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  1. Astra watched as Wulfrin released a barrage of attacks into the Monkey King. The beast looked injured at this point, and it probably wouldn't take long before it capitulated and died. Wulfrin had let Astra know that it was his turn next, a chance to strike the beast while still reaping the benefits from Boreas' buff. The novice nodded at the shoutout, and prepared himself to attack once again. Making his way back to the Monkey King, Astra readied his sword, which had begun to radiate with light once more. He dashed in towards the legs of his enemy and tried to let off a few slashes, hopi
  2. After Astra performed his usual clown act, he changed back into his casual clothes and began to read to the kids at the orphanage. Generally, the books he read to the children were books that they had picked out, and he didn't mind that. He would read some chapters, and let them read as well, and if they had trouble reading, he would try to teach them and coach them through it. The time had passed, but out of the corner of his eye Astra had noticed one young person who wasn't taking part in any of the activities. She seemed to be hiding around corners, and hiding in the shadows. This definitel
  3. Astra woke up in the morning with a bit of an extra pep in his step. He went through his normal morning routine, eating a small breakfast, showering, getting ready for the day. From there he knew he was going to make his way to the orphanage on Floor 1, where he would normally spend his free time in the past, and got dressed to head there. The white haired youth was adorned in his casual outfit, a black turtlenecked shirt with some buttons on the collar, covered by a white closed vest, and some black pants. In the bag he had carried with him he had all that he needed for the day, his clown cos
  4. The journey towards the aforementioned Monkey King ended abruptly, when a roar shook through the trees and caught the attention of the adventures. In a short amount of time they found themselves on the Monkey King's turf, with the giant demonic looking ape-creature huffing and looking down upon them. It started to drag its massive clawed hands through the ground below, clearly focused on the pray in front of it. Astra found himself a bit surprised at the size of the beast, but not entirely rattled. He couldn't shake Wulfrin referring to the monster as "Donkey Kong", and that calmed Astra's ner
  5. This was it, the fire in his heart and head started to burn with the fury of any infernal demon from the layers of hell. Astra wasn't letting this thing get away anymore. He was fed up with its evasion and guile, and there was no way he'd continue to fail to kill it. The boarlet reared on its haunches once more, squealing and focused on both Wulfrin and Astra. It kicked up some dirt and mud, and lowered its head to show its small horns. It was clearly peacocking in front of Astra, who has been tangoing with it for some time now. He wasn't going to let this baby boar showboat or get its w
  6. The face-off between the two continued, and the tension was palpable. Siren was calculated and quick with her kills, Wulfrin didn't need to kill the boars, and yet Astra stood still facing his last boarlet. It was clear that the struggle was very real on this day, but Astra wasn't going to let that crush his mood. Once more, Astra moved in to attack the boarlet. In a quick flash...Oh man. My, oh my. Astra swung his sword once more, hoping to finally send this baby boar to hell, but alas, it was another miss. It was hard to tell why and how Astra missed. Did the boar dodge? Did Astra mist
  7. The frustration continued to set in, as Astra continued to miss on his attacks against the small creature in front of him. It would probably be worse if the boarlet was wholly focused on him, as over time they could do some damage, but Wulfrin's aggro gathering was still working. Astra took a moment to collect himself and his thoughts, before working his way towards the boar once more. To some outside observers, it would almost seem like he was going through the motions, but Astra made sure his strikes were calculated. There just wasn't much success, and he clearly had some things to wor
  8. Astra took on his teammates words of encouragement and braced himself to make another attack. The boarlet looked between him and Wulfrin, who was maintaining aggro, wide-eyed and seemingly frenzied. Fighting these little scamps felt like such an arduous task at this point, and even with his most planned attacks Astra found them to be incredibly slippery and hard to hit. He was determined in the end, though. There was progress to be made. Maybe it was the pressure of moving on to the next part of the quest, maybe it was the pressure of finishing off this damn boar, or maybe it was Maybell
  9. With the party invite sent by Boreas, Astra promptly accepted the request. "Hopefully I can contribute to the fight, I'll do my best at least," he said with a prompt nod towards his companions. Not long after an NPC who introduced himself as Sewallus approached the group, and offered to lend his hand in the battle. Astra was certainly open for more help, but was certainly worried about the risk of the NPC getting deleted. As Wulfrin led the way through the lush forests of Floor 8, Astra listened to his gameplan. It was a solid plan, and hopefully they'd be able to get the necessary stuns
  10. Astra could tell that there was still some concern in Bliss' voice as she spoke to him, and maybe there wasn't much he could say to make that go away. He could however, do his best to give her reasons not to worry. Astra moved Bliss' hand that was holding his over his heart, with his hand firmly (but softly) over hers. "Heh, yeah, too much heart. You could say that." He locked eyes with her once more. "To be honest, it's felt a bit stronger since I met you. So I think I'm in good shape," he said with a soft smile. He placed their hands back down to the blanket, but still made sure their finger
  11. Astra sat relaxed and immersed in his book, sitting in the reading nook within Ciela's house on Floor 22, in which he resided. He found himself caught up reading the novel "Utopia" by Thomas More, an older read, but one that captivated him. Hm, the idea of a real utopia. An ideal world for everyone...If only we could make Aincrad something like that. He pondered on what it would take to make such a dangerous and cutthroat virtual world one that was accepting for all, that is until a new message notification caught his eye. Astra brought up his menu and opened up the message he received from Wu
  12. Astra dug his heels into the ground as he faced the last boar standing amidst the group. Siren had recently struck her target with poise and rationality, and now only one boarlet stood amidst the gang. The novice swordsman had missed a lot of these nimble boarlets recently, and it definitely started to give him some stress; but he wouldn't let that take away his focus and resolve. Siren's nudge gave Astra the push he needed, and he was ready to strike once more. A solid "Thanks!" left his mouth, and he made his moves. With his left hand gripped tight around the handle of the sword, Astra
  13. "Thanks, I'm pretty eager to learn," Astra said as Wulfrin began to prepare for the training at hand. Astra couldn't help but dwell for a moment on Wulfrin's comment about learning quickly when your life is on the line. It brought Astra back to the first day in Aincrad, when every player soon learned how high the stakes were. The visage of a fallen friend had appeared in his head, and the youth couldn't help but think about how he wasn't able to save his friend. He tried to learn quickly, with someone's life on the line, but he just wasn't good enough. Astra shook his head in an attempt to rem
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