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Everything posted by Bleak

  1. His expression was vapid as he gazed into the water at himself. All the time he'd spent carefully crafting an alternative persona so that he could roleplay as something other than himself in this world had been for naught. The world was a cold place, even more so when he thought about the pure logic and digits that now comprised his body, the water, even the air that he was "breathing" in this simulation. The last few moments before the dive played back in his head, the affectionate smile of a mother who just wanted him to live better, to get away from the terrible friends he'd made and
  2. Bleak


    Appearance Black hair is the trademark of many Asian backgrounds; but in Japan, the rebellious youth are notorious for dying theirs as a form of defiance- the streaks of red than stain his locks are striking. Tall, lithe, and toned, he usually wears a loose fitting black haori over a bodyglove, and bandages around his neck that he sometimes uses to cover the lower side of his face. Profile About While he's not a Japanese National, Touya's parents were always fiercely traditional. His father an international banker and his mother a homemaker, they had four children who they
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