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  1. As they neared the outskirts of the town, Val could see Gambit was already gearing up to head his own way. He looked excited, eager even, talking about all the quests he was planning to dive into next. She couldn't help but smile a little at his enthusiasm, despite everything. "Gonna be runnin' all over the place now, huh?" she teased lightly, her Cajun drawl warm. As he kept walking, Val's smile faltered for just a moment, and she called after him. "Hey!" Val pulled up her menu, a friend request already hovering in the air between them. "Listen, I know we just met, but if you e
  2. Val glanced over at Gambit, raising an eyebrow. “First time, huh?” she asked, a small smirk playing on her lips. “Well, shoot, you sure picked an interestin’ place to give it a try.” She shook her head as they continued walking, the memory of the wolves still fresh. “This ain’t exactly the safest spot to be experimentin’ with somethin’ like that, y’know? Ain’t a game you can reset when things go sideways.” Val let out a soft chuckle, her accent thick as she spoke. “But you handled yourself alright. Just don’t make a habit of rushin’ in without knowin’ what’s comin’ next.” She ga
  3. Val shook her head, suppressing a smirk as she watched Gambit puff his chest out, clearly pleased with himself. Kid’s got no shortage of confidence now, she thought, rolling her eyes a bit. But she wasn’t about to knock him down just yet. For all his swagger, he’d earned at least a little moment to enjoy his victory. Even if he was already getting a bit too cocky about it. “Gambit special, huh?” Val said, raising an eyebrow as she walked beside him. “Well, I reckon I’ll be watching closely when you pull out that ‘special’ again. Just make sure you save some energy next time—ain’t no poin
  4. Val watched the whole thing unfold with a mix of disbelief and admiration. When that massive alpha wolf prowled out of the undergrowth, she had half-expected to step in and save Gambit's skin. But instead, the kid held his ground. His grip tightened around the sword, his stance was steady, and before she knew it, the wolf was leaping at him with lethal intent. But Gambit was faster. His blade sliced clean through the beast mid-air, and just like that, the alpha wolf was nothing more than a cloud of azure fractals, disappearing into the wind. Val blinked in surprise, her eyebrows raised as
  5. Val shook her head as Gambit bowed so low he nearly kissed the dirt. “Thank you, angry miss lady,” he said, in a tone that sounded like a mix between gratitude and sarcasm. She stared at him, arms crossed, trying to keep her frustration from boiling over. "Yeah, yeah," Val muttered, waving him off as he straightened up and turned to march away like he hadn’t just nearly made a fool of himself. She rolled her eyes. “Kids…” With Gambit finally out of sight, Val turned her attention back to the task at hand. She still had to find her own Demonic Shard. Kneeling down, she started searchi
  6. Val stood there for a moment, watching Gambit run headfirst into the forest with the same reckless abandon he’d shown earlier. She couldn’t help but shake her head, a half-smile forming on her lips. Kids these days… But then, the smile quickly faded as Gambit came to a sudden stop, glancing around the ground like he’d just lost something. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him scoop up something shiny and small—the shard. The pop-up notification that blinked over his head made it crystal clear: the quest was done. Before she could say a word, Gambit waved her off, not even bothering to
  7. Val crossed her arms, tapping her foot as she stared down at the sorry mess that was Gambit. His wide eyes blinked up at her like a lost puppy, still woozy and talking nonsense. She watched as realization slowly dawned on him—real slow, like molasses dripping in the winter. His eyes squinted, then widened, and then he muttered something that nearly made her roll her eyes clean out of her head. “Wait… you’re not gonna kill me?” Val threw her hands up. “Kill you? Boy, I ain’t tryin’ to kill nobody! You’re the one who took off like you’d seen a ghost!” She jabbed a finger at him.
  8. Val blinked in disbelief as Gambit threw a wild look over his shoulder at her. The second his eyes landed on her, he went into full-blown panic mode. Val's face twisted in frustration. “You gotta be kiddin’ me…” she muttered, her Cajun accent sharp with irritation as she picked up the pace behind him. Gambit’s shrill voice echoed through the woods, and Val’s temper flared. This kid really thought she was out to kill him? Over what?! Skipping some dialogue? Her teeth clenched as she tore through the trees after him. "Boy, I ain’t tryin’ to kill ya!" she shouted, her voice growing ha
  9. Val blinked, barely registering the blur of movement as something came crashing through the forest, kicking up leaves and dirt. She was just about to get moving herself when bam, a kid—no more than a teenager by the looks of him—practically skidded into the clearing. He was breathing like he’d been chased by the devil himself, and the boy wasn’t even bothering with words, just cutting off Giovanna with "skip" after "skip." "Hey-" Before Val could even react, the boy grabbed the compass right out of Giovanna’s hand and tore off like a bat out of hell. “Putain d'enfants—” Val mutt
  10. Val adjusted the worn straps of her heavy gear, her gaze set on the quiet, unassuming path ahead. Starting small was the smart thing to do, especially at level one. She was no fool—this game might look like a playground, but the stakes were real. A profession like Forager seemed like a safe bet, something she could level up with as she gained strength. Plus, there was something peaceful about gathering herbs, something that helped her focus, kept her mind off the loss she didn’t want to think about too much. The scent of wood smoke grew stronger as she approached the cozy campsite tucked
  11. > STATS HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | THORNS | PARA | TAUNT > SP: 4/5 > SKILLS/MODS: > ITEMS:
  12. COMPREHENSIVE REPORT: > IDENTITY: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– > FULL NAME: Wren Bordeaux > USERNAME:Valkyrie > AGE: 23 -> 25 > GENDER: Female > ETHNICITY: Cajun > HEIGHT: 6'1" // 211 cm –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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