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About Circe

  • Birthday October 13

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  1. Circe stretched, rolling her shoulders as the weight of the fight finally left her body. The battle had been intense, but in the end, it was theirs. The oppressive heat of Inferno Cavern still clung to her skin, but standing in the open air felt like a reward in itself. She watched as the NPC handed over their reward without much fanfare, her eyes briefly scanning the amount. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t their greatest haul either. Still, it was satisfying knowing they’d taken down Cerberus together. She glanced at Omen, who seemed as focused as ever, already looking to the next challenge
  2. Circe watched as Omen’s axe carved into the two remaining heads, and she saw one fall limp as the Thorns effect took it out. Only one head remained now, but it wasn’t done yet. The final head snapped furiously at Omen, its fiery eyes filled with rage, but it was clear the beast was on its last legs. Circe didn't waste time. She dashed in, her daggers at the ready, and with a swift motion, she hurled one of them at the remaining head. The blade struck true, embedding itself deep into the creature’s neck. Cerberus howled in pain, staggering backward, but it still wasn’t down. The last head
  3. Circe grinned at Omen's shout, a rush of satisfaction swelling inside her. They were closing in on their perfect victory, and she wasn’t about to let this moment slip away. She darted forward, keeping her focus sharp, the adrenaline coursing through her veins like fire. She threw her daggers once more, her AoE aimed at the first and second heads. The blades flew true, and with a sickening thud, the first head went limp, falling to the ground with a heavy crash. One down. But as she pivoted to strike the second head, it jerked violently to the side, dodging her attack entirely. “Damn,
  4. Earning a Living <<Performer>> --
  5. Thread Closing Circe Recieves 2096 EXP (Word Count [3741/10*2*1] + Quest [300] + 100% Recruitment Drive Bonus) 2032 col (1 page [400]+Loot [1632]) <<Performer>> Profession [Perfect Mass] Monster's Favor x1 ( ID#232495 ) Standard <<Performer>> Shop (5) Materials
  6. >>Circe: “Hey, finished up the Performer stuff. Where are you? I’ll head over, got something cool to show you.” She tapped send, closing the UI with a satisfied nod. A small smile crept onto her face as she started heading toward the western outskirts of town, where she had a hunch Omen might be grinding or scouting new areas. He was always ahead of the game, always pushing their team forward. The thought of telling him about her latest accomplishments made her steps quickened in response. Circe wasn’t the type to get excited over every little thing, but this? This was differen
  7. After a while, she decided it was time to store her guitar away for now. She reached her UI, tapping a few buttons until the familiar interface appeared. With a flick of her wrist, she placed the electric guitar into her inventory. It would be waiting for her when she was ready to perform again. “For now, back to leveling,” she muttered, glancing at her quest log. She still had plenty to do, and she wanted to build her skills further before launching her shop given there is going to be a lot of thought and effort going into setting it up. Checking the time, it still seemed a bit ear
  8. She pulled up her UI to explore the new crafting options further, ready to dive into her newfound abilities. A series of tutorial pop-ups began to appear, each one guiding her through the intricacies of being a performer. One caught her eye: As a performer, you will have the ability to open a shop to sell your songs to other players. This will allow you to share your creations and build a reputation in the community. “Where would I even set up a shop?” Circe wondered aloud. She started pacing the nearby path, contemplating potential locations. The bustling market square came to mind—
  9. Circe couldn’t stop the grin spreading across her face as she turned back to Landon. The guitar still thrummed with residual energy in her hands, and her heart raced with the thrill of success. She approached the counter, ready to turn in the quest. Landon leaned back, crossing his arms with a satisfied smirk. "Performing's not for the faint of heart, kid. Takes guts, hard work, and talent," he said, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "But from where I'm standing, you've got it all. Knock 'em dead." Circe nodded, feeling the warmth of his words settle in her chest. For the
  10. Circe took a deep breath as they re-entered the cavern, the oppressive heat hitting them immediately. This was it—the final stretch. She walked ahead of Omen, her daggers at the ready, eyes sharp and focused. The deeper they went, the more the tension mounted, but Circe's nerves were steeled. They had a plan, and they were sticking to it. Cerberus wasn’t going to know what hit it. She led them through the familiar path, past the smoldering pools of lava and jagged rocks. Every step closer brought the sound of Cerberus’s low, rumbling growls echoing off the cavern walls. The spawn room was
  11. Circe stood before the crafting station, her fingers still resting on the neck of the electric guitar she’d chosen. Landon had set up the interface, and now it was up to her to navigate the crafting UI. She brought it up in her display, and a list of potential songs appeared before her, each one offering different support songs. “Huh, looks like a decent starting point,” she murmured. It wasn’t the most powerful song, but it provided a nice buff to looting, and it seemed easier to craft than some of the more complex songs she’d seen. “Monster's Fortune it is,” Circe decided, tapping
  12. Circe nodded, accepting Omen’s logic. He was right—she couldn’t take hits like he could. If she tried, things could spiral out of control fast, and they couldn’t afford that with Cerberus. Still, she didn’t like the idea of relying on him to tank all the damage. If something went wrong, she’d need to stay sharp and ready to adjust. "Alright," she said, running a hand through her damp hair, which was sticking to the back of her neck. "I’ll start with AoEs, and if I’ve got enough energy left after the first round, I’ll follow up with another one. I’ll make sure to hit as many heads as possi
  13. When she finally pushed open the creaky door to the hole-in-the-wall shop, the sound of rock music greeted her once again. Landon looked up from his workbench, a grin spreading across his face as soon as he saw her. “Back already? I didn’t think you’d get it done so fast!” he said, wiping his hands on a rag. “Well, let’s see ‘em!” Circe opened her inventory, pulling out the shimmering crystals and placing them on the counter. “All five, just like you asked,” she said with a smirk. Landon examined the crystals, nodding approvingly. “Nicely done, kid. Looks like you’ve got a knack for
  14. She listened as Omen laid out the plan for Cerberus, her mind already running through possible scenarios. The mention of Burn status wasn’t surprising—it was, after all, Inferno Cavern. But hearing that Cerberus had multiple health bars was another level of complication. Three entities wrapped into one fight. It meant a prolonged battle, and one misstep could easily turn it in Cerberus' favor. "Three health bars, huh?" Circe mused, her gaze sharp. "That’s annoying." She straightened up, adjusting her gear and checking her inventory to make sure she was prepared for the next fight. He
  15. With a crunch, Omen buried his axe into the lone pack monster. With that, the remaining Hellhounds needed were slain, all that remained was that they prepare for the boss fight. On the way out, a yellow chest icon appeared in Circe's UI prompting her to keep an eye out for any treasure chests in the area, but whether it was due to her wanting to escape the heat or just pure bad luck, she did not seem to find any, drats. Once outside, they were met with fresh air, well, fresher than what was in the cavern. Circe once again crouched down, wiping the sweat from her brow. "That went a
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