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  1. As Oats sat down next to him Astra offered a smile, and raised a hand in a wave. "A corporal, huh? That experience will probably take her far," he thought. He turned his attention back to Wulfrin, and nodded along as instruction for the quest was provided. The mayor of Tolbana, check. The prospect of new gear from a blacksmith sounded like music to his ears. He's barely swung the sword on his back, but a better sword could be great for moving up the floors. New armor? That would be great. The idea of wearing heavy plate armor, or anything heavier than light or some medium armor, would no
  2. Astra took the player up on his offer and sat down at the seat across. The moment an assortment of meats and cheeses appeared on the table he reached out and took a bite of some cheese and meat together. Astra had a slim frame, but he could eat any time. Thankfully it seems like that appetite made no difference in SAO. As Wulfrin provided his introduction and modus operandi for being there, Astra nodded along. "Wulfrin and Solaris, it's a pleasure to meet you." A warm smile spread on his face. A frontliner DPS who specialized in one-handed straight swords, pretty much everything he wante
  3. It was another day on Floor 1 of Aincrad, where players mostly went about their business and NPCs went about their daily routines. No matter how much time he spent here, especially in this safe zone, Astra couldn't help but feel like he was missing something. Players were out there clearing floors, risking their lives fighting mobs and others to make some headway in this unfamiliar world. Where did he fit into that? He couldn't idle around any longer while everyone else put in the work. It was time to put his sword to use and get stronger. The white haired young man walked through the To
  4. Astra

    Astra's Journal

    Roleplay Log Relationships
  5. Astra

    Astra's Journal

    - ASTRA - Appearance: -Medium length white hair that sticks up/is slightly disheveled on the top and flips up a bit in the back -Eye Color: Silvery-Blue -Height: 5'10 -Weight: 125lbs Profile: Username: Astra Real Name: Noa Walker Age: 18 Height: 5'10 Country of Origin: United States Birthday: December 25th Background: Virtues: Flaws Stats & Skills Inventory
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