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  1. “I mean, I with you two along I doubt we are in any real danger anyways. You are both powerful high level players and this quest takes place on floor 1 so it can’t be too challenging right? Following the group out, Echo took the new glasses off their head and began switching the lenses around, listening to the soft satisfying click of each one finding its optimal spot. It takes a moment before they put it back, realizing that the clicking might annoy the others. If it is loud enough for them to hear it. Breaching the city walls Echo takes a deep breath and lowers the glasses over their ey
  2. Echo stood watching the group with a sheepish grin. “You work with what you got, I appreciate the vote of confidence. Hopefully with help from players like you two I will be able to make it to the front lines without any issue. If I can be of any help to get us out of here it would be worth any cost. I wish I had come to that conclusion sooner, but thats the way it goes sometimes. You get so full of doubt and fear that your brain kind of turns off, everything keeps going while you freeze and that freezing makes you more scared. Sitting in the tavern, watching the world pass you by, fearful tha
  3. “A-ah, you’re right, sorry. Got a bit carried away there.” They do there best to hide the blush of shame that brushed their cheeks as they take in the admonishment “Oh I appreciate it, though I wouldn’t mind splitting what we all find. After all, if I can’t pull weight in combat I can try to help in other ways. Thats the reason I went with what I did after all, I want to help people. I also know that sometimes the best way to help is to get out of the way. If you are worried about me though I think I still have a teleport crystal I can move to my battle ready inventory.” Following
  4. Echo’s eyes light up as they accept the proffered items. I wonder if I can find something to clean the lenses with, probably not anything too fancy for it but even a good linen cloth and some strong alcohol would probably do the trick. Maybe I will get lucky and they won’t need cleaning but you can never be too sure of these things. “Thank you so much! This is perfect! You did a great job!” Waising no time, Echo removes the halberd from their inventory and equips the two new items. They set the glasses raised above their head slightly, no specific lens chosen, instead just the m
  5. Echo smiled at the two warmly. They kept telling themself that the trouble they were having concentrating was due to the oppressive heat and not their internal monologue taking their attention. “I am happy to stay behind while you two take on the bandits, I really appreciate you taking me with you on this quest. And I’m serious, let me know if I am getting in your way at all. I think I still have a teleportation crystal around here somewhere as a gift from a frontliner.” I find it interesting that these two are so trusting. Though, perhaps that thought is a bit hypocritical of me, t
  6. The moment that they took to calm themself felt as though it was, in actuality, an eternity. Certainly long enough for them to seem rude, or at least that is what their brain told them. Though the moment seemed well spent as another approached. It was shortly after that Echo had caught up with everything that they realized who it was. “Oh right, sorry I am horrible with names. It is good to see you two, even better to hear that you two are interested in helping me with this. I can’t imagine how rough it would have been to try and convince two people who didn’t know me to help out.”
  7. Perhaps as it was a self-fulfilling prophecy that caused the water to arrive lukewarm and tasteless. Echo sighed as they took a drink regardless, taking solace that they were seemingly not the only person who was being foiled by the ambient heat of the floor. Though their compilation of why these things were programmed the way they were was stalled as the people they had been observing approached. Echo took a moment to observe both the individual they had been intending to talk to earlier but also the newcomer, the brown haired woman practically towering over both the mixed hair woman and Echo
  8. Echo found themself, as they often did, on the outskirts of the town of beginnings, stretching. Not because it helped their body but the motions were still grounding. I wonder if I am just feeling stagnant or something. I should take some time to explore the castle. I have really only taken time to go shopping so far. Maybe I can… meet some people… no, no I don’t think I want to do that. I should just stick to exploration. After all, I can go outside of the safe zone now, or at least to an extent. Probably best to stay away from floor 5, I can’t stand the desert biome, any time I leave I
  9. Okay so I should be generally able to get us to the area to search pretty quick, we might even have some time to do some foraging or otherwise grind a bit on the way, I could use some more materials, that last shopping run cleaned me out… honestly I should probably get on figuring out how professions work but thats for another time. I should have some of those <gelato.> left so if they need a searching boost that should help. I am pretty sure we can find more of these entries as well, maybe even the whole journal if we are lucky. With a few button clicks Echo puts some waypoints on
  10. I would have expected to be even a little bit sore after everything. What a rush though, watching them fight, socks that I really don't feel like I contributed much… Sitting up in the shabby bed with a stretch, Echo opens their menu, looking at their new skills. Two extra skills unlocked at once feels unreal. Granted I guess I don't have much use for assault mode. Tapping to equip <First Aid> and <Purify> they flex their hands allowing the soft white light to pool and fade. It will be nice to use this. I hope that the cost was worth it, probably won’t be doing any solo combat for a
  11. Traveling to the 3rd floor felt significantly more peaceful now, bolstered by their assisted success in the sands. I wonder how long it takes to get used to that the sudden change in humidity was enough to make Echo nauseous. It's cool that they could replicate it but give me some time to adjust. Shaking their head they started walking. Echo takes a moment to change out of their coveralls and into their dirty white tunic and leather pants. Traveling the streets for some time, the day passing by overhead, they finally find what they're looking for. Slipping in, Echo looked around at the various
  12. Echo smiles and nods as the practitioner and begins to look around. The way this place is kept reminds me of The Withersonsbarn, chaotic, unkempt, but in a state where it works for those who know where to look Echo lingered for a while on the trinkets, observing the quality of jewelry and bubbles, careful not to touch anything lest something topple to the ground. Hearing that the items were finished, Echo approaches the counter. “Thank you, I greatly appreciate your service.” Giving a slight bow they reach forward and pick up the items to put away, giving each a once over to denote the changes
  13. Their eyes still on Kiyabu their heart sinks as the glittering pieces of a broken item surround and rise above their teammate. I hope he has a spare, maybe I can throw him my guandao? I don’t know how helpful that would be. Echo’s train of thought was abruptly ended Echo watched in awe as the beast lurched from the sand coming down with fury upon Wulfrin. Sitting in stunned silence which was furthered by two factors. One, Wulfrin was still alive, and two that the beast stopped moving and a dialog box appeared in front of each of them. I will have to give some thought to this skill
  14. Watching in amazement as the group continued to break the creature down, Echo found had to shake themself out of their reverie to keep out of harms way as the massive beast moved through the sand. It is unfortunate that a Bulette like this is really only a creature of modern myths in the view of Dungeons and Dragons and the like. It makes it significantly harder to pin down any potential advice for fighting one. It is a shame too, might have been useful. Doing their best to stay out of Ares way as they went in to attack Echo stepped back. Okay I need to find a better place to
  15. Echo nodded along as Wulfrin spoke. “I guess a select skill and assistance on the frontlines is as good a reason as any” Walking out of the town was anxiety inducing in its own right, Echo walked behind the three melee characters. Okay so we have to do everything in our power to not grab aggro, that is easy enough, my job is to keep an eye on health bars and make sure that if any drop too far to use my crystals. In the meantime my job is to attack around the tank and try to activate the skill. While walking Echo subconsciously pulls out a coin, flipping it into the air and cat
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