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  1. "Of course!" Cobean replied to Bliss's suggestion of getting to the quest before daylight is lost. Before the two players could head out, however, Bliss's expression lit up as something came to her mind. She would say Cobean could go with her in the evening for a training session with children. She promised to them that she wouldn't miss it and assured that the children would love to meet Cobean. "I'd love to!" He answered, a bright smile lighting up across his face. While he wasn't sure if he'd be able to help or not, or even how he would help if he could, it seemed like a great opportunity n
  2. Cobean pulled his spear out as others failed to damage the monster. Cobean then looked in shock as the pinkette girl he spoke with earlier raised a huge axe and sent the crabs flying. What an incredible stat allotment this girl must have had... Cobean looked back to his opponent, who he'd failed to do anything to so far. It seemed to laugh, then waves came upon the players in the beach Vicinity. Cobean tried to shake off the water when the waves receded enough, but he ended up losing his jacket instead. Not that he paid much attention to that sort of thing, but if he was to get a good hit, som
  3. Monsters rose from the grass and the sea. That's...new. Was this some kind of territory that the players had stumbled into without realizing it had been claimed? whatever the case, it seemed the players had little choice but to fight or hide, for the party crashers have arrived. Cobean took up his spear, and made for the enemies from the sea. After all, the purple haired girl seemed to already be on it. Were the players around going to split in order to tackle both sides? It seemed effective, but without numbers, the effort won't prove helpful. Regardless, it was time to take charge a
  4. Oh, they only just met? ...Maybe, this is what happens when people are just kind to each other, with no background knowledge or personal biases? Just humans...being human? Usually stuff like this would draw in looks, especially the shirt thing. Maybe Cobean should start being more open? Just being calm yet upbeat wasn't enough to truly be himself without all that had happened? Astra accepted Cobean's handshake, and he positively commented on Cobean's username, too. It would seem that there were other plans in store for the players, as a wave of force, rather th
  5. Cobean's silence was not as supportive as he'd anticipated. While his presence was accepted, it must not have been of much effect or contribution. He had a tendency to stay back and respect others' spaces, especially after all those new peers that wanted nothing to do with him. He usually let them come to him, as approaching them had consequences. Maybe it was time to let that go. After all, the other guy seemed to be having a much easier time helping Bliss, every last word made progress towards cheering her up. This seemed unusual for Cobean at the moment. "Do you two happen to know
  6. Bliss had been crying. Bliss had been crying. Cobean understood that there were moments when stress can drive people to tears, and based on what she explained, it fit the bill. Cobean kept silent about the tears for Bliss's sake. Bliss said it was fine if the two others present wanted to stick by her for the time being. The white haired guy offered for Cobean to sit down as well, speaking about the view. Well, he was intending to sit down anyway, so why not? Cobean sat down beside Bliss, and noticed that something was poking up into his avatar's leg. Cobean moved his leg a
  7. Cobean was not expecting to get nicknamed immediately. He hadn't had such an interaction since he met Lisha. ...But why "Bluebean"? Was it because he was short and blue haired? It wasn't like people read spoken words instead of hearing them, right? ...Right? Regardless, the fellow blue haired player introduced herself as Adelyte. "Nice to meet you too, Adelyte." Cobean replied with a cheerful smile. Bliss stammered a little, though she remarked that Cobean's username was...cute. Cobean blushed slightly. He wasn't expecting his choice of username to be considered cute...but hey, it was a positi
  8. With a stretch and a yawn, Cobean was excited to get some questing done for once in his time here. He'd start from the bottom and make his way into being a hero people could tell tales about. Those stories, all their struggles all their reminders of their own humanity, Cobean was well aware of his own limits...not that it would stop him from looking to them as psuedo-role models in this particular case. He always liked playing a Valiant Hero in RPGs, so, maybe he could find a way to be one here as well? Helping people out in their time of need, seeing the smiles and relief of those who he woul
  9. Cobean's word fumble turned out to be a bigger problem than he expected. The girl suddenly thought he went by Agh, and Cobean covered his face with his hands as the realization of his mistake settled in. She introduced herself as Bliss, and then asked what Cobean preferred to be called. "C-Cobean. My username is Cobean." He uttered out. "It's really nice to meet you, Bliss." He said, his hands no longer on his face...which was still very reddened. It was like the sight of the woman was stirring something up deep within him. "Man oh man, she's just so pretty! Why can't I stop thinking about tha
  10. The air seemed different here. Mingled with the usual salty scent of the sea was the fragrance of lavender. It only took a few seconds for Cobean to realize the pink haired girl was the source of the scent...but why would she need it here? How did she have it, even, where'd she apply it? Cobean's best theory was to chalk it up to game logic for the time being, and put his focus back on the conversation and the people around. The pink haired girl seemed to have a sudden recognition of the oddly familiar blond. It wasn't explicitly stated, so Cobean had to piece together any clues he could find
  11. A chance to meet people in a relaxing and fun environment? This is just what Cobean needed! All he needed was the right apparel for the trip. He took a moment to check if there was anything he was missing that he had to bring. So far, everything seemed to be in order. With that, he was off to join the party. Walking along the path to the party ended up being simpler than expected, so with a smile and a hope for new friends, it was full speed ahead. In his excitement of course, once he got to the location, he accidentally passed a fellow player or two. He saw a gather
  12. Cobean


    Relationships: Story Thus Far:
  13. Cobean


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  14. Cobean


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  15. Cobean


    <<Cobean>> Profile: Username: Cobean(Pronounced Co-bay-en, but he won't judge, correct or stop you from pronouncing it wrong) Real name: Dylan Caspian Gender: Male Starting Age: 18 Height: Approx. 5'3"(160cm) Birthday: February 23 Background: Virtues: Flaws:
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