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Everything posted by KnightinGale

  1. KnightinGale crossed her arms as she watched the fight from a safe distance. Her eyes were fixed on the blades shining different colors as Firefly had pointed out. KnightinGale had kind of toyed around with them herself, Sword Arts she was pretty sure they were called. They were a way of boosting one's damage output, at least that's what the guides had said. That didn't mean she understood them in any meaningful way. Every time she stepped out of the small cracker box of a room she had on Floor 1, it was a whole new adventure. She was starting to see the appeal that made her sister gravitate t
  2. KnightinGale watched the fight with an analytical eye. From what she could tell, the self proclaimed paladin was a similar build to the idea she had rolling around in her head. She would become a walking heavily armored tank designed to handle long drawn out conflicts to the best of her ability, even if her sister didn't need or want her help. That part still stung a bit. She had come to this virtual prision hoping to find and make sure Odette made it out, as it turned out Eve's sister had already made strides to accomplish that goal on her own. Meaning Eve had come here for essentially nothin
  3. Armed with her hammer, heavy plate armor, and shield Eve made her way up to Floor 21. The invite had come as a surprise to her, but she wasn't one to turn down some easy experience gains. As a literal walking tank her damage output wasn't quite there, but she was quickly getting to the point where she could absorb damage with incredible efficiency, a helpful skill considering she had absolutely zero idea how actual combat worked. She was prompt to arrive at the designated spot. She stood arms crossed as she awaited her guides to arrive. When they did, it was order after order. "So," Knigh
  4. "Bliss right?" KnightinGale said as she noticed a fellow mechanic struggling to come to terms with the large mountain before them. "Something about the mountain got you on edge?" Eve's gaze followed the maintain upward to wards its peak. Admittedly, she couldn't see any reason for someone to be eyeing it so intently, but if their briefest of interactions on the beach of Floor 24 was anything to go off, Bliss was definitely not in her namesake headspace. A hardened exterior of plate armor and harsh personality quickly faded to a softer almost older sister desire to help. It was odd for Eve
  5. "Guess it's time to get the tutorial quest out of the way," Eve sighed as she strolled through the town of beginnings. She hadn't donned her armor yet, thankfully that was an issue she could solve with a few gestures on the holographic interface. "Too bad they don't teach you how to operate the menus." Surprisingly she was already somewhat seasoned, having just wrapped up a quest up on the dessert floor. She was still knocking sand out of her armor. The Sharkbait Training Program was a breeze, mostly due to the pajama man running around punching sharks in the face. An admirable quality in
  6. "Truth be told," KnightinGale sighed as she took another swig of her libation, continuing the conversation with her current drinking buddy. "The only reason I'm even here is because I was worried about her gettin' merked by some clown with a knife. She's the big gamer, not me. Judging by the man she's cozying up to seems like he's doing a better job than I am. Even if he is a bit of a... well... bumbling idiot." Eve winced in embarrassment as attention was turned to her by her lovely sister. She put on her best facade, in an attempt to mask that she was talking just the smallest hint of s
  7. Were those sockets? Eve thought to herself as she observed the bumbling blonde. Wonder how she got her hands on those. Eve stood up from her beach towel and made her way over to the mysterious blonde. Fierce and rebellious eyes looked the gal over. She didn't look that bad either. She didn't have the vibe of a mechanic or handywoman, but then again since logging in to this virtual prison, neither did Eve. "Hope you don't mind my asking," Eve said as she crossed her arms and shifted her weight to her left. "Were those all 10mm? If so I'm impressed you have so many. I always seem to lo
  8. "Neat little party you've got going here," Eve said as she approached the hostess near the refreshments. "Haven't been to a beach one before, so this is definitely a win for me." Eve was no strangers to parties, after all the crowd she ran with in the real world was always bar hopping. She scanned the refreshments table, slightly saddened to not find any alcohol, not that it mattered though. She had come to the realization that taste was the only thing those drinks carried over from their real world counterparts was the taste. You couldn't get inebriated in Aincrad. She settled for the le
  9. "Ughhhhhh." Eve groaned as she rolled herself out of bed. An alarm was beeping in her head, a feature designed specifically for players who planned to sleep inside the game. For Eve though, it was an everyday annoyance. "Turn off damnit!" For the system, that was enough. She was thankful for the few voice commands she had found, as she had yet to master the hand gestures. Games were not her recreation of choice. That would be her twin sister, Odette, or as she was known here, Knightmare. Eve on the other hand, with no experience with MMOs went with a much more blatant name, KnightinGale.
