself. She’d done nothing more than speak earnestly and honestly, hoping that what little she knew would assist them in their first steps. She took only a few seconds before reappearing into sight, her expression still warmed by the embarrassment, and yet her eyes and smile showing a hint of acceptance, and happiness, in response. Thank you. The sign was simple, slow enough for all
  10. Nymoria had hovered back a bit, circling around the outside as she watched the trio of other players moving in tandem to her. The two newer players, Kana and Caliburn, seemed to be somewhat awkward in their movements – a feature that Nymoria had once seen in herself, and had since seen in numerous other newcomers to the field of battle. She made a mental note to provide them some feedback after they had completed the fight, but saw no immediate emergencies in their actions. She was, in fact, impressed when Caliburn managed to score a strike that caused the wasp to freeze up as the stun e
  11. 16/8/2024 Rank 1 Artisan | 6/19 EXP Crafting Buffs | N/A ID CD Result EXP 1 226471 3 Fail (-1 Material) +1 EXP 2 226472 1 Critical Fail (-1 Material) +1 EXP
  12. The sandstorm reached them far sooner than Nymoria could’ve expected. It began battering them after only another half hour had passed; a half hour that Nymoria had to admit was at least partially excruciating. The slow pace had barely changed, even with the urgency of the coming storm, and she’d begun to tell herself that there was no way they were going to make it into the storm and beyond. ”We’re almost there, I think! Not long now!” The shout had come out of nowhere just as the winds had begun to pick up in earnest, mere moments before the first gusts of sand had struck her. She doubt
  13. Nymoria’s eyes alighted on a collection of small gems that glittered in the sand, a plethora of colours that seemed to draw attention towards themselves. She quickly changed her pace and direction towards them, taking a few moments to look them over before confirming that only one of them was of any use to her. Carefully pulling it away from the main collection, she stored it into her inventory before glancing back at her travelling companion; the man having only made it a few dozen more steps in the entire time it had taken her to extract the gemstone. If this pace keeps up, Musei and I
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