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Scarlet Firefly

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Everything posted by Scarlet Firefly

  1. Navigation was not an easy task for someone just recently gifted with the ability to see. Even with waymarkers to assist her she would find herself struggling to find the guild hall. Scarlet had been told that floors tend to get smaller the higher up you went in Aincrad but she could hardly tell. Taft was as massive as the Town of Beginnings and about five hundred times more overwhelming considering she’s never been here. Being much higher meant there were more dangerous creatures that could kill her, as well, but that wouldn’t matter as long as she stayed inside the city. For some reason it w
  2. The quaint shop was one of the most interesting she had seen yet, even compared to the Evening Star, just upon inspection from the window. Plants, herbs and a very outdoorsy tone in furniture. She stepped in and nearly fainted from the smell. Her sense was acute and the rush of foreign scents assaulting her nose so aggressively was almost too much. She loved it in here. Firefly would take her time whilst searching for the product she would need to attract a familiar more easily. She wanted to see everything she could in the store, experience every sight this small little store had to offe
  3. Firefly would wait some time for the shopkeep to return to fill her order. Truth be told, she was very interested in watching them make their craft. However, given that they chose to keep a cat as an employee, she assumed that they wouldn’t be back for a while. Nyanko would get offered some final pets before she decided to leave. And the next day she would return. The item was left with Nyanko to be given to her. She would exchange the necessary funds with the cute kitty and deliver the attention she was now obligated to give to the black cat. Picking up: firefly witch light. |
  4. Scarlet was eager to watch the man work, so when she'd realized there was a second order ahead of hers she ecstatically watched from a safe distance without intruding on his work space. Watching someone pound steel had to be about as interesting as watching paint dry to anyone that wasn’t a blind young adult with very little understanding of the profession. Bright sparks would fly from the steel from the burning heat with almost every clang of steel-on-steel. Of course, she had to remember that this game was very different from real life but she didn’t have much reference for it beyond reading
  5. This was her first time dealing shopkeepers that weren’t pre-programmed NPCs and she was clearly uneasy. In real life, she’d gotten accustomed to measuring people’s voices. She could immediately feel the pressure of the distaste he felt for her, yet at the same time she felt like she’d not done anything reasonably wrong. As he worked, Firefly did her best to stay small and quiet to not upset him further even if she was curious to see it done. When he handed over the item, she accepted with a small still. His warning to keep herself safe did not come off as condescending, in fact, it was r
  6. Stepping into the Evening Star, Scarlet was immediately entranced by the aesthetic. She’d been in three player ran shops now and all of them had their own amazing flair. This one was quaint with well-kept vegetation decorating the interior, along with a cute little cat sitting on the counter who was slightly annoyed with being woken up from his nap. She would look around the store, sighing in relief when she found the particular item that she was needing. Upon taking it to the counter the cat would stand up expectantly waiting for the payment. “Hello, cute little kitty where is the shop o
  7. After finally learning how to teleport herself up to the higher level floors. Most newbies like her would be terrified understanding that danger of meeting higher level enemies but poor little Sam had no idea how video games worked. The NerveGear wasn’t given to her to try out the game. In any case, she would arrive at the recommended smith’s forge. The heat was intense, she didn’t need eyes to notice that. The small woman would walk in fanning off her face with her hand. Approaching the counter wracked up those nerves she had approaching Bahr in his store. When greeted she would simply s
  8. Scarlet would take a step into the much more pleasant environment offered in the tailor’s space than the grimy backstreets she had to weave through to find the place. The colors were always the first thing she’d noticed. Vibrance and tone, the sign outside was that, making it rather difficult to read probably for someone who only has 1/10th experience of using their vision. She would inspect the cases of various wares sold by the person who owned the shop, seeing if something particular caught her eye but unfortunately there was nothing in the Tier 1 Perfect section for her to use. After
  9. Scarlet Firefly, the Blinded Light Samantha Scarlet Age: 22 | Gender: Female | Height: 1.55m | Hair: Silver Samantha was born to a small family as an only child to a pair of wealthy parents. Her father was the owner of several businesses allowing them to live extremely comfortably. She was pampered by parents through her childhood, not because of their wealth but for her condition. From birth, Sam has been completely blind which lead to her being home schooled by her professor mother all her life. Because of this, she's had a difficult time finding interests and gaming definitely was
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