  10. "Sadly no," KnightinGale sighed. "I had to find someone to do them. Well rather show me how to apply them. I've never been that great with games. They were always my sister's thing." KnightinGale pointed towards the other white haired player that, aside from the hair, eyes, and face shape, looked almost nothing like her. KnightinGale looked like she ran with the less than pleasant crowds in the real world, a not very far off assumptio. Her sister on the other hand looked practically like royalty. KnightinGale watched as her sister approached yet another newcomer to the bar. Seeing the fri
  11. "Damn I could use a break." KnightinGale said to herself as she closed the door of her rather small inn room in the Town of Beginnings. "Also I've never been to a beach. Perhaps this little beach event could be a way to kill two birds with one stone." Unable to properly navigate her menu, KnightinGale left with only her casual clothes covering up her swimsuit. The beach of Floor 24 was incredibly beautiful, and way beyond anything Eve would be able to travel to outside of this virtual world she was in. Once at the beach, she removed her black crop top and torn jeans to reveal her ink cove
  12. Aint no way he just called me Inky! Eve thought to herself, certain that her anger was visible on her face. Her tattoos were a part of her, and to disregard them as nothing more than simple ink was a wound to her own pride. The last guy to call her that got put in a hospital with a broken glass bottle jabbed into his thigh. She wanted to do the same here, but her judgment wasn’t impaired enough yet and it never would be. “Bartender,” KnightinGale said as she ignored the obvious advance. “Let me have that bottle you just poured from.” The bartender shrugged and slid the bottle down th
  13. Having failed to deliver a meaningful blow, KnightinGale prepared to strike again. The beast disappeared beneath the sands from which it came. Silence befell the arena as the group waited in anticipation. Well except for the pajama man. He seemed to track the unseen boss to where it would eventually emerge. They simply stood, one fist clenched behind their back while the other extended forward goading the boss to strike at him as if it was some drunkard in a bar that just called him some derogatory term. That or he was having fun. It was impossible to tell with how much of his face was covered
  14. Eve snickered at the rather lack luster attempt to "hook" her sister. She had trained Lil' Odie well it seemed as even she had cast a line of her own. Eve, glass of whiskey in hand spun herself to watch the show in all it's glory. The difference between the two was noticeable. Yes they both had the same face, but Odette was more "blessed in the chest" than Eve was. However, Eve showed off more of her body than Odette did, wearing a simple black crop top and tattered jeans revealing the intricate canvas of ink that was her body. Clearly one was destined to be a princess and the other was some d
  15. "Yeah that's the one," KnightinGale sighed. "But yeah I get it. Don't piss off the giant land shark or you're chum." Eve wasn't the person to just wait around, though given the circumstance, she figured it was better to go against the norm. This fact was only solidified by what emerged from the sands. The description she had been given made the beast seem like some easy to topple shark with legs. What was actually in the basin made even her hardened will shudder. She had seen plenty of things most people would wish they hadn't, but this Terra Firma was way beyond anything she had seen. Fl
  16. "I hope that blacksmith was right." KnightinGale said to herself as she over looked the basin Wulfrin had told her about when she mentioned her "predicament." "This training program thing better be worth it." There she stood clad in heavy plate armor adorned with the Phoenix symbol of Sentinel Armaments. The armor was practical and uninspiring, more importantly not her style. She was used to wearing simple tattered clothing that would cling to her form, that was often better for motorcycling anyway. This armor was bulky, heavy, and more importantly restricting her movement. This was all a
  17. "Look they aren't my first choice of recreation," KnightinGale replied as she slammed down another glass of whiskey. "Let's just say I borrowed a rig and game to come and rescue your innocent ass. This one is kind of growing on me though. The men here are so gullible it's sad. If I could figure out how to work these damn menus, I'd show you the proof." Her attention was pulled to the crowd of people behind them. A stunning man with washboard abs and an air of confidence that Eve knew all too well had made a remark basically cat calling them. Eve didn't mind. She had had the type in her la
  18. "Sorry boys," A young woman, roughly 23, stands over a table at the back corner of the tavern. "Looks like today just ain't your day." She reveals her hand of cards to the group of men, a royal flush leading to an obscene amount of curses and slurs thrown her way. She paid them no mind as she pulled the large amount of coin towards herself like she was used to it. After retrieving her coin, she scooped up the cards and began to shuffle them like a pro. Various flourishes and riffles were all a ploy. Truthfully it had nothing to do with luck. Instead it was merely slight of hand to ensure
  19. "You that smith offering starter kits?" KnightinGale asked as she stormed up into the forge of Sentinel Armaments. "I need some gear. Here's some currency. Make it quick I'm on a time crunch here." All that was on her mind was to get out there and start grinding. This was less about the game and more about finding her sister, if she still lived. To do that she needed to maximize her capabilities. Even at her low level, if she could get the monsters to kill themselves by hitting her, that would be ideal. "Whatever you got to keep me protected and put the hurt on dudes that even so muc
  20. Inventory Unidentified Items Collected Extra Skills Collected Sword Arts
  21. Real Name: Evangeline "Eve" Nightingale Username: KnightinGale Country of Origin: United States Age: 23 years Height: 5'11" Virtues Flaws Protective Rebellious Tinkerer Stubborn Party Goer Closed Off Life Before SAO Born as the old
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