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  1. (Didn't know if we are using the battle dice...) Luke attacked the ent's legs with one of his sword skills <>, knocking it off balance. "Alright, Miaki your turn!" He shouted to Miaki. Luke jumped onto the back of the ent and stabbed it with his spear. He hung on and rode the large ent.
  2. Heh, thought you'd find me. He thought. He equipped his spear and jumped out of the tree. "This is more like it! Lets go, Acnologia!" Luke chose to fight along side Miaki and the girl. "I'm not planning on turning down a fight like this!" He raised his spear and rushed the ent.
  3. Luke sat in a tree watching how this would role out. It was getting interesting as a girl ran to attack the large ent. He felt like he should go help but he wasn't sure. He decided to watch until he was needed. He told Acnologia to stay on his shoulder just so he wouldn't try and attack it. He didn't want to have to go threw that again... He tried not to think about what happened last time. "Hey... isn't that... Miaki?" Luke muttered to himself. It looked like he was trying to stop the girl from attack the ent. Luke sat ready in the tree just in case he needed to help them.
  4. "Alright, I've got this!" Luke shouted ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1-2] MISS TO Luke [3-5] DODGE FOR Bat [6-8] HIT, Bat LOSES 1 HP [9-10] CRITICAL, Bat LOSES 2 HP. Bat: 1/5 Luke 11/11 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result: The bat flew out of the way. "Dammit! Switch!" He shouted. (OOC: This battle dice is driving me crazy xD)
  5. Luke swung his sword at the bat. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1-2] MISS TO Luke [3-5] DODGE FOR Bat [6-8] HIT, Bat LOSES 1 HP [9-10] CRITICAL, Bat LOSES 2 HP. Bat: 1/5 Luke 11/11 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result: But he tripped and missed...
  6. "Yeah, i'm ready." He said as they walked further into the dungeon.
  7. (OOC: Alright I figured the battle dice out completely :D) Luke raised his sword and attacked the bat. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1-2] MISS TO Luke [3-5] DODGE FOR Bat [6-8] HIT, Bat LOSES 1 HP [9-10] CRITICAL, Bat LOSES 2 HP. Bat: 1/5 Luke 11/11 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result: The bat flew up and he missed... "You've got to be kidding... Switch!"
  8. "No sorry I don't...." He said. Usagi didn't look very happy and Luke wondered what was wrong... "Whats up, Usagi?" He asked, worried for her.
  9. Luke runs at the bat and attacks it. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1-2] MISS TO Luke [3-5] DODGE FOR Bat [6-8] HIT, Bat LOSES 1 HP [9-10] CRITICAL, Bat LOSES 2 HP. Bat: 3/5 Luke 11/11 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result: Hit -1 HP to Bat
  10. (OOC: Sorry I was at school :/ And now I can't think of what to say lol... thanks for putting me in this position guys xD) Luke walked over to Isaac and Usagi. "Sorry I just froze for a second there... I don't know what happened..." He said. He wasn't very happy about not being able to attack. He didn't know what happened... It couldn't have been fear because he'd fought monsters a million times! He decided not to think about it right now.
  11. "Alright, my turn!" Luke said as he attacked the bat. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1-2] MISS TO Luke [3-5] DODGE FOR Bat [6-8] HIT, Bat LOSES 1 HP [9-10] CRITICAL, Bat LOSES 2 HP. Bat: 4/5 Luke 11/11 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result: Hit -1 Hp to Bat "Alright, switch!" He shouted to Rima
  12. Luke switches with Usagi and attacks the skellington. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1-2] MISS TO Luke [3-5] DODGE FOR Skellington [6-8] HIT, Skellington LOSES 1 HP [9-10] CRITICAL, Skellington LOSES 2 HP. Skellington: 3/5 Luke 11/11 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result: Hit -1 Hp to Skellington "Alright, Switch!" Luke shouts as Usagi runs forward to attack. (That good?)
  13. The 3 of them didn't know that there was a monster tracking them. None of them had a high enough detection skill to notice it. They came across a skellington. Luke let one of them get the first hit. (I'm still trying to figure the battle dice out lol)
  14. Luke accepted the friend request and party request. Alright lets go! He said and smiled. Luke drew his sword, with Zylus on his shoulder, and the three of them walked back into the dungeon. Luke was happy to raid a dungeon with his friends.
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