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About Oats

  • Birthday 07/30/1990

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    Solo Player

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  1. Oats' legs were spread slightly apart, ready, as she eyed Boarlet #3, just in case it made a move. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Astra landing a blow. "Nice one, Astra!" she called out without taking her eyes off the boarlet. She wouldn't dare to look away. Her real-life training had taught her never to give enemies an opportunity. They faced each other for a good while, like two gunslingers in a wild west showdown. The boarlet's huffs grew angrier as it saw another one of its kind injured by Astra. It howled and began its charge. Oats waited for the right moment to time her jump.
  2. She glanced at the top left corner of her HUD as Wulfrin detailed its specifics. "Ah, so that's energy," she mused. The blue bar's purpose had been a mystery to her, having never read the instruction manual. It made perfect sense now; her intense boot camp experience years prior had taught her the true meaning of stamina, how to harness it, and the importance of conserving it—it could be life-saving. This wasn't much different from the energy concept in the SAO world. However, that strange incident in the weapon shop was another story. For a fleeting moment, she felt as though she had been whi
  3. #PH --------------- ID: | Crafting | CD , LD | --------------- ID: | Crafting | CD , LD | --------------- ID: | Crafting | CD , LD |
  4. #PH --------------- ID:237326 | Crafting | CD 5, LD 3 | Failed! Lose a mat (1 exp) --------------- ID:237327 | Crafting | CD 7, LD 1 | Salvaged! Lose a mat (2 exp) ---------------
  5. Oats encountered a seemingly worried shopkeeper. As she listened to the shopkeeper's concerns, she was reminded of Donald Malarkey's experience during World War II. Having grown up in a military family, we were exposed to various media about wars, including 'Band of Brothers.' A few weeks after D-Day, Malarkey went to collect his laundry when a lady, who was handling the clothes, asked if he knew of anyone who hadn't collected their laundry. As she recited the names of the owners, he realized they were all men who had been killed. Malarkey decided to take unclaimed laundries and paid for them,
  6. Oats watched the woman with eyes wide in amazement as she scattered bags all over the place. She really had food for every type of animal, didn't she? And organization didn't seem to be her priority. Oats chuckled at the thought. However, her amusement turned to concern when the woman sniffed a pellet and took a bite, then struggled to suppress her gag reflex. Oats extended her hands towards the woman, hesitating whether to step back or forward to offer assistance. From the woman's expression, it was clear the pellet was the most detestable food on the entire floor. The woman's reaction seemed
  7. Oats leaned back in the chair, wiping the sweat from her forehead with her arm. "Uncommon, huh? Not so bad," she mused. Confident that someone would find it useful, she decided to include it in the shop inventory after assessing its quality. After all, one bonus is better than none, right? She reviewed her personal inventory to find 12 materials remaining. Then, she checked her internal "battery" and felt she could continue. Could she find another perfect item this time? One can only hope. She was aware that players would find items with more slots attached more attractive; heck, it would draw
  8. Oats

    Oats' Appraisals

    Item ID: 237292 Item Name: Nut Item Type: Trinket Item Tier: 1 Item Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: LD I Description: In the Firefly universe, Kaylee would consider a single tiny nut a treasure, as it's essential to keep Serenity intact. There are likely to be more nuts to be found. Link:
  9. After a long day, Oats settled down with a delectable treat from the bakery next door. It resembled a stuffed croissant and smelled just as enticing. With the first bite, she found herself unable to stop until it was all gone. It was only then that she understood the sadness Doug Heffernan must have felt as he claimed he suddenly became sad when reached the bottom of a small pudding cup. She licked every last bit of flavor from her fingers, sighed, and stood up to wash her hands. After tying her hair into a ponytail and donning a grey apron, she knew it was time to start her work shift. -
  10. Oats is standing in front of some sort of gypsy's wagon. Her curiosity subconsciously found herself there, staring at the dialog box popped up right in front of her. Her long black hair felt incredibly heavy after wandering too long in the drizzling weather. The right sleeve, of the same dark hue, felt similarly burdensome as she attempted to lift her arm to select one of the options. Staring at the gypsy woman, her words seemed to levitate Oats—a stark contrast to the surroundings. Despite the presence of kaleidoscopic flowers, their colors were dulled by the darkening skies overhead. This wa
  11. Kali turned to Oats, "Good thing you asked!" "Yeah, in this game, it's always good to leave no stone unturned," she advised Kali. "I'll remember that, thanks. I just thought... it might be impolite to involve someone who's uninvolved, you know?" "I understand. But sometimes, you gotta let someone outside the box help. They might offer a fresh perspective. Always look for every opportunity to stay ahead," she suggested. "Understood!" Kali tapped his index finger to his forehead, signaling he'd take the advice to heart. The waitress returned quickly with the food, a speed that is to be expe
  12. "Speaking of the quest," Oats redirected the conversation back to their objective. "The intel suggests she camped not far from here, which would require a bit of a hike. I was told that if we head in a certain direction, we should easily spot her Conestoga wagon and a makeshift campsite. The broker mentioned that the unmistakable sign of the correct location is a spot atop a cliff with a solitary tree at the brink." "Mm-hmm," Kali listened intently. Oats finished her beer with a chug, setting the glass back on the table, this time near the edge. "Ready to go?" "Yep!" Kali began
  13. The group of colorfully clad players stood up and walked past Oats as she was returning to her table with two jugs in hand, one of beer and another of juice for Kali. "For me? You shouldn't have! Thank you," he said, placing an empty jug at the table's end for the waitress to collect before taking the new jug and drinking heartily. To Oats' surprise, Kali leaned in and whispered, "That group that walked past you?" He paused to scan the room, then continued in a low voice, "I overheard their conversation. There's a rumor about a Mirage Cloak; it can make you invisible for a few minutes." "
  14. Oats resumed sipping her beer when she caught Kali's stare. "What's wrong?" "Nothing! It's just... I didn't expect you to talk so much about a game, or at all." Oats snorted and turned away; arms folded. "So what! The game's story is so good! Anyone would do the same if they loved it," she defended herself. Kali attempted to soothe her, "Hey, it's not a bad thing! I honestly like that." "I'd rather discuss gun specifics than get all sentimental," Oats retorted. She stood up and went to the waitress for another beer, hiding her flushed face from Kali. "Actually, it's nice to talk like this with
  15. As her gaze drifted to the hay roof, she let out a chuckle. "Hm? What is it?" Kali asked. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that there was this game I used to play, and that hay roof brought back a scene from it," she explained. Kali urged, "Tell me about it." She hesitated, "It's silly, really." "No, please, I want to hear it," Kali insisted. Oats sighed, aware of the unwritten social rule in SAO to avoid discussing the real world. Yet, Kali insisted. "Alright. There's a game from my childhood called 'Golden Sun'. It's the bestest game of the entire Game Boy Advance generation. Granted, it's
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