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Everything posted by Tiye

  1. The quest was done faster than it took them to even arrive at the location, and Tiye had to bite back a groan, already having to get back up after she had just sat down. “Yay,” she said rather unenthusiastically, bumping up her first in the air before she closed it over her mouth for a yawn. With a sigh, she rose back up to her feet, patting off the sand on her lap. “Thanks,” Tiye said simply, giving the party’s sole carrier another mock salute just before he left. She didn’t even catch the mystery man’s name before he was off into the night– or the desert, she guessed. It worked fo
  2. Tiye wandered into the blacksmith's shop, emerald eyes peering at each and every ware displayed. She had no interest for weapons, and the armor was too bulky for her taste, but she supposed that it was good to have at least something to fall back on should she ever find herself defenseless. Word of mouth was that this particular blacksmith was on top of his craft, so at the very least, she was getting her money's worth. Her fingers traced the air a few inches off of each armor and weapon before finally landing on one that caught her eye. Tiye failed to hide her grimace at the large amoun
  3. “And I’m not used to being concerned for strangers… Usually, the advice would come at a price. You’re a special case,” she admitted, shrugging her shoulders. Not too many people would venture to Floor One for information, so her typical client was usually the typical newbie that either got bored or tired of being cooped up in the first city. In short, they are few and far between. Even then, most of them didn’t even look half as capable as Circe. Tiye considered their interaction an investment– what she missed out on Col might be repaid back tenfold in other means. “I’m not one for combat so t
  4. Tiye gave a half-assed salute at Freyd’s instructions. “I’m actually just here to watch,” she supplied dully, already in the middle of plopping herself down on a nearby rock. “Not really interested in whatever special skill you’re talkin’ about. The EXP is all I want, but you all can do whatever you’d like. Just imagine I'm not here.” She had just made herself comfortable on what was a subjectively uncomfortable seat when the sand shark emerged from the ground, spraying bits and dust of the desert with it. The rest of the party went at it, throwing punches and strikes that had already wit
  5. Tiye lifted her hands up beside her head as if to prove she was harmless, already noting the air of apprehension from the stranger. “I’m just relaying the information I’ve gathered from watching.” That was typically more generous than what she usually offered– which was more often than not complete silence or a disinterested scoff. “Bunny… Jaguar… what difference does it make?” she continued with drawled, shrugging her shoulders. “The stats stay the same regardless of what kind of creature you decide to tame.” Her elbow came to lean on one of the many battlements on the wall, and she’d p
  6. Tiye popped a slice of a tangerine in her mouth as she strolled out of the confines of Fortaleza. This floor was the closest to home as she could most likely get, and even that was a stretch. It was hard not to grimace as she passed by the stereotypical trader or merchant as she made her way through the desolate town. Perhaps she was too hopeful coming here, but the promise of an easy carry was enough to sway her transgressions against the developers of this game, even if only for a while. Floor Five was no Cairo, but the sun was a helpful reminder of her roots. It bore down almost menac
  7. Tiye’s legs dangled from where she was perched. The Town of Beginning’s walls stretched high, resembling that of a castle or fortress from the Middle Ages with its weathered stone battlements. Despite that, there were never any guards or archers (she didn’t even know if archers existed in Sword Art Online), which made it a perfect spot to lounge around as she watched the sun come and go. Much like the sun and the moon, people too came and went. Some returned, some didn’t. During the first few months of the game, she was sure that most of the faces that she witnessed leaving the town gates were
  8. If she noticed Acanthus’ lukewarm response, she didn’t make a point of commenting on it. How could she when when the first chance she had in years to talk about her career was layed out in front of her, ready for the taking? “I’m not as well versed in the history of European art and architecture,” she admitted begrudgingly. “My concentration usually lies with that of Africa and Asia.” Tiye turned to look behind them, nose pointed towards the Town of Beginnings. “But from what I can tell, it’s very obvious that the main city is based on Vatican City. The high walls aren’t very accurate, however
  9. Tiye fiddled with a blade of grass as her head nodded along to the conversation. She didn’t expect to hear so much about a stranger’s life when she woke up today, but she supposed it was better than the typical sob stories that have been circling around the Town of Beginnings. It’s a nice change. “That’s unfortunate,” she said absentmindedly before sobering up a clarification, “that you had to stop, that is.” Her fingers twirled around the strip of grass a little more before she abruptly dropped it. It fizzled into fragments of blue before it even touched the ground. “Not too many people have
  10. “You look like an experienced forager,” Tiye observed as she watched Acanthus work her magic. While she had to admit the other woman made it look easy, the idea of constantly gathering her own materials for crafting didn’t exactly pique her interest- but she made a note to level up her <<Searching>> regardless. It’s not like she was going to invest in anything combat-related anyway. Might as well put her skill points into something that actually mattered. At least this way, Tiye reasoned, she would have an easier time getting some Col in her pockets. It beats having to slave away g
  11. Perhaps it was due to both parties’ carelessness that they each failed to discern each other before the impact. Nonetheless, Tiye stumbled backward as she was momentarily thrown off her train of thought. Looking down, she was surprised to see a fairly high-level player in her midst– if their gear was anything to go off of, anyway. It was hard not to be surprised when she had gotten so used to this town being mostly home to moping players who had nothing better to do than sulk in their dark corners. She blinked, suddenly remembering her manners. Her hand stretched out to help the stranger up, b
  12. Tiye found herself somewhat disappointed as she left the performer’s shop– Landon Axel was his name… or something like that. She wasn’t expecting much considering <<Earning a Living>> was one of the most basic of quests out there, likely second to the introductory quest, but Tiye’s letdown wasn’t with the quest itself surprisingly. “Was it a lute..?” she asked herself as she stood outside the steps to the NPC’s abode. “No, it’s way too long to be considered one. Perhaps a bouzouki?” Tanned fingers opened the game menu as Tiye continued to mutter in thought, oblivious to the o
  13. 02 FILE 420.69 TIYE > STATS Tiye | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 1 | +1 LD > SP: 1/5 > SKILLS/MODS: > ITEMS:
  14. 01 FILE 420.69 TIYE PERSONAL RECORDS SWORD ART ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE REPORT: > IDENTITY: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– > FULL NAME: NEEMA ELMASRY > USERNAME: TIYE > AGE: 26 -> 28 &g
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