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Everything posted by Circe

  1. Circe glanced at the volcanic landscape around them, her silver eyes narrowing against the intense heat radiating off the fiery plains. The Ninth Floor was no joke—a true hellscape of molten lava and volcanic rock, where even the air seemed to burn. She could already feel the oppressive heat making her sweat, and they hadn't even entered Inferno Cavern yet. Omen had messaged her earlier, and the promise of a Tier One quest had piqued her interest. He was competent enough, and the rewards might make it worth trudging through this blazing wasteland. As they walked, she heard the familiar pi
  2. Circe knelt down beside the treasure chest, her fingers itching with anticipation as she worked the latch open. The chest gave a satisfying creak as the lid lifted, revealing its contents. Her eyes gleamed as she took inventory of her loot: a sizable pile of currency, two unidentified weapons gleaming with potential, a handful of crafting material that might come in handy later, and a strange-looking consumable item that glowed faintly. She picked up the consumable, turning it over in her hand. "What do you think this does?" she muttered, more to herself than anyone else. But she didn’t d
  3. Of course Lyle sent them off to someone else. Was this quest ever going to end? Well, hopefully the docks will be their last stop. "Yer tellin' me Mayor Dorian's taken to sending players to do his dirty work? Fine, fine, he’ll get his money, as soon as ye help me finish pulling it out of the drink!” Circe’s eyes narrowed as Pete’s hearty laugh echoed off the nearby water. Of course it wasn’t going to be simple, she thought bitterly, already regretting stepping foot near the docks. First boarlets, now pulling treasure from a lake? This was turning into one giant favor chain, and her
  4. Circe gritted her teeth, feeling the heat of her frustration burning through her calm facade. The boarlet, still eyeing her with an almost mocking glint in its eyes, pawed the ground again, as if readying for another taunt of a charge. Not this time. Flipping the knife in her palm, she could feel its weight in her hand, the metal cool against her skin as she tightened her grip. With a sharp inhale, she focused her energy, locking her gaze onto the boarlet. She wasn’t going to let a tiny creature make a fool out of her any longer. As the boarlet lunged forward, Circe waited, her
  5. Circe threw her knife with deadly precision, fully expecting to finish off the boarlet in one clean strike. But once again, the little creature darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the blade as it embedded itself uselessly in the dirt. Her eyes narrowed, and her jaw clenched in frustration. Are you kidding me? She felt her patience starting to fray at the edges. This was supposed to be a simple, mindless task—a quick hunt, not some drawn-out battle with a ridiculously agile piglet. The boarlet charged again, its tiny hooves pounding against the ground as it barreled toward her with
  6. Circe smirked as they entered the boarlet hunting grounds, her sharp eyes immediately spotting three plump targets huddled together, noses rooting through the dirt. Perfect, she thought. She’d be done with this boring quest in no time. Without hesitating, three throwing knives materialized in her hand, spinning each between her fingers with practiced ease. “Let’s finish this quickly,” she muttered, taking aim. She threw all three knives in a quick, fluid motion, intending to wipe out the group in one fell swoop. The first two boarlets went down instantly, her blades finding their mar
  7. Circe’s eyebrow quirked slightly when she saw the party invite pop up in her HUD. Interesting move. She hadn’t expected Omen to be the type to formalize their little partnership, but it made sense. Having access to each other's stats and health could be useful, especially if things got dicey later on. Without hesitation, she accepted the invite, and their names now appeared next to each other on the interface. They made their way back to Zackariah, and Circe couldn’t help but roll her eyes as the NPC examined the materials with an almost comical level of scrutiny. "Leave it to Dor
  8. Circe strolled away, determined to find the last two plants and eager to keep up her momentum. Lucky charm or not, let’s get this over with, she thought, scanning the ground for anything that stood out. But after several minutes of aimless searching, everything just started to blend together. Grass, weeds, shrubs—nothing looked like the plant she had found earlier. With a groan of frustration, she crouched down and poked at a patch of overgrown weeds, hoping that maybe something was hiding beneath them. But no such luck. “Ugh, seriously?” she muttered under her breath, standing up and bru
  9. Circe watched the man struggle with the stubborn plant, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. Perfect. She’d struck gold with this one. He seemed genuinely lost, which only made her job easier. Still, she had to play it right — no need to scare him off by being too obvious. “Oh, so you’re in the same boat, huh?” She let her voice carry just the right amount of frustration, adding a little sigh for good measure. “I’m starting to think Zackariah just sent us on a wild goose chase... or maybe we’re just missing something.” "Tell you what," she said with a sheepish grin, leani
  10. Circe stared at a thick patch of grass, eyeing it up and down. Was this it? It didn't seem very special. Plucking it didn't update the quest, so she supposed it wasn't what was need. "Man, this blows." She blew out the words in an exasperated sigh. How low had she fallen to be playing around in the dirt like this? Well, not far given what she was doing before ending up here, but it didn't soothe her annoyance. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, she looked around and noticed another bulky player, he waved at her. She blinked a bit shocked at the hospitality given by the stran
  11. Things certainly hadn't gone to plan since she had arrived. Despite having some of the niceties of reality, this world operated on its own rules. With that in mind, Circe decided to play the game. If one could call it that, it would be their reality until they were freed. As luck would habit, an NPC called out by the name of Dorian or something. He went on about being the mayor and needing to collect a loan, but unfortunately, he did not remember who he gave the loan to. What a joke, did they make this guy so dumb? Whatever, it seemed like a boring quest to push through anyway, free
  12. Circe

    Circe's Journal

  13. Circe

    Circe's Journal

    Circe | HP: 420/420 | EN: 75/75 | DMG: 17 | ACC:4 | EVA: 2| MIT: 1 | BLD: 24 | PARA notes: // equipped [T1 Perfect Light Armor] Initiate’s Draw: +2 EVA, +1 MIT [T3 Perfect Throwing Knives] ID 232026 Paralyze 2 | Bleed 1 Wolf Pendant. | TIER 1 JEWELRY | +3 ACC battle-ready inventory
  14. Circe

    Circe's Journal

    CIRCE PROFILE NAME Yumiko Kojima AGE 27 GENDER F RACE Japanese HEIGHT 169cm WEIGHT 59kg BIRTHDAY 10/13 ORIENTATION Pansexual [♬] “It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.” -Chuck Palahnuik, 'Fight Club' HISTORY VIRTUES&FLAWS NOTES DOCUMENTS
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