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Everything posted by Siren

  1. As she waited she hummed softly, glancing over his wares and the view. Once Wulfrin stated her sword was ready, she stood up and walked up to him. Siren gently grabbed the rapier from Wulfrin and shook his hand. "Thank you kindly. Treat my girl right, alright? I've known her since we were in diapers." She tilted her head to Wulfrin and turned on her heels and walked out of the shop. Once she was outside she practiced swinging it a few times just to get used to it. This is perfect. She put her sword away and headed back to Floor One. * * * Duelist's Rapier | T1 Perfect Rapier | ID [22
  2. Siren was no stranger to the Town of Beginnings, she had explored nearly every inch of this godforsaken city. Lately, she had been pondering which profession to take up. Performer seemed like a natural choice after all, she and Dahlia had spent their childhood pretending to be rockstars, always fighting over who would be the lead vocalist. As she strutted through the city, she hummed a tune softly to herself. "The shop should be around here somewhere," she mused, glancing around. The distant sound of a rock and roll song caught her attention. "Now that's a beat I can vibe with," she thoug
  3. Siren walked through the serene landscape of Floor 22. "Man this place is gorgeous. And there's a bakery nearby?! These two must make bank!" She walked into the blacksmith shop, and spoke in a singsongy voice, "Ooooooh Wulfrin! I need a big ole favor from you honey. Ciela told me you could make me a blade to start me off." She batted her eyes at him. "I'll even pay you up front for it." She handed him the order with all the details and his payment. "I know you're really skilled with blacksmithing so I wouldn't DREAM of going elsewhere." She took a seat on his bench near the counter and looked
  4. Siren left the Cathedral in the Town of Beginnings and walked around a bit, she squinted and looked at the sign above. "The Crusty Bahrnacle..? Well... this is the first shop I've come across that isn't run fully by NPC's so what's the harm." She walked in and was amazed by the decor that lined the shops. She looked at the armor hanging around. "I guess I'm in the right place. Uh. Hello??" She approached the counter. "I'd like to place a custom order for some light armor?" She places a little notepad on the counter. "I'm not sure how much I need to pay." * * * Name: [Tailor can
  5. Siren

    Siren's Journal

    Username: Siren Real Name: Angel (Angela) Sterling Age: 29 Gender: Female Height: 5'10" Eye Color: Scarlet Red Hair color: Bright Pale Pink Origin Country: America Birthday: November 5th Background: Family Life and Friends Angel grew up in a small town, where there really wasn't anything to do. Even to this day she jokes that she's the only one who hasn't had their happily ever after because she occupies her time with things other than actual romance. Her parents were high school sweethearts that
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