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  1. Already, he feels wrong. As soon as the other whipped his head around, he let out an apologetic sound. “Rhys–” he began, only to be cut off by the sudden hand around his neck. For a moment, his mind raced with countless possibilities, fearful that this was the moment where the consequences of his actions finally got to him, but all that came was a barely disguised promise– a promise that he could not accept. “Please let me help,” he whispered desperately, feeling his hands shake like a burning itch. They curled around the cold metal of his needles as Rhys slowly lowered them, and Styx sh
  2. Styx only offered a short nod as Rhys offered to go first, though he had no intention of taking the other’s suggestion to “hang back.” Does he know that we both have to kill three boars? he thought as he watched the man approach the group of boars with lackluster swagger, noting the dazed look in Rhys’ eyes when they were back at the blacksmith’s shop. Perhaps that part of Lyle’s explanation eluded him, is what Styx settled on, though the question of why still hung in the air. He barely had time to contemplate as the sound of metal whipping through the air reverberated across the nearly
  3. Styx’s face fell just slightly at the resignation and hesitance in Rhys’ words, the teasing lilt completely eluding him. The string of words baffled the poor man, and he couldn’t help but feel offended when his own offer was called into question despite being so straightforward. Did he truly seem that untrustworthy? There were many things that Styx found himself to be, but he was not a liar. He may omit truths for efficiency, but he does not lie. If anything, he hoped that was the one thing that was clear from the few interactions they’d had. “I…” He paused, face scrunching in a rare disp
  4. “I don’t have any reason not to believe you.” The confession came with a soft mumble with Styx just staring at the fruit in his hands for a few seconds. Then he tilted his head, looking up at Rhys with a puzzled expression as if asking, should I? For a moment, his eyes shot right through Rhys’ own, seeing past the brazen exterior and into something more. They were one and the same despite their differences, after all, and Styx understood enough about himself to know a bleeding heart on a sleeve when he saw one. They had their secrets, sure, but neither held them against the other’s neck.
  5. >> STYX has: attached file(s): [STATS] Styx - HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 ph ID: 237394 CD: 12 ID: 237395 CD: 3 ID: 237396 CD: 8 Total CD: 23 + Blessing of Barkskin | Tier 1 Unique Consumable +25 MIT. Stacks with other existing Mitigation effects. Has three (3) charges, and will be destroyed upon its last use.
  6. Styx counted the seconds of silence in his head. Each mental tick went by in agony, but it seemed like the only thing he had control over in order to ground himself. The lackluster respite was short-lived, however, and by the time he reached the twenties, Styx had half the mind to take back his question and act like he had never asked it to begin with. It was stupid. He was stupid. It would’ve been easier if he had just kept his mouth shut; Rhys would’ve been happier, and Styx wouldn’t have had to watch the smile be wiped off his face like a rag to charcoal. He opened his mouth, only to s
  7. As Rhys ventured off on his own, barely acknowledging Styx’s advice. Now alone, the shorter man found himself sinking down to sit under the trunk of a spiraling tree, eager to get off his feet and be left in solitary with his thoughts. Half of him debated not even following through with the rest of the quest after the air turned sour, but if Rhys was barely able to handle the first NPC, Styx couldn’t even imagine how he would fare when facing actual combat and fishing. So for the other painfully smitten half of him, he stayed. He knew it’d hurt more, but he stayed. Styx wasn’t sure how mu
  8. Rhys’ demeanor suddenly shifted in the span of a few seconds, and Styx felt his heart sink as he watched it happen in real time. The carefree soul that had been so outwardly vivacious had receded, revealing a distant, out-of-character expression on the man’s features. Once again, just like all those years ago, Styx was shut out. This time, however, he did not have the solace of being behind a screen; dark brows pinched together in a rare display of hurt, and a brief flicker of defiance lit his eyes aflame– only for it to fizzle out into pitiful embers, leaving an utterly dejected and hopeless
  9. Styx watched closely as the bread flew into Rhys mouth, who was obviously the more eager one out of the two to eat some random fondue from a pot. “We technically do not need any form of sustenance to maintain our bodies in here,” he countered weakly as he turned back to the fork of bread between his hands. With all his knowledge of this quest, he knew you did not have to consume whatever concoction Zackariah conjured in that pot of his. He also knew that there was not a castle waiting to be claimed at the end of it– which will most definitely disappoint Rhys when they finish it. He holds his t
  10. RHYS has joined the party. All over again, Styx’s feet were swept from under him, and it felt like his whole world had been submerged under an endless, cold ocean. Leave me the fuck alone. Leave me the fuck alone. Leave me the fuck alone. It no longer felt like a game. His limbs ached and his vision blurred. Motor functions seemed to cease as he instinctively tried to flex his hand, only for there to be barely a small twitch. There was a moment where Styx opened his mouth to say something before it snapped shut, afraid that the few words he had left to say would come out sl
  11. “You are free to refuse my offer.” Rhys’ displeasure was obvious, and Styx would swallow down the itching feeling of hurt. Jabs at his personality and mannerisms were not a welcomed experience, but it was common nonetheless, and he had simply learned to not care for them. Despite a part of him hoping that the other would refuse his lackluster offer so that they could resume their days like nothing ever happened, Rhys’ resolve was stubborn, and he was already walking off in another direction by the time Styx had properly comprehended his acceptance. Ignoring the sudden use of the nickname
  12. He had barely registered the baffled sounds escaping the stranger before he ran into its source. He stumbled backward, of course, and some wayward fruit piled on top of the bundle fell out of his bag and onto the ground below as a result. A splatter of irritation crossed the canvases of his eyes before he resigned himself to picking up the rest without a word. Just as he stood back up, a grunt of effort left his throat as an apple was suddenly thrust into his chest. He blinked at the fruit before peering past it, and once again his eyes locked onto those crimson irises. The silence was palpabl
  13. >> STYX has: attached file(s): [STATS] Styx - HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 It’s sunny out today. Styx’s thoughts momentarily strayed away from the shop vendor he had been speaking to as his head tilted up. Whisps of clouds streaked across an ever-expanding sky reminiscent of cotton being stretched thin, as if there had been an invisible hand softly pulling at the ends of a fraying string. Placed flawlessly on top of
  14. "I ache to see you and be near you. I love you with a longing I can barely hold in, and I fear it’s going to consume me alive.” @/Styx 11/6/2022 2:48 PM SYSTEM: << FULL NAME set to KEITARO KONO (啓太郎この) <
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